VarsityDay – Bodywash and Sasquatch edition

Six pax showed up on a chilly Friday morning for some broga and a little beatdown.  After giving the disclaimer we moseyed over near the school entrance where there was some better lighting.
Sasqatch led a quick 5-minute warm up with some broga.

The group then moseyed over to the band lot for burpee suicides.  We only did one suicide at the start/end vs. ascending with each additional distance.

When complete, we moved over to the adjacent lot and paired up for a DORA with:
100 merkins
200 squats
300 LBCs

From here we went back to the school entrance and finished off with another 10 minutes of Broga.

Lastly we headed back to COT.

It was great to to see some PAX I hadn’t had the chance to meet before!

TClap |

Laces In randomness

11 Pax showed up at Laces In in some relatively balmy weather (45ish degrees).  Gave the disclaimer at 0515 and after a short warm-up with 20 SSH in cadence and 6 or 7 windmills (my count is a bit blurry from 5 hours ago) we were off.


From COT we moseyed over to the first parking lot for a riddle.  How do 17 merkins + 14 jump squats equal 6 burpees?  The PAX were very astute to the Buffalo Bills numbers and quickly figured out that 17 (Josh Allen) + 14 (Stefon Diggs) = 6 (Touchdown!!).  It was corny, but it was fun for YHC.  Since the group figured it out so quickly, we only did this once.


After this we moseyed again; this time over to the hill/entrance to the school.  From here we did 11’s with hand-release merkins at the bottom and ran to the top of the hill to do Freddie Mercury’s (nuring up the hill on one round).  I asked the pax to stay together to encourage both each other and mumble chatter…


Lastly we moseyed over to the band lot.  At this location we would do laps around the ‘field’ and do a corresponding exercise at the end of each lap.  The laps/exercises were:

Lap 1: 10yd to 10yd line with 10 Catalina wine mixers

Lap 2: 20 to 20 with 20 LBCs

Lap 3: 30 to 30 with 30 CDDs

Lap 4: 40 to 40 with 40 squats – cut this short due to time.


Headed back to COT.  Shared announcements and prayers/praises.

TClap |

Thanksgiving Convergence 2021

68 PAX in attendance for a pre-thanksgiving beatdown and some fellowship on a brisk morning Thursday 11/25/2021.


With the anticipation of fried turkey, oreos and coffee brought by @Change Order, @Smuggler and @RubySlippers, mumble-chatter abounded,  until @Hardwood took the center and called attention at 0600 hours. Disclaimer was disclaimed and the call for new FNG’s was made, no new FNG’s was the lone blemish on the otherwise fantastic morning in my humble opinion.

Run options led by @Gekko and a Moderate group led by @TripleLindy set off as the rest of the PAX moseyed towards back of Springfield Elementary. First Destination was in parking lot way back by the Middle School.

Circled up and @Hardwood called out the following exercises:

SSH- 40


Downward Dogs and Honeymooners

Low & Slow Squats

Cyclops: Stay in Squat Position and complete Moroccan Nightclubs


The Thing

Series of Webs

Starting with Merkins and Overhead Claps

1×4 for 10 rounds of excruciating shoulder pain, mumble-chatter becoming more focused on the task at hand

more SSH 🤮

Next we completed ANOTHER WEB, worse than the last,

Shoulder Taps and Moroccan Nightclubs

1×4 for 10 more rounds that was never ever going to end

Lots of requests for Burpees strangely or anything other then arm workouts!


YHC began the 2nd half of the workout with more SSH

Mosey around to front of Middle School with 3 stops for 5 Burpees OYO, at the request of the PAX

Line up at bottom of small hill in front of school and explain the workout, AMRAP LEG CIRCUIT

Teams of 4 ish men cycle through three exercises at bottom of hill individually:

2 Squats

2 Split Lunges

2 Bomb Jacks

Next Broad Jump up Hill to top and complete the following:

2 V-ups

Bear Crawl to bench

2 Step Ups

Run around and down to bottom of hill stopping at cones for 2 burpees (two stops per lap)

Meet back at bottom of hill and repeat, only this time DOUBLE ALL REPS TO 4X

Goal is to complete 5 rounds or AMRAP, almost completed but just short of time before we had to get back to COT

YHC shared a article on Gratitude, and then @Shady shared the heart of the Fort, the success of @Seamstress initiative with the help of the PAX, @Seamstress shared his excitement and appreciation for the success of the event! Great job by all T-claps!

Finally we had a shovel hand-off YHC taking the Ranch from a long line of great site Q’s which I hope to make proud.

Then we were finally able to enjoy the fried delicacies and coffee! Cheers!



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F3 Dads #2 @ The Fort

I must admit, major fail on the part of the Q. I missed getting the FNGs names on video so I missed tagging them here. My apologies.

With Watch This & 5th Set by my side (missing Cheetah), we welcomed the 54 PAX to F3 Dads and provided the disclaimer. We even had some Kotter PAX (Dads) and a whole bunch of 2.0 FNGs. The total was 57 for today!

We then took off down the hill and circled up for the brief warm up:
SSH & Low Slow Squats

Then, line the kids up on one side of our square and the dads on the other side for the classic, Sharks (dads) & Minnows (kids).
After a few rounds, we flipped it around so the roles were reversed and the kids seem to really enjoy this one.

Next, line up in a long line for a family cone drill. As a family,
Run to the first cone. 1 Merkin & 1 Jump Squat per family member in attendance.
Run to the second cone. 2 Merkins & 2 Jump Squats per family member in attendance.
Run to the third cone. 3 Merkins & 3 Jump Squats per family member in attendance.
Run to the fourth cone. 4 Merkins & 4 Jump Squats per family member in attendance.
NUR back to the start.

Move over to our (2) 4-cone squares for a friendly kids vs dads relay competition.
Due to the number of kids, the dads would have to complete the following twice while the kids only once:
Cone 1 to Cone 2: Crabwalk
Cone 2 to Cone 3: Lunge Walk
Cone 3 to Cone 4: Bear Crawl
Cone 4 back to Cone 1: NUR

Shocking, the kids won so the dads got to do 5 Burpees per kid they had in attendance while the kids laughed at us.

Lastly, go run as fast as you can to the top of the hill for COT.

And then…POPSICLES!!!!

Great job leading this Band Camp.

Watch This, 5th Set, Maximus appreciate the opportunity to Q today.

TClap |

F3 Dads 2021 Session 1

45 PAX gathered up at the Calhoun St parking lot

BIG circle up on the green space for some warmups. All in cadence,
– Imperial Walker
– Hillbilly Walker
– Squat
– Merkin (Skeeter wanted to call this in cadence, but got nervous in the center of the circle. We’ve gotta give our kids a chance to fail.)
– Played: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Burpee
– Just like Rock, Paper, Scissors
except the loser has to do a burpee for every person in their family group that beats them. i.e., if you’ve got 3 kids they all throw paper and you throw rock, then you do 3 burpees.

Line up behind one side of the cones
– Dad vs. Kids race: stipulation Dads have to bear crawl.
Loser did 10 burpees counted by the kids
Lots of form critiquing
– Dad vs. Kids race part 2: stipulation Dads have to run backwards (Nur)
Loser does 5 burpees
– Dads vs. Kids race part 3: stipulation Kids bear crawl, Dads lunge walk
Loser does 5 burpees
– Dads vs. Kids race part 4: stipulation Kids run backwards, Dads run forwards….Finally!
– Dads load up your kids and carry them across the finish line

Sprint over to the hill (there were two guys doing a weight workout…did somebody EH them? Also, there was a dad up at the top of the hill with his daughter. Did somebody EH them?)

Load up and carry the kids up the hill
kids do 5 merkins at the top
Mosey Down

3-leg bear crawl up
mosey down
3-leg bear crawl (other leg) up
mosey down

Mosey over to the tumbling mat. Kids can make their dad run up the hill by doing a trick on the mat.

COT and popsicles

I got the red/white/blue ones thinking they’d be more popular. But the kids love the little freezer pops. Duly noted!

Bolt (the younger)

– of gratitude at the opportunity to be a father
– to be worth of the responsibilities laid in front of us
– for our children to grow up wise and strong with hearts to know the will of the Lord

Part 1 –
Part 2 –

Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

Marriage isn’t Chuck E. Cheese

YHC had the privilege to lead 24 other men through a stations workout with a discussion on the transformational relationship with our Ms. Conditions were perfect – 62 degrees and a slight breeze. The Disclaimer was disclaimed and we were off. Here’s what we did:

The Thang

  • 20 SSHs (IC)
  • 15 Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)

Mosey to Top of Main

  • 20 Alternating Shoulder Taps (IC)
  • 15 Mountain Climbers (IC)
  • 10 Merkins (IC)

Mosey to First Baptist Parking Lot

  • 2 Burpees at 10 stations

Mosey to behind the Police Station

  • 20 Squats
  • 15 Calf Raises
  • 10 Turkish Getups

Mosey to Top of Main

  • 20 LBCs
  • 15 Bomb Jacks
  • 10 Tempo Merkins

Mosey to the corner of Tom Hall and Monroe White

  • 20 Alternating Shoulder Taps (IC)
  • 15 Mountain Climbers (IC)
  • 10 Merkins (IC)

Mosey to Academy and Monroe

  • 20 Squats
  • 15 Calf Raises
  • 10 Turkish Getups

Mosey to Mosey to behind the Police Station

  • 20 LBCs
  • 15 Bomb Jacks
  • 10 Tempo Merkins

Mosey back to COT

  • 20 SSHs (IC)
  • 15 Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)

Total Mileage – 2.20


We call our wives “M” because she is the Most important relationship we have. That relationship is transformational. Before marriage it was “me” and “her.” Once married, “we” became an “us.” It is no longer solely about you. You are to serve your M. You are to pursue joy with her – even when things are tough. Its not a game. There is no scoreboard. There are no winners and losers and no one gets a participation trophy. We are to love her as Christ loves the Church.

Society tells us that marriage is 50/50. Let me assure you that is a farce. There are times it is 80/20. There are times it is 20/80. As John Michael Montgomery once said, “Life’s a dance you learn as you go. Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow.” Marriage isn’t about keeping tally of who has done what. This isn’t Chuck E. Cheese – you can’t trade in your emptied dishwasher tickets for a guy’s weekend. That’s not how it works. You empty the dishwasher so she doesn’t have to. You set the example for your children so they know how to be a good husband one day or what to look for in a future husband. They are watching, so make your actions count.

It was my pleasure this morning to have the opportunity to lead today. I was encouraged by the push from the guys and the mumblechatter at the stops. Today personified why F3 matters so much to me. But remember, if your focus becomes more about the fitness and fellowship with your friends and less about loving your wife, your concentrica is out of alignment. Keep each other accountable and pursue your wife. Let her know she matters. Don’t seek relationship maintenance. Instead, keep accelerating. Don’t meet in the middle, go the distance and serve her.


Italian Job



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A Bo-Berry Good Time

YHC was joined by 8 #HIM at the Ranch. After a brief disclaimer, here’s what we did:

The Thang

  • 10 SSHs (IC)
  • 10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)

Mosey to picnic tables

  • 15 Irkins
  • 15 Derkins
  • 15 Dips

Mosey to back of the school

  • 4 Corner Elevators (add 5 reps at each corner – 10, 15, 20, 25)
    • Merkins (70 total)
    • Calf Raises (70 total)
    • LBCs (70 total)
    • Overhead Claps (70 total)

Mosey to the Middle School Track

  • Bo-Berry Biscuits (sprint the straights, jog the shorts add 10 Burpees each lap)
    • Total Burpees – 40

Long mosey back to COT

3 Minutes of Mary

  • 10 Boxcutters (IC)
  • 10 Hello Dollys (IC)
  • 10 Freddy Mercurys (IC)


Thank you for the opportunity to Q this morning. It was an honor to break a sweat with you men by doing the hard thing.

Sometimes we need a reminder that success is often on the other side of fear. What is the thing that has held you back from accelerating? Is it fear of the unknown? Fear of the “what if?” Is it lack of confidence? Lack of courage? What opportunities have we missed because we were afraid of trying something?

I’m reminded of the story where Jesus walked on water. His disciples and their boat were getting tossed around by a roaring sea. They were afraid. Through the wind and rain, they saw a figure coming towards the boat. After first assuming it was a ghost, they realized it was Jesus. He told them to take courage and not be afraid. In typical Peter fashion, he replied, “If its you, tell me to come to you on the water.” Jesus replied, “Come.”

He gave no further explanation of how to go about walking on the water. Was it left foot first? Jump in? He just said, “Come.”

Peter took that step of faith and then he grew afraid. The water was deep, the waves were high, what if he drowned? As he began sinking, Jesus reached out his hand to save him.

What will it take to have water-walking faith today 2,000+ years later? Maybe its realizing that what you assume is a failure is really just an opportunity for learning. Maybe its realizing you have a support system of people who will not let you fail. Perhaps its time to reevaluate your circumstances and consider trying that new business venture. Maybe its time to have a little faith that you’re in good hands.

“Take courage. Do not be afraid.”

Italian Job

TClap |

RPG – Road to Perdition 1

9 PAX for 15 min of Broga

Sequence starting with some yoga core work on the ground and finishing with a vinyasa flow
–Cake Boss felt YHC was tricking everyone into doing burpees (maybe….?)

5 split off for work in preparation for Ville to Ville
4 ran a 5k along the Road to Perdition
The old golf cart paths are fun…if a little treacherous in the dark

Thanks to Bodywash for the opportunity to lead.

Saw this picture yesterday:

Meyer is one of my fellow trombone professor’s son. He’s hugging his sister here. Meyer will go through THREE chemo and radiation treatments that will last 3-4 weeks EACH. He won’t be able to hug his sister again for a long time because his immune system will be so compromised during the treatments. Love your family today and be grateful for the time we’ve been given. We aren’t guaranteed anything, and we’re lucky to have this moment.

Nota Bene: I’m speaking to myself as much as I am to anyone else. That’s why writing the backblasts are important. We need to work the words out to ourselves.

Prayers for Meyer

TClap |

Pantheon 3/31/21

It was a beautiful morning with temps in the low 60’s and a light breeze.  Was ready to get in a great workout and was greeted by 38 Special and Flounder.  Thought it might be a light crowd with two Q v Q’s planned.  Was excited to lead these PAX though.

Started with the disclaimer and got to it!

Warmup with: 15 SSH, 10 arm circles, a few downward and upward dog positions to get stretched out, then finished out with a mosey around the field (via the driveway around the field).

Main Event: Planned an 2 minute AMRAP with 4 exercises.  Merkins, Squats, Dips and LBCs.  Started with 2 min. of merkins, had chalk to write down our numbers, moseyed about 50 yards, did 25 SSH, then back to do 2 min of squats, 50 yards, 25 SSH then went back to merkins and told the PAX to try to beat their previous number.  Continued on with Squats and then with a set of dips and LBCs and repeated trying to beat our numbers.

With the last few minutes, I was hoping to get in a set of 11’s.  YHC introduced a new exercise – a burpee with a donkey kick…called it the ass-kicking burpee (AKB).  Started with one AKB, did 10 flutters, 2 AKBs/9 flutters, then 3 AKBs to finish as we ran out of time and were all pretty gassed.

COT where praised were shared and closed out with a prayer.


Appreciated the opportunity to lead @38Special and looking forward to sharing some more AKBs at more AOs soon.

TClap |

Doracide at the Abyss

Gave the disclaimer then started with a much needed warm up.

3 sets of Downward dog and honey mooner

10 SSH

10 Moroccan night clubs

10 Low slow squats

After the warm up, led the group in a partial mosey around school 

For the main event I let the Pax know my MO for Qs is Dora.  To mix things up I planned a nice long Doracide for this beautiful morning.  It consisted of:

Partnering up (group of 2 and 3) and while the first partner ran suicides of 250’ with 1 burpe, 500’ with 2 burpees and 750’ with 3 burpees; the other partner worked to knock out the :

100 lunges (each leg)

200 Carolina dry docks

300 Bobby Hurlys

400 hello dollies

After we finished this terribleness we didn’t have much time left so I had the pax get in a line in plank position. 1 by 1 we crab walked about 100’, then the next pax went and stayed in plank until the 6 was in.  Finally we moseyed back to COT.

Announcements: reminder of upcoming events (dam to damn bar, Lake Wylie convergence)

Closed with a prayer and we were out!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!

TClap |