12 Days of “Its Not April Yet”…

We left the parking lot and moseyed our way towards WEP with a quick stop along the way for some SSH (more than intended since Bobber had to run back and turn his lights off and we had to do them until he returned… ALA high school sports style punishment), Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers, Moroccan NightClubs, Windmills and also a quick set of Cherry Pickers at Bobbers request.

Once we arrived at WEP there happened to already be a board of pain there with the workout listed

1 x Kraken

2 x 10 Second All Gore

3 x Burpee

4 x Merkin (4 count)

5 x Calf Raise (4 count)

6 x Derkin (4 count)

7 x Moroccan NightClubs in Squat

8 x Monkey Humpers (4 count)

9 x Flutter (4 count)

10 x LBC

11 x Jump Squats

12 x Side Straddle Hops (4 count)


We then moseyed back to the start and closed in a COT

A great time was had by all

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Gettin’ Lazy

11 PAX showed up for this block party

Disclaimer then mosey to the front of the WEP amphitheater for a warmup

SSH, Windmills, IW, MNCs, Merkins all in cadence although much mumblechatter drowned out the counts

Lots of houses to visit during the block party, better get to it…


House #1

It looked like we had a lazy bunch this morning so we went with a Lazy Dora 1 2 3

partner 1 performs exercise while partner 2 “rests”

Merkins – partner 1 – 10 Merkins, partner 2 – “rest” in elbox plank position – swap and repeat until 100 reps complete

LBCs – partner 1 – 20 LBCs, partner 2 – “rest” in laying 10inch leg raise – swap and repeat until 200 reps complete

Squats – Partner 1 – 30 Squats, partner 2 – “rest” in Al Gore – swap and repeat until 300 reps complete

The mumblechatter subsided rather quickly here- like I said, lazy bunch out this morning.  The one comment I did hear had something to do with “I wish we were running”


House #2

Ask and you shall receive – Indian Run around WEP loop (x3)

First Loop – last runner drops off and does 5 Merkins then sprints to front of line

Second Loop – last runner drops off and does 5 Squats then sprints to front of line

Third Loop – last runner drops off and does 3 Burpees and then sprints to front of line


House #3

Bear Crawl from North Side of field to the Playground (about 2 street blocks)

Jack Webb style progression – 1 Pullup – 4 Monkey Humpers, 2 pullups – 8 MHs, 3 – 12, 4 – 16, 5 -20


Running low on time so we moseyed back towards CoT with time for one last stop

House #4

Hill sprint up Massey St


Gathered back at CoT right at 0600


Appreciate the chance to lead the group, Thanks Kermit





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3-1-22: 3 lessons, 3 stations

YHC took a call up on the schedule to kick off March.  20 decided to converge east of the peach stand.  Three lessons were shared from Seneca and a few exercises were called.

COP – After the pledge, a mosey to Kimbrell’s for COP – squats, people’s chairs, windmills, seal jacks, and burpees sprinkled in got everyone warmed up and on to station #1.

Lesson 1 – “Train your body rigorously so it is not disobedient to your mind”

Station 1 – 10 burpees upon arrival.  7’s to follow – kraken burpees at the top of the circle with squats at the entrance of the circle.  PAX returned to the top of the circle to confirm the lesson was learned.  It was. From there, we moseyed to…….

Lesson 2 – “He who is everywhere is nowhere”

Station 2 – PAX paired up completing a 4 corner, 2 round circuit 5-10-15-20 – burpees, merkins, squats and seal jacks.  Upon completion, 5 more burpees to ensure the lesson was learned.  It was.

Lesson 3 – “Happy is he who makes others better”

Station 3 – flutters in cadence, LBC’s in cadence and a mosey back to COT.  Early arrivers did a few burpees to finish out and a few abs – geometry class brought us to 0600 and COT.

Announcements were shared, prayers were offered and praises were given.

NMM – 3 takeaways to expand on the lessons learned:

1 – Rigorous training enables us to be durable as leaders in our homes and communities.  We are better equipped to handle life’s challenges and keep a calm and clear mind when our bodies are strong.  Our mind and spirit require the same training.

2 – The person who feels busy may find themselves living the life of a hamster on a wheel – in a sense, being everywhere, but nowhere.  Are we setting routines that allow for avoiding that trap? Our world is great at distracting us.  We are equipped to mitigate that through our disciplines, our training and how we apply it daily.

3 – Helping others improve in their journey expecting nothing in return is the ultimate gift of impact.  As leaders, we are called to give away what we know in the pursuit of helping others seek advantage.  The feeling of knowing your effort inspired or encouraged someone to go further, work harder, apply themselves more, etc. brings about a joy knowing your work as a servant manifested itself positively in others.

My thanks to Kermit for the call out and the opportunity to lead a fantastic group of HIMs.  I am grateful to start the day (and in this case) month off on an advantageous foot.

Keep going!!!


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Sometimes you got it

…and sometimes you don’t.

Two guys pulled into WEP’s lot.  I checked the “find a workout” tab on f3thefort.com and saw WEP’s address (but I did not check the “schedule” tab, which said Veteran’s Park).  My mistake.

We launched, did a warm up lap and then: SSH (12x IC); Windmills (10x IC); Imperial Walkers (10x IC)

Then into the main event:
Seven of Diamonds:  Four cones making a loop with a total length of about 1200 feet.  At each cone you do the exercise/count noted then run to next cone and do same exercise/count, repeat until back at the first cone, then transition to the next exercise.

7 burpees
14 Merkins  <<at this point, the crew from Veteran’s Park came running into WEP.  We converged for a total of eleven pax and continued.
21 SSH
28 squats
21 Bobby Hurleys
14 Carolina Dry Docks
Began to run out of time, so whole group ran to Veteran’s Park for COT.

Got in just over 2.5 miles.

So got the location wrong, got a cadence count wrong, said the D2DB10K was on a Friday, and forgot myself in Name-o-rama.  What a comedy of errors.  Oh well, even Babe Ruth struck out 1300 times.

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Fort Mill Tour – No Charge

We had 20 men show up this morning at Block Party.  Alot more than I anticipated, but it’s good to have a big crowd.  After a quick disclaimer, we did the typical warm-up exercises (SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills).

I explained to the Pax, we would be on the move this morning, touring Fort Mill.  Our first stop was the Hardee’s parking lot.  Once everyone arrived, we did the following exercises:

20 Squats

15 Merkins

10 LBCs

5 Burpees

Next stop was Unity Church on Tom Hall, instead of taking the shortest route, we ran down Spring Street to Leroy and met at the front of the church.  The same exercises were done by the Pax.  We continue our tour around town to the Church of God parking lot on Academy Street.   Once exercises were complete, we moved to the next stop, the parking lot across from the gas station on Spratt Street.

Our fifth stop was the Fort Mill Church of Nazarene on Harris Street.  We took the longer route up hilly Massey Street to Harris Street.  Again, another round of exercises.  Our last stop was Walter Elisha Park.

We then made our way back to COT for one last round of exercises. Total distance was a little over 3 miles. The continued theme from Monday’s Q, “No Shortcuts”.  We took the longer route to each location.  The routes were hilly and more difficult, but we are better than when we started this morning.  Keep getting after it.

Great job everyone!


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F3 The Fort – Adopt a Highway (#2)

****March 5th 2022- 7:45am – 8:00am****


We have officially signed up for the Adopt-A-Highway Litter pick-up program.  Our adopted Highway is US21 from Peachstand south to Sutton Rd. (2 miles). We will have a sign installed to promote this section of the highway.  We are encouraged to complete 4 pick-ups a year (once a quarter).  All supplies will be provided.  All we need to do is show up.  The SC DOT will come out and pick up our bags along the route after completion.

**Our NEXT Clean-up date is tentatively scheduled for March 5th. (start time )  7:45 am – 8:00am**. There is no time expectation for participation.  Stay as long as needed or head out early.  Modify as needed. Plan for 2 hours if you complete the 1-mile loop.  We split up into two groups last time and met at the halfway point.

We will begin at the Peachstand (rear of the building) and coordinate.  I have 30 vests and all supplies.

Fogerty will be the main contact for this event over the next two years.

Here are some of the logistics:

• Make sure your group knows that in case of bad weather the cleanup will be postponed. Litter collection should never be done in the dark or in bad weather.
• Notify local news media who may have an interest in publicizing your group’s activities. • Remind your group of the appropriate clothing. Long pants and long-sleeved shirts and sturdy shoes help avoid scratches and irritation from poisonous plants. Light or brightly colored clothing will make them easily visible to passing traffic.
• Be sure you have all the materials and supplies you’ll need beforehand, including first aid kits.
• Check with members of your group to be aware of any allergies that might be important (such as bee-stings, etc).
• Work out a plan for what you will do in the event of an emergency. Find out what the quickest route to the hospital is.
• Park vehicles at both ends of the adopted section.

• Volunteers must be at least 13 years old to participate in Adopt-A-Highway cleanups. Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult on all Adopt-A-Highway cleanups.

The state does provide adopt-a-highway orange and blue bags.  Orange bags are for trash and blue bags are for recyclables if you want to recycle.  Your group is also provided with orange safety vests.   We do require four pickups every year, usually once every quarter.  All that is needed to be done after trash is picked up is to call or email me and I will send one of our crews to pick up the bags.

It is volunteers like you who are going to make a difference by speaking up and doing what they can to help their community.  Please let me know If you have any questions, I will be glad to assist you.

Thank you,

Sherry J. Johnson
Administrative Specialist/
Adopt-A-Highway Coordinator
SC Department of Transportation
803-327-6186 O I 803-327-6184 F

District Four Maintenance
338 Robertson Road West
Rock Hill, SC 29730

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1st Annual The Fort Weight Loss Challenge

The weight-loss challenge for 2022 has been established to create some focus on the Queen.  The goal is fellowship, accountability, support, discipline, and a little motivation.  Pax will depart on a 90-day journey beginning January 3rd, 2022, and ending on approximately April 2nd or 3rd.

There will be a buy-in and payouts to the top 3 places – determined by “percentage of weight loss”.   Uhaul has agreed to be the holder of the buy-in with a tracking spreadsheet created for each pax to help monitor their progress.  Good Luck Pax!

T-Claps to Uhaul for assisting with this endeavor!

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7 men shunned the fartsack and tackled Block Party this glorious December morning. Disclaimer was disclaimed, a brief warmup was performed (SSHs, Low Slow Squats, and Imperial Walkers) then we were off. Here’s what we did:

  • Bat Wings – 20 forward arm circles, 20 backwards arm circles, 20 seal claps, 20 overhead claps – all in cadence)
  • LBCs – 20 (IC)
  • Outlaws – 15 (IC) left, 15 (IC) right
  • Carolina Dry Docks – 20 (IC)
  • Kraken Burpees – 20
  • Plank Destroyer – Begin in Plank position, perform a Makhtar N’Diaye ending back in Plank position, perform a Merkin, perform alternating Shoulder Taps, perform a Plank Jack. Back to your feet. 11 rounds
  • American Hammers – 15 (IC)
  • Rosalitas – 20 (IC)
  • Tempo Merkins – 10 (IC)
  • Y-rises – 20 (IC)

We ran from the park to Fort Mill Animal Hospital, to Fort Mill Town Hall, to First Baptist, to Fort Mill PD and repeated the loop twice  we added the Clebourne loop and one last trip up and down Main to finish with 2.36 miles.


Thanks for the opportunity to Q, Kermit. It is always an honor to lead the #HIM of the region and meet a couple new guys. Welcome back, Sawdust and pleasure to have our Charleston brother, Big Diff in the house. Great push this morning Badlands and Seamstress.
I teased this workout with low mileage and new exercises. I’m now feeling all the chest and shoulder work.
As we approach the new year, what are you planning to work on? Weight loss? A new job? What is the one thing you have put off year after year? What have you shelved because of fear of the unknown, lack of money, or perceived lack of experience? Why not try it in 2022? Worst case scenario- you learn something. Stop asking what if it doesn’t work out and start asking what if it did. You don’t want to look back on it and say I wish I would have. Don’t live with regret. Try and see.

-Italian Job

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Back and Forth and Back…

I had 13 PAX join me for a total of 14 at Veteran’s Memorial for the launch of Block Party. We had some regulars and even a few Welcome Back’ers. With a number of headlamps and a rendition of the disclaimer, we took off for the parking lot in front of W.E.P.

Brief warm up with SSH, Mountain Climbers, Jump Squats and a few hamstring stretches…touch your toes.

Run around the WEP path with 5 Burpees and 10 Jump Squats at each swinging bench

Run back to Veterans for 10 SSH

Run to intersection of Monroe White, Academy, Williamson.

Run up Monroe White to 160, 10 Diamond Merkins & 10 Flutter Kicks then run back to starting intersection for 5 Burpees.
Run out Academy to Forrest, 10 Diamond Merkins & 10 Flutter Kicks then run back to starting intersection for 5 Burpees.
NUR up Williamson to Watson, 10 Diamond Merkins & 10 Flutter Kicks then run back to starting intersection for 5 Burpees.

Run to base of Massey hill. NUR up to the gun shop then back to COT.


Good to be with you.

TClap |

Changing of the Guard

28 PAX joined in the gloom for a brisk morning at Block Party. Though the temps were in the high-40s, the wind cut and made it feel much colder. Most were ready to get started and warmed up.

Bobber led off with the disclaimer, then we moseyed to the bank parking lot and circled up for 25 SSH IC. Moseyed to the Hobo’s parking lot for:
15 IW IC
10 Windmills IC
10 Cherry Pickers IC
10 Merkins IC
Held low squat for 10 MNC IC

Bobber, fighting back tears, then let go of his beloved BlockParty and passed the shovel flag to YHC. It was quiet as a mouse, absolutely no chatter was mumbled. So we did 5 burpees OYO to get back into it. 

The Thang
I explained to the PAX that I started F3 on a Monday at STL, where Pusher (in attendance) led a great workout, and I was encouraged enough to return the next day. The next day happened to be BlockParty, with CakeBoss on Q. It was a brutal morning, full of pain, so I thought we would do it again. 

3 lanes of bear crawls
5 burpees to exit the low side of the parking lot onto Main Street
Run up Main Street, back to the parking lot entrance on Clebourne Street.
5 burpees to enter the parking lot.
Plank for the 6.
This circuit continued, but the lanes changed to:
3 lanes Burpee Broad Jumps (a whole lot of mumblechatter and requests for a suggestion box)
3 lanes Duck Walk
3 lanes Toy Soldiers

Jogged back to Cot for 3 minutes of Mary.

Name-O-Rama, Announcements, Prayers & Praises. 

Thanks to Bobber for his leadership while Site Q, and providing the opportunity for YHC to continue the tradition at BlockParty. 

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