TIREsome fun at Golden Corral

Gave disclaimer a few minutes early even though Dark Helmet tried to delay the start.

Moseyed over to O ‘Riley’s Auto Parts for the warm up:
Wind mill
Honeymooner / Downward Dog
Hand release merkins
More Honeymooner / Downward Dog
Mountain Climber
Even more Honeymooner / Downward Dog

Then moved to the hill behind Quick Lube
Sprint to top of hill and jog back down
20 LBCs at bottom (repeat 4 times)

Next Pax ventured over to the field adjacent the Gold Hill YMCA.  Every time I drive by this area I am always intrigued by the tires that are sitting out there and no one seems to use them.  So I decided that we would put them to use.  Honestly I wasn’t expecting 15 guys to show up so I had to improvise on what to do until I could come up with something worse.

– had Pax split up in 4 groups (3 tires – 1 big tractor tire and 2 large truck tires)

– 3 Teams took turn rolling the tire down to the other end of the field and back will team 4 did merkins until the teams with the tires got to the end of the field and then squats until the teams returned.

– Team 4 took its turn with the tractor tire and other 3 teams did the merkins and squats

After that I came up with the bad idea that we would all line up in two lines shoulder to shoulder and lift the tractor tire overhead and pass it down the line.  Once it passed by you move to the end of the line.  We kept this going for about 30 + yards before someone almost dropped it on their head.

To finish out the workout we partnered up for a DORA
100 Burpees
200 merkins
300 squats

Needless to say doing a DORA like this at the end of the workout is a smoker.  Everyone was able to finish the merkins and then it was time to head back for COT where we arrived a few minutes early and knocked out about half the squats and a round of Mary.

It was an honor to lead and I appreciate the Pax patience as I adlibbed some of the workout trying to account for numbers.

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Alcatraz has rocks and hills – Who knew?

4 Pax showed up for a humid Saturday in Tega Cay.  YHC had been pretty lazy this week after returning from BonAire.  Look it up!  Fantastic windsurfing!  So, the beatdown commenced with a run, what else.

The Thang

Run to the tennis courts for COP

SSH X 30, Windmill X 15, Squats X 20, Merkins X 10, IW X 20, Mountain Climbers X 20, SSH X 30

Run to the Hill, get a rock

Run up the hill to the split, come back get your rock

All X 20, after set go run again…

Curls, Triceps, Overhead Press, Bent row

Mosey to the tee box for 10 minutes of Merkins : 1 minute do 10 Merkins, rinse repeat for 10 minutes….

Mosey back to tennis courts for some wind sprints – Hit every white line (there was like 10 of them) – Only 1 round

Back to Runde for 3 minutes of Mary


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On the Fly Tour of The Swamp

12  Pax made it out to The Swamp and Chupacabra in the Gloom of the Morning. 7 bootcampers, 3 Ruckers, and 2 runners that started super early. Beautiful low humidity morning was a welcome surprise from the rest of the week. Big ups to the SkyQ for that blessing.

YHC was tapped by our friend Witch Hunt to cover his Q on short notice. Something about scoring and his M. At least that is what came over the Twitterverse. Few details might have been missed. But Glad to step up.

Short Notice so nothing Fancy this morning just grind it out and tour the Swamp.

Quick Disclaimer w/ no FNGs on hand and off we go.

Mosey to Old Navy parking lot for COP. Been testing out new COP areas. Home Depot is great and all but the Swamp is huge, so Why Not.

COP- After my Monday Q @ Quagmire and the mumble chatter about COP exercise and cadence calls  I added extra emphasis to ensure no confusion.

All IC

Moroccan Nite Clubs x 20    Windmills x 20   Weed Pickers x 20

SSH x 20   Box Cutters x 20   American Hammers x 20

Recover and Mosey over to Fountain  between American Burger and Just Fresh.

Shifted to other side of fountain to be somewhat respectful to the guy asleep on the bench.

Drop in 2 sets 30 reps per– Incline Merkins and dips. OYO

Dora 1-2-3  100 Merkins– 200 LBCs– 300 Squats partner not exercising made lap around parking lot fountain.  Plank to the 6 which was not a long plank. The PAX tore through this Dora.

Quick Time check since YHC left his watch at home and Mosey across to the long wall between Target and Great Clips.

Wall Work

Peoples chair. Hold 30-45 seconds. IC Arm Flutters x 20

Bear Crawl Down Line while holding peoples chair 2x.

10 sec recovery

Very quite #beatdown to this point- Next Exercise BTTW- That got the PAX talking.

Hit BTTW and add in 20 single count BTTW MTN CLIMBERS. More chatter.

10 Sec Recovery

Back to BTTW with 10x shoulder taps OYO More mumble chatter

10 sec recovery

Back to peoples chair w/ 20 more IC Arm Flutters

In PC 1st Pax hits the deck for 4 merkins and Crab Walks down the line.  Apparently NOONE likes the Crab Walk.

Time Check and walk to end of buildings to let the quads cool down and mosey back to COT for 6 mins of Mary.

Peoples Mary

Slow/Fast/Slow/Fast Freddy Mercuries IC- Nice one Bones!- Noone was ready for that.

20 OYO BBS–   20x IC Hello Dollies– 30some IC rapid leg flutters– 60 sec plank to end the work out.

I’m sure our rucking/running Friends had fun as they all rolled in as we completed the session.

Great Work this Morning Men! Honor to lead.

Duck out!



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BackA$$Wards at the Swamp

10 #HIM came out to the Swamp on what was supposed to be a rainy Friday in the Gloom. The weatherman missed on that call and we got a warm and muggy morning.

2 Pax, Pothole and MileHigh knocked out a pre-run of 3 miles prior to the #Beatdown. Awesome job guys way to Accelerate.

No FNGs so a quick disclaimer and at 0515 we set off.

Q’drenaline is real and firmly took hold. Mosey might have been more of a slight sprint. Surprised myself as I typically lean to the slower side of mosey. But hey it worked.

Circle Up in the HD lot for COP.

All IC even though I may have forgotten to tell the group, but they figured it out.

15x Cherry/ Weed Pickers

15x Old Man WindMills

15x Imperial Walkers

15x Hillbilly Walkers

On the Fly Switch from Bat Wings to 20x SSH- (There was a reason, I’ll get to it momentarily.)Form up in a line for an Indian Run from the HD lot all the way over to the Tuesday Morning Lot. Considerable mumble chatter down line about the rather quick pace of said Indian Run. Q’drenaline is a Helluva Drug.

The Thang ” BackA$$Ward Doraside

Simply put, a Reverse Dora 4-3-2-1. With a slight change. Instead of a mosey around the parking lot, I had laid out 3 sets of cones w/ cone 3 being 50ish yards from the start.  So, while one PAX exercised the other ran suicides. Being backa$$wards the pax ran the suicide in reverse order. 3-2-1 Here’s the kicker, upon arrival to the cone the Pax did burpees before the return. 3x @ cone 3, 2x@ cone 2, 1x @ cone 1. Not sure why nobody was really excited about that.

Exercises included.

400 Squats-

300 Dips on the curb- The dips on the curb promoted the switch at COP. Legs last longer than shoulders IMHO. I did make up for the change.

200 LBCs

100 Merkins

Each Team Slogged it out. There was some Madonna, and Hottie playing in the background somewhere that must have greatly motivated the group. We finished it up with about 15 minutes to spare.

Super highlight of the morning- As Teams finished up they, took minimal rest and jumped straight in to pickup the teams still putting in work. I saw  PAX run additional suicides/burpees and do additional merkins to push each other to Get it Done and be better. That is what F3 is All About.  Love’d every minute of it.  Thanks MileHile for banging out an add’l 50 Merkins with me to keep the pace going while Corn Syrup pulled the last leg of our suicides/burpees. True Motivator- True #HIM

With Time still on the clock we collected the cones / exercise board and moseyed over to the wall long wall behind Just Fresh. Hold People Chair for 10-20sec then add Seal Claps and OH claps 15-20 IC. Kept the PAX in the PC for 2 rounds of Bear Crawls up the line. Mosey back to COT in perfect time to invite  our brothers w/ rucks to join us for 5 minutes of Mary. They gladly accepted.

On our 6 for PAX Choice Mary.

MileHigh was 1st up and lead some ungodly amount of leg flutters IC. To many to recall and the moans-n-groans around the circle as the count escalated told the tale.

Gets a little hazy after that.  Maybe some of the Q’drenaline had worn off at this point.

Russian Twists/ American Hammers

Freddy Mercuries and at least other 2 ab rippers to bring us to 0600.


F3 Dads Saturday

Prayers and Praises

CornSyrup- Prayers for some personal issues going on in his life. Not OYO Bro! Lutefisk tore his groin on Thursday and will be out a couple weeks. Milehigh Traveling with the fam to the Great White North- Might be smuggling back large quantities of Syrup. Prayers for M’s as school is now completely out across the region. Praise for the accomplishments of DaVinci’s 2.0s this school year.

Ball of Man

Thanks Cha-Ching for the opportunity to wrap up the week with these great Men.

🦆 Out


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Gemini Birthday Bash

The Thang:

Mosey to the parking lot near the tennis courts

COP: Hillbilly Walkers(20x), Imperial Walkers (15x), 1 min of 7 burpees and 33 SSH, 3x

Mosey to the band’s practice parking lot

Jack Webb Style with Crackin Burpees for the 1 and Bobby Hurley for the 4 with 3-4 partners for encouragement

Bomb Jacks (100x), Overhead Claps (200x), Merkins (100x), Big Boy Sit Ups (100x), Squats (200x)


On this glorious day, we followed our own advice of not “going it alone.” So we decided to lock shields to celebrate the 40th birthday of two Geminis that were born two days apart. We are humbled and honored by the love and support of our F3 brothers for our birthday bash. We can’t thank you enough.

As we turn 40 years old, we understand that we are progressing into the next season of life. Age 0 to 20 is the spring season where we identify who we are. Age 20 to 40 is the summer season where we learn and grow. Age 40 to 60 is the fall season where we influence others. Age 60+ is the winter season where we share wisdom with others.

What season of life are you in? Own it. Celebrate life and your season daily.


Deacon & Shady

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Bucket Tour Stop 2

After I partook in a little Broga led by Cobra Kai I made my way over to the area where the fellas were congregating. A few of the Pax thought I was gonna be a no show since The “Two Ferns Tahoe” was not in plain eyesight (they did not know I parked over by “Books a Million” for a reason later to be visited). At 5:15 I gave the disclaimer which included the announcement that I could not administer a Tourniquet since I could not find my belt this morning.

We moseyed over to the Home Depot Parking lot where I led the COP with:
SSH (30 in Cadence)
Mt. Climbers (15 in Cadence followed by a Right arm High then Left arm High and then a 6″ hold)
Squat Jacks or Smurf Jacks (15 in Cadence)
Plank Jacks (15 in Cadence followed by a Right arm High then Left arm High and then a 6″ hold)
Low Slow Squats (15 in Cadence)
Ranger Merkins (which are correct Merkins) (15 in Cadence followed by a Right arm High then Left arm High and then a 6″ hold)
Some Mumbling about going to COT now!

The Thang Part 1:
After making our way over to the Stairs by “Just Fresh” I instructed the Pax that we would line up in two lines and at the bottom of the stairs and hold an Al Gore. The two front Pax in the line would drop and do a Flying Squirrel and make their way up the stairs to the top landing (the next Pax would go at this time and so forth giving time to those in front to complete the said task). At the top of the stairs on the landing they would perform a Burpee and then make their way down the other side of the stairs and perform a Kraken Burpee. The instruction to hold plank was given until the 6 completed the Kraken Burpee. We then did this again with 2 reps of each then 3 reps of each.

The Thang Part 2: ”
After making our way over towards the old “Books a Million”, now “Tuesday Morning”, the Pax saw the Tahoe and trailer with a crap load of buckets full of Ziplock bags of soils (not dirt). I then took a minute to talk about it is usually this point in my workout that my head becomes clear and the thought of my day to come starts haunting me. I begin to think about my problems, my issues, my stress what ever it may be. Another words……what am I carrying around in my bucket today. The thought here is that we all are carrying around something and how can you help your fellow PAX with their bucket. Is that a phone call one afternoon to see how things are going with that prayer request he had last week? Or is that an extra fist bump when it looks like he is trying to say something but ends up keeping it to himself. We all know our buckets get heavy and fill up faster than they empty. So we picked up our buckets and made our way over to the small hill behind the Oil Change place. Last time the buckets showed up it was the “Green Monster” at The Crows Nest. Today we did 11’s with Monkey Humpers at the bottom and Bomb Jacks up top. I was smoked but were not done. I instructed them to assume the Body Destroyer Position and grab a breathe and I briefly talked about how we then get thru our day and lay down and then start all over again the next day so we jumped up and moved towards the trailer but FIRST we got some “gassers” in not Suicides anymore. I challenged the guys to grab another bucket if they would like and push themselves. Most did! We mixed in some Ab work during the intervals between the gassers.

After putting the buckets back on the trailer we made our way over to COT where the Ruckers joined us. A few Prayers request (particularly Gears’ Dad who has returned home from overseas where he suffered a Stroke. God bless him and thank God that his Son I believe (Gears’ brother) was there and was able to help since he is a nurse. I didn’t know this story and later found out and was completely blown away by the story. God is GOOD!

Hog and Coyote coming up Father’s Day Saturday….Read your new Letter…….

I AM Two Ferns

Thanks for the chance to Lead Cha-Ching!!!!

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That was a lot of sit-ups

My 2nd of 3 Q’s in 3 days. Always a pleasure to Q The Swamp!  Now that I am Ruck free and with no big race on the schedule I’m free to just do regular old Bootcamps. My favorite workouts combine a good amount of running(big surprise) with a bunch of other stuff so that is what we did today and  was glad to have a bunch of guys to share it with.

Started off with s nice mosey warm-up with some dynamic warm-ups of butt kicks, high knees, shuffles and some karaoke.

Circle up in the HD parking lot for COP consisting of SSH, IW, Carolina Dry Dock, Peter Parker, Mountain Climbers, then a series of Downward dog to Honeymooner. Back on our feet for Windmills, Apollo Ono(look out for the car), and just for fun some Monkey Humpers.

Mosey to the bike racks at HD for the main thing. Partner up for a nice BOMBS routine. One partner does the exercise the other does a lap around Home Depot.  There  were some complaints that the lap was a little long even though I assured them it was only about 1/4 mile  I was accused of measuring Zima miles.

50 Burpees, 100 Overhead claps, 150 Merkins, 200 Big Boy Sit-ups(crowd favorite), 250 Supine Pull-Ups(only because I hate squats and I needed an S).  We did not make through all the pull-ups, headed back to COT for a few minutes of Mary, ending with a Body Destroyer.

Announcements – Convergence 5/24, Honor Badger at Golden Corral 5/21 wear Red, Read your newsletter

Praises for Lutifisk daughter, Dungaree’s 1 year anniversary, prayers for kids cancer relapse.

Challenged the PAX to take the role as the leader in their home.  We are called to lead, do not be a passive bystander or even worse do not take or accept the role as another child in the house.  Be the man/leader you are called to be.

Thanks as always for the opportunity to lead this great group!!



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Mental Health Awareness at the Pantheon

Mosey around the side of the school.

quick word about what mental health means to you

Warm up
15 – Windmills
15 – Imperial Walkers
20 – Moroccan Nightclubs
10 cherry pickers

5 burpees OYO

30 count people’s chair  with arm flutters
Balls to the wall 10 count

30 count people’s chair with
Balls to the wall 10 count
30 count people’s chair
Balls to the wall 10 count

5 burpees OYO

Mosey to the back of the School

discuss that there is more to mental health than depression

20 Merkins
20 CDD
20 Hand Release Merkins

5 burpees OYO

Lunge walk half way down flip to LT. Dan’s

5 burpees

mosey to the side of the school

Plank shoulder taps
Seal Team Sit-ups

20 American Hammers

Mosey to the front of the School

Global warming with 30 Monkey Humpers each Pax one at a time while Every one held al-gore, imagine 25 pax  = sore legs

Maximus Shared his struggles  and YHC spoke about my struggles in the past due.

It was awesome to hear so many Pax open up and being vulnerable. T-Claps to all that attended this is not a easy subject to discuss.

Prayers sent up for those that are struggling and have struggled with this topic.



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Capture the coupons @ThechupracabraSwamp

My apologies for the very late BB. This poor guy got stuck in draft mode. Cobains

We had the ruck boys join us for some fun at the Swamp. To know what went down, show up next time.


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Clear & Crisp P200 Tune Up

What a great morning to get out in The Fort for a little jog around Wally World. Attendance is strong lately with all of the P200 training and the handful of (almost) only running PAX. There’s a pace and a buddy for everyone when the crowd is this size for a running workout.

The Thang:

Wally World – A Flight Plan original wrapping around a shopping mecca and the back road for two of Fort Mills finest learning institutions. All kinds of opportunities to modify distance and incline. So if you were well rested, take that Dave Gibson Hill. If you had too much for St. Patty’s day, easy out and back to WW entrance. It was a glorious morning to be reminded how lucky we are to have our brotherhood and inhale that late winter frosty air.


Jekyll took the lead at COT. Reminding us to support our brother Olive and The Christina Latini Memorial 8K on March 30th. Sign ups right now are lower than last year. Let’s get the word out not just to the PAX but to everyone we know. Olive has taken the worst of situations and grown it into a lasting tribute. Something that he has made easy for us to be a part of. He’s done all the heavy lifting and we can claim a little bit of pride simply by doing something we already do, run a little bit. If you can’t make the actual run in Huntersville or the virtual one set up by Change Order at Alcatraz, then still donate. You will be smiling all day after you do (Christina Latini Memorial 8K) Thanks for the reminder Jekyll


Lift up Funhouse’s brother Scott . He’s going through major life changes today; new home for himself as he starts the painful process of a divorce. He will need the strength of Sky Q so be sure to add Scott to your prayers.

Help Hootie as he travels this week. He asks that we lift his M & kids in prayer as they work through the week while he’s gone. The life work balance is hard on everyone. Supporting each PAX with fellowship and prayer will get us through.



A COT this large can be tough for me. I don’t hear well (Funhouse & Pusher excepted) and can’t wear my hearing aids while running. The sweat makes them shut down. I miss a lot of the jokes and camaraderie that goes on. But the energy that comes from the circle is real. Just like the workout, it doesn’t matter if you’re wide awake or struggled just to make it back, there’s something in there for everyone. Take these jokes, causes, praises and prayers to heart. Think about them as you go through your day. Give them the extra prayer they need or the smile/laugh to yourself they bring to your soul.  And know there’s more waiting for you tomorrow when you need it all over again.








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