Looked better on Paper!

WARMUP: SSH, Imperial Walker, Nightclubs, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Squats, Merks, Flutters, …etc
THE THANG: Pick a parking spot – let the fun begin – round 1: 3 exercises 10 reps each SSH, PlankJax, seal jack – flutters as the pax rotate down to next parking spot vacated in a rotating fashion ( bear crawl was mode of transportation)
Continue this cadence until you arrive back at original spot.
Round 2 – same cadence – 5 reps each – using parking block – Iron Mikes, Dips, and Bomb Jax – mode of transportation (mosey)
Time was flying so we stopped midway and headed for the “hill” by the football field that has a small minor smidge of an incline – where we began a round of 6s( modified to 4 s) due to time with Squats at bottom and Merks at top of hill.
Headed back to COT at the clock was ticking …
Mainframe helped us knock out 3 mins of Mary. Nice work by all!!!
The weinke looked better on paper. Q had to call a few audibles to make the time and reps bearable ( no pun)
Bear Crawls were welcomed with some mumblechatter:)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cannoli run, Triple down Saturday w either the Yard or the Fort boot camps – coffee – then 5k at the Cannoli. Cake Boss celebrates a birthday yesterday 05/17, and read newsletter. Prayers for Luka and family. Sign up for meal train for Vuvu!!!


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Gas station route of pain

WARMUP: massey uphill to utility parking lot
I. Partner DORA – 100 Merks, 200 squats, 300 LBC with run up and down hill.
II. 1 mile loop with pain stations at each gas’s station. Same exercises as DORA but rep was 15 each.

Touch workout with the hills!

MARY: no time

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Site Q school 601

Q School 601

Cooler than normal May 1 at Honey Badger

Started with 7 minutes of burpees that almost put me in cardiac arrest.  After a few minutes to gather myself I broke our group off for some 601 Schooling.

Ran to the elementary school

Theme of the day is Stewardship. ( Stewardship of the site, the pax, and the F3 mission)

Stewardship of the Site
Topics that were covered:
Site awareness
Risk Awareness of the site.
Planting the Flag
Lighting Protocol

Workout Part :
20 HR Merkins
25 Flutters IC

Run back towards COT

Stewardship of the Pax
Topics that were covered:
Promoting your site
Scheduling Workout Q’s (changing it up finding PAX that don’t normally post at your AO)
Working with the Workout Q when we get new people
Making a welcome environment for FNG’s
Picking up the 6.
Ensuring a “good” name for FNG’s

20 HR Merkins
25 Flutters
20 Low Slow Squats

Run back to Elementary School

Stewardship of the Mission: What is our mission for F3. How do we connect it , as Site Q’s, to our site.

Be intentional on how we set an example
Be intentional on how we schedule Q’s
Ensure COT happens that announcements are made
Ensure that New Pax have their information captured and they are aware that we are more than just a workout

Tabata 30 seconds on 10 seconds rest

Hr Merkins
Shoulder Taps
Mountain Climbers
Peter Parkers
Plank Jacks
Big Boi Situps
Freedy Mercury
Calf Raises
Jump Squats
Al Gore

Run back to COT.

Closing Thoughts:

Always a honor and pleasure to talk about out shared mission. Being a Site Q comes with a set of responsibilities, that when executed with intention, promotes the very best of what F3 has to offer.

If you have any questions on specifics please feel free to reach out or to refer to the Site Q document that Fishsticks has put together. We have one more Site Q school on the books in June. If you haven’t been. Hope to see you there!

Thank you!

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Honey Badger – Q School 101

Following the Honey Badger First Monday of the Month 7 minutes of burpees we moved to a lighted area near the gate to the football field. There was a supposed to be a 601 group peel off, but Slap Shot likely needed a minute after taking the record for the most burpees in 7 minutes.

Started with some explanation to the men of the components of a workout and the purpose/importance of each. Disclaimer, Warm-up, The Thang, Mary, COT. Given that we had AKA in attendance there were a number of PAX participating that taught YHC how to Q. This provided a unique opportunity to identify three PAX in attendance that either had never Q’d or had Q’d less than 5 times. I catered a lot of my message to them and some to all in attendance.
• SSH x25
• Windmill x10
• Imperial Walker x10
• Diamond Merkin x10 (at this point I mentioned the importance of good form in leading. If your form is poor, then your leadership is poor. A number of PAX tend to cheat the exercise, count fast, and get ahead of the PAX they are trying to lead.)

Mosey past the pull-up bars to the bottom of the hill. The point of this part of the lesson was planning. When planning a Q, Google Maps is a great tool as you will you see things that you may not have seen in the gloom before. The hill behind me was a great example. Every PAX in attendance has run that hill at some point, but they may not have noticed the equally spaced trees moving up the hill. These can be used as a markers as part of a workout. YHC have Q’d this workout previously, but it offered a nice example of how to use an AO and that creativity does not need complexity to offer a solid challenge. It also highlighted that setting up a workout that allows PAX of different speeds and fitness levels to challenge themselves together is always a good idea.

Round 1:
• Bear crawl to the first tree 1 Spider-Man Merkin (Merkin while bringing right knee to the right elbow and then repeated on the other side)
• Run to the pull-up bars and complete 2 pull ups.
• Run back to the bottom of the hill
Round 2:
• Bear crawl to the first tree and complete 1 Spider-Man Merkin
• Bear crawl to the second tree and complete 2 Spider-Man Merkins
• Run to the pull-up bars and complete 4 pull ups
• Run back to the bottom of the hill
Rounds 3-5: Continue the series through 5 trees
Once all the PAX finished up the series, we circled up in the street near the pull-up bars. The 3 PAX that did not have experience Qing were invited to the center of the circle. I took a turn counting cadence and then the PAX each had an opportunity.
• Squats x25
• LBC x15
• Flutters x15
• Merkins x15

Each member of the PAX then grabbed a coupon from the stack of cinder blocks. We circled up and had another demonstration of counting cadence with the PAX involvement.
• Overhead Press x25
• Curls x25
• Bentover Rows x25
Put the cinderblocks back and moved to COT.

Reminder on how to write a backblast. Open slack and type /backblast and select the form that pops up.

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Whetstone WOD

Disclaimer: By participating in an F3 workout, you assume the risks inherent in doing so. I am not a professional. F3 makes no representations of any kind regarding your safety. Asked to share about whetstone and my experiences, here we go…

1. DORA: Rebel
– challenged me in areas I struggle: alcohol, devoting time to my M, getting my family to Church consistently
– Asks for progress updates every time we meet
– Sets the example for how to be a better man

Reporting Progress
+ 200 merkins
+ 200 big boys
+ 200 squats
+ 200 LBC’s
– Bear crawl/power-skips

2. Partner run: Pusher AKA Big Question Eddie
– pushes me to think bigger; act better
– Always comes back when I ghost, some may be shocked to learn that F3 didn’t immediately stick with me!!
– Sets the example for how to be a better man

Big Questions
+ Run to 160 and back, ask big questions of each other: who’s your whetstone? Who could be your stone/blade? What do you need in a whetstone relationship?

3. Partner transport: Long Duck
– full of stories and antidotes to frame your mind for the positive, I.e. attitude card
– Carried me in some of my struggles with alcohol and anger
– Pours himself into others to help them and himself
– Sets the example for how to be a better man

Carrying your man
+ partner carry, 2 laps
+ wheelbarrow, 1 lap
– repeat

4. Closing: Key takeaways
– find what you need in a stone, plus seek to share wisdom with a blade (it makes you a better man)
– Be open with them, get vulnerable
– You can have more than one stone, learn lessons from all relationships
– Find someone that sets the example for how to be a better man

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