River District Run – Clydesdales

21 posted to Clydesdales.  Pretty simple backblast.  We ran.  Here’s what many pax ran, but not all.

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RPG Broga

20 Minutes of Broga and then we ran down to the green sewer light and turned into Keswick to do laps.  3 miles in all.  Wrapped up with a little Mary.

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#LacesIn. 0515. It Pays To Be A Winner.

We played a little bit of “It pays to be a winner” this AM at Laces In in honor of GoRuck Team Selection which starts today.
If you aren’t familiar, this is a common phrase spoken in Selection, and it’s a great tool they use to get into guys heads to make guys feel pressure and push themselves.

Here’s what it looked like… The Thang:

We moseyed to the back parking lot behind the baseball field (the Band Practice Lot) for a little warm up. Some Mountain Climbers, Windmills, SSH… the usual fare.

Then we moseyed to the front of the school for some CDDs, lunges, and flutters. Spiderman made a comment at one point about losing guys because of the pace. I thought about that… With a crowd as large as we had this am, I wanted to get a sense of where their heads were. Who’s pushing, who’s trailing, who’s struggling…? Am I struggling? Am I trailing? Can anyone even really know these things…?

Anyhow, then we moseyed back the lot from whence we had just come, where we began every Pax’s favorite game show: “It Pays to Be a Winner” (at this point, the Pax didn’t know we were playing). We lined up at one end of the lot and got underway.

Round 1: Bear Crawl to the other end. Alchemy won this round. Because he’s 17. And quite fit. Since he won, he got to choose the method by which we traveled back to the other end. He chose Bear Crawl. He was disqualified from choosing anymore. Because he’s 17. And quite fit.

Round 2. Bear Crawl to the other end. Alchemy won again. Shock. So his prize was that he got to pick who chose the next method. He chose Moab. I don’t remember what he chose, but it was no fun.

We continued to play a few more rounds with Pax choosing sprints, Bernie Sanders (Nur, Backwards Run, whatever you want to call it), Power Skips, and finally Broad Jumps. J-WOW won that round and so he got to set the pace back to the bottom of the hill by the stadium (the driveway in). We made a stop at one point to let everyone catch up and did an exercise there… No recollection what it was… anyway, we finished our mosey to the bottom of the hill and partnered up. SIZE ALWAYS MATTERS. #TWSS

Bonsai won the sprint to the bottom of the hill, despite my best efforts to cheat, and so he picked the partner method of travel to the top of the hill. He chose wheelbarrow. Because he hates happiness. Funhouse and Jekyll tried to cheat to get ahead and despite my best efforts to pull them back and make it “fair” (which meant making them go back to the start so I could cheat instead), they still won. So we moseyed back to the bottom of the hill and since they were the winners, they chose the method of travel to the top of the hill. They chose Partner Carries. Because they hate Bonsai.

The winners this time were the come from behind, dark horse team of Zima and Dirty Harry. Turns out Harry runs faster under weight. Which confirms our suspicion that he’s not actually from this planet. One more trip up running backwards and that was pretty much it for us…

The party bus came, saw, and spread the love…


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Block Party Beat Down

I was excited to Q Block Party after the co-Q at The Fort on Sat.  I arrived early and saw 7 runners take off at 5:00 sharp with Bird Cage leading the way down the back trail.  Cars began to file in and the cars kept coming.  I wasn’t expecting a large crowd and then I heard that CSPAN was still in town and was coming to Block Party so I knew there would be a big and rowdy crowd on hand.

Once we hit 5:15, no FNG’s were present so a short disclaimer and off we moseyed.  Since the park has several obstacles littering the grass from the festival, I was going outside of the park.  We moseyed to the first parking lot up front and circled up.

  • Imperial Walkers
  • SSH
  • Arm circles front and back
  • arm stretch across body
  • mountain climber
  • slow merkin – 3 count down, 3 count hold, 3 count up

Mosey over to the sidewalk and wall near Springs Global.  3 exercises , 3 sets, decreasing reps each set.

  • Dips – Reps –  25/20/15
  • Derkins –         20/15/10
  • Step-UPS –     30/20/10

Mosey to the big hill and meet at the top parking lot.  3 excercises, 15 reps each, then run to bottom of the hill and come back up the hill backwards.

  • Squats/Monkey Humpers/Calf Raises
  • Slow Merkin/MNN/O/H Clap
  • Flutter/ Big Boy Sit-up/Hello Dolly

Mosey back to the sidewalk and wall where we started and do one more set of  dips and derkins 20 & 15.  Mosey back to the park. Since we had a few minutes left I decided to take a lap around the park on the path for an added bonus.  We ended back at the parking lot for set of LBC’s.

This was a great morning and I enjoyed the chatter and hard work.  Through the Q Source, I have been motivated to look for ways to continue to accelerate  in all areas.  I shared with the group that I have been successful in accelerating in King, Queen and Jester control, but the last 4 weeks the QSource was focused on Faith.  I was convicted that I am not accelerating in study and recognize the need to have my shield locks there to hold me accountable and provide the push I need.  I asked everyone to think of where they need to accelerate and who are they going to have beside them to hold them accountable.

Thanks Esso for the opportunity to Q and lead the Pax.


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A cat, a cow and a 7 minute mile

Things Funhouse and Fishsticks did Friday morning.

We began with a 20 minute broga warm-up with a solid lead from Basso …. errrrr …. Sasquatch.

The other thang:

I trot along the avenue
I never thought I’d meet a turn like you
Meet nine turns like you

With crazy 90 degree turns and blind corners
The massive number of turns confused me through
They confused me through

And I ran
I ran so many turns
I just ran
I ran both left and right
I couldn’t find my way

A turn appears in front of you
I wish the route was explained better by you
Just simply a turn or two

And I ran
I ran so many turns
I just ran
I ran both left and right
I couldn’t find my way

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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Fishing with Bass-oh-Matic

Celebrating Bass-o-Matic Birthday! 10 HIM came to the Ballroom for a cool 45 degree morning workout and a chance to get better.  No FNG’s, Disclaimer, and a question to all the Pax, Are you accelerating ???

Time to Mosey!  

Circle up for the most important 10 mins of the morning :  The Warm-up! (avoid injury)

SSH x 15, Moroccan NightClubs X 10, Imperial Walkers X 15, Merkins, X 10, LBC’s X 10,  Windmills X 10, Cherry Pickers X 10,  Hamstring Stretch (Right over Left)  – (Left over Right) Touch your Toes, HillBilly Walkers X 10, 2 Flying Squirrels  – Warm up Complete – Time to Mosey!

Start with some DORA  – Partner up! :  100 Bobby Hurley’s  ( Partner Plank ) X 20 :  200 Dips ( Partner takes a lap ) : 300 Step ups (Partner take a lap)  – modified to 200 Step ups.

Time to Mosey around the school to the Wall !  Pax immediately took their spots on the wall without hesitating, but the Q had to explain the Red Chair sitting empty.   Circled up the PAX for a quick Happy Birthday Bass-O-Matic salute, and explanation of the Red Chair that was RESERVED for the Birthday Guest!    Bass-O-Matic took his spot on the throne, Pax took their spot on the Wall for the standard Wall Sit with one Pax jumping out of line to complete an exercise that was instructed by Bass-O-Matic.  That’s right, the Q had been turned over to Bass who had full discretion for the reps and the exercise to be completed by the PAX jumping out of line.  We worked our way down the line with a big grin worn by Bass-o-Matic,  as he relaxed in the chair.  Recover!  Rinse and Repeat with Bass in full control of the Pax, but this round he completed the exercise he called out,  side by side with each Pax!  (Impressive!! – HIM)

Recover: Time to take a minute to Revisit the “Theme of the Month – “Being Still”  :  Time to Organize Personal Priorities,  What are your Strengths and Weaknesses, What Can YOU contribute, How can you become an Encouragement and Helper rather then a drag or disappointment. Being Still is an opportunity to see who “we” really are!  “Being Still” gives you the time and privilege of knowing who GOD really is……..YOU can lean on him, He can take away your  burdens, He can provide STABILITY in your life!  Offer God the gift of Stillness in times of Quietness!  Aye!

Time to Mosey!  We made our way up to the front of the school where 4 of the Light poles had cardboard signs beneath them…..words of encouragement!  We circled up at the first light pole and completed the words of encouragement with each Pax taking the lead for an IN-CADENCE workout.  We completed the set of 3 exercises at each of the 4 Light Poles before heading back to COT with 1 minute to spare:

1st Lightpole : Flutters x 15, LBC’s x 15, Shoulder Taps x 15

2nd Lightpole : Merkins x 15, Man Climbers x 15, Wide Arm Merkins x 15

3rd Lightpole  Low Slow Squats x 15, Sumo Squats x 15, Lunges x 15

4th Lightpole : SSH x 15, PlankJack x 15, and finally BombJacks (OYO X 15)

COT:  Reminder about Mental Health conversations and awareness!  Q Source, Prayers and Praises: Closed out.

Blessed for the Opportunity to “Q”  – Blessed for F3 and association with HIM!



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The Art of Merkin Cadence…

What is more difficult than doing 20 merkins first thing in the morning? Trying to do 20 merkins first thing in the morning in cadence and remembering to breathe! I was doing well until I hit merkin #11 and it was downhill from there. I got to 19 and decided that breathing was more important than following my weinke to a T.  After catching my breath and drastically cutting down on my already small warm-up, I decided to go ahead and mozy over to the band parking lot to begin our workout. Here’s how it went down…

The Thang:

William Wallace #1

PAX breaks up into even groups, dispersing to four corners with radio in the middle playing 90″s grunge. (make sure you know exactly how to do the routine so that explanations come easy!) While each person holds a plank, one group member does a bear crawl to the center for 20 triceps merkins and then run back to the group. Each man does each exercise once. Next is 20 big boy sit-ups, 20 LBC’s, and 20 squats. That is a long plank hold!

We then took a quick break to talk about something that was weighing on my mind so I thought I would share with PAX. From time to time I get a feeling that I should reach out to a certain person and it will nag at me until I finally give that person a call or have some quality face-to-face time with them. I feel like it is God telling me that that person needs me for some reason. I encouraged the PAX to not let this feeling pass you by and to reach out to someone if they’ve been on your mind.

William Wallace #2

Instead of holding plank, PAX stayed in Al Gore position throughout.

Bear crawl to center for 20 wide arm merkins, 20 LBC’s, 20 big boy sit-ups, and 20 calf raises.

on to the last portion of our routine…

Partner up, size matters

Lazy Doras

100 total merkin to be done in a rotating fashion. One does 10 merkin while the other holds plank until you reach 100. Partner carry to the next position and alternate between 100 squat jumps while partner does flutter kicks. Partner carry again to next position and 100 LBC’s while partner holds squat.

Thank goodness we didn’t get to the 50 burpees and superman holds!

Mozy back to COT where we finished the workout with our 40’s (40 merkins, 40 LBC’s, 40 Squats, 40 bomb jacks)

Name-o-rama, announcements and prayers.

It was a great workout with a great group of men and we were all able to get better!

Thanks so much for the opportunity to lead, Lil E!




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AKA to Clydesdales for a River Run

Day 9 of AKAY2 did not disappoint.  13 PAX came out to run the hills of the River District.  Beautiful morning, no sweat shirts and lots of yellow running gear!

4 mile loop: down Market straight to River District cul-de-sac and come on back.

5 mile loop: 160 to Sutton, right on Market intersection, straight to River District cul-de-sac and come on back.

Everyone got back safely and finished with COT.

Prayers for Jessica, Rebel’s co-worker,  battling 2 forms of cancer.

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March Madness, with a hill

The PAX were blessed with a brisk, dry morning at The Fort.  Everyone was decked out in nice sweat shirts, hats and gloves and then Tesh showed up with his son’s short sleeve shirt on to show us all who was boss.  No one attempted to match his lack of clothing, so we were off.  YHC had the first half of the Q, Shady was soon to follow.

The Thang:

Lap around WEP into the COP:

SSH X I don’t know, the PAX sort of trailed off after 30 so we stopped regained composure…..

SSH attempt #2 X 25, Imperial Walkers X 20 (this was too meet with consternation as many PAX were grumbling that 20 was too many),  Mountain Climbers X 20, Windmill X 20 (finally the PAX stopped complaining understanding that it wasn’t helping their situation), Merkins X 10 (slow count, form matters), 6 count Burpees with overhead hand clap X 10 (crowd pleaser, reminder to do more of these in the future).

Jacob’s ladder at small hill – 1 burpee to 7 bomb jacks

Back to second COP: SSH X 25, and some other things that I can’t remember as my groove was thrown off by all the “mumblechatter” from the first COP.  (My planned weinke was 30 minutes but actually only 23…)

Hand it over to Shaddy – This turned out to be a bad idea….

Mosey to the playground for words of encouragement for the word of the month, Growth.  To be intentional and support Operation Sweet Tooth.  Then Shady went beast mode for some March Madness “fun”:

Round #1:

4 pull ups, run up big hill and back

8 diamond merkins, 4 pull ups, run up big hill and back

16 knee jumps, 8 diamond merkins, 4 pull ups, run up big hill and back

32 dips, 16 knee jumps, 8 diamond merkins, 4 pull ups, run up big hill and back

64 squats, 32 dips, 16 knee jumps, 8 diamond merkins, 4 pull ups, run up big hill and back

Round #2:

4 pull ups, run up big hill and back

8 leg lifts hanging from bar, 4 pull ups, run up big hill and back

16 jump lunges, 8 leg lifts hanging from bar, 4 pull ups, run up big hill and back

32 derkins, 16 jump lunges, 8 leg lifts hanging from bar, 4 pull ups, run up big hill and back

64 calf raises, 32 derkins, 16 jump lunges, 8 leg lifts hanging from bar, 4 pull ups, run up big hill and back

Done – COT

Prayers lifted for P200 runners, for those PAX injured and cannot post, for those PAX that have not come out.



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