IronPax Pep- The Wheel of Misfortune

WARMUP: Instructions and pick up Cindy
THE THANG: The Wheel of Misfortune
In a throwback IronPax workout from 2020, we did the Wheel of Misfortune. 43 minutes of AMRAP.
Start with a 400 meter run
Pick up your block, do 10 Thrusters
Rifle carry the block 25 yds. to the 1st of 6 stations. They included: Decline Merkins, Blockees/Man Makers, Squats with the block on your back, Kettle Bell Swings, Chest Press and Cross Arm Block Raises.
In between each station, Rifle carry back to the light pole and do 10 Thrusters.
Each round consisted of 210 reps.
Most completed 2 rounds. Some more, some less.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sign-up for IronPax, Ft. Mill Care Center still needs items. Get ready for Tour de Fort for the 10 year.
COT: Prayers for kids/teachers/parents as school starts back. Prayers for @Slapshot as he visits PA and his 102 yr old grandmother.

We ended with a discussion of community and building your brothers. IronPax is a great way to make new brothers by doing something hard together. Get signed up at Workouts start will be Tuesdays and Fridays at NaFo. 5am start times as some of the beatdowns are timed to completion, though designed to be done in 45 minutes.

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Merkin Filled Zipper

This is Band Camp reporting for the work-swamped Fire Marshall Bill and the 16 other PAX at minnow pond on 8/4. Looks like y’all ran a zipper and did merkins? This report has not been verified, but I think the tags are accurate

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Club 813

An awesome group of 30+ men came out to “Club 813”…celebrating the birthdays of Harry Carry, Fogerty, and Grassy Knoll!
HarryCarry started with a short mosey run.
SSH (20x I/C)
Windmills (8x I/C)
Imperial Walkers (15x I/C)
Moroccan Nightclubs (12x I/C)
Low slow squats (10x I/C)
Big Arm Circles (7 forward, 7 backwards)
Peter Parkers (10x I/C)
Plank Stretches (Downward dog, upward dog)

Short mosey run

Fish tracks routine:
Pax do the transportation and stop when instructed and do the exercise called.
Toy soldiers…stop and do Bobby Hurleys, repeat
Bear crawl…stop and do mountain climbers, repeat
Lunge walk…stop and do squats, repeat
Crab walk…stop and do pickle pointers (no repeat)

Hand off to Grassy Knoll:
Motivators from ten.
Jack Webb routine: One big boy sit up and four American Hammers, went to 11 bigboys to hit Grassy’s 44 years of age.

Hand off to Fogerty:
Elevens routine: 10 merkins at top of the hill, one bomb jack at the bottom, and proceed from there.

Run back to COT
Lastly, Badlands was inducted into Club 813.

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Charleston Nine

Mosey run (toy soldiers, high knees)
SSH (20x I/C)
Windmills (8x I/C)
Imperial Walkers (12x I/C)
Moroccan N/C (12x I/C)
Low slow squat (10x I/C)
Big arm circles (7 fwd, 7backwards I/C)
Peter parkers (12x I/C)
Plank stretches

Run 1 mile

Over at the pull up bars: Read story of Charleston Nine. Nine firefighters lost their lives on 6/18/07 in Charleston, SC.
Thang 1: within 3 minutes, complete the below. If finished early, use as a rest.
6 burpees
18 KB swings (using cinder block)
7 toes to bar
9 goblet squats (using cinder block)

Thang 2: do
9 diamond merkins
9 curls (cinder block)
9 bobby hurleys
Did one round (should have done rounds, but I overestimated how much time had transpired)

Run to COT

9 burpees
9 smurf jacks
9 wide arm merkins

Round of Mary


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Lucky 7’s

WARMUP: Mosey to stop sign, run back towards CoT and perform exercise at each speed bump.
7 pull-ups
7 hanging leg raises
7 wide grip push ups
Walking lunge + broad jump to stop sign
Turn and run down hill to stop sign and back up
Rinse and repeat
**1st 3 rounds wait on the 6
MARY: multiple PAX chose Mary exercises
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read the newsletter carefully
COT: Be the man God wants you to be and you want to be everyday when you walk back through your door at home. No matter what type of day you have at work out on the job be the man God created you to be at home. Who do you want to be everyday when you return to your family?

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HIMs for Humanity

We all understand the level of humility that’s needed to ask for help, especially in instances where we feel as if it’s within our scope of abilities. Now imagine having to ask for help to take care some of the basic human needs.

I’m grateful to grow up in a privileged home and seeing the example set where my parents were willing to give back and help those who could barely help themselves. That’s a huge drive for me to be a steward of humanity. It’s our responsibility to help take care of those who don’t have the means to do so regardless of the reason.

That’s the principle the Fort Mill Care Center is built on. They are an organization fully operated by a non paid staff willing to help those in need. They are fully funded by individuals, businesses, and organizations who give to help them make a change. As HIM and leaders in this community, it is also our responsibility to help out in any way we can.

Lookout for notices from PAX and Site Qs that will be accepting donations at their AOs. There’s a convergence being planned near the end of the month to wrap this up.

Thank you in advance for your efforts to help make a difference.

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Seven Years Later

Seven years ago, Jekyll invited me to The Fort for my first workout. WWL and Rooney did a great job keeping the 40 Pax busy with difficult exercises and ended with a strong message – Pay attention to detail, It is the little things that make a big difference. Here’s the link to the Backblast :

Imperial Walkersx15
Plank Stretches
Mountain Climbersx10

Next, we did a modified Jack Webb. We ran around the park and stop for each round of merkins and arm raises. I should have read the message from my first post about attention to detail a bit closer. Several times, I lost count and the Pax reminded me . We finished at the far end of the field, a quick rest with some Goggins motivation. Next, we partnered up for a long wheelbarrow to the playground. One catch, if you stop and switch partners, 5 burpees. Once we got to the playground, we continued with partners exercises.
Partner one – run around playground while partner two does dips (swap)
Partner one – run around playground while partner two does derkins (swap)
rinse and repeat
Next, we made our way back to the amphitheater for a few minutes of recovery abs exercises (LBCs, Flutters, and Box Cutters). We took the path to the power line hill where the XC runners typically do hill repeats. Partner one runs up the hill and returns to the bottom using the paved path while partner two performs an exercises. Three rounds: Squats, Calf Raises, and Lunges. One last run up the hill, backwards. Back to the front of the amphitheater. Plank line up, each Pax performed two merkins in front of the other pax, rinse and repeat.
We had time for some Mary and a 30 second body destroyer.

Great job everyone!

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Swampy Soup conditions were no match for 17 men to do the harder thing by launching from startex and heading into the #gloom. And when I say #gloom, I mean original AO, full grass, dirty, immersion. *just want to add that it makes me so happy to see Bojangles out with us again. pretty close to an OG and a strong leader. 2.0 Jackalope falling right in and establishing his own path too. Very cool. Cousin Eddie Accelerating, Bobber has the gift of gab, and Grout is a silent killer.
WARMUP: Full COP with SSH, IW, Merkins, Windmills, overhead claps.
1. head to hill for Jacobs ladder (7) with Donkey Kicks and Bombjacks
2. Playground- Partner up for lap around playground while partner does pull ups till return. Flapjack. Rinse/Repeat
3. Partner Derkins/Dip. P1 hold plank, P2 does exercise on back of P1. 10 reps. flapjack; Rinse/Repeat
4. Pike Place Muscle ups and wall sits. Extra credit for IJ, Bandcamp and Funhouse for heading after the #monster
MARY: LBC, Rosalita, Hello Dolly, American Hammers, V- Up
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Stuff the bus, 10 year coming up
COT: Praise for Kermit’s new job. Bonsai’s leadership, and a few prayers for YHC Rhinoplasty

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