Chasing Amy, I mean Twister

WARMUP: 6 gathered, which was a great number, for a full 1 hour of party packed entertainment. Twister joined us to say hi as he terrains his 6@6, but before he got 75 yards away, we had a quick disclaimer and took off to join him on his route. As the 6 of us caught up to him, the mumblechatter ensued and since he was already x miles into his route, we passed him as we neared Harris street. We stopped at the corner for 10 merkins, waited for the 6 and let Twister run away a little down Harris, and then we took off after him again. Down Harris we ran, catching him and harassing him again, because Twister wouldn’t want it any other way. As we passed him, we made our way to the park at the bottom of the hill and circled up in the parking lot for warm ups: SSH, windmills, cherry pickers, merkins, mountain climbers, and a few runner stretches.
THE THANG: Made our way over to the basketball court for some modified suisides. At each line we would do 1 merkin and add 1 per line doing the same number on the starting base line. 1 and 1, 2 and 2, 3…you get it. We then kept climbing back down the lines where in the end we ended up with 8 and 8.

We then ran back up Harris to LBJ church where we ran steps, ran around the church, back to steps for 10 diamonds, 10/leg of Bulgarian split squats. We did this circuit 2x.

Next stop was the gas station to stop for the 6, then made our way to print shop. At the print shop we did a 25% murph because who doesn’t need pull up practice.

Ran all the way back to the millstone in front of the steps by veterans park, stopped for the 6, then ran to the small wall by the engineering building for 20 dips and 20 total step ups. Did this circuit 2x. Ran back to WEP, did a time check, got a big sigh of relief”oh but there more” and ran up the walking path to the top of the hill, back down, then back up the grassy hill with the statue, then down the side hill to COT.
MARY: got through about 3 exercises
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter items
COT: CSPAN style for P&P

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Under the wire…damn you end of the month

WARMUP: It’s Friday and warmer. Those are 2 plus signs. Guys showed up, another plus. I remembered the disclaimer and mission of F3, green light. We took off for a mosey in the parking lot and stopped after maybe 1/4 mile, maybe. SSH, windmills, cherry pickers, low slow squat, merkins, runners stretch. Warmup over.
THE THANG: Ran to the back of the HT where the smelly things live. 10 merkins, 20 squats, 30 crunches. Ran to the other end of the HT, another 10, 20, 30. Ran all the way through the apartment complex and to the bottom of the hill, 10, 20, 30 (I think).

Bottom of the hill we assembled for 7s. Burpees at the bottom, squats at the fire station. Pick up the 6 when done.

Ran back through the apt complex, another 10, 20, 30. Then to the back of the HT where we partnered up. Partners ran in opposite directions and when they meet up, 10 partner merkins, 20 partner squats (basically in cadence). Ran around HT again for the full loop. Rinse and repeat.
MARY: yep, sprinter sit-up, hammers, side plank gravediggers.
COT: kids, jobs, patience.

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Weighed Down

WARMUP: yea, this is important. did SSH for a while because Esso was late. He apparently “went to block party” and then remembered we were going to ballroom today.

THE THANG: ran around exploring

Found a 15 space parking lot
1 merkin
2 squats
3 burpees
4 merkin
5 squats
6 burpees
7 merkin
8 squats
9 burpees
10 merkin
11 squats
12 overhead claps (by request)
13 merkin
14 squats
15 overhead claps

Started to do that again, but I just didn’t wanna. Was hoping more PAX would gripe about it. But they didn’t they were either too cold to complain, or knew I might actually go through with it if they did.

Mosey some more
some squats, lunges, cossak squats

Mosey some more found a hill
bear crawl, donkey kicks, back down
crawl bear, donkey kicks, back down

Mosey some more found the basketball court
5 squats run to the middle 5 jump squats
back to start
5 squats run to far end 5 lunges
did that a few times

MARY: did some hip flexibility work. Barry did not seem to be a fan, but I know he really enjoyed it in his heart.

COT: had to be there. Bass is a stellar Site Q. It was an honor to lead

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Little bit of rain and jacked up jack webbs

WARMUP: collected in the parking lot, very quick disclaimer and off we went. Ran a nice big lap around the baseball fields, settled in for some SSH, windmills, low slow squats, and then we went into a Jack Webb. Senator wanted to go faster in the Jack Webbs but Uber started to get air.
THE THANG: Ran over to hole #2 where we did 3 exercises.
1. 10 diamonds at the tee box
2. 10 jump squats at the valley
3. 10 4-count flutters at the green

Then rinse and repeat in reverse starting at the green with the diamonds and back to the tee box. We did this 3 times and running back to the tee box was horrible and very hilly and it’s as terrible as I remember it.

We ran back to the Runde parking lot for some 4 corners.
1. 20 CDD
2. 10 hammer sprinter combos (hammer left/right, into left/right crunch)
3. 20 merkins with (Parker Peter into Peter Parker – so 4 merkins for each Peter movement)
4. See #2 again

Rinse and repeat 2x more times but cut the numbers in 1/2 because some of this looked better on paper.
MARY: Airborne special along with some Superman.
COT: of course!

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DORAs at The Hive

DORA 1: partner run
– Man makers 50
– Goblet Squats 100
– Swings 150

DORA 2: farmers carry
– Burpees 50
– Squats 100
– Overhead clap 150

DORA 3: Bear crawl
– Bent row right 50
– Bent row left 50
– Curls 50

DORA 4: Farmers Carry
– Merkins 50
– Mountain climbers 75
– SSH 100

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Carry the heavy stuff, makes carrying the small stuff easier | Kitchen Sink

Buy-In: 10 Man-Makers, 20 weighted squats, 30 SSH + Mosey around parking lot

Lunge Walk the back of the school, ~200 yds:
– 20 merkins in cadence
– Lunge walk 20 paces with sandbag racked on back
– 10 low slow merkins IC
– Lunge walk 10 paces with sandbag above head
– 15 wide grip merkins IC
– Toy soldiers with sandbag front racked
– 10 diamond merkins IC
– 20 lunges w/bag back racked, 10 lunges with bag above head, 20 toy soldiers with bag front racked
– 15 CDD IC
– and so on, and so on

Pass every bag down the line while sitting shoulder to shoulder…pass them back

DORA #1: 100 merkins, 100 squats > Partner farmer carries both sandbags 80 yds.

DORA #2: 50 weighted dips, 50 shoulder presses with sandbag > Partner shuffles 80 yds with one sandbag back racked

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Something with hyenas

WARMUP: Showing up to the small crew of misfits was honestly a treat. After the disclaimer, we started with a short and slow mosey. 30 seconds in, the mumblechatter and “complaining” was alive. The mosey was about 1/4 mile, maybe. We did these exercises for the warmup with some pausing, some gasping, some stopping: SSH, windmills, low slow squats, merkins, back and quad stretches.
THE THANG: As we moved over to the turnabout area in front of the football field, YHC had 10 exercises with rep counts written down.
1. Plank horizontal pull throughs- 10
2. plank vertical pulls – 10 (up/down 1 arm is 1)
3. 1/4 Turkish get up – 5/side
4. Hammer twist each side into sprinter sit up- 10
5. Dying cockroach with straight arm kb extension – 10
6. Kb swings – 20
7. lunge with kb leg pass through – 10
8. Kneeling wood chops with kb – 10/side
9. Flutter with kb straight arm hold – 20 double count
10. Plank row with Parker Peter- 10 per side

After round 1 we did a short mosey (or partial mosey) and back for rinse and repeat until time ran out…ended after #8.

You had to be here for the Kielbasa stories.
MARY: core was a focus area during workout so no Mary today.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: blood drive, D2D bar, Feb Epic fundraiser
COT: enjoyed the chatter with these guys and did a quick around the horn for prayers and praises.

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Christmas Eve Convergence at The Yard

WARMUP: (cake boss): 5 Burpees, SSH, 4 B., Imp.Walk, 3B., HillWalk, 2B, something else, 1B…

Count off 1 & 2; Group 1 w/ Farmers Only, Group 2 w/ Suplex
Switch Q’s at 1/2 mark

Group 1 (Farmers only):

Group 2 (Suplex):
Cocaine Bear Crawls to the 50 (2 merkins at each 5yrd). Al Gore till the 6
Mary #1: 12 Hello Ladies (IC), 24 Plank Jacks (IC), 12 BBSU & 24 Heel-taps (OYO)
Go right into….
Burpee Broad Jumps (3 & 3) to end zone
Plank till the 6

Crane Carries to 50: back to back, 1 runs while other flutter kicks (swap @ 25… mod. to piggyback if needed)
Mary #2: 12 AmHamms (IC), 24 Gas Pumpers (IC), 12 Dying CockRoaches & 24 LBCs (OYO)
Go right into…
Other man in Sparrow Run.
@ end zone: 12 Imp-Squat-walkers (IC) 24 or something else (improv.)

MARY: done w/in Thang
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Newsletters… Merry Christmas!
COT: held (5th core principle)

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D2D prep…where the danger lives

WARMUP: nope
THE THANG: doby bridge to nims lake, took it to the back where it forked, went right down a gravel “road” or long driveway, came back out and took the other fork to a less gravely road, then back out to COT…only a few guys got lost but they all came back.
MARY: nada
ANNOUNCEMENTS: of course – Xmas eve and New Year’s Day workouts
COT: yep

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