“Buffet of Awfulness”

14 HIMs posted at Footloose this cool, dry Thursday morning for a Shatner beatdown. We started with the usual warmup exercises at the shovel flag, and then moseyed to the Church of God parking lot for the OYO main event.

Mumble chatter started immediately when the plan was shared. Anchor Man was super excited to start off with 100 pushups, and coined the phrase “Buffet of Awful.”

We started off with 100 reps of each of the following;

  1. Merkins or CDDs, then run around the church building and over the high stairs.

2. LBC/Hello Dolly, then lap around the church and stairs.

3. Squats/Alt. Lunges, then lap around the church and stairs.

4. Plank Jacks/Shoulder Taps, then lap around the church and stairs.

Repeated the same exercises at 50 reps each round with same lap around the church, and then we moseyed up the hill to the back of First Baptist Church for wall sits. Each of the 14 PAX did a 10-count, and then we moseyed back to the shovel flag for COT.

Thanks Boss Hog for the opportunity to lead at such a great F3 The Fort AO!

TClap |

The site formally known as The COOP.

Let me start off by saying cancer sucks. It took one of our PAX last week and I am still mad about it. Jay Griggs known in the gloom as Cash, 51 battled this aweful disease on and off for about two years. He left behind his wife Christine and two kids Katie (14) and Will (12). We came together today to do a workout for him and also to rename this AO in his honor. We wanted to give a name that if someone who didnt know Cash would ask we could explain that the name was in his honor and keep Jays legacy in The Fort going. More on the name at the end.
We statrted with a disclaimer and quick dynamic warmup.
51 SSHs in cadence.
Mosey down the hill for some instructions.
3 cones at bottom of hill. do the first cone run up hill to nafo crosswalk do 10 bombjacks, run back to pull up bars do 5 pull ups, run down to bottom of hill for the next cone, keep repeating until YHC stops the group.
Cone 1- Merkins and Squats
Cone 2- CDDs and American Hammers
Cone 3- Alternating lunges and Alternating Shoulder taps
At each of the cones we did a total between the two exercises 51 reps.
Mosey back to Cot.
We took this time to let the Pax know the AO formally known as The Coop was now to be known as Ring of Fire. One of Jonny Cashs greatest hits. So when someone says how did this palce get the name we can explain.
Announcements and naming of FNG.
FNG- Sappin Patel- Spam
reach out to funhouse to help with at risk middle school kids on their off days from school_ takes palce at forest hill church.
8th annual anniversary party of the Fort. held Oct 2nd 630-930 at 3399 Pleasant Rd. Convergence the following morning at 0630 first baptist fort mill.
for the family of Cash.
marriages and keeping real with raising shorties.
Backdraft Out.

TClap |

The Hypest Hype Train Workout Ever

Welcome to the most advertised AO in all of The Fort region. Trucker has a good thing going here and i wanted a part of it as a Q sometime. So i thought long and hard about who i wanted as my co-Q for this beatdown. Well as an expert trash talking Pax there was but only one choice that I knew I wanted! Mr. site Q himself ,Trucker the one person who can almost talk as much trash as me! HaHa

Trucker had the first part of the morning and started us off with some dynamic stretching in parking lot. We then moseyed out the road to the path beside Tega Cay Drive to the first hole green where we did 10 Squats. More mosey to the tennis court steps where we did 15 Merkins. Still more mosey all the way up to Hole number 1 tee boxes. Do 5 burps OYO. we where then instructed to run down cart path to the green and do 10 merkins and 15 squats then run back to tee box  and do 5 Burpees. Along the way the sprinklers came on and soaked a few of us. The grounds crew didn’t like us on their course so they kicked us off. Plus Trucker was on the red tee and the rest of us where on the white tees.

So we moseyed down to Tega Cay Drive again and made a right to the retaining wall for 2 rounds of 10 Step-Ups per leg and 10 Derkins. Yet some more mosey back to tennis court steps for 5 Burpees and 10 CDD. Mosey from there to the Firehouse for 5 burpees. Mosey back to parking lot for you guessed it 5 more Burpees. Trucker managed somehow for not being a runner to get us at 1.75 miles.

Next I had the real part of the workout. I thought 30 minutes of Warmup was a bit excessive but thats how all of Truckers Q’s are!

Had Pax mosey to baseball field and had them get in 3 lines planked feet to feet.

While in plank position all Pax did Mak Tar Dyes while the six bear crawled up to the front of the line and yelled for next person to proceed to front. Total distance was 100 yards. This sucked!!!

Next up I had 4 cones lined up about 30 yards apart from each other. Pax did 10 reps of 4 exercises at each cone then after all exercises done they bear crawled to the next cone. Exercises where Hand Release Merkins, Scorpion Dry Docks, Big Boi Sit Ups, and Sumo Squats.

Next round was same as above except we did Lt. Dans in between cones and the exercises where  Flutter Kicks 20 total, Wide Arm merkins, Monkey Humpers,and V-ups.

Then all pax bear crawled back to gates of field about 100 yards and did 5 burpees.

I followed my Q like i do all of them with 5 minutes of stretching which i heard more moaning and groaning then both our Q’s together.

Trucker thanks for letting me Q with you! Love you like a brother!

To all my F3 brothers y’all are like family to me. Y’all make me a better man daily mentally spiritually and physically.

Cornerstone Happy 40th Birthday! Thank you for our friendship.

Hope to see y’all on the Trails soon love each of you men.

TClap |

“Get ur rear in gear” workout

What a morning to workout! Wonderful weather. Many blessings. 12 other workout warriors joined me.

Today’s workout was a “get my rear in gear” style workout. I have been struggling with injuries, lethargy and stress. Not a good mix. So thankful for opportunity to provided to me by Kaiser. First Q since early Feb 2020 that I can recall. (My memory can play tricks on me at 97, Dark Helmet.)

5:00 4 for Warm-up. We did about 18 exercises in 13 minutes.

5:13 13 Circled Up, Mumblechatter

5:14 Disclosure, sighting of an FNG, my message (Words make alive!) below shared:

From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things, and the work of their hands brings them reward. Proverbs 12:14

The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crashes the spirit. Proverbs 15:4.

Words can heal. The tongue can be soothing and a tree of life (James 3:9),

Words are like fruit or food for us; we need them to live.

We also need words coming from the outside to affirm and validate us. We do not live by bread alone but by good words, especially those in line with God’s.

2 Questions posed to the PAX:

  1. Are you aware of the great power even your offhand words can have to bless others?
  2. How can you put this observation about how words can make alive into practice – in thought, attitude, word or deed? PAX challenged to make it happen today!


Social distanced group single file run around 1/2 of parking lot over to pull-up bars.

Session 1:

Group 1: 1 min each X 3 rounds of: Chin-ups or Pull-ups (your choice), Burpees, Dead Hang, The Hill

Group 2: Burpee broad jump to stop sign then into 10 Peter Pointers, then run back to start; Sprint to stop sign then into 10 Peter Pointers, then run back to start; Bearcrawl to stop sign, then into 10 Peter Pointers, then run back to start; repeat until Group 1 is completed

Session 2:

50 good form reps of each, any order you want:


Split squat jumps (knee touching down, 50 each side)

Thumbs up merkins

Flying Squirrels

Session 3: 5 minute continuous abs, 1 min each exercise

Twisting Pistons

Rolling Jackknife

Scissor V-ups

LBC Crunch and Twist (both sides)

Starfish crunch

Session 4: Switched Group assignments from Session 1. One round completed each.


A few unhappy (non)smiles about the workout they just did. Thanks for the push, fellas.

A BIG PAX WELCOME TO FNG: COPPERTONE!! (Hospital name: Brandon) (He did great!)

Announcements: Shield BD bash at The Ranch 5/17/2020.

Prayers: for a specific PAX’s child, another’s brother, another’s friend challenged with marital difficulties and the hope of opening up to other’s.

My prayer for all PAX: from today’s subtheme: Your words can make alive!

Lord, each of us has a host of people around us who are eager for, and

desirous of, words of blessing and affirmation from us. We are often too

distracted to deliberately praise and appreciate people every day. We earnestly

pray for you to find us ways to say to others, “Well done good and faithful

servant.” (Matt 25:23) Amen.




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16 for minutes at The Ranch

15 PAX joined YHC this morning for minutes at the Ranch. I wanted to try something a little different which can be a challenge but thankfully, all were willing to test it out. It was touch and go with ShopVac and Nature Boy at the start but fortunately, they decided to stay with us.

Here’s the deal. One exercise for 1 minute followed by a 10 second rest. Then an exercise for 1 minute followed by a 10 second rest. We did that from 0515-0600. The exercises are listed below but know that there is a 10 second rest between each.

Side Straddle Hops
Calf Raises
Peter Parkers
Parker Peters
Carolina Dry Dock
Air Press
Left side lunge
Right side lunch
Box Cutters
Freddie Mercury
Wide-Arm Merkins
Overhead Claps
Jump Squats
Squats while on the balls of your feets
X’s & O’s
Diamond Merkins
Bent over rows
Reverse Lunges

Back to COT

Simple yet hopefully the PAX found it effective.

Until next time.


TClap |

Take no fish/prisoner

22 showed up to get better….22 left better (more tired like YHC, but they took the red pill today).  Pledge of allegiance was properly performed, very short disclaimer (I think) but 5 core principles were done for the FNG…YHC tried to wait for what he was told about 2 PAX coming in HOT only to realized they were already there.  Upon that notification, we were off at a 7 min pace.

We ran down Academy street to the open parking lot by the top of the hill before we got to all the churches…did some planking while we waited for the 6…counted off to make sure we started and left with the same number.  At this point, YHC explained the drill and early route.

  • 10 – hand release merkins
  • 20 – squats
  • 30 – American (no, not russian twists) hammers

We did these in the parking lot, ran down the hill, were greeted from the Footloose PAX (welcome FNG) with some proper form (I guess) monkey humpers.  Very nice call Trucker – brownie points…  We ran to the corner of Tom Hall where we did our 10, 20, 30 – then ran to Hardees for another 10, 20, 30.  Waiting for the 6 we planked…as we should.  Once all PAX were in attendence, YHC instructed the PAX to run up Spring St and cross over to Unity where we would do 10, 20, 30.  At each “up and over” (basically creating an L), we would perform the exercises at either Unity or Spring depending on the up and over…always doing the exercise at the “over” cross street.  Once we reached Summersby (all the way in the back of the neighborhood), we ran back to Hardees.  Due to bad time management by YHC, this caused everyone to run all the way back to COT so you’re welcome for the non-rest.  Sorry, not sorry.

At COT, we named our FNG – Trickle (welcome!!).  D2D race for announcements which sold out in about 5 hours to the surprise of everyone.  Prayers and praises – we had a little of both.  Overall, just the right amount of suck but we got better and that’s the goal.

Shady out (thanks Shanks for the gap in schedule!)

TClap |

New Fellowship Ruck AO Official Starts 9/10 at 5 am

The fellowship ruck Sole to Soul that we have been doing unofficially for about 3 months has been gaining momentum so we have official start  date of 9/10 at 5 am. We shoot for  4 plus miles every Thursday starting at Panera Bread in Kingsley followed by Hanging with Stang afterwards. What better way could you start your day with a awesome mumblechatter while rucking and a great conversation afterwards with a great sunrise. Join YHC as we launch this AO. I look forward to seeing you in the Gloom.

TClap |

Dealing cards at the Block Party

Just a heads up that this BB will be low on words (atypical for me) but hopefully, motivating for you to go try this.

Here’s the deal, simple yet effective was my intent today. For those that did the Bert at Honey Badger yesterday, this was a good round 2. The deck of cards entered my arsenal roughly 5 years ago and it’s been several months since they’ve made their way out to the gloom. That ended today.

14 men showed up today with the “threat” of rain (we had 2 ruckers join us at the end for COT).
Seeing a few new faces, check.
Disclaimer, check.
Mosey some distance making our way to a parking lot for a few warm-up activities.
Mosey to another parking lot in an effort to keep our voices from carrying over to “the house.”

For those not aware how this goes, each suit represents an exercise. Each number represents the number of reps 2-10. Jacks=11, Queens=12, Kings=13, Aces=14.

4 Jokers = 25 4ct Flutters
Diamonds = Mountain Climbers
Clubs = Jump Squats
Spades = Diamond Merkins
Hearts = 8ct Burpees

That totals (100) 4ct flutters and 104 each of the other exercises.

Until next time

TClap |

Army Staff Sgt/NYPD Officer McNaughton

Today we Honored Army Staff Sgt/ NYPD Officer James McNaughton. We had 8 Pax start their day off like a hero.

We started in the center of the NaFo football field with a warmup of SSH, windmills and Imperial Walkers.

The workout consisted of several exercises and lots of 100 yard runs.







RINSE AND REPEAT 5 ROUNDS….some Pax did more

We ended with some Mary and COT

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One time at Bandcamp….RPG Style

Band Camp came to RPG with one objective, prepare the Pax for the Sweati on Saturday morning.  Objective achieved!  

BROGA prepared the Pax for the SWEATI -CSAUP and offered a subtle reminder of the importance to add in some flexibility training during the week!

Bandcamp directed the Pax thru 30 mins of BROGA, then turned over the RUN/RUCK option to Bass-o-Matic (RUN Q) & CakeBoss (RUCK Q).

15 mins remained,  for a 1-mile tempo RUN with Bass-O-Matic or the all-important 3rd F Ruck with Cake Boss!

What are you doing to Get Right, Live Right, and Lead RIght?  POST somewhere to get better!

TClap |