Wrapping up AKA#4

WARMUP: SSH X 30, Imperial Walker X 15, Squat X 15, Merkin X 10, Lunge X 15, Mountain Climer X 15, Dry Docks X 10, Burpees X 10, Monkey Humpers X 15, SSH X 30
THE THANG: Mosey to band lot, HIIT workout. 45 seconds work, 15 seconds rest. 4 rounds of each. Merkins, Squats, Burpees, Mountain Climbers. Mosey to Pull up bars. Try to get 4 sets of: Pull Ups – 5, Dry Docks – 20, Big Boys – 20, Diamonds – 10. Mosey to front parking lot for Mary.
MARY: All X25 – Flutters, Hello Dolly, Freddy Mercury, Rosalittas, Box Cutter. Mosey back to COT for cool down stretch.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cannoli run, blood drive
COT: Prayers for FNG StageLeft for his upcoming move, Luka and Vuvazella. Thanks to all the PAX that supported AKA#4.

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Dangling in the rain

Low slow squat
moroccan night club

Dead hang – 1 minute x 2
It was at this point the rain started coming down mightily. Turns out men are waterproof.

CDDs at bottom of hill
The rain was absolutely relentless. But these men were tougher than the rain

10 toes to bar
29 squats in honor of Travis Manion

Now that the rain let up, yog to the overhang for some fake broga

Couch stretch
Lizard stretch
Touch your toes
Pigeon stretch
Lat stretch
Chesticle stretch

MARY: stretchin’

Men’s shelter – May the 4th be with you
The Print Shop is hosting a memorial day Murph at 8am on Memorial Day

Lift up prayers for Luka

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Field Work

15 – Side Straddle Hops IC
10 – Windmill IC
15 – Moroccan Night Club IC
10 – Cherry Pickers IC
10 – Burpees OYO

Mosey over to the track.

Burpee Team Indian Run
Split into 2 teams, running in opposite directions around the track for 4 laps(1 mile). The last person drops and does 5 burpees, while the rest of the Pax mosey in a line. After completing the Burpees, the last guy runs to catch the group, tapping the (new) last Pax on the shoulder, who then stops to begin his 5 Burpees, while the (former) last guy continues on to the front of the line. Losing team does 10 Burpees OYO and winning team does 5 Burpees OYO.

Charles Bronson on the Football Field
Start at goalline to complete exercise. Sprint 80 yards to the opposite 20 yard line. Bear crawl 20 yards to goalline. Mosey back to start.

Exercise List:
50 SSH
50 Merkins
50 burpees (modified to 25)
50 LBC’s
50 Jump Squats

Mosey back to COT.

ABC’S of Abs
25 4-count Flutters

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WARMUP: Read the following while PAX were in the Plank:
From BOXLIFE Magazine in June 2022
‘Murph’ is named after Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, who was killed in action in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. He was 29-years-old. After graduating from Penn State University in 1998, Murphy rejected offers to attend law school and instead accepted a commission in the United States Navy and became a SEAL in July 2002. For a man whose nickname was ‘The Protector’, the decision made perfect sense. In fact, when Murphy was in the 8th grade, he was suspended from school for fighting with bullies that were trying to shove a special needs child into a locker. And Gary Williams, author of “Seal of Honor,” a biography of Murphy, recounts a story where Murphy protected a homeless man who was collecting cans from a gang of thugs.
In early 2005 Murphy was assigned to SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team ONE as officer in charge of Alpha Platoon and deployed to Afghanistan. In June of that year, Murphy was leading a four-man reconnaissance team in Kunar province as part of a counter-insurgent mission (the other men in Murphy’s team were Danny Dietz, Matthew Axelson and Marcus Luttrell). During the mission the team encountered a group of local goat herders.
A discussion was held among the four SEALs regarding the rules of engagement and what they should do with the herders, who were being held at gunpoint. Eventually the men decided to release them, but not soon after the SEALs were surrounded and ambushed by an overwhelming Taliban force. Murphy, who was trying to reach HQ via satellite phone, willingly exposed himself to enemy fire by stepping into a clearing where he might get a signal to make the call. Murphy was shot in the back, but still managed to calmly complete the call for reinforcements and return to his position to continue the fight with his men. HQ sent an MH-47 Chinook helicopter to rescue the team, but while attempting to set down in rugged terrain, the helicopter was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade, killing all 16 men on board.
Murphy, Dietz, and Axelson were all killed in action. Luttrell was the only survivor and was eventually rescued after several days of wandering the mountain and being protected by the people of an Afghan village.
The actions and story of the SEALs on June 28th, 2005 are portrayed in the film ‘Lone Survivor’
Murphy was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his courage and sacrifice that day. All three of his men were awarded the Navy’s second-highest honor, the Navy Cross, for their actions. The men who were killed in the rescue attempt were also honored. These included Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor and Lt. Michael McGreevy, who were posthumously awarded Bronze Stars for Valor and Purple Hearts.
To the track for some windmills & imperial walkers
1mi run
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Squats
1mi run
MARY: A few at the end
COT: Indeed

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Mike Tyson’s Knockout


Hill walkers
Imp walkers
Low squats


Mosey to benches

Single circuit of following exercises

4×20 ( It was 4/20 you know)

Box jumps or step ups
Bulgarian squats

Head to small circle

Sprint lap with timer
Thats how many squats you do
Next lap try to beat time, if you do you only have to do 1/2 of time
One more lap same thing

Next head to playground for a quick Dora

20 pullups
50 Mike Tysons
100 Ab crunches on swings

Partner 1 runs small lap for timer

Next go to basketball court

if you get out you do Bobby Hurleys, played two rounds

Headed to side of school

Bear crawls up hill
Crab walk down

Hill repeats x 3

Run back to COT

MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Amrap, Odd Kidneys, Bethel
COT: Had to be there

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Ring of circuits

Warm up
3 exercise 3 min 4 corners.
merkins 15
Mountain climber 20 (10 EL)
Squats 25

CDD 15
WAM 20
Monkey Humpers 25

Diamond 10
Big Boy – 20
Flutter 25 EL

plank tuck 10
Hello Dolly 20
Jump Squats 25

Run Hill / pull ups


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Masters week &. 9 holes of golf

WARMUP: Mosey to the millstone parking lot for various exercises with burpees sprinkled in
THE THANG:  9 holes of golf – counts always adding up to 18 – burpees at the tee box and squats at the green: 16-2, 14-4, etc. pax played par 5’s 4’s and 3’s – covered almost 3 miles on this alone. Afterwards, pax moseyed to veterans park for a pledge to honor all who serve our country.
MARY: no time – Stang thought it more important we stretch, so after 5 burpees upon getting back to WEP, we did.
ANNOUNCEMENTS:  took place
COT: 5th core principle

Thanks, Grinder, for the call out. Honored to lead where it all started. 👁

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Varsity Football Prep work

Ran up to the band practice field where we did the following:
SSH, butt kickers, toy soldiers, windmill, morocco night club
Using the football field we ran sprints increasing sprint distance after each down and back. First two was sprinting from 40 to 40, Next 30 to 30 20 to 20 and then all 100 yds.

Next we did hand release merkins every 10 yds increasing count each 10. Starting count was 1

Next exercise was squats. Starting count was 2

Last exercise was LBCs. Starting count was 3

Last 10 minutes we stretched because YHC about blew my hamstring during sprints.



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Was this Moderate Enough for you?

25 SSH
10 HB Walkers
10 windmills
10 Mt Climbers

4 corners round the parking lot 2X:
10 burpees
20 lunges
30 merkins
40 squats

Mosey around the school to the wall:
Wall Sits while each person does 5 Mike Tysons
10 derkins against the wall
10 BombJacks

Mosey to picnic benches for Dora. One person runs while Partner does:
100 Step Ups
100 Dips
50 Derkins
100 Wide Arm Merkins

20 bobby Hurley’s, 10 JLows, Elbow to knee Bicycle, 20 flutters

ANNOUNCEMENTS: All the things
COT: Prayers for family and health

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