Smell that BBQ!

THE THANG: Mosey to intersection of Academy St. & Monroe White St.
10 – Jump Squats then run up the hill to Watson St. / Parking Lot then back down.
Ran Academy St. left on Forrest St. left on Confederate St. left on Main St. and left back on Academy St. to make a (.91 Mile) loop.
10 Merkins, 10 Mountain Climbers, & 10 LBC’s every corner and intersection. (6 per lap)
MARY: American Hammer and Flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Prayers for health & back to school

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Merkin Filled Zipper

This is Band Camp reporting for the work-swamped Fire Marshall Bill and the 16 other PAX at minnow pond on 8/4. Looks like y’all ran a zipper and did merkins? This report has not been verified, but I think the tags are accurate

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Only Took A Week And Half To Write This Up

WARMUP: Started with a warmup lap around the track for 1/4 mile. Then we did 15 Hand Release merkins, 15 Cherry Pickers, 15 Hill Billy Walkers, Moraccian NightClubs , and 15 Over Head Claps

THE THANG: Usually this AO does Broga prior to the boot camp version of workout. I opted for 20 minutes of Broga afterwards as I prefer to stretch with warm muscles to get a deeper stretch. So here’s what we did. After the warmup had Pax mosey over to football field for a exercise I found called The Red Bruchetta: It goes like this,

Start at one end zone run to other end zone and do 100 SSH’s, run back to starting end zone and plank while waiting for six to return.
Next run to the opposite 25 yard line and do 75 Mountain Climbers run back and plank on elbows till 6 is in
Go to 50 yard line and do 50 LBC’s return and do Hello Dollys till 6 is in.
Go to 25 yard line do 25 Monkey Humpers return and do Flutter Kicks
Go to 15 yard line do 15 Burpees and return and do Penguins in cadence.
This took about 25 minutes to do which left about 20 minutes of Broga to wrap it all up. Thanks Bodywash for the Q.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Fort 10 year anniversary in September
COT: All parents and kids returning to school.

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Around and around we go!

4 of the 5 of our shield lock met at Kingsley as usual at least one of us was running behind as we meet at 5am
THE THANG: YHC and Stang Jogged 3 miles clockwise around the mile Kingsley loop. (By the way this route sucks as it is mostly up hill for .50 miles. Cheddah and Slayer to a hike counter clock wise as Slayer has slightly injured his Achilles. YHC needs all the miles I can get since the Bourbon Chase is coming up faster than I thought.

Once YHC and Stang finished 3 miles we caught up with the other half of our shield-lock for a cooldown lap of 1.20 miles

Afterwards we had coffeteria at Starbucks Cor 25 min catching up on life and what has be going on as we all have been DR at some point this summer for work or on vacation. Afterwards 3 of us joined the 2nd F at the the ale house.

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Accountability takes a Brother

Minnow Pond starts with the pledge of allegiance. Off to Church of God parking lot. The route – Crossroads 10 Merkins -4 different legs with 4 different exercises. 15 squats top of Hill, 15 Monkey Humpers top hill at 160, 15 dips in front of Bloom, 10 Bomb Jacks Road past COG. Repeat until 5:55. Met back for a quick Mary of 40 flutters in cadence. Head back to COT.

Discussed we need other men in our life for accountability, guidance in work, marriage, raising kids and keeping a balance. Can’t do life alone and plenty of men in the Fort that can provide wisdom of life. Seek out other men!!!

Thanks Jekyll for the opportunity to lead.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Anniversary coming up for the Fort, stuff the bus, Stang Golf and read Newsletter.

COT:prayers for Jekyll recovery, Walker and others recovering. Marriages and kids starting back to school.

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Zipper takes no mercy


THE THANG: Zipper: 3.2-3.8 miles of neighborhood hate. 10 merkins and 10 squats at every cross street between Spring and Unity. If the reps dont kill you the hills will. Always a #crowdpleaser and you are better (albeit #smoked) after.

MacGuyver was the #King today- no surprise. B.O.B was up there and Grout was in top 3 or 5? #triplehate Bash Brothers: State Farm and Jackalope came back to swim at the pond for the second week in a row. Also great to see their dads. Keep your eye on Cousin Eddie. He’s rising fast!

MARY: Dont understand

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brew Ruck tonight, Final Countdown
CSAUP 9/10

COT: Praise and Prayers for State Farm and Jackalope who will be making their way to the Citadel in a few weeks. Prayers for marriages, our children.

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Independence Day 1776 Challenge

Good morning America! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Soupy muggy morning. We had one FNG EH’d by Beaker, so the full disclaimer was disclaimed and off we went to the NaFo track.

WARMUP: None. Got right into it.

The Main Event: The 1776 Challenge
7 laps of 400m along with 1776 exercises as follows (everything single count unless otherwise noted):
* 50 burpees
* 100 calf raises (50 regular, 50 toes out)
* 100 ski abs (double count)
>> Run 400m
* 100 ‘merkins
* 100 LSS
* 100 LBC
>> Run 400m
* 100 CDD
* 100 jump squat
* 100 American hammer (DC)
>> Run 400m
* 100 OH clap
* 100 mountain climbers (DC)
* 100 hello dolly
>> Run 400m
* 100 wide-arm merkin
* 100 jump lunge (DC)
* 100 flutter kicks (DC)
>> Run 100m
* 100 plank shoulder taps (DC)
* 100 hillbilly walkers
** Badger Challenge (optional, level-up) – 100m crab walk
* 100 SSH
** Badger Challenge (optional, level-up) – 100m bear crawl
>> Run 400m
* 26 burpees
>> Run 400m

It was a total sweat fest this morning, but so worth it. Not much mumblechatter after a while, but A LOT of pain. The fellowship helped alot…..seeing your fellow PAX push through things makes you want to push as well. Thank you everyone for the push!

Capped it all off with a gorgeous sunrise and Pledge of Allegiance at COT, along with some announcements and P&Ps.

Special kudos for Clickbait for opening up his home for anyone who does not have anywhere or anyone to go celebrate the holiday with. #HIM

7-4-1776 was a BIG day in the history of this world. Not only is it the birth of our great nation, but it was a loud exclamation to the world that freedom reigns and is worth fighting for. We exercise our freedoms every day whether we know it or not, from being able to wake up early and go work out with like-minded men, voice our opinions on whatever topic in however means, practice whatever religion or belief system we choose, or choose not to practice any type religion or belief system – all without fear of persecution. There are some people in this country who are challenging these various freedoms, not knowing that they themselves are exercising the constitutionally guaranteed right to challenge the status quo and advocate change. Many countries would severely persecute that type of vocality. Yet we as a nation allow and even foster it, for through adversity, change, and pain comes growth, wisdom, and strength.

During your various Independence Day celebrations please take time out to give thanks for the many things we have (i.e., blessings) as well as our many various freedoms, however you may define them, including – IMO most importantly – the freedom to speak up and make change happen, however large or small the magnitude, scope, and/or scale. That’s what happened on 7-4-1776, on a great scale and magnitude, and has continued since. The United States of America as a whole is never stagnant, it is always evolving. Hopefully for the better. It is by no means perfect either (what made of man is?), but it could most definitely be worse in many many ways. It is up to each one of us, exercising our various freedoms, to ensure we as a nation continue to move forward and get better in some way every day. Change happens through action, not just words. The mission behind F3 is to plant. serve, and grow small workout groups for the purpose of invigorating male community leadership. Keep at it, continue to BE the change you want to see in this world through not just your words but your actions. Give it away, for when you do YOU help facilitate positive change in others.

Have a happy and safe Independence Day. Happy Birthday America!

Thank you for the opportunity to lead. Blessed and thankful for every one of you F3 The Fort PAX that are in my life. SYITG.

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Bear Sightings At The Fort

WARMUP: Started off with a loop around WEP stopping at every other swing set for Moraccan Night Clubs, Mountain Climbers, 5 Burpees OYO, Cherry Pickers, and 5 more burpees OYO
THE THANG: Ran pax over to the playground area where I had some American Flags set up in different yardages. This exercise is called Charles Bronson. Start off doing an exercise at first set of flags, then sprint for about 200 feet to next flag where you then bear crawl 100 feet to the final flag. Then mosey back to first set of flags. Here’s exercises.
1.) 50 SSH
2.) 50 Hand Release Merkins
3.) 50 LBC’
4.) 50 CDD
5.) Sumo Squat
Pax made it through this with too much ease should have made higher reps next time

Round 2
Stairway To Heaven
Start at bottom of parking lot and work your way up the grass hill stopping at every light pole. There where 6 total light poles. Do first exercise then run back to start and proceed to second light pole. You had to stop at every light pole to proceed to next one. Exercise where:
1.) Heel Touches x20
2.) Burpees x 5
3.) Wide Arm Merkins x 15
4.) Feet Close Together Squats x15
5.) Overhead Claps x 20
6.) Hello Dolly x 20
Finished with some Global Warming which sucked. Which is everyone is in circle Pax stay in Al Gore while in rotating fashion each pax does 20 Monkey Humpers.
MARY: Finished up with 10 minutes of stretching.

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sleeveless loops for Cheech

WARMUP: 1 min plank of gratitude. Each man must say one thing he’s greatful for. Go around the circle until time is up. SSH, HOLA HOOP, HOOP Hola
THE THANG: introduced necessary exercises during warmup. . Going to run around front parking lot loop and stopping at each corner to do one set of a given exercise. 4 corners with standing penguins, cha-cha merkins, jump lunges and suicide squats. Got close to 3 miles in. Also paid tribute to the five year anniversary of loosing one of our own. Sleeveless4cheech. To honor John “Cheech” Flanagan
MARY: nah
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read your newsletter
COT: Flounder took us out with praises for his son Gump to return safely back from Africa.

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