Bed Pan Anyone? Can I Get A Towel? Star!

We did 12 Days of Christmas in the rain.  Some rucked separately. Here’s the bootcamp:

1- Run to the back and back to cover.
2- Mak Tar Gis. How to spell?
3-Greg Jump squats
5-Diamond merkins
6-Imperial walkers
8-Slow flutters
9-Low slow squats
10-Lunges (10 each leg)

Welcome FNGs Bed Pan and The Admiral!

The Thrill is gone!

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Old school beat down

1 Burpee
2 Burpees
Arm circles
3 Burpees
Hill Billy Walkers
4 Burpees
Low slow squat
5 Burpees
Calf raises
10 Burpees

Set up 6 cones across about 40 yds
Each cone you do an exercise and move to the next. After completing cone 6 you run a lap.
Rd 1 – odd cones 10 merkins
           even cones 10 dips
Bear crawl between cones
Rd 2 – odd cones 20 squats
          even cones 20 Apolo Ohnos
Lung walk between cones

Next we made our way to the lower lot with the wall near the Springs building.

7s reduced to 5s were called with jumping up on the wall.
Flying squirrels at the bottom and squats on top of the wall

To kill a few minutes we lined up for wall squats while each Pax took turns doing 2 burpees down the line

Next was the Motivator. If you are unfamiliar with this exercise it consist of a reconstructive SSH. Full SSH, arms up to your shoulders, no arms, just the jump. Start at 10 for each and work your way down to 1.

Last we had a jail break for COT

Lots of stuff happening in the coming weeks. Read your news letter

Change Order and Repeat
Safe travels for Pusher and YHC
Tootsie and Park
Funhouse’s boys

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Miles with a side of Murph

Last night I was settling down for bed and decided to get on Slack to see who was Q’ing before deciding where to post this morning… Jekyll had just posted that Minnow Pond was without a Q so I felt the calling to volunteer.

0514 Pledge

Disclaimer then a mosey to WEP playground area – SSH, cherry pickers, IWs, Arm Circles, Merkins all IC

Miles with a side of Murph –
OYO 5 pullups, 10 merkins, 15 squats then run WEP loop

rinse and repeat until 0550ish

Fishstix tried to keep up with McGuyver for a while – the rest of us were….. slower. Most got 5 or 6 rounds in before time to head back to COT.

MARY: Got back to CoT with about 4 minutes to spare so got some solid Ab work in – Freddy Mercury’s, flutters, LBCs, Leg Raises, and 6 American Hammers before YHC rudely interrupted Vuvu to declare 0600.

This workout didn’t take a lot of planning or thought – that was kind of the point. Keep it simple was the plan this week. Put in hard work and don’t over-complicate things in life. Do this over and over and good results will come.

Funhouse still accelerating post AKA, knocking out pullups like a BOSS…

Nice to meet FratBoy

Read your newsletter –
Blood Drive needs more sign-ups Apr 12.

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Locking Shields, a how to…

Great Invergence today at WEP to close out an entire month of acceleration.

Now that we have finished a month of accelerating HIMs all over the Fort, how do we maintain that acceleration?


Best way to execute accountability? Locking shields with fellow PAX.

Best way to consistently lock shields? Join a Shield Lock.

Today we heard from some 🛡🔒 PAX sharing experiences, advice and offering up themselves to their fellow PAX to learn the power of 🛡🔒.

To know more, ask a PAX that was present.

Need guidance or advice moving forward?  Reach out to @Pusher and he will point you in the direction of success and accountability.

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WARMUP: none. This is minnow pond

THE THANG: run to golf course, 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats at each tee box.

Could have gotten in the entire front 9, but got a bit nervous on time. Still hit 8 holes.

MARY: LBC, v-ups, j-lo

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 4/30 convergence & invergence at WEP

COT: prayers to be the dad our kids need and the dad we needed when we were kids

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3rd Manion WOD with the AKA crew

WARMUP: mumblechatter

Manion WOD
29 squats with ruck (with sandbags when available)
1/4 mile ruck (shared sandbags)
7 rounds

We did an extra rounds as time allowed for extra credit

MARY: mumblechatter
ANNOUNCEMENTS: sign up for blood donations🩸
COT: prayers for families, kids and teachers during the last stretch of the school year

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4 Corners of The Ballroom

Welcome to Bonus Ass Kicking April

We had 19 at the Ballroom for a glorious 4 corners of pain!

Every morning we post, we go to one of the ‘corners’ of our region but in the end we are all one of The Fort PAX.

It was great to see so many PAX on this chilly March  morning. Special shout out to Beaker for posting for the second time in 2 days! Great job and keep posting, also great work 3D supporting him

The Thang:

We started off with a warm up:

15 SSH

15 Wind Mills

15 Imperial Walkers

Break out to groups at each corner.

Round 1 – mode of transportation- karaoke

Corner 1: 10 wide arm merkins, 20 mtn     climbers single count,

Corner 2: 10 big boys, 20 dying cockroaches do

Corner 3: 10 burpees, 20 grave diggers, single Ct

Corner 4 : 10 plank jacks , 20 Peter Parker’s

After all 4 corners were done we gathered at top of hill leading to bridge until the 6 was is in. Morrocacan Night clubs were done while we waited. We then moseyed down to the bridge and back as a recovery from the  4 corners.

Then it was onto Round 2!

Round 2 –  mode of transportation- nerr

C1:  15 jump squats, 15 low slow squats

C2:  15 box cutters, 15 American Hammers

C3: 15 monkey humpers, 15 Cherry Pickers

C4: 10 hand release Merkins, 20 SSH

After all 4 corners were done we gathered at top of hill leading to bridge until the 6 was is in. Morrocacan Night clubs were done while we waited. We then moseyed down to the bridge and back as a recovery from the  4 corners.

We completed a second set of rounds 1 and 2 substituting Moroccan Night clubs for flutters.

After the second set was completed, we did a

Batman Death March around the school with the 6 doing SSH

That brought us back to COT

Great work by all today

-Yard Sale

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Gettin’ Lazy

11 PAX showed up for this block party

Disclaimer then mosey to the front of the WEP amphitheater for a warmup

SSH, Windmills, IW, MNCs, Merkins all in cadence although much mumblechatter drowned out the counts

Lots of houses to visit during the block party, better get to it…


House #1

It looked like we had a lazy bunch this morning so we went with a Lazy Dora 1 2 3

partner 1 performs exercise while partner 2 “rests”

Merkins – partner 1 – 10 Merkins, partner 2 – “rest” in elbox plank position – swap and repeat until 100 reps complete

LBCs – partner 1 – 20 LBCs, partner 2 – “rest” in laying 10inch leg raise – swap and repeat until 200 reps complete

Squats – Partner 1 – 30 Squats, partner 2 – “rest” in Al Gore – swap and repeat until 300 reps complete

The mumblechatter subsided rather quickly here- like I said, lazy bunch out this morning.  The one comment I did hear had something to do with “I wish we were running”


House #2

Ask and you shall receive – Indian Run around WEP loop (x3)

First Loop – last runner drops off and does 5 Merkins then sprints to front of line

Second Loop – last runner drops off and does 5 Squats then sprints to front of line

Third Loop – last runner drops off and does 3 Burpees and then sprints to front of line


House #3

Bear Crawl from North Side of field to the Playground (about 2 street blocks)

Jack Webb style progression – 1 Pullup – 4 Monkey Humpers, 2 pullups – 8 MHs, 3 – 12, 4 – 16, 5 -20


Running low on time so we moseyed back towards CoT with time for one last stop

House #4

Hill sprint up Massey St


Gathered back at CoT right at 0600


Appreciate the chance to lead the group, Thanks Kermit





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Are you running to or running from? And Duck Donuts


Monday, 3/7/2022

11 PAX – @Cubbie, @Vuvuzela, @Maximus, @Skipper, @Pusher, @Trucker, @38Special, @Shady, @FishSticks, @Badlands,@FireMarshallBill

Duck Dounts Workout Plan:

Run over to Brayden

Run 1 donut lap – 0.6 miles each

Complete next exercise

Donut lap is Emory to Helton, Helton to Emory


Lap 1 (Maple Bacon)

Exercise 1 – 20 Merkins

Lap 2 (Cookies and Cream)

Exercise 2 – 30 Dips on the curb

Lap 3 (Peanut Butter Paradise)

Exercise 3 – 50 squats

Lap 4 (Strawberry Shortcake)

Exercise 4 -Mountain Climbers – 50 each leg

Lap 5 (S’Mores)

Exercise 5 – Freddie Mercuries – 50 each leg

Extra Lap (Coconut Island Bliss) (@Vuvuzela, @Maximus, @Badlands, @Fishsticks, others??)

Exercise 6 – 50 Flutter Kicks

Head back for COT

PAX Notes:

Cubbie learned there are 5 rules to F3 not 3. Great start. Cubbie led PAX across 160 and went first while others decided not to become road meat, smart choice. We met at Emory and Helton by Brayden mailbox for workout plan. Trucker and 38Special got a head start, then ran in the reverse direction with Fire Marshall Bill. Cubbie ran with Skipper and helped with the hills. Mumblechatter helped push through. Vuvuzela, Badlands, and FishSticks led. Maximus, Shady, and Pusher followed in pursuit. Those 6 were able to complete Lap 6 / Exercise 6. Vuvu and Badlands stayed behind to catch remaining PAX and almost beat Cubbie back to COT.

4-5 miles ran

Covered plus/deltas for Cubbie VQ. Need more rest, less cardio in between running. Need to not shout at the nice Brayden neighbors during exercise explanation. Good plan with nice visuals and theme. Good workout, everyone seemed like they gave it 100%. There was some complaining about no actual Duck Donuts but the way I see it everyone had at least 5 while others went for half dozen.

Closing message before Announcements, Prayers, Closing Prayer – Are you running to or running from?:

STL is a running style workout. We are running around our communities, running for ourselves, running to be better men. We are running to these things – What are we running from? Is it that:

  • Anger that comes out when we are disciplining our children
  • The need to be in control
  • Joker in your life: Porn, Alcohol, drugs
  • Relationship with your wife that you want to improve that you don’t know how, with your children, with God

I had to start to get right in my mind to what I am running from. After being defeated, exhausted, and spent, I realized I couldn’t outrun my own Joker. By facing it head on, I was able to start that journey. I realized I need to be honest about myself and where I wanted to go. Most important I realized I could not go somewhere I had not gone before by using my same old mindset. I am not perfect and still struggle every day. But I try to be 1% better than the day before.

Start your journey today. Be honest about your struggle, get help professionally, join a Whetstone or Shieldlock, and start to attack your problems head on. And that is where each of us can become a better co-worker, leader, coach, Cub Scout leader, Dad, Husband, Son, and a man.

Honored to lead VQ. Thanks to those who showed and got stronger.

Cubbie out

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