Hero Workout for PFC Jacob Hancher “Hightower”

Monday we sadly added a new Hero to our workout.  PFC Jacob Hancher was known to F3 Grand Strand as “Hightower”

Jacob William Hancher, 23, passed away October 03, 2020 in Myrtle Beach, SC while serving in the line of duty with the Myrtle Beach Police Department.  He was born July 24, 1997 in Silver Spring, MD.

Jacob graduated from Thomas Stone High School in Waldorf, MD in 2015 and attended Horry Georgetown Technical College in Conway, SC.  He began his career with the Myrtle Beach Police Department in 2015 as a Community Service Officer and became a Myrtle Beach Police Officer in January 2020.  Prior to moving to Myrtle Beach, he was a member of the Waldorf Volunteer Fire Department, Fire Station 3 from 2014 to 2015.  After moving to Myrtle Beach, he became a member of the Horry County Fire Rescue, Station 45.  He was also an Eagle Scout, Troop 417 in Waldorf, MD

Shield and I created this workout in honor of Hightower.  We wanted to incorporate his age, End of Watch date, and his badge number (374).

We did 9 rounds of 10/3/20 run 400 meters. 10 merkins, 3 burpees, 20 big boys.  Checkout with 77 squats and 100-meter sprint.  This gets you 2.3 miles, 10/3/20 EOW, and 374 reps.

Most of us got to the last round and then the heavens let go and we got POURED on.  After 1/2 of us had finished, we ran for shelter up to the front of NaFo to get out of the rain.  From here, those who didn’t finish completed it under the awning and the rest of us took turns calling out exercises for the rest of the hour.

My phone and speaker were out in the rain too long and malfunctioned during Name-O-Rama.  So no video evidence exists.  RIP Hightower.  Thank you for your service!

TClap |

Fresh off GR021, we’re now at the Fire Ant

If you were one of the 20 PAX that attended Fire Ant today, you heard me talk briefly about the impact of GR021 (GrowRuck 021) in Louisville this past weekend. Along with Olaf, Shady, Italian Job and Dark Helmet, I was blessed to participate in this extremely impactful weekend. Much like the rest of F3, the true benefits go way beyond the workout or in this case, the 14hr team ruck event spanning Saturday night into Sunday morning.

I tried to bring back just a taste of what we experienced and some of my learnings but unless you actually participate in these GrowRuck weekends, it’s hard to comprehend. However, I did want to bring a taste of the PT to our local PAX and so with 19 other Ruckers, we did the following.


Warm Up
Jog, Knees to chest, Jog, Toy Soldiers, Butt Kickers, Jog back to our rucks

SSH x 5
Windmills x 5
SSH x 10
Windmills x 5

Ruck Up
Rucks overhead for a 30ct
Ruck Curls x 20 IC
Squat hold with rucks overhead for a 20ct
Ruck swings x 20
Tricep Extensions x 20 IC
Squat with ruck press x 10 IC

2 line ruck shuffle to back lot & ground the rucks
3-tier suicides then ruck up
Bear crawl to the far suicide line and plank
Bear crawl back to the half way point and circle up
Slick-dying cockroach x 30IC
BEAR ROACH for a while (I think we did a total of 20 to the left and 20 to the right). For this exercise, you get into a bear crawl position with your ruck on then upon command, roll over to the dying cockroach position. Upon command, get back to the bear crawl position.

2 line ruck shuffle back to the first starting spot and circle up
5 Merkins – 10 Carolina Dry Dock – 15 Bent Over Rows (all IC)
5 Squats – 5 lunges each leg
2 line ruck march back to COT

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Doing Time at Laces In

Nine men turned themselves in to the Federal prison of Fort Mill (at Laces In).

Mosey Run (Toy soldiers, Butt Kickers, High Knees)
Warm up:
SSH (IC 12x)
Windmill (IC 12x)
Imperial Walker (IC 12x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 12x)
Low Slow Squats (IC12x)
Peter Parker (IC 12x)
Plank stretches
Downward dogs

Thang 1 Prison Yard Burpees
Playlist (below) begins.  Four cones in a square pattern, each about 45 feet apart (this is your prison yard). The convicts do: Ten burpees at cone 1, then bear crawl to cone 2. Nine burpees at cone 2, bear crawl to cone 3. Eight burpees at cone 3, bear crawl to cone 4. Seven burpees at cone 4, bear crawl to cone 1. Keep bearcrawling around and continue in similar manner 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, ending with 1 burpee. Sum is 55 burpees this round.
When done: flutter kicks for the six

Short mosey run

Thang 2 Bench work
Convicts get a parole hearing and approach the bench(es) at the school entrance.
20 incline merkins
20 Dips
20 step ups, 10 ea leg
20 decline merkins
20 butt touch squats
20 calf raises

Parole was denied, all pax go to back to prison
Short mosey run

Thang 3 More Prison Yard Burpees
Start at the first cone again but begin with 6 burpees and transportation is lunge walk between the cones. Thus doing 6,5,4,3,2,1 burpees. Sum of 21 this round, and 76 burpees total.

Short mosey run

Thang 3 Global Warming (A.K.A. “Chain Gang”)
Did: bobby hurleys,, LBC, Freddie mercuries, gas pumpers, amer hammers, merkins

Thang 4 Sally routine 
Moby’s “Flower”, we did leg lifts: bring Sally up= legs up; bring Sally down= 6 inch leg hold.
Song is about 3:30, I think about 23 ups/downs.  No prison reference here, unless you don’t care for the song.


Hendrix “All Along the Watchtower”
Johnny Cash, “Folsom Prison Blues”
The Clash “I fought the Law”
Inner Circle “Bad Boys”
Thin Lizzy, “Jailbreak”
Elvis Presley, “Jailhouse Rock”
Green Day “Longview” (prison/jail themed songs kinda ran out)
Jane’s Addiction “Mountain Song”
Foo Fighters “Everlong”

TClap |

Shovel Flag Handoff and Legacy Beatdown

It was my honor to receive the Shovel Flag from Uhaul this morning. I’m looking forward to joining with all the great HIMs that frequent this AO to continue the legacy that was celebrated today.

But enough about YHC, we enjoyed a true legacy beatdown this morning that included the following; (forgive me if I missed something)

0515 came early this morning for some of us… very early for a few that came rolling into the parking lot hot just in time for the fun!

  1. Uhaul started the custom playlist for the morning and then led us in some warmup exercises at the shovel flag to get the blood moving. We did a metric ton of SSH’s, was anybody still counting when they finally ended? All I know is Uhaul was having too much fun with them! These were followed by Moroccan Nightclubs, Tappy-taps… And we were moving!
  2. Mosey with our bells over to the far end of the parking lot for JWOW’s Q; There we did 30 counts of a bunch of exercises including curls, goblet squats, flutters… Probably some more that I forget at the moment. Between each set we ran a “suicide” with cones previously laid out by JWOW.  – Side note- B.O.B. recommended an official name change for suicides in light of our focus on mental health. I believe I heard either Gears or Cake Boss say “Gassers” while in COT, and I would second that. I don’t see that name used in the Exicon, how do we get an official name change for mental health awareness?
  3. After JWOW, Assassin had us on our sixes playing hot potato in a circle, passing our bells around the circle from left to right, then back right to left. We also did a bunch of LBCs while partners ran a kettle bell relay around the parking lot.
  4. Dark Helmet on Q had us lifting our bells, a lot! Shoulders were definitely burning! We also ran again around the parking lot. Music choice was… interesting, I’m going to assume that not many guys have ever worked out to the peaceful and spiritual sounds of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Maybe in SLC? We all thanked Uhaul for that!
  5. My turn. 50 Shoulder presses/tricep extensions, farmer carry across the lot. 50 Front shrugs/upright rows, overhead carry back across the lot. 50 halos and 50 around the worlds, farmer carry across the lot. 50 chest presses/skull crushers, overhead carry across the lot. And finally, 50 bent over reverse flys.

0600 we moseyed back to COT for Nameorama, Shovel Flag Hand-Off, and prayers and praises.

Prayers for our concentricas, prayers for F3 Hightower who was killed in the line of duty this weekend in Myrtle Beach. Especially for those who are left here without him.

Thank you Uhaul for the opportunity, thank you everyone for your support!

TClap |

Just. Keep. Posting.

On a crisp 48 degree morning, a similar # of pax posted for a convergence at The Fort/Milkshake to commemorate 8 yrs of pain and impact in the Gloom of Fort Mill, SC and elsewhere in York County.   The occasion drew pax from Rock Hill, Metro and Raleigh.

The Thang

Double D led a warm up with yog to the Church of God parking lot plus some Carioca

COP — Mtn Climbers, Peter Parker, Parker Peter, Monkey Humpers, SSH, Seal Jacks, Merkins

Hand off to Jekyll

Yog up the hill to the rug factory lot and a re-introduction to, yes, you guessed it  — The Board Pain!!!

See photo for the Weinke from here….or check your soreness today (Sunday) for those who were present.  A Jekyll Classic!  Heard at F3 from Redwood @Santini “I’ve been avoiding this Board for years…100 Burpees!!”

Yog back home


Naked Man Moleskin

8 years…Is that a long time?  Well, the average time of degree completion for US college students is 6 years.  Only 50% of startups make it to the 5th year mark.  So, I suppose 8 years qualifies as something of a landmark.  At the same time, I don’t personally remember much about being 8 years old.  What about the 8 years from 2-10 years old?  Or maybe 10-18 years old?  Yes, I remember more…and if I had my way I’d like to forget some of those moments!

Well, I can remember quite a bit of the past 8 years.  I quite clearly remember 9.29.12…a date etched in my memory like my wedding day, my daughters’ birth dates and my birthday.

As I reflect back on 8 years of #Impact delivered by the men of F3TheFort, what really matters is 10.06.12 and 10.13.12.  You see, those were the Saturdays when pax returned to WEP for week 2 and week 3.  And FNGs posted for their own personal version of #TheLaunch.  And then Saturdays became Tuesdays, too.  And then a short time later they also became Thursdays.   In the end, what matters the most is not what happened in the past, but what happens today.  Or what will happen tomorrow when pax post to one of 30+ workouts across Fort Mill/Tega Cay or 70+ workouts across York County.

Just. Keep. Posting.  The one true constant across life is #Change.  Since 2012, I’ve moved to a different house,  nurtured two chicks out of the nest, collected a paycheck from two additional employers and traversed through a lot of ups and downs.  One of my rocks during this period has been the community of #HIMs known as F3TheFort.  You’ve been steady in your acceptance of me each time I post.  And along the way, you’ve revealed to me more and more parts of myself as you’ve revealed parts of yourself.  I know I’m all the better for it, and so is my family.  I’m pretty certain you’re better too.  And in the process our town, county and country are also better.

So, yes, we should take heart in what’s transpired over the past 8 years.  It is remarkable.  It is a blessing.  Some might call it a miracle….or miracles.  And the only way to honor this fruit and express our gratitude to God and the men who’ve contributed (past and present) is to Just. Keep. Posting.  Because if a day ever comes when no one posts…well…let’s Just. Keep. Posting.

TClap |

Army Captain John D. Hortman

Frequently Asked Questions - CrossFit: Forging Elite Fitness


Can’t remember the last time YHC Q’ed HB. Happy to be back to what was the normal Monday AO for about a year. Refugee pulled up looking patriotic as ever and YHC was pleased. 0500 hit and we got to work.


Short Mosey around the parking lot. 


10 x Windmill

10 x Tappy Tap

20 x SSH

Runner’s Stretch/Yoga Flow 


Today we honored Army Capt. John D. Hortman, 30, from Inman, SC; who died in a helicopter crash at Fort Benning, GA. His light attack helicopter crashed on a live-fire range during an exercise with the Army Rangers and other special operations troops. Also killed in the crash was Chief Warrant Officer Steven B. Redd. Both were assigned to the 1st Battalion, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment at Fort Campbell, KY. They were both part of the highly trained Night Stalker aviators. Hortman graduated from West Point in 2004. He was a combat veteran with three deployments in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

He is survived by his mother, Brenda Jones; sister, Jill; and brother, Andy Pierce.


Mosey over to pull up bars to layout the iteration. Trucker was pleased to head in said direction. 


AMRAP in 45 minutes

800 Meter Run 

80 Air Squats

8 Muscle Ups (Subbed Pull Ups/Dips ILO Muscle Ups)

Most completed 5 rounds. Our “400M stop sign out and back” was more of a 600M so we all ran about a 5K in the midst of the WOD. Solid work by all. Sasquatch arrived at 0518 and still did the same amount of work as all of us.

We finished the 45 minutes of the WOD and had some time to focus on the core.


Six Minutes of Mary in Cadence

In & Outs

Forward Bicycle

Reverse Bicycle

Crunchy Frog

Fifer Scissors

Freddie Mercuries 


Mosey back to COT. 



Great work today, we were all pretty winded so mumble chatter fell by the wayside – but that means it was difficult. That’s what it should be – as we honored Hortman can no longer fight for our country. This is what I love about this AO. We suffer because they no longer can. Knowing they paid the ultimate sacrifice prompts YHC to fight harder for more reps and faster runs. 



Anniversary Party coming up this Friday night. Read your newsletter or hit up Backdraft for details!

Shovel Flag hand off happening at RPG this Friday. 


Sasquatch’s SIL is having a planned C-Section this Thursday. Prayers for a safe delivery and healthy mom/baby. 


Thank you, Shield, for the chance to lead these men.


Punch List out.

TClap |

The site formally known as The COOP.

Let me start off by saying cancer sucks. It took one of our PAX last week and I am still mad about it. Jay Griggs known in the gloom as Cash, 51 battled this aweful disease on and off for about two years. He left behind his wife Christine and two kids Katie (14) and Will (12). We came together today to do a workout for him and also to rename this AO in his honor. We wanted to give a name that if someone who didnt know Cash would ask we could explain that the name was in his honor and keep Jays legacy in The Fort going. More on the name at the end.
We statrted with a disclaimer and quick dynamic warmup.
51 SSHs in cadence.
Mosey down the hill for some instructions.
3 cones at bottom of hill. do the first cone run up hill to nafo crosswalk do 10 bombjacks, run back to pull up bars do 5 pull ups, run down to bottom of hill for the next cone, keep repeating until YHC stops the group.
Cone 1- Merkins and Squats
Cone 2- CDDs and American Hammers
Cone 3- Alternating lunges and Alternating Shoulder taps
At each of the cones we did a total between the two exercises 51 reps.
Mosey back to Cot.
We took this time to let the Pax know the AO formally known as The Coop was now to be known as Ring of Fire. One of Jonny Cashs greatest hits. So when someone says how did this palce get the name we can explain.
Announcements and naming of FNG.
FNG- Sappin Patel- Spam
reach out to funhouse to help with at risk middle school kids on their off days from school_ takes palce at forest hill church.
8th annual anniversary party of the Fort. held Oct 2nd 630-930 at 3399 Pleasant Rd. Convergence the following morning at 0630 first baptist fort mill.
for the family of Cash.
marriages and keeping real with raising shorties.
Backdraft Out.

TClap |

The Hypest Hype Train Workout Ever

Welcome to the most advertised AO in all of The Fort region. Trucker has a good thing going here and i wanted a part of it as a Q sometime. So i thought long and hard about who i wanted as my co-Q for this beatdown. Well as an expert trash talking Pax there was but only one choice that I knew I wanted! Mr. site Q himself ,Trucker the one person who can almost talk as much trash as me! HaHa

Trucker had the first part of the morning and started us off with some dynamic stretching in parking lot. We then moseyed out the road to the path beside Tega Cay Drive to the first hole green where we did 10 Squats. More mosey to the tennis court steps where we did 15 Merkins. Still more mosey all the way up to Hole number 1 tee boxes. Do 5 burps OYO. we where then instructed to run down cart path to the green and do 10 merkins and 15 squats then run back to tee box  and do 5 Burpees. Along the way the sprinklers came on and soaked a few of us. The grounds crew didn’t like us on their course so they kicked us off. Plus Trucker was on the red tee and the rest of us where on the white tees.

So we moseyed down to Tega Cay Drive again and made a right to the retaining wall for 2 rounds of 10 Step-Ups per leg and 10 Derkins. Yet some more mosey back to tennis court steps for 5 Burpees and 10 CDD. Mosey from there to the Firehouse for 5 burpees. Mosey back to parking lot for you guessed it 5 more Burpees. Trucker managed somehow for not being a runner to get us at 1.75 miles.

Next I had the real part of the workout. I thought 30 minutes of Warmup was a bit excessive but thats how all of Truckers Q’s are!

Had Pax mosey to baseball field and had them get in 3 lines planked feet to feet.

While in plank position all Pax did Mak Tar Dyes while the six bear crawled up to the front of the line and yelled for next person to proceed to front. Total distance was 100 yards. This sucked!!!

Next up I had 4 cones lined up about 30 yards apart from each other. Pax did 10 reps of 4 exercises at each cone then after all exercises done they bear crawled to the next cone. Exercises where Hand Release Merkins, Scorpion Dry Docks, Big Boi Sit Ups, and Sumo Squats.

Next round was same as above except we did Lt. Dans in between cones and the exercises where  Flutter Kicks 20 total, Wide Arm merkins, Monkey Humpers,and V-ups.

Then all pax bear crawled back to gates of field about 100 yards and did 5 burpees.

I followed my Q like i do all of them with 5 minutes of stretching which i heard more moaning and groaning then both our Q’s together.

Trucker thanks for letting me Q with you! Love you like a brother!

To all my F3 brothers y’all are like family to me. Y’all make me a better man daily mentally spiritually and physically.

Cornerstone Happy 40th Birthday! Thank you for our friendship.

Hope to see y’all on the Trails soon love each of you men.

TClap |

ISI DORA at The Armory

It has been 1 year and 5 days since YHC last Q’ed at The Armory. Quite a few fond memories of the AO… including almost splashing merlot under the leadership of Assassin. Always a privilege to be asked to lead such a fine establishment. The cars just kept rolling in this morning… and luck would have it that an even number of PAX showed up. A few newer faces appeared and YHC was happy to be introduced. 



Proverbs 27:17 –

Mosey to Concrete Benches w/bells.

COP in Cadence

10 x Diamond Merkins on Bells

10 x KB Swings

5 x Burpees

10 x OH Press

20 x SSH

Overhead Hold KB while YHC explains weinke. 


Tell PAX to partner up with someone of equal “shape” or “fitness.” PAX 1 does exercise, PAX 2 moseys out and back to a determined point. Both PAX keep number of reps secret from one another. Once the specific movement is completed, disclose number of reps. PAX with lower number of reps does a penalty exercise to make up the difference. Other partner planks in the meantime. The goal of this is to push your partner to do more reps than you. To run faster than you. To push them to push you. To sharpen each other. 

Round 1 – Lower


Goblet Squat/Bomb Jacks

KB Swings/Bomb Jacks

Alternating Lunges/Bomb Jacks

Step Ups w/Bell/Bomb Jacks

Round 2 – Upper

Straightaway Sprints Three Islands Out + Back


Strict OH Press/Halos



Skull Crushers/Halos

Round 3 – Full Body/Hybrid Movements


Turkish Get UPS/Man makers

Burpee Snatch/Man makers

1 Arm Clean and Press/Man makers

Z Press/Man makers (American Hammer body position with OH Press)


Five minutes left – head back to COT to knock out some Mary.

American Hammers w/KB x 20

Flutters w/press x 20

Hello Dolly w/extended hold x 20

KB 3 Count Sit Ups x 5 (as Dirty Harry put it – it’s like the Big Boy Sit up and the American Hammer got together and had a baby). 



The Fort has a birthday coming up! Look out for info on Slack.

Alcatraz will have the most mumble chatter ever as Stang and Trucker co-Q this Saturday.


Truckers 2.0 – injured and cannot play football at the moment – pray for his spirits to remain high as he navigates a tough situation. 

Pray for our children – especially those who are most impressionable right now by every message being thrown at them. Nature Boy said it well that he’s at a point in his life where he and his peers are most susceptible to influence from outside sources. 

Prayers for we as fathers to lead our children on the right path while they navigate their daily challenges. Prayers that we can push them on toward Christ. 

Today was fun. It involved much sharpening and the group in attendance was quite encouraging. Props to Band Camp for keeping up with Tesh, to Dirty Harry for not splashing merlot, and to Singlet & Nature Boy for literally sprinting every time I saw them running. Oh to be young…

Thanks UHAUL for the privilege to lead.

Punch List out. 

TClap |

9/11 NaFo Tower Climb

Today on the 19th Anniversary of September 11th I had the privilege and honor to lead the men of The Fort in my version of the Tower Climb.

We honored my friends who gave it all to make sure the citizens of NY would be safe.




We started with a two lap ruck walk around the track and then jumped right into the climb.

The goal was at least 30 times up and down with 9 inclined merkins and 11 squats at the bottom. There was some mumblechatter, it was hot and humid but the men of the Fort did not disappoint….if you completed 27.5 times you climbed the equivalent of the Towers.

I was proud to lead and share my experiences from that fateful morning that changed the world as we knew it.

It was also great seeing DIRTY HARRY return to the gloom

We end with COT and prayers for all the people lost and the people affected still.


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