Yellow Pixie Dust

WARMUP: Honored Sergeant Major Robert Cottle, Mozy, butt kickers, toy soldiers, windmills, downward dog and honeymooner
THE THANG: 5 rounds of pain – Run down the hill around the playground and back to the ROTC building, 10 pull ups, 20 curls, 20 dips, 30 squats, 30 merkins then we finished off with 11s with overhead press at the top of the hill and merkins at the bottom.
MARY: went around the circle, lbcs, flutters, box cutters, hammers
COT: marriages, health, families

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Tour de odor AKA style

Imperial walkers
Hillbilly walkers


After warmups we moseyed to back of HT,
Performed wall sit burpee waterfall with everyone doing 1 burpee, then 2

Mosey around back towards church

Toy solders

In back parking lot, break up in groups of 3,- took a couple tries
Partner work – groups of 3
Partner 1
Cocaine bear Crawls to light pole and back
Partner 2 SSH
Partner 3 Mtn climbers

Mosey to church

Bench work
Bulgarian split squats and cactus jacks

Got all the way up to 10/40

100 Derkins
200 dips

Back towards Flag


50 4 count flutters IC, Box cutters, dying cockroach and American hammers
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Fast 5K, Joc, Bethel
COT: make every day count and be sure the ones you love most know it!
It was an honor to serve today, Thank you men!

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It Pays to be a 1

It was a relatively warm morning at Minnow pond where 17 strong PAX met to get some miles..but only limited smiles.

Ran straight to WEP in front of the stage.

The workout:

Start with 10 Burpees

Run to the first swing along the paved path do 10 merkins and 10 lbcs

Run back to the stage do 9 burpees

Run to the 2nd swing on the path do 10 merkins and 10 Lbcs

Run back to the stage and do 8 burpees

Keep going along the path as far as you can until time.

It was here that YHC made the decision to split the pax up into 1’s and 2’s.

I was thinking I just wanted to create some space on the path….unfortunately…what happened was the 2’s were given the opportunity to run up the WEP hill pretty much the entire time.

Despite the complaints the PAX handled it extremely well.

At 5:55 we headed back to COT and got there just in time for 10 more merkins 10 more LBCs and 1 last burpee.

Thanks to Nasa for the opportunity. It was great getting out amongst the PAX this morning.

Until Next Time….


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All of the burpees

Moroccan nightclubs
Cherry picker
Low slow squat
Hillbilly walker

Burpee mile(ish) – 12 burpees, run .3 miles, 12 burpees, run .3 miles, 12 burpees, run .3 miles, 12 burpees, run .3 miles for a total of 48 burpees and 1.2 miles

Burp Back Mountain: partner exercise. Partner 1 nurs up the entrance hill to WEP, then runs forward back to start and does this 5x while partner 2 does burpees. Switch until a total of 100 burpees are completed per team

Head back to amphitheater where pax take turns pulling cards from the F3 card deck and all pax perform exercises on cards
MARY: none needed

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Ass Kicking April Kickstart

WARMUP: 20 Squats buy-in
Ruck to Walmart parking lot with pain stations along the way:
– Incline merkins
– Squats
– T planks
– Merkins
– Dips


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The Impossible Mile

20 men rolled out of bed and got better this morning. There were ruckers, runners, and bootcampers. Conditions were pleasant (44 and clear). Here’s what we did:

The Thang
“The Impossible Mile Challenge”
– 1 Lap Burpee Broadjump
– 1 lap Lunge Walk
– 1 lap Bear Crawl
– 1 lap Run

<@UGU3XR5RP> finished first and thus was crowned “King of the Ring.”

We take on these challenges to prove our strength. On the surface, this was a physical beast. But during the challenge, it was apparent that this was just as much mental. No one chooses to do these exercises on their own. Candidly, it’s dangerous, difficult, and dare I say, impossible. But there’s a lesson in the face of challenges: will you quit when it gets hard or will you dig deep and push through? Whatever it takes to keep going, do that. If it means taking a rest and going again, do that. You must push past your perceived limitations to find the strength within. You have what it takes. Keep going.


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Was I late? Yes. After all that hype, I freaking forgot I said to be there at 0445. So, what do you do in those situations? Well, you dial your ShieldLock and get him to warm everyone up for 5 minutes while you drive like a maniac.

WARMUP: I dunno, <@U19FA0Q8Z> did it. I caught some Dry Docks, but that was all I saw…

Head to entrance hill
– 6 burpees at top – go to bottom
– 20 flutters, 10 big boys, 5 double leg lifts

Back to Startex to pick up the 0500 crowd
– Head to pull up bars/cinderblocks – Grab a block
– 6 pullups
– 20 curls, 10 OH press, 5 triceps extensions
– Run a lap / 400m-ish

No chicks.

Read your newsletter.

The 5th Core Principle.

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Gloom 3: Return of Fusion

WARMUP: We did
THE THANG: We ran to the back of the school and got rocks and carried them around, and then we jumped over walls and stuff.
MARY: No chicks.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.
COT: The 5th Core Principle.

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Brutality is underrated.

Marine Lance Corporal – Noah M. Pier
Marine Lance Cpl Noah M. Pier, 25, was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Expeditionary Force, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii as a machine gunner. He was killed Feb 16, 2010, when he stepped on an IED during operations in Afghanistan. Noah was the oldest of 10 children and had always dreamed of becoming a Marine. In March 1995, he and his family moved to Charlotte, North Carolina, where Noah was involved in the Police Explorers Program for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department. He earned a black belt rank in the American Freestyle Martial Arts and fell in love with his childhood sweetheart, Rachel. In August 2007, Noah fulfilled his dream and joined the Marines. His first deployment was to Iraq in September 2008. Noah was a man full of love and laughter who enjoyed the outdoors. When he returned home from Afghanistan, he was supposed to marry Rachel – the love of his life.

Grab a block – head to the track
– 7 rounds (Combat Team 7)
– 3 exercises (all the 3s – 3rd Marine Regiment, 3rd Division, 3rd Expeditionary Force)
– 25 reps each (age 25)

1. Run 800
2. 25 each of flutter with press, big boy, skull crushers with leg lift
1. Run 400
1. 25 curls, manmakers, bent-over rows
1. Run 400
1. 25 sumo squats, calf raises, swings
1. Run 400
1. 25 curls, manmakers, bent-over rows
1. Run 400
1. 25 each of flutter with press, big boy, skull crushers with leg lift
2. Run 800

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Around The Fort to Return The Pond to Its Roots

WARMUP: Skip to the Thang.
THE THANG: In an effort to return Minnow Pond to its roots, we ran, stopped for exercises, ran, stopped for exercises, repeat. I will write the stop then the qty & category of exercises.
Fort Mill Pharmacy-3 Core Exercises
Jackson St/Sidney Johnson-3 Upper
Harris St-3 Lower

First Flat up the Harris St hill-2 Core
Massey St-2 Upper
Bottom of Massey-2 Lower

Up Main St to Leroy St-1 Core
Leroy/Summersby-1 Upper
Back to Leroy-1 Lower

Back to COT for a few more core exercises

All got 3.5+mi. 1 got 4mi.

MARY: See above
COT: 5th Core Principle

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