16 for minutes at The Ranch

15 PAX joined YHC this morning for minutes at the Ranch. I wanted to try something a little different which can be a challenge but thankfully, all were willing to test it out. It was touch and go with ShopVac and Nature Boy at the start but fortunately, they decided to stay with us.

Here’s the deal. One exercise for 1 minute followed by a 10 second rest. Then an exercise for 1 minute followed by a 10 second rest. We did that from 0515-0600. The exercises are listed below but know that there is a 10 second rest between each.

Side Straddle Hops
Calf Raises
Peter Parkers
Parker Peters
Carolina Dry Dock
Air Press
Left side lunge
Right side lunch
Box Cutters
Freddie Mercury
Wide-Arm Merkins
Overhead Claps
Jump Squats
Squats while on the balls of your feets
X’s & O’s
Diamond Merkins
Bent over rows
Reverse Lunges

Back to COT

Simple yet hopefully the PAX found it effective.

Until next time.


TClap |

New Fellowship Ruck AO Official Starts 9/10 at 5 am

The fellowship ruck Sole to Soul that we have been doing unofficially for about 3 months has been gaining momentum so we have official start  date of 9/10 at 5 am. We shoot for  4 plus miles every Thursday starting at Panera Bread in Kingsley followed by Hanging with Stang afterwards. What better way could you start your day with a awesome mumblechatter while rucking and a great conversation afterwards with a great sunrise. Join YHC as we launch this AO. I look forward to seeing you in the Gloom.

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Dealing cards at the Block Party

Just a heads up that this BB will be low on words (atypical for me) but hopefully, motivating for you to go try this.

Here’s the deal, simple yet effective was my intent today. For those that did the Bert at Honey Badger yesterday, this was a good round 2. The deck of cards entered my arsenal roughly 5 years ago and it’s been several months since they’ve made their way out to the gloom. That ended today.

14 men showed up today with the “threat” of rain (we had 2 ruckers join us at the end for COT).
Seeing a few new faces, check.
Disclaimer, check.
Mosey some distance making our way to a parking lot for a few warm-up activities.
Mosey to another parking lot in an effort to keep our voices from carrying over to “the house.”

For those not aware how this goes, each suit represents an exercise. Each number represents the number of reps 2-10. Jacks=11, Queens=12, Kings=13, Aces=14.

4 Jokers = 25 4ct Flutters
Diamonds = Mountain Climbers
Clubs = Jump Squats
Spades = Diamond Merkins
Hearts = 8ct Burpees

That totals (100) 4ct flutters and 104 each of the other exercises.

Until next time

TClap |

We jumped the fence, but could not escape the Ring of Fire

Thirteen men were present for the workout at Alcatraz.  Four pax arrived early for a 3-mile run with pull-ups (mini bootcamp).  Geronimo came early to set up his half hour of pain.  It looked like we were in for a difficult hour.  After a quick disclaimer, YHC began with the standard warm-up exercises:

SSH x 20

Imperial Walker x 15

Windmill x 10

Plank stretch

Next, we ran across the baseball field near the pitcher’s warm-up cage to the top of the hill.  Once up the hill, we did 5 burpees…Trucker complained so we did 5 more.

Next, we ran back to the baseball field next to the restrooms.  We partnered up for a series of exercises.  Partner 1 performed an exercise on the field while Partner 2 ran across the field, jumped the fence, ran up the hill, and performed an exercise.  Flip flop once complete.


Round 1 – Merkins (1) , 5 bomb jacks (2)

Round 2 – LBCs (1), 10 bomb jacks (2)

Round 3 – Balls to the wall (1), Run to fence and back (2)

Round 4: Burpees (1);  5 bomb jacks (2)

Next, we jogged to the bottom of Hill. We ran up backwards to the street sign and forwards to the top.  Back down to the bottom and repeat.  Once we were at the top, we ran back out the parking lot for Geronimo’s Q.

We started at the field where there were three medicine ball.  We split into three groups behind each ball.  The first person threw the ball and did an exercise, the next person did the same. Essentially, an interval run with a heavy object.  We did three rounds of this exercise, switching the balls between the teams.  At the end of each round, the winning team got to decide the penalty exercise for the other two teams.

Next, we moseyed to the basketball court where there was a circle of cones laid out.  Each cone had an exercise written on it.  Complete the exercise, bear crawl to the middle, five burpees, and bear crawl backwards to the next cone.

Great work by everyone today!


TClap |

The Sweati Alternative

6 PAX thought they chose an easier option than the CSAUP #Sweati and posted at Alcatraz, not knowing that Skate or Die and YHC had some terrible ideas lined up. After the disclaimer, Skate or Die had the PAX mosey to end of lot and circle up for warmups… ssh, plank, mountain climber, Merkins, ssh. Then mosey along path to the infamous TC hill and to bottom for the beast (6 trips up, 6 stations per trip, 6 reps per station), 1st trip burpees.  Q modified weinke after reaching top of hill due to lack of oxygen. Lunged walked from top of hill to near the pull up bars, combination of curb walks w/ Merkins and curb crab-walks w/ dips.  Dynamic stretching back to top of hill and back to pull up bars, then 2 rounds of sprints along that stretch of road and then finally down to the bottom of the hill and back up. Finished first half with a round of Mary. YHC took over and mosey towards pull up bars, bypassed the bars back to the parking lot. Grab a 60lb sandbag (PAX were surprised they didn’t see the hidden gem) and we Indian walked handing the sandbag off back to the pull up bars. Broke the PAX into 3 groups of 2. 2 PAX switched off at the pull up for AMRAP while 2 PAX did sandbag tosses from one tree to the next while 2 PAX ran the path from the pull up bars to the top of hill and back. Once the PAX tossing the sandbag, were completed they swapped until all PAX completed all 3 stations. Mosey to bottom of hill, 10 merkins, 10 squats, sprint up hill to pull up bags to collect sandbag. mosey with sandbag back to parking lot for another round of Mary.

Appreciate PAX for posting for another day of #BAOPS.

Prayers for our brother CASH.


TClap |

Army Staff Sgt/NYPD Officer McNaughton

Today we Honored Army Staff Sgt/ NYPD Officer James McNaughton. We had 8 Pax start their day off like a hero.

We started in the center of the NaFo football field with a warmup of SSH, windmills and Imperial Walkers.

The workout consisted of several exercises and lots of 100 yard runs.







RINSE AND REPEAT 5 ROUNDS….some Pax did more

We ended with some Mary and COT

TClap |

The Full MALTZ at The Honey Badger

DEA Maltz Challenge — CrossFit Amplify

Today, we would be honoring Master Sergeant Michael H. Maltz (19 September 1960 – 23 March 2003).

Week 2 of Hard-Charging August consisted of the Full MALTZ. In total, 22 of us made the decision to start the week at The Honey Badger with cinder blocks, rucks and kettle bells in tow.  There wasn’t a warm up which according to the disclaimer, is a risk every man takes on themselves.

I had to slightly modify the WOD to fit the AO and current social guidelines so it looked like this:

Run 400M which is from the JROTC building steps to the stop sign at AO Jones Rd & back.
50 Pull-Ups
100M Farmer’s Carry which is from the JROTC building steps to the cross walk in in front of the stadium. PAX could use 2 cinder blocks, 2 rucks or 1 of each.
50 Dips and some chose to do this with added weight on their legs
100 Push-Ups: Most did it slick (no added weight) but once a few of us saw Ruby Slippers doing his with weight, he unintentionally pressured a few us to complete the remaining push-ups with weight. The is the good kind of peer pressure.
50 Knees-to-Elbows on the bars
100 Sit-ups with your feet anchored to the ground
Run 400M

To read more about this HERO, click on the link below taking you to the MALTZ Challenge web site.


With Honey Badger being 60min, this took us to 0535 so we had time to take advantage of. That said:

Grab a coupon, hoist it overhead and walk to the bottom of the hill. Set your coupon off to the side and bear crawl around one of the islands (follow Dark Helmet).
We did some Mary, a little more Mary and then just a little bit more Mary.
Next, NUR up the hill, run down then repeat.
Next, overhead carry your coupon to the JROTC steps then on to COT.

Announcements & Prayers/Praises

It was awesome to have 22 PAX out there at 0500 on a Monday, just think about that for a second. How many other places in the world would men volunteer to do a hard workout, outside by honoring one of our Service members? Thank you F3 Nation. A reminder for all of us, it’s not about us.


TClap |

7 of Diamonds

There were 3 runners and 9 PAX joined YHC for the boot camp portion.  Was thankful for the help as this was my VQ for a boot camp.  Wanted to make it memorable…

After a quick reminder, gave the disclaimer and we were off.

Warm Up

Moseyed toward the back of the school stopping at first parking lot for Moroccan night clubs (x15) and merkins (x10).  Then moseyed past the back of the school to the next lot where we did low slow squats (x15) and mountain climbers (x10).

The Thang

As we headed up toward the field the PAX saw the chalk on the ground with the 7 of diamonds exercises laid out…I explained each exercise is done at the four locations I pointed out around the loop that goes around the field – about 1/3 mile loop.  All exercises were oyo.  Then it was time to get to it.  Gears was out the gate first and the rest eventually joined in on the fun.  The exercises were:

Burpees (7, 28 total)

LBCs (14, 56 total)

Lunges (21, 82 total)

Flutters (28, 112 total)

Jump Squats (21, 82 total)

Diamond merkins (14, 56 total)

Burpees (7, 28 total)


Only a couple made it all the way through and after the six was in we had about 2 min left.  Found a curb and did 30 dips (IC) and 10ish LBCs with a very irregular counting cadence.
Headed back to the shovel flag for COT.
Thanks 38 Special for the opportunity to lead.



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Handing Off The Shovel Flag for The BALLROOM – Part Deux!

Wow -what a great, steamy morning to be alive. Thanked the Good Lord for the beautiful moon rise on my way to the AO. Overcome with a sense of Deja Vu after handing the Shovel Flag off to Manziel last September, YHC also thanked my lucky stars that Smithers agreed to take it from me.  It wasn’t that easy to find a new Site Q as quite a few Pax turned down the opportunity.

But it was a perfect gloom for a beatdown and to pass the reins to one of the BEST AOs in The Fort, bar none. This place has wide open spaces and limitless potential. Cars kept rolling in and we waited an extra 30 seconds when Polaroid came in HOT. Disclaimer (has anyone actually read it?) was described and detailed. So, our journey began.


WARM-UP: Mosey to other side of the school


  • Seal Jacks * 12
  • 5 Burpees
  • Moroccan Night Clubs
  • Mountain Climbers* 12
  • 4 Burpees
  • Squats * 15
  • 3 Burpees
  • Peter Parkers * 12 (almost lost my wind)
  • 2 Burpees
  • Low Slow Squats*10
  • 1 Burpee

MOSEY to ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DROP OFF LANE OR BACK LOT for Dirty McDeuce. Partner up- 3 exercises at each end, 5 reps at each end, then 10, then 15. LBCs, Merkins & Bombjacks

Thoughts on Complacency – How comfortable are you? Are you challenging yourself in any way? Are you stagnant and complacent? Nothing wrong with being comfortable and being able to relax. But a man MUST do things that make him Uncomfortable in order to grow. Without challenges and stepping outside of our comfort zone, our minds and our bodies begin to get soft. To truly thrive, you need to push your boundaries and lean into some discomfort. We live in a world of convenience and comfort. But the more you are wiling to challenge yourself, the more that you will thrive. HARD WORK AND SWEAT IS GONNA PAY OFF.  SO THINK OF WAYS TO PUSH YOURSELF OUTSIDE OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. AYE?   

Mosey to WALL – Peoples chair, PAX JUMP out and do 5 SQUAT JUMPS, Bearcrawl to curb. Mosey to lightpoles. 10 Weezy’s. run to next pole, 10 Squats, back to first pole. 10 LBCs at 4th Poles, 10 Merkins at 5th Pole. Return to 1st Pole after each circuit (also called suicides)  

MOSEY TO Front of school for– JACK WEBB (only made it to 6 rounds). Back to COT

Announcements, Prayers (Otis’ Dad, Cash, Our Community). Lean Into the Discomfort and there you will find growth Gentlemen. Great group and great effort out there. These men help to sharpen me every time out. Eternally Grateful & Honored To Lead.

Don’t cut yourself Short.

Shortest Of All Sales, Out.

TClap |

THE MURPH at The Honey Badger


You see these images and immediately, something or some things come to your mind. SEAL, Serviceman, Patriot, Fighter, Hero, Integrity, son, brother, fiancee, to name a few. Or, one word, a nickname actually, comes to mind.


Well, for the 3rd week in a row at The Honey Badger, we completed the MURPH and in doing so, attempted to bring a little awareness by honoring Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy, KIA June 28, 2005. Coming out of the book we reference at this AO, “THE HERO WORKOUTS,” here is the write-up on Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy:

Michael was raised on Long Island, and graduated from Pennsylvania State University with degrees in political science and psychology. He commissioned through the Navy’s Officer Candidate School in 2000 and entered Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training the following year. Michael then reported to SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team ONE in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. He would go on to serve overseas in Jordan, Iraq, Qatar, and Djibouti, and left for a deployment in Afghanistan in 2005.

On the night of June 27, Michael led a four-man reconnaissance team through the mountains of Afghanistan on a mission dubbed Operation Red Wings. Their position was compromised the next morning and a battle with Taliban fighters ensued. Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, knowingly exposed himself to enemy fire in order to transmit a call to the Quick Reaction Force at Bagram Air Base; in risking his life for those of his teammates, Michael was shot and killed.

Michael is survived by his mother, Maureen; his father, Daniel; his brother, John; and his fiancee, Heather Duggan. In 2007, President Bush presented Michael’s parents with his Medal of Honor; he was the first recipient of the medal for heroism in Afghanistan, and the first Navy recipient since the Vietnam War.

Michael’s family now maintains the Lt. Michael P. Murphy Memorial Scholarship Foundation; the foundation is funded through donations and the annual Murph Challenge. To make a contribution or to sign up, please visit www.MurphFoundation.com and www.theMurphChallenge.com.

Here is the workout to be completed after a brief warm up taking us near the track:


For time, with optional 20-lb vest; partition pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed:
Run (1 mile)
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
Run (1 mile)

It was great to see a variety of PAX out there, some we haven’t seen for quite some time. Additionally, it was also great to see the physical acceleration in the PAX from 2 weeks ago to now.

Now, will you have what it takes to post every Monday in August because I promise you, it will be hard?

Thank You.

TClap |