Tomahawk 2018.38

So today I had the privilege to Q at Tomahawk.  After driving what seemed like a time i could have squeezed in a Lord of the Rings movie, I finally made it out to Doby’s Bridge Elementary.  I’ll make the backblast short and sweet.

There was a warmup that consisted of the usual suspects:  SSH, Windmills, Merkins, Peter Parkers…

The THANG consisted of three parts

Lunge walk with bell pass through.  Lunge steps not in cadence but on my “Step!” and sprint when I say “Go!”  This was broken up by burpees (everything was broken up by a few burpees), KB swings x20 and snatches x5 each arm.

Next was a DORA but one runs with your partners and your own bell to the end of the parking lot and back.  Exercises were 100 Merkins, 100 LBCs, 100 squats

Last (I think) was mobility.  Wide sumo squat and hold, left, right.  Then work it out with a low slow quat in cadence.   Superman hold to an overhead clap for shoulder mobility.  Then work it out with some plank work: merkins, shoulder taps, 1 arm holds, 6 inches, mountain climbers.

Finish it with a few minutes of mary.  Flutters with bell, protractor with bell, LBCs with bell.

BTW… that some nice new blacktop.


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16 got Brenton’d at the Honey Badger

16 brave little badgers got their man card punched this morning at the best AO in The Fort Region – The Honey Badger.

This AO is always a little bit harder, and a little bit longer than the rest. If you fight badger on Monday, and start your week like a hero – the rest of the week is a little bit easier.

This week we honored Officer Timothy Brenton.  Brenton, husband and father of two, was killed in the line of duty on October 31, 2009

The Brenton workout calls for five rounds of bear crawls (100 ft) standing broad jumps (100 ft) with 3 burpees after every five jumps. We modified this slightly to bear crawls of 100 yards, and broad jumps of 100 yards with 3 burpees every 10 yards. We also added a 400 meter run in between sets.

This is the second time the Brenton has made it to the Honey Badger – both times it was modified to 100 yards. So we are adopting this as the new standard.

Prayers to all effected by Hurricane Florence

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Not by the Original Artist

As with most things in life, we learn from copying others. Workout routines are frequently copied and improved upon. Music (cover songs) fall into the same category as the PAX learned about this AM.

No FNG’s, disclaimer promptly delivered.
Warm up:
Mosey to elementary school
SSH (IC 15x)
Windmill (IC 15x)
Imperial Walker (IC 15x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 15x)
Merkin (IC 15x)
Peter Parker (IC 15x)
Plank stretches

Throughout Thang 1 and 2 (detailed below) the tunes are playing, but they are all songs made more popular by the “cover band” rather than the original artist. If a PAX correctly names the original artist, they receive a clothes pin award. The significance of the clothes pin is revealed way down below.

Thang 1: Bermuda Triangle
Three cones spaced 20-30 yards apart.
Start at cone 1, do one burpee, bear crawl to next cone
Cone 2, do two burpees, bear crawl to next cone
Cone 3, do three burpees, bear crawl back to cone 1, and pick up a clothes pin from the bucket
Repeat the circuit, picking up a clothes pin for each completed circuit.

Thang 2: BLIMPS (Cones spaced 15-20 yds apart)
Start at cone 1- B for burpee, do 5 of them
Run to cone 1 – L for lunge, do 10 each leg
Run to cone 2 – I for Imperial Walkers, do 15
Run to cone 3 – M for Merkins, do 20
Run to cone 4 – P for Peter Parkers do 25 (modification)
Run to cone 5 – S for Squats, do 30
Run back to cone 1 and pick up a clothes pin, then rinse and repeat until time is called.

Thang 3: Clothes Pin Tag
PAX attach the earned pins to their sleeves
PAX are confined to defined area
PAX try to remove and keep other PAX pins.
At end of time, PAX with most clothes pins wins! (Tie amongst Tube Sock, Youts, and Punchlist)

Mosey to COT
Prayers for: Healing for Youts father
Praise for: Punchlist’s wife and bun in the oven doing fine

The not-by-the-original-artist tunes: (original artist in parentheses)
I fought the law “the clash” (The Crickets)
I love rock in roll “Joan Jett” (the Arrows)
All along the watch tower “Hendrix” (Dylan)
Higher ground “Red Hot Chili peppers” (Stevie Wonder)
Hang on to your ego “Frank Black” (Beach Boys)
Hard to handle “the Black Crowes” (Otis Redding)
Come on feel the noise “Quiet riot” (Slade)
Respect “Aretha Franklin” (Otis Redding)
Route 66 “Depeche Mode” (Nat King Cole)

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Stop the Sprints already. The Coop

Mosey to football field 400 meters around track dynamic movements.
Mosey 400 meters around track at your pace (U vs. U)
Line up on the side lines count off by 2s
While P1 does exercise P2 sprints sideline to sideline.
E1- squats, merkins, American hammers
E2- bomb jacks, CDDs, flutter kicks
E3- jumping lunges, overhead presses, rosalitta
E4- squat to calf raise, hand release merkins, box cutters
Move to goal line- Lunge walk to five yard line do 1 burpee keep going to other end zone 1 burpee every 5 yards.
At other end 13 burpees OYO.
Bear crawl to the 50 yard line.
Mosey to benches 15 dips while partner planks, 10 dips, 5 dips.
Run 400 meters.
Mosey to pull up bars 5,4,3,2,1 while partner does Balls to wall.

Remember People willing to give all for you. Give you family and friends the best of you.

Prayers- Jobs, families, those in hurricanes path

Announcements- Invergence, reading in Paradise community

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The Fire Ant. 9/11 WOD

There were roughly 2000 steps in the towers… If you just walk that (not on stairs) it’s roughly a mile…
There were nearly 3000 souls who lost their lives as a result of the terror attacks on 9/11…

Therefore, we were going to perform 1 mile of running (with rucks) and 3000 reps (one for each person who died).

Mosey over to the hill behind the apartments by the fountain (consult Google Maps if you have no idea what I’m talking about).

Up the hill and back (1/3 mile)
10 exercises/100 reps each

  1. Curls
  2. Merkins
  3. Squats
  4. Overhead Press
  5. Partner Leg Press
  6. Flutters
  7. Chest Press
  8. LBC
  9. Mtn Climbers
  10. Upright Row

Up the hill and back

  1. 100 count front hold
  2. 100 count plank hold
  3. 100 count squat hold
  4. 100 count overhead hold
  5. 100 count body destroyer
  6. 100 count lateral hold (switch arms at 50)
  7. 100 count close body hold (bent arms)
  8. 100 count tri hold
  9. 100 count boat hold
  10. 100 count body destroyer

Up the hill and back

  1. Curls
  2. Merkins
  3. Squats
  4. Overhead Press
  5. Partner Leg Press
  6. Flutters
  7. Chest Press
  8. LBC
  9. Mtn Climbers
  10. Upright Row

Now… we only got to about Flutters on set 1. I thought we’d get a little further, but it was HARD. The element of not being able to finish was kind of baked in there though, since all the people that day who died very unexpectedly didn’t get to finish either… Live every day. Don’t be complacent. Take the #DRP. Get right, Live right, Lead right, Leave right.

Helmet, out.

**Also, there was one other dude with us that morning, and I’m sure he’ll be offended, but I can’t remember for the life of me who it was… If you remember, or if it was you, sound off in the comments.**


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Q School 101- Part II

School was back in session at Golden Corral for the 2nd week of “September Q School”.  Bones and Senator Tressel were the originally scheduled professors.  However, due to Senator being on the IR, YHC was called in as a substi-Q teacher.

14 pax posted for 2nd of two workouts covering 101 material.  An additional 8 pax went their own way with their black backpacks (likely not filled with textbooks).  NASA and TwoFerns brought out FNG, later to be named “Ruxpin”.

Bones kicked us off with a mosey around the parking lot with some high knees, butt kickers, Karaoke, and lunges.  Circling up for COP, he shared advice and wisdom on exercises that are simple and keep pax together. We did a few minutes of COP warm-up, with some exercises called out (and lead by) by pax that hadn’t Q’ed before (or only Q’ed once):

  • Windmills
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Moroccan Night Clubs
  • Seal Jacks
  • Slow Low Squats
  • Peter Parkers
  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Carolina Dry Docks

Mosey over to a different part of the parking lot where Bones emphasized that “simple” doesn’t mean “easy”, and that partnering up helps hold men accountable during the exercises.  We each partnered up for the next exercise event. All of the following were done with your partner, not switching off, like some lazy pax (or maybe just YHC) were hoping for.

  • 10 Merkins
  • Lunge across small lot
  • 10 Burpees
  • Bearcrawl back
  • 10 LBCs

Rinse and repeat 4 times.

Hand off to YHC.  We took a couple 10 counts and moseyed to the parking lot behind the shopping center.  I discussed a bit about how pax will follow and trust the Q until they have reason not to.  Trust can be broken by putting pax in dangerous situations.  Trust can be built by showing effort in planning.

Next up, Rugby Sprints.  Two sets of cones were set up about 30 yards apart.  Pax were instructed to perform exercises (together) until Q called out “GO!”.  At that point, pax were to sprint to the other cones, sprint back, then recovery walk back to the other cones.  Rinse and repeat as time allowed.  Stationary exercises we did where:

  • Merkins (in cadence)
  • Overhead Claps (in cadence)
  • Crab Cakes (in cadence)

Mosey back to COT.  Along the way we discussed the importance of promoting your Q via Twitter and documenting it afterwards via BackBlast.

T-claps to FNG Ruxpin for not only posting, but making his first post a Q school! With a Q school now under his belt, he should be ready to lead workout in no time.  Also, great work by NASA and TwoFerns for brining him out.


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It’s the Badger after all…

Over the weekend, many of us had the opportunity to participate in the 9/11 GORUCK events. It was a powerful reminder that our days are numbered and we don’t have any idea what that number is… One of our Cadre, Mike S., told us stories of men that he knew that had joined the Armed Services in some form or fashion (just as he had) as a direct result of the events of 9/11. One of those was a man that later would give his life in service to his country, Severin Summers III. Cadre Mike knew Severin, and told us some of his story at the event. We thought it only fitting to perform the workout that bears his name at the Badger yesterday. And it was hard…

50 Pull-ups
100 Hand-release Merkins
Run 5K

You could do it straight or break it up as you saw fit. For me, I did them in sets of 10, 20, and 800M runs until complete. I think that everyone chose to break it up in some way… There was a lot of sweat. And pain… those are the things I remember…

We started our week on the right trajectory, with a reminder to live THIRD… like a hero…

Helmet, out…

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On the second clock at Tomahawk

Polaroid sent out a request a few weeks back for Q’s.  Replying affirmatively meant I was going to be put out of my comfort zone as I had only attended a weight AO twice over the years. I was then able to get in a visit to Tomahawk last week to scout the layout.

I will add at this point that everyone should consider attending more weight AO’s. It’s a good test for new muscles and your core.

Arrived early to lay out cones and coupons and got help from an early arriving FNG, Josh Bolden.  I was immediately giving him some disclaimer info as this workout was going to be a bit of a challenge and it was going to keep PAX moving the whole time, and made sure he understood this was not a standard bootcamp workout.

Full disclaimer especially with an FNG. A little bit of a warmup and proper cadence, an explanation of each exercise in the clock and then broke into 2  groups. 2 PAX did the clock while 3 moved over the runway, then alternated.

At the runway, each end was core exercises . We ran to points in the middle alternating doing the following exercises, in cadence if possible: Curls, One Arm Rows, Squats, Overhead Press, KB Swings, Front LIfts…approximately 10 reps each time.

The PAX on the clock did the following with their kettlebell/weight going with them as much as possible. When returning to the middle, 2 burpees. Each ‘time’ was a x5 factor:

  • 12:00 – overhead weight run
  • 1:00      – 5 burpees
  • 2:00      –  10 One leg squats each leg
  • 3:00      – 120# worm coupon pull on slider
  • 4:00      – 20 kb swings
  • 5:00      – 25 squat thrusters
  • 6:00      – bear crawl using dumbells
  • 7:00      – 35 alternating calf raises
  • 8:00      – 40 finger tippers, using 2 hand finger tip strengtheners
  • 9:00       – Lunge walk
  • 10:00     – 50 Hand Squeezers
  • 11:00     – 50 Moroccan Night…Discs. 5# weight in each hand

This was a workout designed to keep moving. There were not many opportunities to rest but I think it worked out well. The clock obstacle course needs some tweeking so that it takes less time. I meant for it to be completed a little quicker, next time we’ll shoot for 10 minutes or less.

Thanks to PAX again for helping with cleanup. We ended up at 29 burpees.

Big reminder here that we did not do. Especially with an FNG, have gloves available!  Generally I believe this is a site Q responsibility, but I always have a bag of gloves and I forgot to offer them to our FNG.

Welcome FNG J-Cruz, or J-Cruise, or J-Crews! EH’d by Jekyl and Decibel. Josh’s whole family’s names begin with a J, plus he was once the President of a Land Cruiser organization (hope I got that right).  Name-O-Rama here.

Thanks to Polaroid for the opportunity and for the PAX who gave the clock set up a go.

Invergence Sept 21, G-Fit Sat’s 3:00 pm, Prayers to PAX with marital issues. Thanks to Punchlist for taking us out.

Aye! Bolt

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On the first clock at Block Party

Thanks to Shady for the Twitter reminder of my Block Party Q as I haven’t been checking my email much lately which would have included the reminder from  Worship Planning.

I had already been planning a “clock” workout for my VQ KB workout the next day at Tomahawk, so I ran with that and applied it to Block Party with a “bigger clock.”

Arrived, set out all the cones in the field in clock formation 12-11:00 along with “the worm” 120 # coupon at 3:00.

Back to parking lot just in time and a quick disclaimer with no FNG’s. (This would not be the case the next day). A mosey around about a half lap of WEP which included high knees, butt kickers, side shuffle. A brief circle of warmups which included a couple back stretches needed by the Q.

Headed to the clock. Each hour had an exercise on a cone a distance away to run to from the epicenter. We first did the clock as a group, then followed it partnering up.  At the end of each ‘cross’ were the following: 12:00 sprint to top of hill, 3:00 worm carry, 6:00 lunge walk, 9:00 partner carry (or modified). The other times included various exercises (of which I cannot now list as the M threw away my weinke), but included calf raises, squat thrusters, merkins…

The bonus on this fine morning was a “Let Me Run Burpee Challenge” cow bell that every PAX had to ring once during the workout and, wherever you were at the time of ringing, 5 burpees were required.  Total 45 burpees were completed.

Thanks to PAX for the cleanup at the end. Ran out of time to get some core work in. No Name O Rama video embedded here as you couldn’t see faces anyway.

Announcements included the Invergence on Sept. 21, G-Fit moving to Saturdays at 3:00 pm with a call to PAX the post if you can and support the kids, after school reading program in Paradise on Mondays and Wednesdays, Ragnar coming up with Sunday morning trail runs, BRR this weekend with many F3 teams.

Prayers to sick family members and PAX going through marital hardships.

Thanks to Shady and all PAX that posted and gave the clock a go.

Aye! Bolt






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Labor Day Hero VQ!

First time… nervous… big stage at Honey Badger… I was cornered by Dark Helmet last Monday to lead. And by cornered I mean he casually asked if I would lead, and I said yes. I can say I didn’t get much sleep out of fear for sleeping in and missing the opportunity. Welp, I made it and so did 12 other PAX.

The clock struck 5:00, and we were off.

Warm Up

MOSEY 600 Yards
SSH x 30
Windmill x 15
Moroccan Night Clubs x 20
Low Slow Squat x 15
Mountain Climbers x 21

The Thang:

Hero WOD in tribute to Petty Officer Second Class Danny Dietz of the Navy SEALs – Posthumous Navy Cross Recipient

Jun 28, 2005. Operation Red Wings. A mission inserting four Navy SEALs into the Afghan Mountains in an attempt to eliminate a Taliban threat. Outnumbered once they were compromised, they descended the hills in search of cover.

Dietz was hit multiple times in his torso yet continued to fight on. He was finally killed when hit in the head.

Dietz was the first of the group to be killed, followed by Murphy, then Axelson. Marcus Luttrell was able to escape to a village where he was cared for until they could send word to a local marine base.

Danny Dietz was KIA during Operation Red Wings alongside Lt. Michael Murphy, Petty Officer Second Class Matthew Axelson, and 16 other Special Forces who were shot down in a Chinook Helicopter while attempting an extraction. This took place in a mountainous region of Afghanistan and was an attempt to quell a Taliban threat. Though the mission was deemed one of the greatest losses in Special Forces history, it paved the way for more success in the war on terror in the Middle East. It is because of missions like these that we are able to enjoy the freedoms we sometimes take for granted; if it weren’t for these brave men we wouldn’t have what we have today. I hope that today we honored their sacrifice through our small amount of pain.

10 Rounds

200M Run
5 Pull-Ups
10 KB Swings
15 Goblet Squats
20 Merkins

Since it was my VQ (and I obviously didn’t realize the kind of animals I’d be working with), we finished a liiiiittle bit earlier than anticipated. About 20 minutes. Whoops! Needless to say we jumped into some Mary.

LBCs (Led by Dark Helmet because I was too busy lagging behind in my WOD)
Rosalitas (Also led by Dark Helmet)
Flutter Kicks
Hello Dolly’s
Heels to the Heavens

We got up for a nicely paced 400M run, then headed back to the hill near the pull up bars for some timely Quadzillas! New to me, not to the group. They were welcomed with groans.

We circled back to the COT to do some last second Weighted Flutter Kicks. Phew! We made it! First VQ complete. Nerves relieved.

Number off (13), Name-a-Rama, announcements, praise/prayers.

Spiderman is celebrating 13 years of marriage today (Sep 3rd), good on you!

Invergence is coming 9/21/18 at Rush Pavilion, 5:30PM. DON’T bring a box of fried chicken. Apparently some people don’t like chicken.

PAX who showed up.

Harry Carry
Dark Helmet
Long Shanks
Dirty Harry
Punch List

A few animals stayed around for a 6:30 Maltz Challenge as well as some #HIM from other AO’s. Needless to say, it was a sweaty morning filled with camaraderie and pain.

Thanks to all for giving me the opportunity to lead in the company of leaders! Looking forward to next time.

Punch List out.

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