Lack of control

This thing got started with a quick gathering to listen in to the disclaimer before we began the 45 min of activities planned.  Short mosey from COT over to the band practice practice field for a warm up.

Warm up included:

  • 40 SSH, 2 burpees
  • 30 shoulder press, 2 burpees
  • 25 Moroccan night club, 2 burpees
  • 8 windmill, 2 burpees
  • 15 squats, 2 burpees
  • 10 hillbilly walkers, 2 burpees
  • quick leg stretches, honeymooners, and downward dog – then we took off to the next spot

Mosey’d over to the smaller parking lot in front of the school with the loop in front of the main entrance where YHC scooped up a parking cone and dropped it off about 80-100 yards from the front of the school.  Next piece of fun ensued was as follows:

  • 50% run from main entrance to cone, followed up by 5 burpees
  • 50% run back to main entrance, followed by 10 bench step up’s each leg, and then 20 dips
  • Then repeat the above for round 2
  • 75% run from main entrance to cone, followed up by 5 burpees
  • 75% run back to main entrance, followed by 15 bench step up’s each leg, and then 25 dips
  • Repeat the above @ 75%
  • 100% / all you got run from main entrance to cone, followed up by 5 burpees
  • 100% / all you got run back to main entrance, followed by 20 bench step up’s each leg, and then 30 dips
  • Repeat the above @ 100%

In-between the 50-75% round and 75-100% round, YHC provided some words on “control”.  While some of us are more controlling than others, we all have our control issues somewhere in our lives.  Whether that be at home with the M and 2.0s, at work with co-workers or just the company in general, or trying to control and plan for a hurricane.  In the end, we can only control ourselves, how we act, what words we use and choices we make, if we want to push ourselves during a workout, etc.  When something like a hurricane comes along and we have no control, we can comfort our M’s and our 2.0s, but it’s really in God’s hands and we need to put our trust in Him.

Quick mosey back to COT (with the Laces Out PAX “stretching”) for some Mary, name-o-rama, announcements, prayers / praises, and ball of man.  Also knocked out 42 burpees in total for #1000September !

Good stuff – looking forward to next time!


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Q School 101- Part II

School was back in session at Golden Corral for the 2nd week of “September Q School”.  Bones and Senator Tressel were the originally scheduled professors.  However, due to Senator being on the IR, YHC was called in as a substi-Q teacher.

14 pax posted for 2nd of two workouts covering 101 material.  An additional 8 pax went their own way with their black backpacks (likely not filled with textbooks).  NASA and TwoFerns brought out FNG, later to be named “Ruxpin”.

Bones kicked us off with a mosey around the parking lot with some high knees, butt kickers, Karaoke, and lunges.  Circling up for COP, he shared advice and wisdom on exercises that are simple and keep pax together. We did a few minutes of COP warm-up, with some exercises called out (and lead by) by pax that hadn’t Q’ed before (or only Q’ed once):

  • Windmills
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Moroccan Night Clubs
  • Seal Jacks
  • Slow Low Squats
  • Peter Parkers
  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Carolina Dry Docks

Mosey over to a different part of the parking lot where Bones emphasized that “simple” doesn’t mean “easy”, and that partnering up helps hold men accountable during the exercises.  We each partnered up for the next exercise event. All of the following were done with your partner, not switching off, like some lazy pax (or maybe just YHC) were hoping for.

  • 10 Merkins
  • Lunge across small lot
  • 10 Burpees
  • Bearcrawl back
  • 10 LBCs

Rinse and repeat 4 times.

Hand off to YHC.  We took a couple 10 counts and moseyed to the parking lot behind the shopping center.  I discussed a bit about how pax will follow and trust the Q until they have reason not to.  Trust can be broken by putting pax in dangerous situations.  Trust can be built by showing effort in planning.

Next up, Rugby Sprints.  Two sets of cones were set up about 30 yards apart.  Pax were instructed to perform exercises (together) until Q called out “GO!”.  At that point, pax were to sprint to the other cones, sprint back, then recovery walk back to the other cones.  Rinse and repeat as time allowed.  Stationary exercises we did where:

  • Merkins (in cadence)
  • Overhead Claps (in cadence)
  • Crab Cakes (in cadence)

Mosey back to COT.  Along the way we discussed the importance of promoting your Q via Twitter and documenting it afterwards via BackBlast.

T-claps to FNG Ruxpin for not only posting, but making his first post a Q school! With a Q school now under his belt, he should be ready to lead workout in no time.  Also, great work by NASA and TwoFerns for brining him out.


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Did someone say party @ Laces In…

Woke up this morning to a cool breeze which helped me forget the stiffness I felt from my first post the day before at Clydesdale’s.  13 PAX showed up for the party and ready to work.

Disclaimer and off we went


Mosey to large parking where we lined up at the closest curb. Facing the field, we started with Side-shuffles. Proceeded down to the light post and returned facing the opposite way. Then it was time for some carioca down, toy soldiers back, followed by some knee to chest walks.

Mosey to center of parking lot and circle up:

Windmill x15

Low-slow squat- x15

Shoulder claps- x30

Moroccan night club- x40

Happy Jacks (Bonsai’s favorite FYI)- 5 rounds – 5 SSH/2 squat jumps for each

Mountain Climbers- x15

Honeymooner into Downward Dog- repeat x1

Mosey to the parking lot towards the back near the football practice fields for some Light post work. Not exactly 4 -corners so I had to audible.

The Thang:

Partner-up- size did not matter. Each of the 4 light posts had 3 rounds of exercises on it. Between each exercise, PAX were to either sprint or bear crawl to the next light post, depending on distance. The 2 LP with the further distance carried a sprint, and the smaller ones the bear crawl. 2nd round of short distances carried a walk lunge, with the third alternating between bear crawls and walking lunges respectively.

Light Post 1

Merkins- x20

Burpees- x10

Wide-arm Merkins- x15

Light Post 2

Jump squats x10

Low slow x10

Calf raises x40

Light Post 3

Mountain Climbers x15

Plank Jacks x20

Ski Jumps x15

Light Post 4

LBC x30

Reverse Crunches x20

American Hammers x25 (cadence)

Once completed, PAX met in the middle for a short talk on “Presence.” I find this word to be one of the most relevant in our time as parents. Take the time each day, even if it is just 5 min. to talk to your M’s and your 2.0’s.  Recommended “Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters” again to the PAX as a great book for insight into your daughter’s development (Thanks again Pusher for the first Rec). PAX broke the circle and mosey to the next stop, small parking lot in the back.

Next up- a round of 7’s

PAX lined up on one of the lot and started with 1 dip. Bear crawl to the other side and complete 6 CDD. Run backwards to the starting spot and complete 2 dips. Continue this pattern until the PAX reach 6 dips and 1 CDD.

Unfortunately, I had to skip the pull-up work due to time. Next up was a mosey over to the wall at the school. Wall sits for a 10 second count for each of the 13 PAX. Recover for a ten count and then up for a little Ballz to the Walls. 20 count, recover for 10, and then up again. Recover.

Mosey back towards COT, stopping in the connection sidewalk between the two parking lots. Quick circle up for some SSH x 40. Mosey back towards COT to the curb where it all started at the far end of the lot. Line up and turn around facing the school. With 3 minutes to go, what better way to complete a strong finish then a round of suicides. Everyone pushed hard to the end. Mosey back to COT.

Quick round of Hello Dolly.

Announcements- read your newsletter





Strength for our 2.0’s


Thanks Olaf for taking us out and Lil E for the opportunity!


Thanks PAX for the support and showing up for the party.


Frat Boy

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The Millennial

25 men showed up for the awesome Fire Ant ruck Q lead by NASA. If your wanted to hear about that, well you’re in the wrong place… YHC had the bootcamp Q.

So I gave the full group the official disclaimer to all Then we split off. 8 of the men came with me.

The Thang

dynamic warmup with high knees butt kickers and toy soldiers.

Circle up for some number of reps of Imperial Walkers, Abe  Vagota, Merkins,  moroccan night clubs, and mountains climbers.

Mosey over to the board I brought,  affectionately called the “millennial”

heres how it goes… 100 reps each exercise, then 100 yard lap around the Parking lot.

1. Side straddle Hops (SC)

2. Merkins



5. Mountain Climbers (SC)

6. Lunges (SC)

7. Plank Punches (SC)

8. Carolina Dry Docks

9. Flutter Kicks (SC)

10. “Mystery Exercise”  Everyone guessed burpees but I let Manifold pick for us.  He chose poorly….Monkey Humpers…God I hate those things!

Why the “Millennial” you ask?  So you take 10 exercises at 100 reps plus 1000 yards of running

you get 2000 – about the time millennials came into this world.

Finished up with Ab Labs for about 3-4 exercises called out by the PAX.

COT Namorama prayers and announcements.

An Honor to lead


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Whistles and Field Work

24 Strong #HIMs braved the humid Fort Mill air for a beat down at Thursday staple Laces IN/Laces OUT.

Funhouse was Q for Laces OUT and decided to take his marry band of yoggers (soft J) around the track and either whistle at them or tell them to take a break.  I don’t get it either – you have to ask him I guess.

YHC took the rest of the Pax for a little Field Work.  Here’s the thang:

Dynamic Warm-Up:

High Knees, Butt Kickers, Slide L/Slide R, Toy Soldiers, Dipping Birds, WWL’s (power skips – trademark), Knee to Chest, Long Strides, Shoulder Rotations.

There.  You’re warm.

Mosey to midfield for Partner Yo-Yo’s.  Partner 1 runs 50 yard to goal line and back while Partner 2 does exercise.  Then Flap Jack.

Merkins x 3

Squats x 3

Flutters x 3

Mosey to the goal line for Tandem Bear Crawls.  New Partner 1 bear crawls 10 yards then Partner 2 bear crawls 10 yards and continue that to other goal line.  You read that right – 100 YARDS!!!

Let’s try something similar.  New Partner – same thing (kinda) – CRAWL BEARS this time.

Omaha after 50-yards.  That was a dumb idea.

Mosey to the corner for the confusing part of the workout.  Cross Field Up-Downs with an Accountability Partner.  Cross field every 20 yards then do 5 up-downs and stay with your partner.

Yeah – that was awful.  Another dumb idea.

Give me a 10-count on that one CSPAN!

Next we line up on the goal line for some Matriculating Rugby Sprints down the field.  Hank Stram would be proud.  Did you know that “Matriculate” doesn’t even mean “move” or “progress”?!?!  What the hell, Hank?!

And yes – YHC LIED when posting to the Twitter machine that they would not be featured.  Start a class action.

We finished with 8 MOM.  Yes EIGHT because I was all out of ideas and breath.

Mosey to COT.

Great time out there with everyone – it had been a while.  Always thankful for these men of F3 and the accountability they provide.

Going to be very sad to see CSPAN leave us for Philly but looking forward to the first time we post together in the City of Brotherly Love.  #F3PhillyRising  Godspeed young man and thank you for everything you’ve taught me over the years!  Greatly appreciated.

Thank you all for the opportunity to lead.  Aye!

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Board of Pain Week 4

12 came out for the final week of the Board of Pain.  T-claps to Jekyl for bringing this back!  It is a great test to see where you at and everyone pushed incredibly hard today.  It was good to have Aquaman back in the fold and no surprise that he and Topham were out in front today with River Rat just slightly behind.  Looking forward to it again next summer.

The Thang:
Finish each exercise before moving on to the next. After each exercise is complete run out to first light pole and back.

  • Burpees – 100
  • Calf Raises – 150 (50 regular, 50 toes pointed in, 50 toes pointed out)
  • Ski Abs – 100
  • Merkins – 100 – Soprano (60)
  • Deep Squats – 100
  • LBCs – 200 – Norm (90)
  • Carolina Dry Docks – 100 – Barry Manilow (C)
  • Russian Twists – 100 – Manifold (30), Band Camp (77), Anchorman (53), Lil E (12), Trucker (???), Taz (C)
  • Mac Tar Jai– 100
  • Jump Squats – 100 – Sir Topham Hat (C), Aquaman (C), River Rat (1)
  • Mountain Climbers – 100
  • Shoulder Raises – 200
  • Mary Catherines – 100
  • Hello Dolly – 200
  • Wide Arm Merkins – 100
  • Squat Jacks – 100
  • Nippler– 100
  • Burpees – 100
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Board of Pain Week 2

Whoaaa Nelly!  Humidity up and so was the PAX count.  Added 9 men from last week for a total of 19.  Several first timers- Norm, Manifold, Sugar Daddy, JWOWW.  The Sale Boys were valiant.  My understanding is they blacked out.  Week 2 in the books and most returners improved.  Dang Sir Topham Hat comes in from the Bullpen to capture 1/2 of this weeks Virtual trophy.  No shock there.  As always #sneakyfast Fishsticks is up at the front.  See below and see you next week

The Thang:
Finish each exercise before moving on to the next. In between, complete a recovery run. Normally, distance is 1/4 mile. today was shorter but will adjust next week. Each week PAX (and returning PAX) work to better their accomplishments down the board.
F3 June week 2
The Challenge:
 Burpees – 100
 Calf Raises – 150 (50 regular, 50 toes pointed in, 50 toes pointed out)
 Ski Abs – 100
 Merkins – 100 Sunshine (C)
 Deep Squats – 100
 LBCs – 200 Norm(116), Funhouse(75), Offspring (10),
 Carolina Dry Docks – 100 Gridlock (C)
 Russian Twists – 100 Cyclops (C), JWoww (C), CSPAN(C),Shady (C), Dark Helmet (70), Lil E (45), Manifold(25)
Mac Tar Jai– Sugar Daddy (38), Trucker (15), 100 Brick (10), Harry Carry (5)
 Jump Squats – 100 Jekyll (27)
 Mountain Climbers – 100 Fishsticks (C), Sir Topham Hat (C), Bonsai (1)
 Shoulder Raises – 200
 Mary Catherines – 100
 Hello Dolly – 200
 Wide Arm Merkins – 100
 Squat Jacks – 100
 Nippler– 100
 Burpees – 100

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GC 7/10

7 bootcampers and 5 ruckers showed up for the buffet.

After a disclaimer by Olaf, we went our separate ways and bootcampers mosied around HT and started COP.

COP – MNC x 15, IW x 15, LSS x 10, Merkins x 10, PP x 15

We then made our way to HT where YHC had set up some cones for the main event.  PAX did 7s (but really 8s) of big boy sit-ups and burpees, bear crawling to the first cone and crab walking back.

For the main event, PAX did suicides starting with 1 SSH x 10, 2, 1 SSHx 10 Plank Jack’s x 10… Building up to 4, 3, 2, 1 SSH x 10 plank jacks x 10 bomb Jack’s x 10 and ski abs x 10.  We then rotated through again with squats, lbcs, monkey humpers, and diamond merkins.

After the main event we sat on the wall a did some burpees, and finished up with some mary.

Met up with the ruckers for COT.  Sweti coming up, read your newsletter.

Thanks decibel for the opportunity to lead

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Golden Corral Foursome

A group of 22 pax converged at the HT lot for another edition of Golden Corral.  Once the runners took off, and the ruckers marched on, 3 Pax joined YHC for the bootcamp workout.  Here is what we did:

Mosey around the HT parking lot and pause for a quick warm up of knee pulls, ankle pulls, toy soldiers, lunge twists and arm circles.  Mosey a little further to the perfect spot for COT:

All in Cadence:

SSH x 40, merkin x 10, squat x 20, mountain climber x 30, alternating lunges x 15, CDD x 15, LBC x 20

Mosey to front of HT store and face the front parking lot:

Full parking lot suicides (stop at each concrete island in lot).  Repeat 2 more times.

Mosey to the side of the HT store:

  1.  Balls to the wall/hold, bear crawl to the O’Reilly parts store and balls to that wall.  Bear crawl back to HT store.
  2. Peoples chair against HT store, 10 overhead claps, lunge walk to O’Reilly parts store and peoples chair against that wall.  Lunge walk back to HT store.
  3. Repeat #1 above
  4. Repeat #2 above

Plank it up for a quick talk on the word of the month:  IMPACT

I mentioned to the Pax that one of the strongest aspects  of F3  is the network that has been built over the years.  There is strength in numbers and I the best example of the impact of a large network was the flood relief provided to Columbia two years ago.  Hundreds of men organized a relief effort in an incredibly short time.   It was an amazing thing to see and to be part of.  Another way you can have impact through your F3 relationships is reaching out to your Pax when they need encouragement or just a note to let them know you are thinking about them.  A quick text or phone call can make a huge difference when you are down.

Back to work.  Indian Run around the whole lot and circle up for quick ablab:

Hello Dolly x 20, Freddie Merc x 20, Superman hold x 30.

End with the Body Destroyer (lie flat on the ground, breath deep, relax, no talking)


Naked Man Moleskin

Was good to be Q at the Corral after an extended break including some time on IR.  It’s still one of my favorite AO’s.  Something about being under the lights makes it pretty cool.  We had a good group today.  My apologies to Manifold and Curious George for not learning your names before we started the workout.  My calls for 10 counts from ‘you guys down there’ were a little awkward.  Glad to have you men, and Bones with me today.  Hope to see you again soon.

I shared my thoughts on the word of the month, IMPACT, with the group (which is a rarity for me).  I’m not much for breaks when I Q (other than 10 counts) so we did this in the plank position.

It was an awesome, very humid,  morning at the Corral and a pleasure to lead such a fine group of men.  Thanks for the Q spot, Decibel!


Go Sleeveless for Cheech, this Friday, June 22 at all workouts

Prayers for Dark Helments friend who was killed in a motorcycle accident, F3 Elmer who has luekemia, and for a friend of Drop Thrill , whose child who has recovered from a serious illness.



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Find accountability in your life

YHC was called out of the bullpen to assist the originally scheduled Q – Crab Cakes since he was bi-coastal. Leading up to the morning WO, YHC struggled to figure out what to include in the weinke. The only thing that was a requirement was rugby sprints in honor of Crab Cakes. As I was pulling out the garage,  it dawned on me that each of the student parking rows at FMHS had numbers at the beginning identifying the row number. I couldn’t recall a WO utilizing those row numbers, so grabbed some chalk on the way out. However, as I was sitting in the car at the AO formulating the weinke, I found a deck of cards in the console and thought of Maximus’s infamous WOs. But I realized I should stick to the plan and be accountable for what I planned for. As we were all gathering around for the start, someone mentioned the pull up bars on site and Deacon said “there’s pulll up bars here?” Of course this peaked my interest (Shocker) and so I had to show the newbies the location. Even though the weinke was modified, accountability had a theme for today since it is the last day of the month and the monthly word (read end of backblast for more on this theme)

Mossy to the band field for some warm ups. Mossy towards location of pull ups, halfway there, stop for 20 squats. At pull ups, max out on pull ups, then do 25 LBCs; rinse and repeat 3xs.

Mossy back to band field for 4x4s. 1 burpee with 4 merkins. 10 OYO.

Line up at goal line, conduct 4 rounds of Rugby Sprints.

Mossy to parking lot:

Row 1: 1 Burpee – run to other end of parking lot and back to next odd number row

Row 3: 3 CCD – rinse repeat run through 13 rows

Row 5: 5 Squats

Row 7: 7 merkins

Row 9: SSH

Row 11: LBCs

Row 13: Flutters

Mossy to COT for 3 minutes of Abs: Big Boy Sit Ups, Big Boy Sit Ups with one leg extended out 6 inches from ground – switch legs, flutters, american hammers, dying cockroach.

COT: Today is the last day for May’s word of the month theme of accountability, with June’s word of the month being Impact. As Chickenhawk wrapped up discussing accountability with a Whetstone partner, I wanted to piggy back on that. Yesterday was a hard and sad day for my M. 1 year ago she lost her mom. As I come home from work she was sitting on the couch with teary eyes and a sad look. Before I could ask whats wrong she said “do you know what today is?” Of course I’m thinking “Crap, its not her birthday, its not our anniversary, what am I missing??” She then responds that her mom passed away 1 year ago that day. I of course being a selfish husband said “I’m sorry” and didnt even go over and give her a hug and kiss, nor comfort her. My response was “I need to get my 2.0 to baseball practice” When we got home, I failed again as we sat quietly on the couches watching meaningless TV. As we went to bed, all I did was give her a hug and said stay strong. As I write this, I sure look like a loser! So be accountable to your M each and every day. Show her love and be impactful to her. Support her without being asked to, love her, comfort her, don’t be ignorant and selfish, be accountable in her life by being her rock. We don’t have many days on this life, we need to make the best of every single day as a husband, father, leader…this has been a tough month, one that has shown the importance of being accountable to your family and friends, to be impactful to them as well. Let’s not forget this each and every day.


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