Uphill Times

19 Pax posted on a Yumid morning to salute Old Glory and dig deep to tackle the surrounding hills.  We were honored to welcome FNG/The Fonz (EH’d by Pusher) and a quasi-Kotter in Santini ( who has lost his excuses for not posting to any downtown FM AOs).  Longshanks led The Pledge and then the fun began.

The Thang

Hills, hills and more hills — that was the recipe for the day.

Brief warm-up in the parking lot to allow Body Wash to catch up with the pax on his late arrival — SSH, Mtn climber, Parker Peter, Merkins

Run to parking lot at WEP

Muster at bottom of hill leading to stop sign at entrance of parking lot

Run to top, do # Burpees of your choice, run back down; rinse & repeat adding # Burpees on each return to the top (UvU format — you pick initial # and increment); continue repeatedly

Muster at bottom of Stairway to Heaven

Run to light pole at top, do # Merkins (starting from last # Burpees, using same increment pattern), run back down; rinse & repeat adding # Merkins on each return to top; continue repeatedly

Run to large parking lot across from gun shop on Massey Street

Run to bottom of Massey Street; run back to top, do # Freddie Mercurys (starting from last # Merkins, using same increment pattern), run back down; rinse & repeat adding # Freddie Mercurys on each return to top; continue repeatedly

Mosey home


Naked man moleskin

Thank you to Longshanks for the Q invite at Minnow Pond — great AO, great format, lively pax who all got after it today.  It was especially sweet since it was my first Q back in The Fort in 90 days.  (Apologies to a few pax I missed in the attendees — Gen X camera malfunction)

Welcome to The Fonz!  Yes, he set a new fashion standard to rival Slash’s collars.  Plus, he pushed toward the front of the pax throughout.  Great first time out….look forward to seeing you again.  And T-claps to Pusher on the EH.

Great to have Santini in The Gloom!  If you have any history with this #Redwood, then you know why it’s great to have him back.  If you don’t, then find the chance to saddle up next to him the next time you see him in the circle and ask him about origin of the Moroccan Night Club. or Stairway to Heaven or the Echochamber.

Theme for the day was hills, because they provide great training for runners.  AND, because we’re living in “uphill times” in my view (pandemic, unemployment, social distancing, racism, injustice, protests, rioting — pure chaos in the headlines).  These hills in life (short, long, steep or any combination) can be strong training ground as well.  Much has been said by many about the “silver linings” of lockdown life.  Certainly that’s been true for me and my family.  At same time,  the tough stuff, the difficulties, the adversity in life are also challenges that can build endurance, resilience, passion, vision for the road ahead.  Take some time to reflect where the tough parts of your current situation are sharpening you and your family for the journey ahead.  Don’t limit your review to just the fun, funny, joyful, positive experiences  — the darker more challenging moments can provide training benefits too.

Great to be back in The Fort!

Keep pushing!



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The “RPG” provides Options

9 Strong at “the” RPG for a perfect weather acceleration into the weekend.  Sasquatch always delivers an impressive BROGA session, followed by a fellowship run with Rebel on Q.  CakeBoss took the Ruck Q and did not disappoint.  Wegmans looked like the Ruck was meaningful, either that or fatherhood has set in very nicely.  Good to see Harry Carey, Body Wash, and Skate or Die.

Sasquatch closed us out.


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Armory 5.11.2020

YHC was excited to lead on a cool, crisp morning. Was given the pass by the M to post after an 0200 feeding, so needless to say sleep was not an abundant resource leading up to this. 

Many familiar faces were seen prior to start – notables being Wegmans, Repeat, and Sugar Daddy (who brought an FNG!). Though chilly, the gloom was warm and fuzzy at the start of this beat down.

0515 struck. Disclaimer. Go time. 

Mosey out to far end of lot, drop bells on one end of the lot
Grab every other parking spot

5 Burpees OYO
Mosey to next row of spots
11xLow Slow Squat
Mosey to next row
11xTappy Taps
Mosey to next row 
Mosey to next row 
11xMoroccan Night Clubs
Mosey back to Bells
5 Burpees OYO

Five Rows of Spots
11 Reps Each Stop

Method of Travel
Lunge walk to each row

Row 1
Kid Launch

Row 2
One Legged RDL both sides

Row 3
Tricep Extensions

Row 4
Goblet Squats
Cossack Squats

Row 5
Burpee Snatch

OH carry back to start, Rinse & Repeat

We completed two rounds and headed back to COT for some Mary

Kettlebell Core Work
American Hammers x 20
In & Outs x 10
Flutters w/press x 20
Hello Dolly w/extended hold x 10
Six Inch Hold w/Bell x 1 min
Low Plank Hold x 1 min
WWI Sit Ups x 10

Rounded out with 8 burpees per PAX to reach 40/ea. 


While holding our low plank YHC talked about anxiety and hurry and how we as men aren’t made to have larger to do lists than we can handle. We aren’t made to be busier than life itself – even though it is touted as a sign of success in today’s hustle world. YHC mentioned Gods peace and how we should each take a moment today to let ourselves feel Gods presence and shut everything else off. A few verses were discussed. The second was spoken to the group but the first is also tantamount to the message.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
‭‭John‬ ‭14:27‬ ‭

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:6-7


Baby Wegmans is 2 months! Pray Wegs & M can keep him alive further.

YHC’s 2.3 is putting on weight and feeding better this week due to lactation strategy and bottle feedings.

UHAUL is going to satisfy all of his M’s desires via Honey Do List (#HIM) this week. 


Alcatraz is BACK! Follow up on Slack for more details.


Thanks JWOWW for the tap to lead. Excited to get back into the swing of things and see more of my brothers in the gloom. Welcome FNG Scalp!

Punch List out. 

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Millllllllshake Returns! The Thrill Returns! Why does it feel like March?

So you gotta love weird things that happen in the middle of a pandemic, today I had scheduled myself as Q for Milkshake, months ago.  Had no idea it would be the actual return of Milkshake after almost two months off.  I’ve missed it, don’t know about you guys.

We made our way from our temporary AO and headed down next to LPL stopping along the way for some exercises now and then.

We made observations about strange traffic lights and how tight on security certain companies are.  You know, the usual.

After we made our way back, we did some stretching and talked trash about the regular Fort Pax and their stretching form.  You know, the usual.

It was good to be with you guys again in person, and have some fellowship as we burned a few calories.

Good to have Boogie Down back after being on IR and congrats to proud poppa Wegmans!

Until next time… the Thrill is gone!

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Snake Pit in Quarantine

Short mosey
10 SSH
10 Mountain Climbers (slow count)
10 Parker Peters
10 Peter Parkers
10 SSH
10 Imperial Walkers
10 Hillbilly Walkers
Short mosey

The Thang: alternating with Kettlebell Swings

20 Merkins
10 KB Swings
20 Merkins
15 KB Swings
20 Merkins
20 KB Swings
20 Merkins
25 KB Swings
Short mosey

20 Goblet Squats
10 KB Swings
20 Goblet Squats
15 KB Swings
20 Goblet Squats
20 KB Swings
20 Goblet Squats
25 KB Swings
Short mosey

20 Flutters w/ bell in the air held
10 KB Swings
20 Flutters w/ press
15 KB Swings
20 Flutters w/ bell in the air held
20 KB Swings
20 Flutters w/ press
25 KB Swings
Short mosey

20 Cossack Squats
10 KB Swings
20 Cossack Squats – with bell
15 KB Swings
20 Cossack Squats
20 KB Swings
20 Cossack Squats – with bell
25 KB Swings

Final round to get to 100 of each exercise and 300 swings
20 Merkins
20 Goblet Squats
20 Flutters – bells in the air
20 Cossack Squats – w/ bell
20 Kettle Bell Swings

Add 20 burpees for @Slash at the end…..Ain’t nothin’ to it, but to do it.

PAX all worked in isolation today and at different times of day. I’m glad I got this in before the sun came up. It brings on a sweat. Motivation in isolation will dip before the 3rd, 4th, or final round…but knowing other PAX in the Fort were getting after it, kept me focused.

Stay safe during the COVID-19 outbreak. And do your part to slow the spread.

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Back to the bells

I had the date on my calendar, but when I got a reminder over the weekend from 3D, I couldn’t help but be excited!

While I’ve Q’d my fair share at the old digs (The Tomahawk), this was my first official Q at the Snake Pit!  As I’ve thrown down some memorable Qs (there was the time…nobody was allowed to put down their bell for the entire workout, or the time we did the catch me if you can and we ran all the way out to Dobys Bridge Road, or the Ring of Fire (had to be there))…so what to do….what. to. do.

So there we were, the morning of…the PAX rolled in, a disclaimer was disclaimed, and off we went…the PAX lined up for an Indian run, man in the back performed 3 KB burpees before running to the front of the line as went meandered our way all the way around the perimeter of the school grounds.

The PAX rallied up at the bottom of a hill where they were divided into 2 groups of 4.  Stations (cones) were set up instructing the PAX on what exercise to complete.  There were 4 stations about 15 yards apart with exercises as follows:

1. KB swings, 2. Alternating Lunges w/ overhead KB triceps extension, 3. KB squat, curl, and press, 4. swap the bell for a 35lb brick and run to a cone about 25 yards away and back (this PAX was the timer).  Exercises at each station were completed while the PAX were running.  To rotate, the PAX that completed the run made their way back to station 1, while all other PAX bear crawled with their bell to the next station.  After 4-5 rotations through the stations, the PAX returned to the starting location for PAX-led Mary and COT.

Always an honor to lead!

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Wegmans at Snakepit

When asked to Q here I assumed it was too far. It was only 8 minutes from YHC house. The Coop is about 3, so hard to argue passing that one up.

Disclaimer was disclaimed and off we went. Took the bells over near one part of the parking lot. I had a box with exercises written down on them.

normal warmup. Nothing fancy. Nothing out of the ordinary.

partnered up. Partner 1 performs exercises while partner 2 runs the lap. The goal was to not let your partner beat your rep count, otherwise there was a man-maker penalty that was not enforced.

The exercises, in no particular order, were:



KB Swings.


Kid Launcher 45 degree angle shoulder raise.

Overhead press

some others?? Bobber destroyed the box with the exercises.

we also lunge walked and squatted some more

finished it up with some Mary

Thanks for the opportunity 3D!


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AR-7 at Varsity

Well YHC watched Aquaman the night before and as customary, I looked up the workout Jason Momoa did to get in shape for this role. Low and behold, it could work with body weight exercises.

All familiar faces were present so the disclaimer was brief. A brief mosey followed by some warmup exercises. Nothing out of the ordinary.

The Thang:

AR-7. Accelerated Results. First was dips. Followed by jump squats and finally Merkins.
Format was as follows:

7 sets of 7 reps with 7 seconds of rest between sets. We did all 7 sets and did a short mosey as our rest.

Next was 6 sets of 6 reps with 6 seconds of rest. Short mosey.
Last up was 5 sets of 5 reps

After we finished up the dips, we moseyed to a grassy area to preserve the old joints. Same format just Jump Squats this time. Since the legs were jello-like, no mosey, just recovery.

Finally we moseyed near the pull up bars for the Merkins portion. Same format.

And then… we headed back for some Mary and COT.

thanks to Harry Carry for the opportunity!



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Great morning for a Q, my third one of the week, I was super pumped since my sidekick Sonic (2.1- 8 years old) accepted to take the lead roll and co Q with me.

This time I brought my battle rope and chatters started early, we welcomed all PAX. Drop Thrill was in charge of the milkshakers so off they went.

With the Bootcampers we grabbed the rope and moseyed/walked across the wet and cold grass to the playground for the warm up, many PAX whined about getting  their toesies wet but the idea is to get out of your comfort zone and accelerate, this is why you leave your fartsack every morning. We explained that we will move as a team and our team will be as fast as the slower PAX so we all encouraged each other to get better (this is what F3 is all about)

Warm up led mostly by Sonic:

Side straddle hops
Weed picker
Low slow squat
Moroccan night clubs
Low slow merkin
Mountain climber

I mapped the park on my phone for 15 stops and we run in between stops (picture attached), we used the walking trail to run around the park. The idea was to complete the following Dora:

100 merkins (4 stops x 25)
200 carolina dry docks (5 stops x 40)
300 overhead claps (6 stops x 50)

We went back to our starting position at the playground for some fun with the battle rope.

Our team was split into two groups for some Tug of war competition, PAX enjoyed this part as adrenaline kicked in while pulling the rope in a friendly competition. I’m definitely repeating this in my Q’s


We had abut 11 minutes left so it was time for our superhero visit and the crowd started cheering:

Captain Thor
1 big boy situp,  4 american hammers
2 big boy situps,  8 american hammers
3 big boy situps,  12 american hammers
Progressive to 10 big boy situp,  40 american hammers

3 rounds of Superman to stretch the abs, honey mooners, downward dogs and tunnel of man for Sonic back and forth to finish our beatdown,

we finished our day running back to COT carrying the rope as a group.

We met with the milkshakers for namearama, announcements, prayers and praises.

Thanks to Slash for the opportunity to lead this great group of PAX, some of them I had only seen once or twice but it’s all about the camaraderie.

My 2.1 Sonic really enjoyed this as he does everytime he comes to F3 with me, all PAX welcomed him as one more of us encouraging him every minute, he’s only 8 but not afraid of the gloom.

TINSEL and SONIC are out!!


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Too Much Mania For Fort Mill

Today seemed like a good day to shake up things and try to get arrested.  But wait, I’m getting ahead of myself.

We headed out from WEP and took a nice slow stroll towards downtown.  Along the way stopping for a few reps and exercises now and then.

I should’ve known something would happen because when Wegmania and Thrillmania both occur at the same point on the globe, then surely Fort Mill’s Finest will show up and they did.

We were hanging out doing 11’s at First Baptist when not one, not two but three policy officers showed up asking us questions, apparently being tipped off that we were supposedly spray painting the fair church grounds.  Of course we weren’t, but I figured I’d just play it safe and we moved on from there.

After we made a full loop and made it back to WEP, we did a bit of stretching, and some reps and then waited around for Tinsel and his followers to make to back to COT.

Needless to say, the cops showing up wasn’t on my Q plans, but like life, you never know what might come at you.  #GetRight #LiveRight

We missed site Q Shady out today, but you guys did awesome and there was much fellowship had.

Anyone that knows of anyone out for IR or any FNG’s, please send them this way.  Milkshake is a great workout to either help with injuries, or to get your feet wet with F3.

Thanks Shady for the chance to lead.

Thrill out.


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