Block Party/Colosseum Colombia Team Send off!

28 even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matt 20:28

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8

61 PAX and YHC came to Block Party this day to show support to those that have felt a call to serve. As we are commanded to serve locally, nationally and globally this group of men are going global to get uncomfortable and grow closer to SkyQ. The support, prayers and encouragement from our brothers in the PAX is overwhelming and powerful. Anyone that has not realized it yet, F3 is more than a workout!

The Thang:

  • Ruckers when their separate way with Cobra Kai at the helm
  • Runners went looking for golf balls at FMGC with Pusher at the point
  • The rest of us followed YHC for a boot-camp with 40 or so of our brothers
    • Mosey down path, across the field out towards 160 for COP
      • All exercises were to 11 count for the 11 heading to Colombia
      • Plank
      • SSHs
      • Squat
      • Merkins
      • MOracan Night Clubs
      • Sumo Squat
      • Wide Arm Merkins
      • LBCs
      • Peter Parkers
      • Rosalitas
      • Imperial Walkers
    • Mosey to playground
      • Ladder work
      • Do exercise with designated reps, take a lap, add next exercise, take a lap…..
        1 Merkin Bonsai 11
        2 LBC Bubba 20
        3 Squat Cake Boss 27
        Here from PAX on their WHY
        4 Burpee Crawdaddy 32
        5 Inch Worm Merkins Elvis 35
        6 Sumo Squat Fire Marshal Bill 36
        Here from PAX on their WHY
        7 Bombjacks Flat Tire 35
        8 Overhead Clap Italian Job 32
        9 Leg Raises Mr Bill 27
        Here from PAX on their WHY
        10 Lunge Hops Sir Topham Hat 20
        11 Donkey Kicks Trucker 11
    • Right up against time we finished
  • COT
    • We had 3 FNGs, Love Handles, Arrowhead and Homer
    • CSPAN prayed us out  an prayed over the whole team

YHC can thank you all for being a stable rock in my life. I can’t say enough about what F3 and each of my Brothers means to me and how it has changed my life. More importantly it has allowed me to reach men for SkyQ’s kingdom and that is the best achievement ever.

Peace Men

Cake Boss out!


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Beyond- Freedom has never been easy.

Always an Honor to Q. To be able to push men Beyond their comfort zone. To teach and be tought.  America has given me freedoms that most of the world can not even fathom. Freedom has been given to us all by the selfless acts of men and women willing to give themselves up so that we can live like other country.

We started with a disclaimer. Let all know who I was and checked to see if we had any FNGs. None present so made amentsl mental note to self that I need to work harder on bringingthis gift to other men in my reach. We took off with slow mosey that led into some dynamic movements Stopped for Pledge of Allegiance and then circled up. We warmed up to the acronym FREEDOM (Flutter kicks, Rosalita, empty wheelbarrow, Everests, donkey kicks, outlaws, and Mtn. Climbers) we than did 17 Merkins in cadence followed by 76 SSHs in cadence.
We moseydto drop off in front of school did the next 5 exercises followed by sprint Squat jumps, merkins, bomb jacks, CDDs, burppees 10 of each.
Mosey to small car circle. Get into discussion on true freedom and that is through Jesy=us CHrist. Q had found verses in bible that talked about freedom through him and matched it up with some good exercises. Fastest each round would get to read next verse. Here they are if you want to li=ook them up.Romans *:16- 10 jumpsquats. john 8:32 burpees- 1 peter 2:16-17- 10 grave diggers each side, 1 cort. 6:12 10 jumping lunges, 1 cort. 9:19 10 tony hawk burpees, Acts 13:39 10 bomb jacks, 2 cort. 3:17 15 squats, Psalm 119:45 20 CDDs, romans 6:6-7 20 merkins, gal. 5:1 10 hand release merkins, Gal. 5:13 20 Monkey Humpers, Psalm 118:5 20 flutter kicks. COT. Prayers, and Praises.
Thank You was an Honor.

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A tradition unlike any other- Board of Pain 2018 Week 1

10 Pax for Laces In (and a HAN SOLO runner) settled into what has become a summer tradition.  A pure suckfest of constant battering, no let up and U vs U.

The Thang:

Finish each exercise before moving on to the next.  In between, complete a recovery run.  Normally, distance is 1/4 mile.  today was shorter but will adjust next week.  Each week PAX (and returning PAX) work to better their accomplishments down the board.

F3 June week 1
The Challenge:
 Burpees – 100
 Calf Raises – 150 (50 regular, 50 toes pointed in, 50 toes pointed out)
 Ski Abs – 100
 Merkins – 100
 Deep Squats – 100
 LBCs – 200
 Carolina Dry Docks – 100 Cornhole(C)
 Russian Twists – 100 Atlas (C), Paul Bunyan(C)
 Mac Tar Jai– 100 Jekyll (75), Digiorno (60),CSPAN (39),Double D (30), Dark Helmet (1)
 Jump Squats – 100 Tesh (5)
 Mountain Climbers – 100 Fish Stix (37)
 Shoulder Raises – 200
 Mary Catherines – 100
 Hello Dolly – 200
 Wide Arm Merkins – 100
 Squat Jacks – 100
 Nippler– 100
 Burpees – 100

Got this work out from F3 Raleigh and brought to The Fort in summer of 2014.  At the time it was the toughest workout in the region and true #snotwoggler.  Since, our collective fitness level is up and PAX are constantly pushing themselves- there have been and are as hard or harder workouts but this badboy holds its own.  There was debate today as to the hardest part of the workout- getting through the physical and mental strain of opening with 100 straight burpees or everything else that follows once you have done them.  Either side of the fence you are on, there is no doubt you can pull huge accomplishment for your day as bit by bit you have completed a huge task by breaking into smaller ones.  Staying “in it” is the challenge.  “Trying” is the challenge.  “Stepping into the arena” is the challenge.  Embrace the suck and come out on the other side.  I hope I see the same guys there next week ready to push past week 1 results.  Additionally I want to see PAX join for week 2 that have both done it before and those that have never.  See you in the Gloom.

TClap |

The Honey Badger with Schmalls and CSPAN


Hot thick and extra humid (extremely poor conditions)



shirts optional

hero review

workout review (slightly modified WOD)

  • Run 800 meters
  • 50 burpees
  • 40 pull-ups
  • 30 one-legged squat (each leg)
  • 20 squats
  • 10 handstand pushups
  • Run 800 meters
  • Repeato

COT / Prayer or Praise / BOM


U.S. Marine Corps Staff Sergeant Justin E. Schmalstieg, 28, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, assigned to the 1st Explosive Ordnance Disposal Company, 7th Engineer Support Battalion, 1st Marine Logistics Group, I Marine Expeditionary Force, based in Camp Pendleton, California, died on December 15, 2010 while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan. He is survived by his wife Ann Schneider, parents John and Deborah Gilkey, and brother John.

The “Schmalls” Hero WOD was first posted on as the workout of the day for Tuesday, April 23, 2013 (130423).


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Chalk up the Pain

29 Men descended on the Colosseum for a downpainment delivered via sidewalk chalk and a discussion on You vs. You.

There are enemies around all of the time and as men we are challenged to defeat those enemies one by one. Often overlooked is the enemy of one’s true self. This may be the most challenging enemy in our effort to become a better man.

In fighting with our enemies, we often look at overcoming the battles and winning the war. For example, to overcome alcohol addiction there is a 12 step process. This works because no one can overcome the war of addiction in one step. It takes winning individual battles…or steps.

To become a better man as we are called to do in Ephesians 5, it is much the same strategy. Get a little better as part of a journey to ultimately be the man that you want to be. It doesn’t happen overnight. There is no cold turkey quitting that offers long term benefit. It is baby steps, one at a time, with an understanding that the enemy is always out there. These enemies are called pride, selfishness and greed to name a few.

The Thang

Mosey to parking lot (Lots of mumble chatter here…love it!)

Stop along the way for 5 Burpees…quieted some of the chatter


30 SSHs

5 Burpees

15 IWs

4 Burpees

10 Merkins

3 Burpees

10 Windmills

2 Burpees

15 Squats

1 Burpee

Mosey to back parking lot

9 Stations  each with a different exercise and sidewalk chalk

Do each exercise for 1 minute. Write down the number of times you completed

Station 1 – Burpees

Station 2 – Flutter kicks

Station 3 – Wide Arm Merkins

Station 4 – Bombjacks

Station 5 – American Hammers

Station 6 – Jumping Lunge

Station 7 – Donkey Kicks

Station 8 – Elbow Plank

Station 9 – Carolina Dry Docks

Rinse and repeat station asking that you do 1 additional rep per station

Mosey home



  • Convergence on July 4th at Pantheon
  • Upcoming Sweati on 7/14
  • CnW discussing your One Word on 6/29
  • Tclaps to Ginsu for living the mission of #218 with another FNG – Love Boat
  • Prayers for Bob the Builder, Father in Law, Deacon’s M

It was a pleasure to lead the Pax and all 3 Fs were accomplished with a visit to Crossroads led by Bonsai after. Thanks to Jekyll for the opportunity!

Pusher out!

TClap |

A Respectable Day at WEP

June 2 marked the official start to summer at The Fort, and 13 men met at WEP to get after it.  The mumble chatter started early and continued through the workout (well most of it, anyway).  Here is what happened:

The Thang:

Mosey from the parking lot, through the wooded trail,  and out to the main road.  Head to the Springs lot for COP:

All in Cadence:

SSH x40, Windmill x 15, CDD x 20, Squat x 20, Mountain Climber x20/hold/Peter Parker Peter x 15/hold/mountain climber x 20, Boat and canoe x 4, Monkey humper x 15

Mosey to the narrow parking lot by the Springs building and pair up.

  1.  Partner 1 does Freddie Merc’s while partner 2 runs the full length of the lot and back.  Flapjack
  2. Partner 2 does Sumo squats while partner 2 runs the full length of the lot and back.  Flap jack

Take a short mosey to the  awning over the sidewalk

3.  Partner 1 does wall pull ups while partner 2 crabwalks the width of the parking lot and back.  Flapjack.

Since this was the first week that The Fort started at the earlier time of 6:30, we moseyed back to the park thinking there might be some Pax who didn’t get the message.  Sure enough, Weezer and Drop Thrill were in the parking lot waiting for the workout to start.  We picked them up, did a short mosey to the field and I handed off to Walker

Line up for 11’s:  10 burpees at the start, run about 20 yards, do 1 LBC, run back.  Continue decreasing the bupees by 1, while increasing the LBC’s by 1 until you complete 1 burpee and 10 LBC’s.  Plank for the 6.

Walker then led the group through a series of upper body and ab exercises:

20 merkins (double count in cadence)

20 diamond merkins – oyo

10 plyometric merkins (hand clamp or full body jump) – oyo

10 prison cell merkins – oyo

50 flutters in cadence (crowd pleaser)

40 Freddie Mercs in cadence

20 regular merkins in cadence

10 merkins with left palm facing the sky, right regular, 10 opposite (impossible, except for the Q!)

Hold feet 6″ off the ground for 90 secs

30 flutter kicks in cadence (ugh!)



Walker and I had a Q planned for Alcatraz about a year ago, but a scheduling conflict prevented it from happening.  So, I was pretty psyched when Bonsai told me I was paired with Walker for today.    Walker is all business and always pushes the Pax.   I like that.

There was plenty of mumble chatter from the get go.  I called out the 60 sec warning before the start of the workout, but I don’t think anyone noticed as everyone continued to talk.  I had to yell slightly to get everyone’s attention when we were starting the workout.    The chatter continued on the trek through the woods and during COP.   People just wouldn’t shut up this morning – it was great.     It’s good to be the Q when that is happening.

Walker took some time to remind the Pax about good form on merkins (to prevent shoulder injuries) and LBC’s (for better results).    Slow down the pace and do the exercises properly.   It’s good advice for guys who workout several days a week.  He called out some pretty tough merkins (plyometric) and some done on the  back of your hand (try that sometime).

We had a lively group today and it was truly a pleasure and a privilege to lead them with my friend and co-respect, Walker.

Announcements:  F3 Dads starts today and goes throughout the summer.  Contact Change Order for more details or if you’d like to Q.

Read your newsletter for everything else!


Continued prayers for the Giesler family.










TClap |

Round and Round at Beyond

Sweatbox of a Monday. I was honored to be given the opportunity to Q a BEYOND workout.  BEYOND, the brainchild of Maximus acting on the very definition of reverse flow incubator.  See a problem/opportunity- create the solution.  Maximus so a need to push the men of The Fort not just physically but mentally as well.  Typically a bit of a deeper dive into what’s going on in a man’s life.

Theme of Concentrica was revealed to me through #collisionlearning only about a week prior.  I chose TCES as its a fountain of unlimited and varied painstations.  8 men answered the bell and after a disclaimer we went.


More a of dymanic warmup with #Usualsuspects at either end of a short 70% run distance.  Although squatjacks and Imperial Squat Walkers created a voluminous amount of mumblechatter.  #crowdpleaser

Mosey to back parking lot.  Discussed Concentrica which is the conception of relationships, how they tie together and ordering them from most important relationship in the center moving outward to the “relatively” less important.  In order you have:

  • Center: M
  • 2nd ring: 2.0s
  • 3rd ring: Shield lock/brothers/horizontal friendships
  • 4th ring: Whetstone- mentor, mentee
  • 5th ring: Mammon (Work)

The THANG: Do exercise run a lap.  Simple enough

  • 5 Merkins/lap
  • 10: Squat/Lap
  • 15 Bombjacks/Lap
  • 20 Burpees/Lap
  • 25 LBC/Lap

We started with 5 laps and 5 merkins at each lap but I called audible.  STH and Gekko kept me honest up front, Double D, Rad, & Mr. Clean kept us moving and Pick 6/CB kept us motivated driving forward and never quitting

Naked Man Moleskin

Men- the concentrica model has been an incredible tool and roadmap for me.  I shared however that as someone who possesses an abundance of self awareness, I often know WHAT to do.  My problem is DOING it.  I’ll be successful in keeping the rings in good priority for a while, then slowly over time, I will revert back to an innately selfish being.  Before long, I have put work in the center, and yes even altruistic endeavors like F3 and Scouts in the center moving my M further out.  When conversations shorten, or happen less frequently, you risk the headspace of the most important relationship telling you they “don’t feel loved”, “don’t feel heard”, “don’t feel like a priority”.  This is the is RED ZONE men that you must pull the nose up immediately.  None of your relationships can truly flourish with out having the M in the Center. (Sky Q is inherent).  Remember that if we are pouring in to the M, have our alignment correct, she is much more likely to give you grace and latitude during your “peak work” times than when every work time is “peak”.

Go BEYOND and be the man at home that you are at the workouts and in the community.


TClap |

G Fit April 42818

Beautiful day in the neighborhood!  We had 27 PAX on a gorgeous Saturday afternoon- the last as G-fit is moving to Friday nights for the summer to escape the heat and blazing sun.  Lots of F2 2.0s.

G-fit has done a good job- Deacon and Bolt have done a good job continuing to stay fluid in the structure and format of this workout to reach as many Paradise community members as possible while still driving purpose and effectiveness.  Today’s installment was 30 minutes of mosey and exercises before breaking to enjoy some kickball.

We had a few standard exercises and added a few fun ones- ATMs.  4 count shoulder tap, push up that when you finished you are “cashed”.  The group really liked that and love it when you ham it up.

Part of the enjoyment/bond I get in this workout is taking a few to the side, asking questions: how are you doing?  how’s school?  anything you are having trouble with?  Highlighting their great achievements in front of the group as well.  Sunshine got a 95 on her test this week.  Miracle helped to pick up trash in the park unprompted.  Still some of kids needed a little extra attention.  You have to do your best to read them as you would your own children.  Dolphin seemed particularly withdrawn.  Could tell she wanted to be included but still needed some space.  Had a chance to check in on her.  Didn’t get any answers but hoping that someone taking the time to notice was helpful in someway.

Discussed worthy and I emphasized several times to the community (ages 3-14), that they are worthy.  Worthy of Gods love, worthy of love from another person and worthy to show love.

Keep pouring in brothers.  Aye!

TClap |

Honor at the ARMory

Perfect morning with 8 PAX gathering to the only work out with kettle bells at FHC- ask DH.  Needed help with a KB- Mr. Clean said I could use his rock but I had to give him a ride.  Deal.  Short Sale offered his on twitter- and that bringing his would assure he would escape the FS Monster.  Done.

Disclaimer Disclaimed. Warmed up with #usualsuspects and primarily targeting our verbal jabs at Twister.  He appreciated it.

The Thang- other than picking it up and putting it down, I wanted to isolate and wear out the muscle groups.  In between KB reps of 5, 10  15,- correlated bodyweight exercises were spliced in.

Run Lap

  • Curl
    • Merkin 10
  • Tricep Extension
    • Carolina Dry Dock 10
  • Turkish Getups
    • LBC 10
  • Goblet Squat
    • Lunges- 10 each leg

Run Lap

  • Lawnmower Pull
    • Merkin 10
  • Shoulder raise or press
    • Carolina Dry Dock 10
  • KB Swings
    • LBC 10
  • Figure 8
    • Lunges 10 each leg

6 Minutes of Mary

Naked Man Moleskin

Had the great privilege of attending an Eagle Scout Ceremony where 4  young men including Twister’s son were awarded the highest rank in Boy Scouts.  Of the many dignitaries that spoke, former marine in original dress blues from 1967 spoke of the most repeated word that day- Honor.  There is no greater compliment or description of a man than that of a man who has or act honorably.  In your words and actions- we must be honorable!

Prayers for new chapters in 2.0s lives: Stones’s son’s upcoming marriage, JWOWW’s daughter communion, and for Short Sale’s family as it has been one year since his brother’s passing.  God be with these men today.


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Colosseum Classic (yes, wall and light poles)

Beautiful 50F AM at the Colusseum
Mosey through Pickup Lanes x2
Mosey Hill with the light poles
Worked our way up the hill stopping at each light pole:
  • 30x SSH
  • 10x Slow Windmill
  • 25x Moroccan Nightclub
  • 20x 4-count mountain climbers
  • Plank – Reg, L, Reg, R, 6”, Reg
  • 10x Merkins
  • 15x Al Gore calf raises
  • 10x Burpees
YHC had just read “What Radical Husband’s Do” a couple of points were shared.
Give Acceptance to your Wife… Criticism comes from a place of Judgement… which means you are suggesting you are the judge (you aren’t)
Over the wall 11’s + 2
  • Big Boy Sit-ups (1, 2… 10)
    • Over the wall
  • Donkey Kicks (10, 9… 1)
    • Over the Wall
  • +2 Burpees (+2 each round)
Encouragement of the PAX was strong finishing this one
Drop the Rope… most small fights are like tug of war. Everything is small. Drop the rope more often.
Box jumps on Benches x20 until 6min to go…
  • American Hammer’s
  • Flutter
  • Holly Dolly
  • Protractor
  • Straight up picks – some rendition Holly Dolly + Dying Cockroach
  • Jekyll picks – Rosalita
Twister showed us all out to count (loud under that GHMS awning!)
Ephesians 5:25
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ has loved the church (people) and gave Himself up for her.
  • T-Squares wife Michelle Angeldorf – surgery colon (laproscopic) 4/11
  • Jekyll – Mrs. Ann Griffin passed away
  • Straight up – that Longshanks crushed 2 Spartan Races this weekend
  • Longshanks – that Mom got to be around for Spring Break

Thanks Jekyll for the opportunity

TClap |