Pre-Convergence Convergence

There were Ruckers and runners.

Barry Manilow led the runners for 5+ miles around The Fort.

The bootcampers were led first by Maximus with a SSH x Merkin combo x2 to warm up.
After a quick warm up, the weinke was
10 merkins, 10 mountain climbers (double count) at each of the 9 swings around the park. When done and waiting on the 6 to fill in, hold an Al Gore. To wrap up, starting at the bottom of the grassy hill from the parking lot, flutter kicks, then burpees at the top of the hill.

Cake Boss took second shift with playtime at the playground.
Partnering up, one partner does squats, while the other runs around the playground. Then flapjack. Next was pull ups/merkins following the same format. To wrap up, keeping the same partner, one bear crawled across the field and run back, while the other did flutters. Flap jack until 3 rounds were done.

Fogerty took us home with some 11’s and hill repeats.
At the bottom of the hill with the statue, started with 10 merkins and bombjacks. Half way up the hill, 5 burpees, then 1 squat and big boy sit-up. No burpee on the way back down the hill. Repeat until 11’s are done cutting out the burpees when you hit 5 & 6.

This was a fun 60 min bootcamp.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Clave Boss & convergence in 12/23. Happy Birthday Walker. Tallawah is officially closed for good.


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DORA at Sonic

WARMUP: It was cold so we got right to it.
SSH, WindMills, Produce Pickers. Then we mosey to the smaller circle at the apartments for some clock work. Then ran to Sonic.
THE THANG: DORA was there with 100 wide arm merkins, 200 V-ups and 300 sumo squats. For those who were fast, combination of LBC and or Merkins. Ran back towards COT. Needed more milage so on to Harris Teeter for a wall sit with burpees. Change Order requested happy jumps, it was entertaining!! 40-love ended with a Karate Kick!
MARY: Went around with AH, Hello Dolly and Gas Pumpers
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Readctge news letter, D2D, Wednesday mini Convergence, and more,
COT: Prayers for patience, trust in tge lord and mental health during the season.

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Hills hills hills

THE THANG: Run over to the school
Run hill repeats back and forth from school to bank parking lot, 10 merkins and 15 squats at each stop
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read your newsletter

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Cuban Style Buffet of Pain

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly Walkers, Strawberry Pickers
Round 1:Cheese Shredder, Wall Sit, and Balls to the Wall
Round 2: Dora with 100 reps each following exercise:
Overhead Claps
Hello Dollies
Inclined Merkins
American Hammers
Timer was other partner running to end of parking lot and back
Closed with Bear Crawls and Crab Walks to first parking lot island.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Taking responsibility

YHC clipped the Ms car on the way out of the driveway this morning – initial reaction was to find anything and anyone else to blame…. I was running late because no one moved the elf, and I couldn’t find my running shoes because my son “put them away in the garage”, and my M didnt pull all the way up in the driveway.

The truth is I didn’t do the basic things required for the task like taking a walk/look around the car or adequately use my mirrors. These were all completely under my control and I failed.

Human nature is to deflect blame to others, as HIMs we need to resist this urge. We can’t blame other’s for our own complacency.

run to Allison park stopping every 1/4 mile for 10 merkins.

once at the park, yhc led IC exercises until the 6 arrived (squats, reverse lunges, sumo squats). Once all PAX arrived, we assumed plank position and performed in cadence shoulder taps (40) and then in cadence squats (30) while each PAX performed one max set of pullups.

ran back to Earthfare stopping every 1/4 mile for 10 merkins.

used remaining time to do 4 corners at Earthfare with10 reps of sumo squats and wide arm merkins at opposite corners.

couple minutes of Mary to finish.

strong work by all today.


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Whiteville Christmas lights

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: run to downtown go through whiteville park up and over to cvs on Steele street all the way to Williamson street turn right work way back to Panera.

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Ft Mill Laps

WARMUP: Jog over Walter Elisha Park for a few warmup exercises and an explanation of the plan.
THE THANG: 6 individual ~.5mi laps spread around downtown with 3 exercises after each lap. The exercises were:
10 Mountain Climbers I/C (scaled down to 5 for time)
10 Mak Tar Jai’s I/C (scaled down to 5 for time)
5 Burpees
I could provide the turn-by-turn directions for each lap but instead, call me and I’ll explain.
MARY: A few exercises performed just prior to COT.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Golf, D2D info, upcoming Shovel-flag transition at Colosseum, Newsletter
COT: 5th Core Principle

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Audible, Ausdible

WARMUP: Substitute Q announcement for Bitcon and gave disclaimer. Warm up run to the kids learning academy. We warmed up Michael Phelps, MNC, Hillbilly Walkers. Windmills and ran down the hill to the apartments.
THE THANG: Asked Half Shell and Huffy to pick an exercise. We did 7’s on the hill with Burpees at the top and Squats at the bottom. Then, we did an apache 10 count with Half Shell. and then Change Order. Planked it up in the middle of the apartments and ran back up to the rear parking lot. Another apache 10 count with Skipper while lung walking towards Express Oil. Mosey the rest of the way to the side of Teeter for walk work. 1st we did wall sit with a run out to monkey humpers. 2nd, we did BTW with a run out to 1 burbee. Slow Mosey back to COT while Huffy did an apache 10 count.
MARY: At COT. Huffy lead us on broga, then all Pax called out 1 ab workout.
COT: Prayers for travel mercies, thankful for safe travels, prayer for teenage drivers and making it through the holiday week with extended family.

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Rain, no shine

WARMUP: Grinder stretch
THE THANG: 100 big boys, Bobby Hurley’s, flutters, LBC‘s, squats, monkey humpers, Freddie Mercury’s,
MARY: wind mills, rosalitas, 6 in 10 count to plank to shoulder taps, Morrocan night clubs all in the pouring rain

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