Simplicity is not always easy

– SSH x20
– Imperial Walkers x10
– Windmills x10

Simple….loop around Fort Mill with 6 pain stations.
– Improper Pig = Merkins x20
– Fort Mill Animal Hospital = Diamond Merkins x20
– Fort Mill Town Hall = Wide Arm Merkins x20
– Fort Mill Baptist Church = Xs & Os x20
– Jacked up parking lot at the hill = LBC x20
– Print Shop Parking Lot = Side LBC x20 each side

– Click Bait HIM Camp – See newsletter for details.

Thank you Funhouse for the opportunity to Q at one of the strongest AOs in the region!

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Konvergence for Kenya

We converged on 6/10 to with a special weinke designed by the PAX of F3 Nairobi (but “may” have been augmented by Poppins…)

Warm up
Various, but highlight was 150 SSH in sets of 50. #CrowdPleaser

Groups of 5
Indian Run
5 burpees by the guys at the back

Dora on the football practice field
50 burpees – bear crawl
200 merkins – bear crawl
200 squats – lunge walk
300 4-count mountain climbers – frog leap a partner

Lots of bat flipping on the 4-count of the mountain climbers and the frog leaping

The guys in Kenya average a 5 mile transit to and from the AO, so a group of PAX dutifully pre-ran and post-ran 5 miles after the beatdown. YHC took a bit of flack, because it was me that spitballed that idea and then did not pre or post run. I did bring my 2.0 to the workout to try to cover the fact that I wouldn’t be running extra, but to no avail. Badlands 100% called me out.

Welcome FNGs
– Dungeon Master
– V-neck

– Badlands, Poppins, Rolloff, Maximus, Funhouse, Sasquatch, Cyclops, Beaker
– rucking: Sprocket, NakedandAfraid
– Badlands, Poppins, Rolloff, Maximus, Funhouse
All running
– Gears

The plan was to raise $$ to purchase a vehicle for transportation of Nairobi PAX to workouts, supporting efforts to assist in community and coordinating donations etc. The need is tremendous and our financial support is magnified in Kenya.

As of this backblast, we raised $2620. I have no idea when you’re reading this, but you could possibly still contribute and Poppins may still have T-Shirts in the back of his vehicle:

Q-School Wednesday 6/14 at Bushwood
The Fort Retreat 8/11-8/13 (Register now!)

Safari (F3 Nairobi Nantan) facetimed in at the end to offer up a prayer closing out COT.

This backblast respectfully submitted by Band Camp

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The Fort’s 1st Ever Ruck & BOWLING Workout

WARMUP: squats with spinal rotations and hamstring lengthening; plank exercises and mix in upward<>downward dog holds
THE THANG: Rucks on, carry 1-2 bowling pins, 1 pax carrying a 20# ball; ruck ~.2 miles, circle up and perform in cadence one set of one of the following exercises [1. squat hold with arm circles holding the bowling pin; 2. lunge hold with shoulder flexion overhead holding the bowling pin; 3. lateral lunge hold with shoulder abduction (lateral flexion) holding the bowling pin; 4. plank and gravediggers while holding the bowling pin]; THEN all pax places the pin in triangle formation, takes 10 walking lunge paces away from the bowling pin triangle, one pax “bowls” the 20# ball, and the number of remaining pins equals the number of manmakers that had to be completed; strikes were rewarded with 10 merkins.
BROGA: warriors and prayer twists
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Kenya workout on Saturday
COT: We landed an FNG via a passerby while doing broga at the end. Strongly believe he (Mr. Burns) will be returning. Thanks for the Q opportunity, Sprocket!

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Pillars O’ Pain Accumulator

WARMUP: Mosey big lap, then some stuff
THE THANG: Pillars O’ Pain Accumulator. Cones with exercises, then run a lap. Odd cones = Big lap. Even cones = Small lap. Accumulate. Cones:
1) 10 Burpees
2) 20 Squats
3) 15 Merkins
4) 15 Lunges each leg
5) 20 Carolina Dry docks
6) 15 Jump Squats
7) 15 Mike Tyson Merkins
8) 20 4-count Plank Jacks
9) 20 Burpees
MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence this Saturday for Kenya. See Solo for opportunity coming to help at risk women in Rock Hill – Jumping Rope for hours it what it sounds like – Maximus and FishSticks excited to chant rymes and songs while jumping rope.
COT: Praise for men risking rejection and asking Kotters to come back out. Prayers to love our wives/M’s.

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Show Tune Tuesday

Mosey around parking lot. Stop for a few quick warm-up exercises:
– Mountain Climbers
– Imperial Walkers

Run to Rite-Aid
4-Corner Accumulator
Round 1- 1 burpee at each corner – run in between corners
Round 2 – 1 burpee, 2 Donkey Kicks at each corner
Round 3 – 1 burpee, 2 Donkey Kicks, 3 Run Stance Switch
Round 4 – 1 burpee, 2 Donkey Kicks, 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins (4 count)
Round 5 – 1 burpee, 2 Donkey Kicks, 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks (4 count)
Round 6 – 1 Burpee, 2 Dokey Kicks, 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks, 6 box cutters
Round 7 – 2 Donkey Kicks, 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks, 6 box cutters
Round 8 – 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks, 6 box cutters
Round 9 – 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks, 6 box cutters
Round 10 – 5 plank jacks, 6 box cutters
Round 11 – 6 box cutters

Made it half way through round 11. Totals:

Burpees: 24
Donkey Kicks: 48
Run Stance Switch: 72
Merkins: 192
Plank Jacks: 240
Box Cutters: 72
Mileage: 2.1

Great work by all men! Thanks again, SlowJams!

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Take More Risk

National Trail Day begged for trails run. So did Pusher’s trail shoes he hadn’t used. Glorious morning in the Gloom, with lively pax and a virgin trail journey by Assassin.

For those keeping score, we covered 5.5-6 miles by cruising down 160 to horse barn Greenway entrance, right down no name trail to the service rd to Cantrell to Lake Haigler for a pause at Badger Memorial bench/tree to pay respects to loop around Lake back to Timberline trail on far side to Kingsley trail to back entrance to Kingsley taking us home.

along the way there were stops to “water” the foliage, hydrate via normal ingestion or a swim (Olaf) and plenty of mumblechatter.

COT: Message today honored Badger and Pusher together. Badger’s early passing proves we aren’t guaranteed anything. Pusher’s desire to take on trails along with many late age humans wishing they’d played the game of life more aggressively as they come to the end teaches us to #TakeMoreRisk as we live each day

thanks for the Q stick Pusher!

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1st Time For Everything

WARMUP: NONE….this is Clydesdales
THE THANG: a nice 4 mile loop: Down to Spratt…..Right on Harris……Back up on Munn rd….Bonus if you want.
1st time Q for the Clydesdales…..1st time I have Q’d and didn’t do the actual workout. Opted for the Ruck option.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Kenya Convergence. Boss Hogg’s going away party (although he already left?)
COT: Prayers for Luca/Vuvu family. Anchorman’s new business.

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Back to school with Billy Madison

This morning 11 studs went back to school with Billy Madison. Here’s what we did:

10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
10 SSHs (IC)
Take a lap

The Thang
12 rounds of 12 exercises (adding new exercises each round) to simulate 12 years of school Billy had to complete.

12 American Hammers
Take a lap
12 American Hammers, 12 Merkins
Take a lap
12 American Hammers, 12 Merkins, 12 Calf Raises
Take a lap
12 American Hammers, 12 Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 LBCs
Take a lap
12 American Hammers, 12 Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins
Take a lap
12 American Hammers, 12 Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Squats
Take a lap
12 American Hammers, 12 Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 Boxcutters
Take a lap
12 American Hammers, 12 Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 Boxcutters, 12 Ranger Merkins
Take a lap
12 American Hammers, 12 Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 Boxcutters, 12 Ranger Merkins, 12 Lunges
Take a lap
12 American Hammers, 12 Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 Boxcutters, 12 Ranger Merkins, 12 Lunges, 12 Freddie Mercurys
Take a lap
12 American Hammers, 12 Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 Boxcutters, 12 Ranger Merkins, 12 Lunges, 12 Freddie Mercurys, 12 Diamond Merkins
Take a lap
12 American Hammers, 12 Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 Boxcutters, 12 Ranger Merkins, 12 Lunges, 12 Freddie Mercurys, 12 Diamond Merkins, 12 Burpees

Some guys got to the Diamond Merkins. Most guys hit two miles. All guys got smoked.

“Billy Madison” taught us to make the best of your second chances. Call the friend or family member you lost connection with. With the knowledge you have now, give that business venture a try. You’re never too old to complete the goals you had when you were younger.
Today was fun. The exercises weren’t, but the conversation was. Great energy today. I hope this was the hardest and stupidest thing you do today. If not, there’s always tomorrow. Thanks for the opportunity, Slow Jams.

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Cubbie Cornhole

WARMUP: Light Jog around the parking lot, sidestep R/L, karaoke R/L, Toy Soldiers, Nur, Bear Crawl

Low Slow Squat
Imperial Walker
Moroccan Night Clubs


Part I:
Progressive Ladder (String of Pearls)
Start with 5 of first exercise, run down to Dogtopia and back, Then do 5 of first, run, 10 of second, run, etc

5 – Merkins
10 – Lunges (2x)
15 – Mtn Climbers
20 – Squats
25 – Flutters

Part II: (We should have spent more time here. Was only last 15 min)
Cubbie Cornhole
Count by 1s and 2s and split
Two play Cornhole, normal scoring
– 1 pt – bag on the board – other team does 10x Big Boy situps
– 3 pts – bog in the hole – other team does 10x CDDs
– Winners – 10x Burpees
– Losers – 10x Kraken burpees

While others are playing, I would should put the following exercises while we watched:

– Planks
– Al Gores
– Calf Raises

Team Cubbie/38/Soup/Half Shell was victorious.

MARY: None
COT: Be intentional with your time this weekend. You have an extra day, use it wisely. Prayers for families, teachers, and veterans.


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