Prison Break

Mosey to WEP amphitheater

5 burpees
10 Merkins IC
5 lunges each leg
10 In/Out Dollie’s

12-min AMRAP
Lap broken into 3 parts:
-Bear crawl length of amphitheater, mosey to bathroom for stop 1
-10 squat jacks, mosey to next position at top corner of trail on hill
-10 burpees, mosey to next position by swing across from amphitheater
-10 mike Tyson’s, mosey back to amphitheater

10-min AMRAP
5 burpees
10 pushups
15 lunges
20 air squats
Circle parking loop back to amphitheater

5-min AMRAP
15 sit-ups
15 glute bridges
15 Russian twists
15 Flutter kicks IC
30sec low plank

Mosey to COT

Lots of huffing and puffing in the gloom this morning mostly involving YHC’s choices best described as those done in a prison cell – and one Jane Fonda jazzercise sans knee-high Reebok socks.
A few notables:
Dark Helmet loves burpees – please be sure to include them in any AO’s where he HC’s.
Esso and Maximus set the tone in weight vests, floral and all.
Punch List crushed crushed the AMRAPs like, well, a punch list.
T-claps to Man Down for posting despite his 3am college bedtime.
Peabody and JWow were silent but deadly when chiming in on the prison cell burpees and bear crawls.
Soup to Nuts won best hair for the gloom, despite a contended effort by YHC and Dark Helmet.
Always a pleasure – Solo

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Christmas Convergence

Broke out into two groups. Half went with Soup to Nuts to the football field and half went with Sprocket to the grass field
Warmups were done at the workout sites
Soup2Nuts thang at the football field: Partner Dora
50 burpees
75 WWI Situps
75 Squats
75 Merkins
75 American Hammers
200 Clave Boss Clave Raises
75 Dips
Timer: bear crawl 20 yards; run 30 yards; run back 50 yards to workout area

Sprocket thang at the grass field: Wheel Spoke

Center Hub: 5 burpees

Spoke 1: Rd.1 25 merkins bear crawl to center hub; Rd.2 50 squats broad jump to center hub; Rd.3 40 lunges crawl bear to center hub

Spoke 2: Rd.1 25 Bomb jacks, bear crawl to the center hub; Rd.2 80 mountain climbers, broad jump to the center hub; Rd.3 50 shoulder taps, crawl bear to the center hub

Spoke 3: Rd.1 50 American hammers, bear crawl to the center hub; Rd.2 100 calf raises, broad jump to the center hub; Rd.3 100 Side straddle hops, crawl bear to the center hub

Spoke 4: Rd.1 100 Flutter Kicks, bear crawl to the center hub; Rd.2 80 mountain climbers, broad jump to the center hub; Rd.3 50 LBCs, crawl bear to the center hub

After 26 minutes Group 1 and Group2 swapped workout sites and did the workout.

MARY: None

COT: Cake Boss closed us out in prayer

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Mission: Tripod

WARMUP: ran parking loop with side shuffles, butt kickers and high knees

Ark Loader: bear crawl, crab walk, alligator merkins, duck walk.

Tripod: splitting into groups of 3, we used the 3 legs of the breeze way. Running to each end and complete exercise. 20 merkin, 20 squat, 20 LBC. come through center and do 5 burpees. Made two cycles for 40 merk, 40 squat, 40 LBC and 30 burpees.

Sprint series

MARY: community Mary.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: wine dinner to raise money for dam to dam on Feb 2nd. Sign up in 2nd F or mumblechatter channels.


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Old School Kingsley Route

WARMUP: Pledge
THE THANG: Out and Back with Merkins
Kingsley loop was an optional add-on.
MARY: Yes – 3 mins
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Clave Boss:10k/5k Dam2Dam sign up :
COT: Worth the wait

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Pre-Convergence Convergence

There were Ruckers and runners.

Barry Manilow led the runners for 5+ miles around The Fort.

The bootcampers were led first by Maximus with a SSH x Merkin combo x2 to warm up.
After a quick warm up, the weinke was
10 merkins, 10 mountain climbers (double count) at each of the 9 swings around the park. When done and waiting on the 6 to fill in, hold an Al Gore. To wrap up, starting at the bottom of the grassy hill from the parking lot, flutter kicks, then burpees at the top of the hill.

Cake Boss took second shift with playtime at the playground.
Partnering up, one partner does squats, while the other runs around the playground. Then flapjack. Next was pull ups/merkins following the same format. To wrap up, keeping the same partner, one bear crawled across the field and run back, while the other did flutters. Flap jack until 3 rounds were done.

Fogerty took us home with some 11’s and hill repeats.
At the bottom of the hill with the statue, started with 10 merkins and bombjacks. Half way up the hill, 5 burpees, then 1 squat and big boy sit-up. No burpee on the way back down the hill. Repeat until 11’s are done cutting out the burpees when you hit 5 & 6.

This was a fun 60 min bootcamp.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Clave Boss & convergence in 12/23. Happy Birthday Walker. Tallawah is officially closed for good.


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4 mile Deconstructed Burpee

WARMUP: It is Sweep the Leg. Strive to do that prior to 5:15
THE THANG: Run a 4 mile loop: (if you wanna see the route. side note: it wasn’t my first rodeo on this route)

Stop along the way for deconstructed burpees:
10 squats
10 squats
10 plank jump ins
10 squats
10 plank jump ins
10 merkins
10 squats
10 plank jump ins
10 merkins
10 plank jump ins
10 squats
10 plank jump ins
10 merkins
10 plank jump ins
10 SSH
Repeat the full 5 steps each subsequent stop

PAX were advised to just jump in where the most guys were when they got to the exercises, or to skip the exercises entirely and just keep running.

When we stretch to a route that necessitates covering 4 miles, YHC gets worried about leaving PAX. We managed to stay together and Fishstix + Badlands picked up the 6 today making sure we all arrived back at COT resting on 4 miles. Bravo gentlemen!

Sometimes we have to choose the hard thing ourselves. Sometimes we have to choose to do the hard thing that life is handing us. If we skirt away from doing the what’s difficult when needed, what worse thing will be waiting for us in the future?

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Soul Stealer

WARMUP: We walked to warm-up
THE THANG: Walked to Sunbelt lot all the while peppering the men with extremely well thought out and insightful questions that stirred their inner souls… there was crying…
Once at the lot, we did Curls, OH Press, Flutters, Dips, and Sumo Squats in ascending sets of 3, 6, 9, etc… with a lap around some islands (200 yds) in between. Mode of transportation varied from run, bear crawl, overhead carry, walk… you get the idea…
Then we rucked back to COT area for a few cool down exercises…

MARY: No chicks…
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: The 5th Core Principle

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Sandbags & Cards…& Movie Quotes

WARMUP: Mosey around the parking lot with a few Toy Soldiers, Merkins, Butt Kickers and more Merkins
THE THANG: Deck of Cards with your own sandbag
Hearts: Curls
Diamonds: Thrusters
Clubs: Overhead Press
Spades: Big Boy Sit-ups
“Other”: Lap around the parking lot with your sandbag
MARY: See the spades assignment
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yes – Go to the Christmas Party
COT: Indeed…5th Core Principle

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Cuban Style Buffet of Pain

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers, Strawberry Pickers
Round 1:Cheese Shredder, Wall Sit, and Balls to the Wall
Round 2: Dora with 100 reps each following exercise:
Overhead Claps
Hello Dollies
Inclined Merkins
American Hammers
Timer was other partner running to end of parking lot and back
Closed with Bear Crawls and Crab Walks to first parking lot island.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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