Counting Down from 100

Quick COP warm-up with Imperial Walkers, Seal Jacks, and Hill Billy Walkers.

Mosey down to oval loop in front of Springfield Middle. Near school entrance we started with a 100 reps of an exercise. We then ran (together) down to the lower part of the loop. For a portion of the run, pax had to do a moving exercise, determined by one pax drawing from a bucket ‘o pain. At the lower part of the loop, we then did 90 reps of a different exercise. Once all pax were done, we ran back to the top part in front of the school entrance (scaling a small wall that was part of the loop).
We repeated, counting down to 10 exercises. Here was the list.

100 Flutters
90 Squats
80 Shoulder Taps
70 Hello Dollys
60 SSH
55 LBCs
50 Merkins
40 Speed Skaters
30 Lunges
20 Burpees
10 Big Boy Sit-ups

We ended up skipping the lunges due to time, but we added some Bombjacks at the end, thanks to some nudging from BandCamp.

YHC had the opportunity to share my testimony and try to encourage all pax that each person’s testimony is their own uniquely, God-created, story…including the testimonies being lived out by our kids.

The mumble chatter was fantastic, as we learned perhaps a bit too much about CakeBoss’ impending first “official” colonoscopy. Thanks RainMaker for the opportunity to lead.

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21s on the 21st

WARMUP: Kinda chilly out so we needed it. Quick loop to the north side of the strip mall right in front of F45 to show them outside is better
10-20 of the following
– Windmills
– Hillbilly walkers
– Moroccan night club
– STRAWBERRY pickers
Back to the parking lot near COT. Borrowed an old workout from The Swamp / Quagmire days: The ladder. 14-15 parking spots, an exercise written on each one. Do the exercise, then take a loop around the lot. Move to the next spot, next exercise. Exercises are (21 reps of everything unless otherwise noted):
1. 5 burpess
2. Merkins
3. LBCs
4. Squats
5. Calf raise
6. Mtn climbers, 2ct
7. CDD
8. Hammer time! (American Hammers, 2 ct)
9. Lunges, 2ct
10. Imperial walker, 2ct
11. Plank jacks
12. Flutters, 2ct
13. Dips
14. Monkey humpers
15. 5 burpees
Repeat until COT
Each PAX got through one complete set and at least halfway through a second. A few completed two sets.
GREAT mumblechatter! Rocket launches, Cuban food, Irish pubs, pollen, Swamp/Quagmire days, Kotters, retirement communities, STD breakouts in them (see Villages in FL), and on. We covered a LOT!!
MARY: My late Mom’s name. Miss you mom!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: We did a LOT of good in the D2D fundraising!! Alot going on. Read your newsletter and get involved!!
I mentioned how my mom recently passing has put me in a big funk, like I am in PTSD mode, but just posting and being out with the PAX has helped my mental state immensely, and even more the PAX who have reached out to me. As Slapshot said at Minnow Pond, it can be a huge uplift to others. Twister mentioned about the effects that F3 can have. We do alot of good out in the community, but being out and about with the PAX is like a cure-all tonic. He EH’s guys as often as he can because this F3 tonic is what alot of us guys need, whether we know it, or want to admit it, or not. I really loved that analogy! F3 means alot of different things to each of us, but it is still a great thing for all of us, helps lift us up in various ways, but we need to be out there with the PAX regularly to get our regular dose of that tonic to make our lives a little better. Cobra Kai mentioned he recently had coffee with a Kotter, someone who was a hard charger, did alot when he was posting, not afraid of the hard workouts. He is carrying some burdens and is suffering, the mental side of things. Goes to show that even the toughest facade can be a cover up for what is really inside. The coffee meeting seemed to be a good thing for him. Cobra Kai gave him some of that tonic, whether he knew it or not. So I implore you to keep EHing, keep giving it away. Don’t ever stop. You just may be the one person that helps someone through their rough patches or worse. Be the tonic!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.
Blessings and SYITG,

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These telephone poles are too close together

WARMUP: mosey to behind WEP amphitheater for ssh, hillbilly walkers and windmills all in cadence
THE THANG: part 1 – run down ardrey st to Harris and back, stopping at each telephone pole for 2 burpees

Part 2 – grab a rock from behind the amphitheater. Carry the rock over your head to the upper lot and do 20 flutters – single leg count. Carry the rock back down to the lower lot over your head and do 20 merkins – do this 5 times

Part 3 – mosey to bottom Massey st hill. Run up Massey st hill to parking lot AFAP. Plank, down dog and honeymooner, then run to the opposite end of parking lot AFAP. Then lunge walk back across the lot while peach stand describes his “why”
COT: finished the “why” story

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2025 – SLT Disruption

WARMUP: full crew in cadence
65ish SSH for the 65 dudes that were in the circle
Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers
Peter Parker

Split to boot camp and kettlebells
– Buy-in: 20 bomb jacks, 20 donkey kicks.
– Bear crawl the length of parking lot / whistle = 10 merkins
– Lunge walk parking lot / whistle = 10 jump squats
– 20 swings
– 5 merkins
– 5 goblet squats
– count down the merkins and squats keep the 20 swings
– Swing progression
– Squat Swings
– Swings
– American Swings
– Rack bell
– slow step back reverse lunge
– press when returning the back leg
– Clean Progression
– Row
– Clean
– Swing
– Snatch

Unbeknownst to the PAX we switched modalities about halfway through. This was to represent the foundation 1 from Q-Source:

“Because it induces movement, leadership causes Disruption”

PAX were disrupted from their planned morning workout to make sure both Qs saw all the PAX and to push them outside the complacency zone of their established routines. With the leadership, we should expect disruption and embrace it.

Leaders influence movement towards advantage. Disruption is a solid technique to induce movement.

“If a man calls himself a leader but does not cause Disruption by initiating movement, then he is not practicing leadership. He might be doing something else, like managing or governing, but he is not leading.”

It is not the goal of the new SLT members is not to manage or govern. It should not be the goal of the Site Qs to manage or govern. Let’s lead!

F3 is not an organization with leaders, but an organization OF leaders. Each man is freed to lead. The particulars of Site Qs and the SLT structure is nice, but let us not be afraid to disrupt when we have a vision for advantage.

Kermit handed 2nd F Q off to Liberty Bibberty
Band Camp handed the Weasel Shaker off to Poppins
Esso handed the Nantan Flag off to Band Camp

It is an honor to be considered a leader in the Fort. But be mindful every member of the PAX is A LEADER. Let’s all be about the business of leading.

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Four Church Corners

WARMUP: SSH, IW, HW, Plank / Stretches
Mosey up Main Street to Baptist Church
Corner 1 – 30 Monkey Humpers
Run to corner 2
Corner 2 – 30 Merkins
Run to corner 3 – 30 squats
Run to corner 4
Corner 4 – 30 LBC’s
Rinse & repeat for 5 (ish) rounds
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence, Jaeger, Luca, RYN
COT: Always

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The Impossible Mile

20 men rolled out of bed and got better this morning. There were ruckers, runners, and bootcampers. Conditions were pleasant (44 and clear). Here’s what we did:

The Thang
“The Impossible Mile Challenge”
– 1 Lap Burpee Broadjump
– 1 lap Lunge Walk
– 1 lap Bear Crawl
– 1 lap Run

<@UGU3XR5RP> finished first and thus was crowned “King of the Ring.”

We take on these challenges to prove our strength. On the surface, this was a physical beast. But during the challenge, it was apparent that this was just as much mental. No one chooses to do these exercises on their own. Candidly, it’s dangerous, difficult, and dare I say, impossible. But there’s a lesson in the face of challenges: will you quit when it gets hard or will you dig deep and push through? Whatever it takes to keep going, do that. If it means taking a rest and going again, do that. You must push past your perceived limitations to find the strength within. You have what it takes. Keep going.


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DORA in the Parks

8 started their day off strong with a chilly Dora in the Parks at Block Party. Here’s what we did:
Warm Up
– 10 SSHs (IC)
– 10 Seal Claps (IC)
– 10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
– 10 Windmills (IC)

The Thang
Mosey to Millstone Park
– 20 Merkins
– 40 LBCs
– 60 Squats

Mosey to Confederate Park (repeat above)
Mosey to WEP (repeat)
Mosey to Harris Street Park (repeat)
Mosey to Veterans Park (repeat)

Totals: 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 Squats, 3 miles

When you Q Block Party, Cubbie likes you to share your “why” because a man who has a “why” to live can bear almost any “how.”

My why is my desire to be reliable for those I love. I want to be able to carry the heavy things and the heavy burdens of my family and friends. F3 strengthens me physically, emotionally, and spiritually – making me resilient in the face of adversity.

Last month at Disney, my son and I were rushing to catch a bus from Hollywood Studios to Magic Kingdom. We had plans to meet my wife and daughter and this bus was the only way to get there on time. I could see it in the distance, loaded and ready to leave. I knew my 5-year-old’s legs couldn’t get there in time after a full day of walking, so I picked him up and ran to catch the bus (notching a couple kills on the way). Without F3, I’m not certain I would have made that move. This physical endurance is built by the Daily Red Pill.

To me, the COT is the best part of the workout. What we share is so valuable. We have the antidote to male loneliness in the form of genuine care and concern with a heavy dose of sophomoric humor and dynamic shame goading. It’s the perfect recipe for a man to feel included. Sharing our struggles lessens their effect and celebrating our wins doubles their impact. This is the mental and spiritual catalyst for impact and improvement.

So, what’s my “why?” You are. You make me a better man. You make me a better husband, father, friend, and leader. And that’s why I’ll keep coming for another 11+ years.


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