In just under a month, we will have an opportunity to run one of the best races of the year which has become our Signature Fort Race, The Joe Davis Run for Recovery.

This year is going to be particularly special in that we will also be adding the opportunity to push race chariots for SPEED FOR NEED.

Here’s how you get involved, if you know of someone who has a child with a disability, someone who has a child whose home has been affected by addiction, or a child in some other kind of need, then DM Dark Helmet on Twitter and let him know. If you would like to help push, let him know.

We have a chance to have as many as 6 chairs there (several are already spoken for, but some are empty). That’s the most of any race yet…

So man up! Register, find a “Track Commander” to push, and let’s get after it!

TClap |


Its Christmas time and the word of the month is giving so I am asking if you would take moments pray about giving to help a fellow pax. Last year Stang got the Fort and the Rock pax to donate gift cards, cash and presents for me and my family.  This was huge for me and my family, with that  being said I feel the need to help a fellow pax and give back. I have been in touch with our pax of the Fort looking for someone to help out. This morning in COT it was mentioned by Destiny that a fellow pax’s son has just been diagnosed with leukemia and his wife is pregnant with twins. Then again Ginsu and Rock thrill had a tweet about it and come to find out it is an Area51  pax named Bout time his sons name is Jennings. This hits close to home and just knew this is who we need to help this year. a few

If I have never had the pleasure of posting with you in the Gloom I would like to take a second and share my story, Dec 2015 on Christmas eve my 2.5 year old daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia ALL Type B, on Christmas day she had surgery to have a port installed and her first 3 rounds of chemo. We spent Christmas in the hospital and I broke down never cried so hard in my life. I reached out to God prayed that everything will be okay and about 10 min later after the took my daughter back for surgery he answered my pray because a peace just came over me and heard the words its going to be okay.  The last 2 years have been a hard 2 years with ups and downs but also have enlightened me, allowed me to get closer to God.  It also allowed me to become apart of F3 with out the men of this group not sure where I would be mentally and physically today. I like to thank you for the push the words of encouragement.


I am asking pax to give what your heart tells you. Prayers gift cards, cash etc. I have seen what awesome pax you can be when challenged to give you all always go above and beyond.

See your site Q’s for collections and or Dark helmet , Stang, Witch hunt, Royale and Cornerstone, we want to wrap it up by 12/22/17


2 Corinthians 9:7

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Proverbs 18:16

A gift opens the way
and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.

Luke 6:38

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.


Thanks Again HIMS


TClap |

The Fort pledge to help another Pax out

Its Christmas time and the word of the month is giving so I am asking if you would take moments pray about giving to help a fellow pax. Last year Stang got the Fort and the Rock pax to donate gift cards, cash and presents for me and my family.  This was huge for me and my family, with that  being said I feel the need to help a fellow pax and give back. I have been in touch with our pax of the Fort looking for someone to help out. This morning in COT it was mentioned by Destiny that a fellow pax’s son has just been diagnosed with leukemia and his wife is pregnant with twins. Then again Ginsu and Rock thrill had a tweet about it and come to find out it is an Area51  pax named Bout time his sons name is Jennings. This hits close to home and just knew this is who we need to help this year. a few

If I have never had the pleasure of posting with you in the Gloom I would like to take a second and share my story, Dec 2015 on Christmas eve my 2.5 year old daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia ALL Type B, on Christmas day she had surgery to have a port installed and her first 3 rounds of chemo. We spent Christmas in the hospital and I broke down never cried so hard in my life. I reached out to God prayed that everything will be okay and about 10 min later after the took my daughter back for surgery he answered my pray because a peace just came over me and heard the words its going to be okay.  The last 2 years have been a hard 2 years with ups and downs but also have enlightened me, allowed me to get closer to God.  It also allowed me to become apart of F3 with out the men of this group not sure where I would be mentally and physically today. I like to thank you for the push the words of encouragement.


I am asking pax to give what your heart tells you. Prayers gift cards, cash etc. I have seen what awesome pax you can be when challenged to give you all always go above and beyond.

See your site Q’s for collections and or Dark helmet , Stang, Witch hunt, Royale and Cornerstone


2 Corinthians 9:7

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Proverbs 18:16

A gift opens the way
and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.

Luke 6:38

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.


Thanks Again HIMS




TClap |

Sea Legs gets a Security Detail

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, If you haven’t made it out to Sea Legs yet you are missing out. For my first post at Sea Legs I got to run across Buster Boyd Bridge and and witness some of Sky Q’s work in a beautiful sunrise. It’s a great AO, so set your alarm clock a few minutes earlier and get on out to Lake Wylie. As added incentive you’ll get some great 2nd F with some of the best #HIMs in the county.  Enough of the sales. Time for the meat and potatoes.

I arrived a few minutes early and scoped out T-Bones parking lot for some interval work. As I rolled in I shined the high beams on a couple of York County’s finest having a little conversation. I immediately exited the parking lot looking back to see if they noticed me.

Arrived to see some fellow PAX that I haven’t seen in awhile (great seeing you Axl and Hauschka). 0515 came, short disclaimer and off we went.

  • Warm-up: Run to Blucher* Circle and did a little loop around to T-Bones parking lot and then did 1 lap
  • As we lapped the parking lot I asked Witch Hunt if this was cool or if the police would stop us and ask what was going on. He said they were with the program, All good!
  • Workout: Intervals, run 1 lap (approx. .25 miles) at 10K or faster pace and then 1 lap recovery until time is called

My legs are feeling it and everyone seemed to “enjoy” the workout. Thanks for the opportunity Witch Hunt and please keep me in the rotation.


  • We ran laps around the 2 patrol cars for probably 30 minutes before they departed. I’ve never felt safer running which is saying a lot for me.
  • Great 2nd F conversation with Witch Hunt, next time I’ll let you speak
  • As much as DaVinci denies it, he’s a runner and likes it..I think
  • Great to meet you Never Never
  • Again, great to see Axl and Hauschka. I’ve missed you guys but it’s probably my fault I haven’t seen you.
  • Solid work put in by Andretti
  • Strava Art, look we made a pirate hook (as noted by DaVinci)

*Fun Fact, Blucher is the name of Frau Blucher from Young Frankenstein. Every time her name was spoken you could hear horses whinny in the distance. A common rumor was that her name Blucher meant glue in German (and glue is made from horses obviously) and is why the horses would whinny every time her name was mentioned.  This is one of the best ongoing gags in a comedy. To find out the real (less interesting) story click HERE. And if you haven’t seen Young Frankenstein yet, you are doing yourself a disservice. It is comic gold and some of Mel Brooks best work. PSA over!


  • It’s all in the newsletter
  • The Delta
  • Lake Wylie Shirt order closes 08/02

Praise and Prayers

  • Prayers for DaVinci and his business’ focus
  • Prayer for Witch Hunt’s M (2.3 due November)
  • Praise for Zima and family fun last minute vacation
  • Prayers for injured PAX

Great morning to get better. Thanks to all who posted and to Witch Hunt for the opportunity.


TClap |

Pre-Blast – The Lake Wylie Shirt

April 9th, 2016.

That was the day that Royale and Dark Helmet opened the Saturday AO, “The Deep” and, in so doing, effectively launched F3 Lake Wylie. Along with the success of Quagmire and The Swamp, The Deep provided the Pax in Lake Wylie an identity and a new community where we can fulfill the mission of F3 to Plant, Grow and Serve.

Because of the amazing support of the men of The Fort region and the dedication of the Lake Wylie Pax, we have quickly expanded to six AOs: Quagmire, Sea Legs, The Abyss, The Poopdeck, The Swamp and The Deep. These workouts continue to see increasing numbers of men consistently posting week after week. With this growth in popularity has come the call for a shirt to represent the Pax of Lake Wylie.

We are answering the call.

On July 20st, 2017, we will release the first F3 Lake Wylie shirt. The shirt lists our current AOs and the Three F’s of Fitness, Fellowship and Faith centered around an anchor which represents not only the aquatic theme of Lake Wylie, but also symbolizes strength and stability in troubled waters.

Many of us find that F3 serves as an “anchor” in our lives, supporting us and encouraging us to being better men in world that is very often trying to tear us down.

  • It is the anchor of F3 that wakes us up to post in the gloom instead of heading to a gym for fern workouts.
  • It is the anchor of F3 that allows us to fellowship and share our lives with other like-minded men.
  • It is the anchor of F3 that encourages us to be HIM through growing our faith and acknowledging something bigger than ourselves.

This is why the anchor is the perfect representation of the Pax of Lake Wylie.

Thank you for all your continued support of F3 Lake Wylie.

Now GO BUY A SHIRT…or two! Sales runs through Aug 2nd.

TClap |

Time to find my Sea Legs

Good showing for an early Tuesday morning run. Quick disclaimer was given and route was explained. Runners took off from the Bowl n Bounce parking lot to run the Montgomery Loop. Quick stop to pick up Brickhouse who was coming in hot and a couple minutes late.

Great run, about 4.25 for most, with Witch Hunt and Royale hitting the bridge for some extra credit and finishing a little over 5.

Prayers for:
Andretti’s brother as he battles the return of his cancer.
NASA’s M as she deals with some challenges at work
Royale’s 2.0’s as they deal with summer illnesses

TClap |

Lasso Loop @ Sea Legs

  • QIC: Royale
  • When: 06/20/2017
  • Pax: Wild Thing, Flux, Utter, Flipper, Royale
  • Posted In: Sea Legs

5 PAX gathered for a run in Lake Wylie. It was great to get Flux out for his 1st weekday workout! As an added bonus, Utter and Flipper from Area 51 made the trip across and ran with us. They put in extra mileage at a quick pace for 5.5 total and were able to add the bridge into their run. Those two are fast!

We took the Lasso Loop, check Strava for me and you’ll see why. Head up our hill on 49, turn right on Montgomery. Keep going straight until it loops back around and follow your path back to start. Total mileage was around 4.5 miles.

TClap |

Getting Your Sea Legs Stronger

  • When: 6/6/2017
  • Pax: Peg, NASA, Cerrano, and Royale
  • Posted In: Sea Legs, The Fort

When Hauschka asked me to sub-Q for him at Sea Legs, I jumped at the chance. Or rather tried to. After Q-ing up an APFT at Quagmire the day before and pushing my legs as hard as they could go to put in a solid effort, not to mention a short run on Sunday, and an 8mile ruck Saturday morning followed by the NoDa 5K in the afternoon – my legs were spent. But there is no better way to get stronger than to get after it again.

I pulled up to the parking lot and a handful of PAX got out and committed themselves to getting stronger here at Sea Legs. One thing I can say is the PAX I have met while in F3 are some truly great people in every way. You look forward to seeing them and the 2nd F opportunity. Today was no different. I knew we’d have a great run regardless of how we performed.

The Thang was simple – we ran. fin. (to borrow the phrase from DaVinci)

It was a simple out and back down 49, right onto Bonum Rd at Copper Pub. All the way to the end of Bonum where it turns into Duck Haven and dead ends on a point at the lake. Beautiful scenery down there. Then flip it and return home. Oh, and there were hills. The final 1/2 mile or so descent to the lake was nice until you had to make it an ascent, and my legs were not cooperating today. Thank you Cerrano for pushing me on. We spread out a little on the ‘out’ half, but kept together as a tight group on the return. There was alot of great conversations along the way. When you get to the level in your running where you can hold a conversation at a sub 8:30-9 pace, it is a great thing. We got back to the COT a little early, and added another loop around the parking lot for good measure.

* CAH workout this Saturday 4pm
* Hog and Coyote on 6/17 followed by the CAH river float on the Catawba
* Gutters and Gringos this Saturday
Prayers and Praises:
* Prayers for the PAX and the struggles they are going through – Royale and his family, Axl and his family, Flea and his ankle, Cornerstone’s daughter and his family, Qwerty, Mr T, and many more
* Praises for those committed to making themselves better in any way

If you have never been to Sea Legs, it is a relatively new running AO held in the same place where the bootcamp AO “Poop Deck” is at. There are tons of huge parking lots around for speed work – I’m going to GPS one to find a 200M loop for such fun – and alot of roads for your basic runs. There are flat areas and hilly areas for runs. Plenty of pain or pleasure to pick. Plus, it has the added advantage of being right on Lake Wylie. One of the most spiritually invigorating things you can do is put a solid run in the early AM and catch a sunrise. Seeing God’s creative beauty on display is the best way to start your day. Seeing a sunrise over the water amplifies that x100 (I wonder if Witch Hunt had that in mind when he picked this venue for this new running AO). A few times I have been running in the area when the sun said hello coming over the water. Those are some of the most spiritually invigorating, soul fulfilling moments I have had. Your pace picks up no matter how tired you are when you witness the awe of His creation on display like that. You have a renewed sense (and appreciation) of just how great the Sky Q is, what He can do.

As I mentioned on my BB for Quagmire on 6/5 – running is a life skill. It forges not only physical endurance and cardio strength, but also mental strength, discipline, perseverance, and focus. Pushing yourself through the mental wall created by the hurt to go that extra mile, shave off a little time from your average pace. The idea behind Sea Legs is for anyone wants to be a runner or a better runner, regardless of skill level – this is the place for you. The PAX here are committed to helping anyone interested to reap the benefits of what running can do for them (same for Tempo, Clydesdales, Laces In, and so on). Yes it will hurt at times, but as long as it is not an injury, push it and keep getting after it. If you are not physically hurting somewhere at the end of the day after a good run (or workout), then plain and simple – you are not putting enough effort in, or you are insanely fit. Eventually pain heals. The mind and body get stronger from it. The PAX will be there for you to encourage, support, and push/pull you along, just as in any F3 AO. If you commit yourself to the process you WILL get those Sea Legs stronger, and help someone else do the same, and in the process make yourself stronger in many other ways.

Four PAX did just that today.

God Bless and thank you for the opportunity to lead,

TClap |

If you build it…. 5/16/2017

  • QIC: Witch Hunt
  • When: 5/16/2017
  • Pax: Bones, Tater (R), Cerrano, Nasa, Bullwinkle, Craw Daddy, Hauscka, Peg, Andretti (R), Shakespeare, Kenyan (R), Kamikaze, Witch Hunt (QIC)
  • Posted In: Sea Legs

Could not have picked better weather for the launch of Sea Legs, F3 Lake Wylie’s newest running AO. 13 Pax showed up ready to take on the day.

The course was set for a trip through River Hills which includes some very hilly terrain. Pax took off and completed the 4 mile track. Everyone pushed and everyone finished.

I really appreciate all the support from the Pax this morning. You never know whether a new workout will catch on or not. But based on the support today, I know that this will be a great AO with plenty of support from the Pax.

Also as stated previously, this AO is for current runners and new runners. Do not be discouraged from posting to this workout because you dont think you can keep up. Everyone goes at their own pace and gets better.

Never forget, as we heard during the GRT, running is a life skill. A skill that needs to be sharpened.

Until next time, back to the hunt…

TClap |