Just in Time

YHC peeled into the parking with 1 minute to spare before the 515 start to see 12 eager PAX waiting to warm up in the cold.  It would have been a bad look for the Site Q to be late to his own Q.

The Thang

Mosey to the Band Parking lot for COP

Usual suspects – SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Squats.

Mosey over the parking lot loop at the front of the school for Dirty MacDuece.  4 sets of 3 exercises done to 12.  All in cadence.  Lap of the parking lot in between each set.

Set 1 – Merkins, Squats, LBCs

Set 2 – CDDs, Alternating Leg Lunges, Freddy Mercury

Set 3 – Diamond Merkins, Monkey Humpers, Rosalitas

Set 4 – Wide Arm Merkins, Sumo Squats, Hello Dollies

Mosey back to stadium parking lot for Mary.  Went around the circle with Pax calling out exercises – Freddy Mercury, LBCs, Toe Touches, American Hammers, Peter Parkers, Makhtar N’Diayes

COT – Announcements, Prayers and Praises.

Thanks to all that came out on a cold morning.  Your support is appreciated.

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If in Tega Cay you utilize hills and RUN

YHC took the message from Maxims at Tuesday’s Beyond WO to heart. We all find reasons to not push through difficult times; if thats a workout, raising kids, marriage, we tend to find a reason to give up or divert what really needs to be done. Your mind will convince you to stop or divert, but your body can go beyond what you think you can’t do. This resonated with me as I feel that I have been finding excuses for not being a better man, father and husband. What better way to start changing my mentality by locking shields with my F3 brothers and as the TV show Survivor states “expect the unexpected”. This starts with something that YHC needs to do more of to get better – RUNNING (and yes no Pull-ups today – shocker)

The Thang:

Nice mossy warm up run around the entire TCES

COP at front doors for 15 Windmills, squats, Moroccan nightclubs, IW, LBCs, merkins.

Line up at crosswalk for suicides:

Round 1: to first drop off sign then to second drop off sign (didn’t realize how long a run that was) then 5 merkins at end

Round 2: to end of sidewalk, to first drop off sign, to fire hydrant, then 10 merkins

Round 3 rinse and repeat round 2 but run backwards out and then forward back in, then 10 merkins

Round 4: rinse and repeat round 2 but run backwards both directions, then 10 merkins

Round 5: rinse and repeat round 1

Mossy to intersection near baseball field and circle up for:

Flutters, Bridge (raising each leg for 5 seconds each), LBCs

Mossy to intersection of Tega Cay Drive and Hubert Graham Way

Run to bottom of hill (about 0.25 miles down) and do 10 squats, run back up to intersection and 5 merkins – Rinse and Repeat for 3 times

Mossy back to school intersection at baseball field and circle up for another round of bridges and hammy stretches

Suicides for 2 rounds to fire hydrant and first drop off sign

3 minutes of Mary called out by each PAX


Now, can we all fight through difficulties and go Beyond what we think we can’t do? I sure hope that I can embrace Maximus words everyday and push beyond my boundaries in all aspects of life. Funny, as I write this backblast I recall something I said when I co-hosted the the Fort invergence this past fall I challenged each PAX to do something new and different….here it is and what a great challenge! Go Beyond my mental abilities.

Prayers to our good pal Mr. Clean as he and his family go through the loss of a loved one and allow them to see love, faith, and the LORD. Prayers to YHC friend Sherry who is in ICU recovering from intestinal surgery. Always a honor to Q, thanks Fishsticks!


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The few the proud on New Years Day @ Armory

The temperatures were low and the wind was whipping but three men sharpened each other through the adversity.  It was an honor to post with Assassin and Trucker to sharpen each other on our goals and perspective as we approach the new year.
Warm up lap
– stop 1 – SSH, Mountain Climbers
– stop 2 – seal jacks, Imperial Walkers
Circuit (push plate down and back)
– Curls
– shoulder press
– tricep extensions
– squats
Wall work part 1
 – Wall sits with a variety of uses of the kettle bell
Wall work part two on the knee high wall (15, 10)
– step ups
– Derkins
– skull crushers
Circuit parking lot
– lunge pass through
– Halos
– Around the world
Great way to start the year!
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Forefeast of the Theophany

10 PAX posted in the arctic air this morning (the Ninth Day of Christmas) after emerging from their warm vehicles. There was some mild griping about the weather and a college football game from the night before. Before our feet froze to the ground, YHC directed a mosey to the WEP playground:


SSH 27
Windmill (Abe Vigoda style) 18
Imperial Walkers 9
Hillbilly Walkers 9
Mountain Cimbers 9
Plank to Down Dog to Honey Mooner back to Down Dog
Pull-ups (oyo) 9

Mosey to missing drill bit:


Brief quiz on Theophany that resulted in a lack of correct answers and lead to:
Merkins 9
Low Slow Squats 9
Burpees 9

Mosey to Calhoun St. parking lot

The Thang

Begin w/ 9 bomb jacks (modify to squats if needed)
Run to the center of the parking lot
5 burpees
Run to the end of the parking lot
9 merkins (reserve the right to call hand-release merkins if form is suspect)
Run to center of parking lot
4 burpees
Run back to start

Rinse and Repeat 9 times – (due to time constraints we completed 6-7)

Mosey to CoT for Mary (9 reps of 9 exercises)

1 Love – Flutter
2 Joy – Freddie Mercury
3 Peace – LBC
4 Patience – American Hammer
5 Kindness – Box Cutter
6 Generosity – Monkey Crunches
7 Faithfulness – Big Boy Situps
8 Gentleness – 9 count
9 Self-Control – Catalina Wine Mixer
*Bonus* Stubbornness – 9 Burpees

Naked man moleskin

January 2 is the Ninth Day of Christmas and/or the Forefeast of the Theophany of Jesus Christ. The Theophany, in the orthodox tradition, is the revealing of the divine in Jesus at his Baptism. This date in the more modern tradition coincides with Epiphany, which is the revealing of Jesus as coming to redeem the Gentiles as well as the Jews represented by the Magi.

Some Protestant traditions also celebrate Paul’s nine Fruits of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22-23 as part of the Ninth Day of Christmas, hence the focus on repetitions of 9. I add a bonus fruit of the spirit, stubbornness. Stubbornness has been a real blessing to my life (and occasionally a source of frustration).

We welcomed FNG, Spay, to the ranks. It is a good sign for a FNG to post in 11ºF (which for the record is -12.2ºC). Welcome to Spay!

This was my VQ. It was an honor to have so many come out and post! Thank to Double D for the opportunity!

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Sandbag bootcamp

Mosey around the parking lot with toy soldiers and butt kickers.  Then circle up for SSH, honey lookers, morrracan night club and to finish off the warm-up 5 burpees.

After the warm-up YHC had all the Pax grab the sand bags and move down to the football field where we did the following with a partner.

Start at one end zone and move down the field by throwing the bag.  Do one merkin after each throw until reaching the 10, then add one merkin for every 10 yds.

Second exercise: Pax 1 – monkey humpers,  Pax 2 walking lunges to the 10.  Switch every 10 yds.

3rd exercise: Both pax grab one side of the sand bag and walk to the 10.  Curl and press up. (+1 for every 10 yds)

4th exercise: team up with another group and team one will run with sand bag between them to the end zone and back.  Other team is doing American Hammers until they get back.  Switch

5th exercise: Pax 1 – CDC, Pax 2 overhead carry for 20 yds.  Switch and keep moving to end zone

After completing last exercise we ran out of time so we moseyed back COT.  It was a pleasure to lead and I appreciate all the Pax that showed up and willing to try something new.



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2017 Clave Boss 5k/10k & Christmas Convergence

Here we are as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more——Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas!!

The largest turn out by far for the Clave Boss 5k/10k was a success. We started on time and as far as I know nobody died. Thank you to all the PAX that ran and had a fun time and fellowship.

For the 5k, here were are winners of Bundt Cakes

  1. MacGyver
  2. Harry Carry

For the 10k, here were are winners of Bundt Cakes

  1. Sir Topham Hat
  2. mix of PAX coming from all directions—no idea

For the Ruck, here were are winners of Bundt Cakes

  1. Dark Helmet for 11min pace 5k ruck…..nice work!

Honorable Mention for Anchorman completing the 5k and Barry Manilow being his wingman!

The Convergence kicked off on time and we had Gecko open us up in prayer. We split the groups up and away we went with COT at 0750. Click on links to see the pain that was delivered…..Merry Christmas!

Black Diamond – Longshanks Q – https://t.co/odVJHWCBPS

Bootcamp – Cha Ching Q – https://f3thefort.com/2017/12/23/christmas-convergence-boot-camp-mixed-w-some-bd/

Noderate – Barry Manilow Q – https://f3thefort.com/2017/12/23/your-moderate-option-at-the-convergence/

COT came together and we had 83 men attend this year.

Welcome FNG – Lake Effect, who is 41 not the 50 that he just shouted out. Classic!

Many announcements:

  • Thank you Site Qs for all your work, dedication and leadership!
  • Serve Saturdays ….reach out to Deacon, Bolt, NASA for info…..HIMs!!
  • Joe Davis Run Jan 6
  • Friday Convergence with 3rdF post beat down Jan 12
  • Rooster CSAUP Jan 20
  • Yeti – February
  • P200 – March

More than a workout!!


  • Dark Helmet shared his sister is in need of prayer. Please remember DH and his family each day in prayer
  • Family visiting is fun and sometimes no so fun. BE HIMs!!
  • Prayers for all the PAX traveling and for peace this week!


I spoke to the PAX about how 2000 years ago Sky Q sent his son into the world in the form of a baby. When looking for a place to come in from the cold there WAS NO ROOM AT THE INN. I believe we all fall into this trap and put so much busy into our lives that we don’t have ROOM AT THE INN for Sky Q in our lives. We fill our hearts and minds with so much and when it come to his word and being in relationship, we DON”T HAVE ROOM AT THE INN (in our hearts).

I challenge myself and the PAX to make room for SKY Q and see how it changes your life in 2018 and beyond.

Honored to lead this PAX. I am blessed and grateful for each of you!

Cake Boss


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The G.R.I.N.C.H. Posts to Colosseum

18 pax showed up at Colosseum to steal Christmas back from the GRINCH.  Though not a regular at this AO, YHC jumped at the chance to pinch-hit for Pusher.  And being so close to Christmas, it’d almost be a sin to not have a Christmas theme.

Fresh out of Christmas workout ideas (see Alcatraz backblast from 2 weeks ago), YHC took to backblasts from other regions and found a Grinch theme workouted posted in F3GSO. T-Claps to GSO’s CHiPS and WoJo for the idea.

Disclamer was delivered as a few pax were coming in hot.  25 SSH allowed them time to catch up.


We ran a bit, then stopped for 5 burpee broadjumps and a few toy soilders.

Moseyed some more (in the general direction of 160), stopping at various times for warm-up exercises, including:

  • Squats
  • Peter Parkers
  • Seal Jacks
  • Moroccian Nightclubs
  • Windmills

Our run end in the Velux parking lot.  A few pax tried to claim we were at Golden Corral (sarcasm, perhaps?).  On the hill of the parking lot, 3 stations were set up:

  • Bottom of the hill was an orange cone, representing “Whoville”.
  • Mid-way up the hill was a green cone
  • At the top of the hill was a lantern with this sheet:


To summarize, pax were to do the exercises, run down the hill, stop halfway for 5 squats, run the rest of the way and do 5 LBCs, then run backwards up the hill, stopping halfway for 5 monkey humpers.  Once returning to the top, pax planked up for the 6 before starting the next round.

Exercises were cumulative, so pax had to repeat all previous exercises for each round.  A smattering of #mumblechatter ensued when pax learned 30 HR Merkins would follow 25 CDDs.

We wrapped up with about 12 minutes left, so we headed back, with Jekyll (who ran to the WO from home) Larry Bird’ing most of the way back.

We stopped at a parking lot on the edge of campus and effectively did a lap of alternating bear crawls and lunges, with a couple segments of crab walks.

Finally we ran to where we had done the initial burpee broad jumps, and finished out with the same.


Great job by the pax.  Seems like we put on more miles than a typical bootcamp, and with some hills, yet the 6 was never far behind.  Prayer requests at COT:

  • For Trucker’s neighbor
  • For Orange Crush
  • For Fratboy’s friend
  • For Stang


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Long Route to COT

17 PAX on this 43 deg morning

Warmup: 1 Burpee, SSH, 2 Burpees, Moroccan Night Clubs, 3 Burpees, Imperial Walkers, 4 Burpess, Hillbilly Walkers, 5 Burpees

Wave Merkins to 10, Wave Grave Diggers to 10 followed by a few sprints at 50%, 75%, and AYG

Jacob’s Ladders

Set 1: Carolina Dry Docks 1 to 7 with bear crawl down; Jump Lunges 7 to 1 with sprint back

Set 2: Jump Squats 1 to 7 with long jumps down; Mtn Climbers 7 to 1 with sprint back

Set 3: LBCs 1 to 7 with sprints down; Bomb Jacks 7 to 1 with sprint back

Mosey other parking lot.  Here the “we’re going the wrong way” chatter begins.  Partner 1: Merkins while Partner 2: scales half wall, touches building and back x5

Finish with wall sits, last man to front through all PAX, then BTW for 2 ten-counts

COT… We prayed for families, marriages, and comfort in sickness.

Always honored to Q.

Rocks Out

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The Fort pledge to help another Pax out

Its Christmas time and the word of the month is giving so I am asking if you would take moments pray about giving to help a fellow pax. Last year Stang got the Fort and the Rock pax to donate gift cards, cash and presents for me and my family.  This was huge for me and my family, with that  being said I feel the need to help a fellow pax and give back. I have been in touch with our pax of the Fort looking for someone to help out. This morning in COT it was mentioned by Destiny that a fellow pax’s son has just been diagnosed with leukemia and his wife is pregnant with twins. Then again Ginsu and Rock thrill had a tweet about it and come to find out it is an Area51  pax named Bout time his sons name is Jennings. This hits close to home and just knew this is who we need to help this year. a few

If I have never had the pleasure of posting with you in the Gloom I would like to take a second and share my story, Dec 2015 on Christmas eve my 2.5 year old daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia ALL Type B, on Christmas day she had surgery to have a port installed and her first 3 rounds of chemo. We spent Christmas in the hospital and I broke down never cried so hard in my life. I reached out to God prayed that everything will be okay and about 10 min later after the took my daughter back for surgery he answered my pray because a peace just came over me and heard the words its going to be okay.  The last 2 years have been a hard 2 years with ups and downs but also have enlightened me, allowed me to get closer to God.  It also allowed me to become apart of F3 with out the men of this group not sure where I would be mentally and physically today. I like to thank you for the push the words of encouragement.


I am asking pax to give what your heart tells you. Prayers gift cards, cash etc. I have seen what awesome pax you can be when challenged to give you all always go above and beyond.

See your site Q’s for collections and or Dark helmet , Stang, Witch hunt, Royale and Cornerstone


2 Corinthians 9:7

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Proverbs 18:16

A gift opens the way
and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.

Luke 6:38

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.


Thanks Again HIMS




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Visitors at the Prison

Alcatraz was full of the normal Saturday chatter with the expected return of F3 Aquaman.  In addition, F3 Prosciutto was visiting from Chattanooga, TN with an FNG in tow.  His name, Heater, given based on his pre-workout  ritual.  On the Rocks led with the disclaimer and a lap around the field.  Next, we ran several rounds on sprints and circled up for the following warm-up exercises:


Imperial Walker




Next, we ran over to the baseball field and split into two groups.  The first group bear crawled to second base while the second group performed wall sits.  We switched up after the completion of the exercises.  Next, the first group ran to the outfield fence while the other group performed balls to the wall (switched when complete).

We then circled up for a merkin wave up to ten, followed by a crowd favorite, the grave digger.  On the Rocks finished with the merkin caterpillar.

Next, we headed to the hill to reduce some of the chatter from the regulars.  We ran to the bottom of the hill and waited for all to reach the bottom.  The group was instructed to sprint to the top of the hill.  After a quick ten count, we split into teams of two.  The first person ran to the bottom of the hill and back to the top while the other person performed an exercise (merkins, squats, LBCs).  Once complete, they switched.

After a couple ten counts, we moseyed to the landscape timbers for derkins, step-ups, and more LBCs.  We finished up in the parking lot with some paver exercises (overhead presses, curls, burpees, and LBCs).

Great job by all.  I mentioned during the workout that this time of year is very difficult for some people due to events in their lives, issues with depression, struggles with substance abuse.  I challenged each person reach out to these family members or friends and tell them you love and care about them.  These simple words go a long way.

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