Breaking Patterns

What a great morning for a run. Low 50’s, no wind and 20 PAX for a post P200 Monday. Up in the rotation today was the newest member of the Flight Plan plans, “Loops of Choice.” They include a 2.5 mile loop that goes over the walking trail at the end of YMCA parking lot, out 6th Baxter, up Sutton and back to Starbucks. And a 1.5 mile loop that goes down market, comes up Sutton and back to Starbucks. Modify as necessary, find a running buddy, have some fellowship, attend COT, check the box.

Flight Plan is an AO that’s predictable. Because of safety, we stay on the north side of 77. We have 4 routes and run each one, once per month. Today’s route emphasizes, (maybe represents is a better word) those circles we find ourselves in. Don’t get me wrong, the workout is beneficial. And I love the sense of accomplishment of conquering the long climb up Sutton (twice) in the gloom. However, the round and round is indicative of what can become of us as men.

But F3 is there to break those patterns. In COT we were reminded of that by two very strong PAX. Pusher (along w/ Twister & Change Order) who has taken the monumental task of leading Q-source. The weekly study of how this group can shape lives, of not just ourselves, but our families and community. If you’re not involved, you’re missing out. If you’ve been going, you know what I’m talking about. The added support outside of fellowship of the gloom, is great.

The other PAX is Stang. What happens when something throws us off these loops we find so comfortable. Something devastating or tragic.  Or what if we struggle just to stay upright on the loops but don’t feel like we can tell anyone so we use other outlets to hide the burden?  Stang is going to lead the discussion on these topics Wednesday at The Tomahawk (Doby’s Bridge Elementary – Kettle Bell). The last 15 minutes of the workout will be a stretching session with discussion on these heavy topics. Things we need to be able to share and discuss if we are going to be the leaders we need to be.

It’s great to see these HIMs pushing us past the 1st F.


  • See Above
  • Cristina Latini Memorial 8K – Saturday March 30th – Clown Cars leaving Baxter Starbucks at 7:00 for Huntersville or Virtual run 6:30 at Alcatraz
  • Cake Boss 40 Day Challenge – On going

Prayers and Praises

  • Rebel’s daughter getting her first real job
  • The safe return of all the PAX who ran the P200

Welcome FNG – Seuss! (EH’d by Cake Boss)

See you in the gloom!



TClap |

Shovel flag hand off at LacesIn

15 Pax sounded the call and hit LacesIn on this brisk morning while 4 Pax hit the track for LacesOut.

The Thang

YHC ran through the disclaimer and then handed off Cyclops to get the party started.  I think Cyclops may have said Mosey, but it was basically a sprint from the stadium parking lot to the band parking lot.

COP – all in cadence.  Moroccan Night Clubs x 16, Baby Arm Circles foward and backwards x 16, SSH x 32, windmills x 16, Merkins x 8

Mosey back to The Hive’s parking lot and start at first light pole for 64 squats, mosey to light pole across parking lot for 32 walking lunges.  Mosey to next light pole for 16 calf raises regular, 16 calf raises with toes pointed in and 16 with toes pointed out.  Mosey back across parking lot to light pole for 8 box cutters, 4 bomb jacks and 2 burpees.  Do same exercises in reverse starting with the 2 burpees and working back up.

Hand off back to YHC.  I had planned on some NCAA march madness trivia and life got in the way, so just settled for one question.  Who has won the most titles and how many?  Bonsai and Offset combined for correct answer of UCLA with 11.  In honor of UCLA’s 11 titles we did 11’s with burpees and squat jumps.  Lined up on curb to start with 10 burpees ran to 2nd light pole for 1 squat jump, back to curb for 9 burpees then back to light pole for 2 squat jumps.  Continue until you are 1 burpee and 10 squat jumps.

Mosey back to stadium parking lot for 6 minutes of mary all exercises in cadence to 10.  LBCs with feet on the ground, lbcs with feet raised (normal), lbcs with right leg straight, lbcs with left leg extend, and dying cockroaches.


Christina Latini Memorial 8k in Huntersville on 3/30.  If you cannot make that they are doing a virtual 8k at Alcatraz.

T-claps to Cyclops as he takes over as site Q of LacesIn.  Very excited to see what he will do as new site Q!  Also, much appreciated to everyone that has come out or Q’d at LacesIn the past couple of years.  You have made posting each Thursday enjoyable.

TClap |

Survive and Advance

Lutefisk was put on the IR this week and YHC felt called to respond to his call for a substitute Q at Golden Corral. Disclaimers were delivered to a crowd of 14 HIMs – Gekko took a 5-mile ish mosey in preparation for this weekend’s long training run (aka P200). The remaining PAX moseyed off for a March Madness themed workout with many reps.

COT – all I/C (note the counts and their march madness like numbers)
Moroccan Night clubs x Sweet 16
Arm circles forward and backward x Sweet 16
SSH x 32 (just because…..)
Windmills x Sweet 16
Mountain Climbers X Sweet 16
Merkins D/C X Elite 8
Honeymooners, planks, salutations to the right and left with a few 6-inch holds dome for 10 counts of varying length

Mosey to the Brackets. Disclaimer – Like the NCAA’s – some brackets are more difficult than others. Regardless of the challenge, the mission is the same – survive and advance. All exercises were completed twice (or until YHC called time)- the first round was descending down the list and the second was ascending up the list – 64-32-16-8-4-2-2-4-8-16-32-64.

Bracket #1 – East region
64- Squats
32 – Shoulder taps
16- Dips
8- Burpees
4 – Hello Dollys
2 – Dying Cockroach

Bracket #2 – West region
64- Squats
32 – Clave raises – 32 inner, 32 outer and 32 middle: 96 total – just because………
16- Burpees
8- Lunge walks (per leg)
4 – Dying Cockraoch
2 – LBC’s

Bracket #3 – Midwest region
64- Flutters (single count)
32 – Merkins (single count)
16- Burpees
8- Boxcutters
4 – Flying squirrels (just for C-SPAN)
2 – Burpees

Bracket #4 – South region
64 – LBC’s
32 – Dying Cockroaches (Single count)
16- Walking Lunges (per leg)
8- Burpees
12 – Clave Raises – 4 inner, 4 outer and 4 middle
2 – LBC’s

The last round finished at 5:58 – just in time to hustle back to COT, but jailbreak did not need to be called.


Operation Sweettooth 8k in Huntersville 3-30-19.  Support Olive.  VIrtual run from Alcatraz at 6:30 AM the same day.   Questions – Change Order

Paradise Reading Center Monday & Wednesdays – Bethlehem Baptist Church 4:00 PM – great way to fill the 3rd F – Questions – Crabcakes and Copay

Read your newsletter

Prayers:   One year to the week of Badger’s diagnosis and 10 months this Thursday since he went to be with Sky Q.  Lift up his M and 2.0’s

It is an honor to be a part of such a terrific group of HIMs who are committed to accelerating.  I was glad to come out of the bullpen for this Q.  And to those considering stepping up to Q for the first time (or not), to steal a phrase from Nike – just do it.  In the COT, thanks was given for our group of F3.  Our ability to push one another past our comfort zones and get comfortable with discomfort is a privilege that should be treated as a blessing – let’s accept it as such and see it for the springboard of growth it is meant to serve.



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The Fort: Flat Tire & Band Camp

8 PAX gathered in the gloom among many more vehicles than the represented by the posting. Clearly some P200 Runners were  training in our midst.

Flat Tire on Q


Clockwise Mosey full-loop around jogging path.
Imperial walkers
Wide arm merkins
Low slow squats with calf raise
Bomb jacks
Overhead claps

Mosey down jogging path to mile marker for group work
At each marker, start with 1 exercise, 5 count.
At each subsequent marker do that again and add next exercise plus 5 more IC.

We did:
5 burpees
10 Scorpion Dry Docks
15 Freddy mercury
20 jumping lunges
25 mountain climbers

Mosey to the dreaded hill

Pick a partner around the same size
Wheelbarrow up hill
Walk back down and switch Back up

Handoff to Band Camp

Monkey Humpers x10
Howling Monkeys

Mosey down the hill towards set cones

Lateral Slalom through cones

Bearpees (OYO 1 Burpee followed up by 4 count bearcrawl forward) from cones to bottom of the hill

10 squats, 10 leg thrusts, 10 Merkins, 10 leg thrusts, then up (Deconstructed Burpee)

Bearpees back to cones (2 burpees, 8-count bear crawl). YHC had more of this planned but was smoked after two rounds…..If you can’t Q it, don’t do it….so I modified.

Plank–>Honeymooner–>Downdog–>High Lunge–>rinse repeat
Message during sequence

Lateral Slalom through cones x4

Plank–>yoga quad stretch (Crescent Lunge: Anjaneyasana)

Bear Crawl Slalom through cones x2

Slow mosey towards the hill (called out for walking by the returning-from-a-9-mile-run Gecko)
Crawl Bear up the hill

Mosey towards Calhoun St. field.

Bear crawl back to COT (this was a long way to bear crawl)

Shoulder Tap x10
J-Lo x6

Saved just enough time for some Pigeon Lunges


In my professional life as a music professor, I’ve been thinking about language and the way we talk to ourselves. After attempting something for the first time or a skill that is still developing, I often hear students say, “I can’t ______.” As if saying “I can’t” excuses them from needing the skill/competency/etc.

My response is often a little pithy at first. “Well you know what Abraham Lincoln said. If at first you don’t succeed. . . . . . just quit. You’re done.” This usually gets a little laughter. Then we redirect to more constructive language. E.g., I’m still developing that; I’m not there yet; (or if “can’t” must be in their vocabulary) I can’t do that yet. The yet makes all the difference; it allows for progress to happen in the future.

We would never talk to a friend the way we talk to ourselves. If a friend attempted something for the first time and failed, no one would seriously respond, “Oh well, guess you can’t do it.” But we tell ourselves that or something similar all the time. And what’s even worse: we believe it! By believing it, we make it true! Living out the definition of self-fulfilling prophecy.

In our inner monologue can we treat ourselves like a fellow PAX? Strive to create an internal language that leads to encouragement and acceleration. A language that allows for disruption rather than just perpetuates the status quo.

-Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

Keep it Simple

I had planned out the workout the prior evening, but as more and more men (+ 2 FNGs) showed up I decided to simplify the workout.  Albert Einstein said “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. ”  After the disclaimer, we jogged to the backside of Harris Teeter by following the trail of garbage truck juices freshly dropped on the payment like an early morning rain shower.


SSH x 20

Imperial walker x 15

WIndmill x 15

Merkin x 10

Plank Stretches

Mountain Climber x 15

Peter Parker x 10


Next, we partnered up for Dora 1-2-3.

Exercises:  100 merkins, 200 Squats, and 300 LBCs

One partner ran to the end of the parking lot and back while the other partner performed the exercise above.  Switch roles when returned.

Next, we killed some time with a burpee broad jump between  the light posts.  It seem to be a crowd pleaser on Monday so I thought it would be good to see if it got the same response. We then mosyed to the retaining wall behind the service station for two rounds of dips (15), derkins (15), and step ups (20).  We finished up with a wall sit/bear crawl combination the length of the Harris Teeter building and one set of flutters.

Returned to COT.

We had two FNGs this morning.  Q who works as a engineer for a company that designs car seats.  His name “BOB” – Baby on board.  Mike who is from PA enjoys hockey. His name “Slapstick”.  TClaps to Wrangler for bring both guys out to the workout.



Injured Pax


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Accumulating Around Rite-Aid

Lightning Backblast

22 degrees didn’t scare off 6 pax from Golden Corral.  No FNGs, so the disclaimer was light and we quickly got to moseying around the parking lot.  Quick stop near the launch point for a warm-up:

  • 30 SSH
  • 10 Windmills
  • 20 Imperial Walkers
  • 20 Mountain Climbers
  • few others that have escaped YHC

Mosey to far corner of Rite-Aid

The Thang – 4-Corner Accumulator
At each corner of the Rite-Aid, we stopped to do the exercise for the round.  Run between each corner, and plank up for the six after each round.

Round 1- 1 burpee at each corner
Round 2 – 1 burpee, 2 Crab Jacks at each corner
Round 3 – 1 burpee, 2 Crab Jacks, 3 Run Stance Switch
Round 4 – 1 burpee, 2 Crab Jacks, 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins
Round 5 – 1 burpee, 2 Crab Jacks, 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks
Round 6 – 1 Burpee, 2 Crab Jacks, 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks, 6 box cutters
Round 7 – 2 Crab Jacks, 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks, 6 box cutters
Round 8 – 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks, 6 box cutters
Round 9 – 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks, 6 box cutters
Round 10 – 5 plank jacks, 6 box cutters
Round 11 – 6 box cutters

Finished right on time. Headed back to COT.

Thanks Falcon Crest for the opportunity to lead!

-old bay


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Round and Round

Lightning Backblast

  • Scant disclaimer
  • 1-mile Warmup jog at SirTopham’s conversation pace (8:05 🤮 )
  • COP Stretch exercises (SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Cherry Pickers)
  • The Thang
    • 400m run, 400m recovery pace
    • 800m run, 400m recovery pace
    • 1200m run, 400m recovery pace
    • rinse and repeat
    • suggested stepping up the pace for the last 200m of each regular run part
  • Cool down lap or 2 and a quick stretch

YHC got a total of 5.7 miles in.  I believe MacGyver and STH got north of 6 miles.  Beasts.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead, Atlas!

-old bay

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What is weighing you down?

Four men showed up on a cold morning at Pantheon.  The question today was “What is weighing you down?”  The holiday season usually exacerbates the things that are weighting us down.  Whether it be struggling with finances, relationship issues, work stresses, or losing a loved one.  As men, we continue to add these thing to the bar until it is overloaded where we cannot lift anymore or it comes crashing down on our chest.

So what is the solution?  First, the workout and how it ties to the question at hand.  We started with a quick jog around the carpool circle. Next, we did the following warm-up exercises:


Imperial Walkers x15

Windmills x15

Plank stretches

Next, we did the following exercises with cinder blocks.  The repetitions were completed when each person had jogged around the parking lot or alternatively carried two cinder blocks down the length of the school building and back to the starting point.


  1.  Squat thrusters with block
  2. Burpees block jump
  3. LBCs
  4. Offset merkin
  5. Freddie mercury
  6. Derkin

We finished with a round of flutters and box cutters.

Getting back to the solution..what do you do? I don’t have all of the answers, but I can share my experience with you.  In 2013, I my job was very demanding due to some organization changes within the company.  Our regular summer vacation was cancelled due to amount of work.  I promised my wife and kids I would make it up to them.

On August 11, my older brother called me.  I was running on the treadmill at the time so I did not answer the phone.  He called again.  I jumped off the treadmill knowing something was wrong.  It younger brother had died.  I was in disbelief, how could this be.  I physically fell to the ground in tears.  He was my younger brother, I was suppose to protect him, but I was too busy working. I could probably spend a lot more time on the story, but the aftermath was worse.

I did not want to talk to anyone about it and I continued to go to work and do my job like nothing happened. The impact was felt by my wife and kids.  My wife and I grew farther apart.  Things finally got better when we began talking about it, eliminating the noise in our lives, and prioritizing what we wanted most as a family.  The best way to describe the impact of this experience is the feeling when you are able to drop a heavy weight after carrying it for a while.  Your body feels lighter, almost floating.

There are a number of great men here in the Fort.  All who come with different experiences and backgrounds.  Take advantage of it.  Find that someone that you feel comfortable and share these things that are weighting you down. It may be uncomfortable at first, but it gets easier over time.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead,




TClap |

Big 50 Birthday bash

Today was my 50th Birthday and Maximus allowed me to lead a Beyond so that I could take some extra time to discuss somethings that I have been pondering as I approached this milestone birthday.  To go along with our monthly theme of Vulnerable I took the opportunity to share some struggles as well.  With that we moseyed.

Warm up of SSH, Imperial walkers, Squats, Mountain Climbers, Merkins, and Plank Jacks

Moseyed to Rite Aid parking lot(some chatter about too much running, but I ignored it).

Sharing time #1 – Shared with the Pax that I feel like 30 year old me would have thought that 50 year old me would be “further along”.  Further along Professionally and Financially, Further along Spiritually and in Family.  In 2001 I was recruited to Charlotte for a position with a new company, for a salary that I thought would be my ticket ahead.  I had great plans that I could do this for a bunch of years, make a bunch of money and then I could check out and go do something that I wanted to do , maybe full time ministry or teaching.  Within 1 year it all blew up, I was demoted for not doing a good job, salary was slashed plans were gone.  17 years later we’re still feeling the affects.

First circuit – Partner up – Partner 1 does People’s Chair Partner 2 does a lap, then flip it.  Next Partner 1 does Plank, Partner 2 does a lap, flip it.  Next Partners do 100 Merkins as a team, 1 runs I does Merkins, flip it.

Sharing time 2 – Felt like I would be further along spiritually.  30 year old me would have thought I would have gotten past my need for man’s approval.  I would have thought that the sins that tripped me up back then would be conquered and pride & lust would no longer be an issue foe me, but they are still there.  Felt like I would be further along in family & parenting. My plan was to be an empty nester at this point, but here I am with a 7th and 9th grader still at home, and t top it off I’m not particularly better at parenting then I was when I 30.

Circuit #2 Partner again – Lap #1 Partner 1 does Al Gore Partner #2 does a lap.  Lap #2  Partner 1 does Flutters Partner 2 does a lap.  Lap #2 Team does 100 Big Boy Sit ups total while 1 partner runs.

Sharing time 3 – The truth is that when I look at my life with clear eyes I can see that my life has been Blessed beyond measure!  I have a job that I mostly enjoy, and work with great people(shout out to Royale) and I am well compensated.  I have a beautiful wife of 26 years and we have a great marriage that keeps getting better.  I have 5 awesome kids who are healthy and bring me great joy, and sometimes frustration.  To add to it I have found this thing called F3 and a group of friends and Brothers that I never even knew I needed!  To see my 50 year old life s anything but blessed is ridiculous.

Off to COT for 2 minutes of Mary

Final share – What I have found is that the only times that I get down about where I am at 50 is when I look around me at others and I compare myself to what  my perception of them is.  This can lead to pride but for me it mostly leads to despair.  What I am trying to learn is contentment as Paul describes it in Phil. 4, whether he had much or little Paul was content.  The source of this contentment is found in Phil. 3 where Paul shares that all of his achievements, any possession he may have or any legacy he may be able to boast about , all of is it is worthless, or as he calls is a big pile of manure, compared to knowing Christ.  Paul says he has 1 aim, and that is to Know Christ!!  The secret Paul learned is that all he need was Jesus and if he had Jesus he had all he needed, and if he had Jesus, he could never lose him so therefore he could always be content.  In whatever amount of years I have left let this be my aim; that I may know Christ!!

Thank you for the opportunity to lead.

TClap |

No stinkin’ rain at The Armory!

Having been in a Thanksgiving hangover after spending most of it on the road, the commitment I had made to Q the Armory on Monday was not even a thought. That is until, I got the DM from JWOW at 2pm on Sunday. Hmmmm…what excuse could I make I instantly thought, and then after further self-evaluation, and no easy way out, I committed to fulfilling my original obligation.

Weather forecast called for a 60% chance of rain. Fortunately, they are almost always wrong, and we got a nice 50 plus degree morning perfect for a KB workout.

All Vets were at the AO, so after a quick disclaimer, off we went.


Mosey (no KB) towards the front of the Church and then back towards the left side. Started with some side shuffles, changing directions, then butt-kickers and finished off with a little carioca ending back at the original launch spot.

SSH- x30

Moroccan- x30

Arm rolls- forward for 10 and then back for ten

Windmill- x15

LSS- x15

Merkins- x10/ hold




Mosey to the far-right parking lot when facing the Church.


The Thang

How convenient that there are 4 perfectly placed light posts on the side. And with that came the opportunity to complete 3 rounds of exercises, running between light posts. Just in case we were facing rain, I had placed each round of workouts in a special Ziploc. The PAX were impressed…not really.

Round 1

First light post- One arm curls- 20 each

Run to next

Second- Goblet Squats- 20

Run to next

Third- Overhead press- 15 each arm


Fourth- American Hammers- 30


Round 2


First- Chest press- 20 each arm


Second- Upright rows- 20


Third- Cleans- 10 each


Fourth- Big Boy- 20

Round 3

First- Single arm triceps extensions- 20 each


Second- Straight arm raises- 15


Snatch- 10 each


LBC’s- 25

Run to final post

Partner Up

Time for some Dora

100- KB swings

200- Two-handed Tricep extensions

300- American Hammers


Partner one does the exercise while Partner two runs around the outside of the light posts we were just working through.


Called an audible partial way through the triceps due to time.  Asked the PAX to get to 150 Tricep extensions and 200 AH. Once completed, work on 100 squats until time.


Everyone hit the 100 squats just in time to get back to COT. With A couple minutes left, all PAX on their six for a quick round of Flutters.


Recover. With one-minute left I thought it was good timing to touch briefly on our word of the month, which happens also to be my word of the year. Shared with the PAX my struggles and the growth I think I have had over the last year and asked for their thoughts on the meaning to them. Many thanks to the PAX that did. I think vulnerability is a tough word to wrap your head around and even more difficult to exercise as a man. Challenge to all PAX to be especially more vulnerable to your M’s and 2.0’s. It will definitely bring you all closer and hopefully strengthen your relationships as our 2.0’s face their future challenges.



Announcements- Xmas Party, Joe Davis, and Xmas Eve Convergence


PAX who are looking for work

Safe returns from the Holidays and for what’s ahead

California victims

Children fighting illnesses

Very appreciative for the PAX who showed up this morning and for the push. Thanks for the opportunity JWOW!


Frat Boy Out




TClap |