Stairway to Heaven – 2

14 was the count this fine August morning at Footloose.  That was 13 HIMs that did not know what was planned.

No FNG’s – quick disclaimer – mosey around the back of First Baptist


  • SSH’s in cadence
  • Low Slow Squats in cadence
  • Windmills in cadence
  • Cherry Pickers in cadence
  • Wall sit with each PAX giving a slow 10 count

Head across the street and down the stairs to the other side of Church of God.

We talked about the word of the month…Presence.  Where have you seen God’s presence this week in your own life or the lives of those around you?

Then it was time for The Thang

Partner up – size does not matter.  Each partner will do two rounds of each exercise, with one partner “running the stairs” and the other doing the exercise, then switch.  The different exercises were as follows:

  • Lunges
  • Monkey Humpers
  • LBC’s
  • Squats

When I say you run the stairs, starting on the right and working to the left we went up one section and down the next all the way across this nasty staircase (see Google image below…all sections were open, but boy did this suck especially after 2-3 times…that’s when it started getting really nasty).

So, my goal is that each time we get up today from behind our desks, each of the 13 other PAX will be muttering “Smithers!” under their breath 😉

Thanks to Beacon for the opportunity to lead at Footloose!



TClap |

Q # 2 at Footloose


It was an honor and a privilege to Q a second time in a week. There were 8 PAX that came out for a humid beat down at Footloose. I was sweating before the end of the disclaimer but at least it wasn’t raining. The theme of the workout was presence. Several PAX shared what presence meant to them and I discussed making the decision to actually be present so that your presence can have a positive impact on the people in your life.

After a quick CoP warmup (Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Monkey Humpers, Low Slow Squats, Over Head Claps) it was time to mosey down to the Church of God parking lot. We circled up and worked on arms, legs and abs between laps around the church that included a trip up and down the stairs each time.


  • Merkins x10
  • Flutter Kicks x20
  • Wide Arm Merkins x10
  • Dying Cockroaches x20
  • Diamond Merkins x10
  • Box Cutters x20
  • 10 Count

First lap around building w/ stairs then

  • Moroccan Night Clubs x30
  • Imperial Walkers x20
  • Jump Squats x10

Second lap around building w/ stairs then

  • Moroccan Night Clubs x30
  • Hillbillies x20
  • Jump Squats x10

Third lap around building w/ stairs then

  • Moroccan Night Clubs x30
  • Peter Parkers x20
  • Jump Squats x10

Fourth lap around building w/ stairs

After the 4th lap around the church we moseyed back to First Baptist for a few minutes of broga before the CoT. In the end we were all a little bit stronger, a lot sweatier and I for one was blessed to have gotten to know a few of my F3 brothers a little bit better.

Thank you Beacon for the opportunity to lead, enjoyed it tremendously.

TClap |

Barney Fife’s Ballroom VQ

The Message:

Since this was my VQ I was not overly confident and could feel the butterflies doing side straddle hops in my stomach. I had made a homemade deck of workout cards that I was looking forward to trying out. However, the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry and my plan quickly fell apart. I am ashamed to admit that I underestimated my fellow PAX. My plan was based on a group of what I assumed would be 5 – 10 that would eventually draw 5 cards each by the end of the workout at which time we would compare hands for a modified game of poker.

As I stood in the gloom waiting to give my first disclaimer I was pleasantly surprised to watch the steady stream of vehicles arrive, one after the other. By the time 5:15 rolled around there was a total of 26 of us and I was less nervous and could feel the support in the air. I quickly realized that I would have to modify my plan but I was happy to do it because no matter what happened I knew I was among good friends that would be quick to help if necessary.

After stumbling over a barely adequate disclaimer we started with a CoP warmup:

  • Windmills
  • Side straddle hops
  • Hillbilly walkers
  • Carolina dry docks

After the warm up it was time for a short mosey to the football field.


The PAX lined up on the goal line and planked while one person at a time sprinted to the 40 yard line, drew a card and brought it back and called their exercise out in cadence. After each PAX brought one card back for a random beat down that worked the legs, arms and abs we split up into 5 groups on the field. Each group used the 5 workout cards that they had drawn from the pile and moved to the next group of cards when they were done. After each group worked through all 5 sets of cards we lined up on the 40 yard line for more sprints:

  • 10 yard sprint, imperial walkers back
  • 20 yard sprint, power skip back
  • 30 yard sprint, hillbilly walkers back

We moseyed back to the parking lot for CoT where I explained to the group what an enormous impact my F3 brothers have had on my life since I began coming in April and we all welcomed FNG Flyby to the family.

Thanks to Short Sale for giving me the opportunity to Q, I thoroughly enjoyed it and promise to make it SUCK more next time. Thanks to all the PAX who came out and showed their support.

TClap |

Light Pole Work

For what looked to be a rainy morning the night before, I was pleased to see we would have a dry morning, except for the sweat from the less than moderate work I had planned.  Ballroom is a great AO and is also moderate.  The workout allowed everyone the opportunity to push themselves.  As cars rolled in a great group of 25 PAX assembled and the mumble-chatter started immediately.  After a short disclaimer we moseyed around the parking lot and stopped at the far side for warm-up

  • SSH
  • Windmill
  • Imperial Walker
  • Low Slow Squat
  • Merkin
  • Mountain Climber
  • MNC – correct arm movement

Mosey to the entrance road for the light pole work to begin.  Begin at 1st light pole with exercise, run to the 2nd and complete exercise.  Come back to 1st and complete exercise and go to 2nd then 3rd and then back to 1st.  Continue this until complete all 5 light poles. (Mumble-chatter had dropped to a low level), catching your breath was more important.  Light poles were spaced out along front entrance and every other pole had designated exercise.  Exercises:

  1. 10 Merkins
  2. 15 CDD
  3. 20 Dips
  4. 25 Monkey Humpers
  5. 30 Squats

Once completed and six was in we moseyed to the grass/mud hill on the side of the school.  Set out for a series of 12’s.  Bottom of hill dips and the top of the hill squats. 1 at bottom & 11 at top of hill – 2/10, 3/9…..

Moseyed back to front parking lot for a little Mary.  Opportunity for some of the Pax that had not Q’d before to lead an exercise of Mary.  Good job Arrowhead, Dungaree and Wide Right.


We have almost completed 60 days of focus on impact.  I shared with the group that as I have thought about impact in my life, I have thought about the people in my life that have impacted me.  Most of the time they probably didn’t know the impact they made but more importantly their impact was made by how they lived their life.  As I shared that in our family, work, social and community, it may not be the words we speak but the daily actions we live that can impact someone.  I also shared Dabo’s response he had at the ACC media day, when asked about his faith.  “If there is hope in the future, there is power in the present”.  Take 3 minutes and watch the video of his response.  We are all blessed and have different opportunities in the present.  Let your actions speak loudly!!

Thanks Short Sale for the opportunity to Q.

TClap |

Crazy 8s – It can be that bad, right?

31 Pax descended upon Slow Burn for an epic adventure. A #noderate workout plus high humidity had been promised and both were granted on this day.

Personally, YHC loves what the Pax have done in creating moderate workouts across the Fort. As a result of their efforts, we have welcomed many great men who have contributed across all 3 Fs within our region. The success stories are limitless and we are proud of their efforts.

YHC felt a significant responsibility as Q of Slow Burn to lead a workout that would not be defined as moderate but would allow for modification and picking up the 6.  These are the consistent themes from the Q101 document that CSPAN put together some 5+ years ago. Several #truths weigh heavily within this document which are simplicity and scalability. Simplicity as Q is defined as keeping it familiar, less complex and don’t be shy about stealing from others (Jekyll in this case) or backblasts. Scalability as Q is defined as – a scalable workout is one that is tough for the strongest of Pax, while at the same time not over-smoking the back of the pack. All workouts are no drop; without exception. Under no circumstance should we ever leave a Pax alone.

In keeping with these two principles, YHC was to Q a workout that was both simplistic and scalable while ensuring that the Larry Birds got all they could handle.

The Thang

Mosey around Empire Pizza building (the smell was horrible) and back to Empire lot

FYI CSPAN attempted to scare a cat during this sequence…not a good idea!






Mtn Climbers

Mosey to Lowes parking lot – Q dropped the Weinke but Rebel had my back. Thanks!

Crazy 8s – Eight exercises done during each circuit




Squat Jacks




Plank Jacks

Circuit was done with 1 rep (This can’t be that bad, right?!? for each exercise followed by a mosey in a figure 8 pattern around Lowes and Empire lots

Add one rep to each circuit during each of the 8 stops

Mosey back to Lowes for Mary


Big Boys

Gravedigger L and R

Hello Dolly

Superman x 3 (Cant ever remember all of the Sale brothers nicknames!)

Mosey Home


After the 6th round of the circuit, YHC noticed that the Pax were beginning to tire. In an effort to leverage #pride, each man was asked to grab a partner for the exercises to ensure completion. You never want to let a partner down!

Prayers to BTB, praise to Frat Boy, prayers to Maximus on his vacation travels

Sweatie is 7/14 at 6 AM at Footloose – Does anyone really know the details? Thats a true CSAUP!

Thanks to Smithers for his leadership of Slow Burn

Pusher wuz here 7/8/18


TClap |

Beyond- Freedom has never been easy.

Always an Honor to Q. To be able to push men Beyond their comfort zone. To teach and be tought.  America has given me freedoms that most of the world can not even fathom. Freedom has been given to us all by the selfless acts of men and women willing to give themselves up so that we can live like other country.

We started with a disclaimer. Let all know who I was and checked to see if we had any FNGs. None present so made amentsl mental note to self that I need to work harder on bringingthis gift to other men in my reach. We took off with slow mosey that led into some dynamic movements Stopped for Pledge of Allegiance and then circled up. We warmed up to the acronym FREEDOM (Flutter kicks, Rosalita, empty wheelbarrow, Everests, donkey kicks, outlaws, and Mtn. Climbers) we than did 17 Merkins in cadence followed by 76 SSHs in cadence.
We moseydto drop off in front of school did the next 5 exercises followed by sprint Squat jumps, merkins, bomb jacks, CDDs, burppees 10 of each.
Mosey to small car circle. Get into discussion on true freedom and that is through Jesy=us CHrist. Q had found verses in bible that talked about freedom through him and matched it up with some good exercises. Fastest each round would get to read next verse. Here they are if you want to li=ook them up.Romans *:16- 10 jumpsquats. john 8:32 burpees- 1 peter 2:16-17- 10 grave diggers each side, 1 cort. 6:12 10 jumping lunges, 1 cort. 9:19 10 tony hawk burpees, Acts 13:39 10 bomb jacks, 2 cort. 3:17 15 squats, Psalm 119:45 20 CDDs, romans 6:6-7 20 merkins, gal. 5:1 10 hand release merkins, Gal. 5:13 20 Monkey Humpers, Psalm 118:5 20 flutter kicks. COT. Prayers, and Praises.
Thank You was an Honor.

TClap |

4×5 At Collesium

Cakeboss did warmup I’m sure he did the usual SSH and Merks. I was fashionable late as usual QT was calling my name, thank you Lord for such nice facilities! I did make it to his 10 burpees OYO and plank curb walk 10 steps to the left then 10 back to the right x 2.

The Thang

I had Q for this part of workout. Workout we did I call 4×5. Here’s how it goes: Each exercise counts off in 4’s all the way to 20. 4-8-12-16-20. Start doing 4 count one end of parking lot then a different mode of transportation to other end of parking lot (about 75 feet) away for every different exercise. Reps go up each end of parking lot. Here’s the different rounds.

1) Hand Release Merkins with Duck Walk in between

2) Sumo Squats With Bear Crawl in between. Every other Bear Crawl was backwards.

3) CDD with Lt. Dans in between

4) Burpees with Power Skips in between. Omaha was called after 12 burpees.

5) Monkey Humpers with Inch Worm Merkins in between.

6) Time was almost up so one last backwards bear crawl 75 feet then back to COT for 2 sets of ablab. Rosalita and Hello Dolly x 10 in cadence.

Sweati is coming up July 14th sign up. It’ll suck but most CSAUPS do! I’m doing a 10k that day on trails (surprise) so it will suck too!

Last but not least my two cents or my message. I’m guilty of this big time and struggle daily. PUT DOWN THE PHONES! Invest quality time with your wife and kiddos. No phones at dinner table. Do a puzzle together. Read a book. Take your kids outside they are only little for so long. Spoil your wife. MAKE MEMORIES! I love each and every one of you guys in F3. Let’s do life together men. If anyone wants anyone to talk to I’m your man! I love helping and being of service to others. Sorry so late for backblast!


TClap |

Some new things at Slow Burn

Thanks to Smithers for the opportunity! Reaching respectable now allows me to feel a little more comfortable at a moderate workout. No more razzing from the PAX!

Arrived early, set out things. Put in the bifocal contacts to help see taped-on-arm weinke (as usual). The bifocal contacts did not really help too much but this weinke was almost memorized. Welcomed the PAX. Lots of new faces for me. Highly recommend to get out to different workouts and meet new guys.  Read the disclamer.

Mosey along Empire Bldg with high knees, toy soldiers, shuffle it up. To middle of parking lot for warmup exercises: SSH, WM, LBC, Merkins, Goofballs, IW, Flutters, MNCs. Then to curb for a couple new exercises for many…

Rocky Balboas (boxing motion, alternating toe taps on curb), Twist Merkins or Nipple Scratcher Merkins (hands on curb, on drop down, one leg twist through trying to get each “nipple”…hey, it’s in the exicon…to touch the curb), RB’s again, Mike Tysons (feet on curb in flat position, squat, on the up, do  a merkin), RB’s again. Back to middle of parking lot for…

…4 corners explanation. 4 cones at the corners with 3 exercises each. Complete exercises, plank until ALL PAX done, mosey to middle for core work. Broke into groups of 4.

  • Cone 1: 10 Carolina Dry Docks, 10 Donkey Kicks, 10 alternating plank arms high.
  • Cone 2: 15 Monkey Humpers, 10 Bomb Jacks, 20 High Knee Taps.
  • Cone 3: 15 Squats, 20 Calf Raises, 20 side to side jumps.
  • Cone 4: 10 Merkins, 10 Dips, 20 Mountain Climbers.

We got through one cycle. Core work included LBCs, Hello Dolly, Freddy Mercury, Protractor, and… I think here…maybe in warmup…”point/whip the finger” one leg flutters. Ok, I made this name up. An exercise I do, on six, one leg tucked under butt, one leg flutter, lower as safely as you can from flat to on your elbows. The flutter leg is the ‘pointer’ of the 5 body appendages.

To side of Lowes. Stayed in groups of 4 and had 4 stations.

  • Station 1 sprinted length of Lowes and yelled “turn” at the corner signaling other groups to turn around. (This was to have e1 finish about the same time.)
  • Station 2, 2 PAX carried the #120 Worm coupon until hearing “turn” then handed off to other 2. Good job PAX in improvising the alternating carry as I had not indicated so.
  • Station 3 Burpees until finish.
  • Station 4 Lunge walk until hearing turn then back.

Oh yea, PAX carried and passed around a 30# coupon the whole workout. I did not say, but this coupon was intended for a peoples chair line pass w/ overhead press, curls, etc, if we had time. We didn’t.

We covered good standards of a workout including small group, partner and individual work. And for a moderate workout, maybe a little less running, a few less reps and nice mix of moving and rest time. Weinke it so that PAX are finishing exercises about the same time.


Noted to PAX to talk with your kids about things in the news, including recent suicides and the immigrant situation. They are seeing these things and it is our job as fathers to talk with them the best way we can.

Prayers for Foley who is dealing with cancer.

Sweati on the  way! No details yet makes it all the more intriguing. G-Fit in Paradise and CAH workouts need Q’s!  Use this opportunity to take a small step to #ServeCommunity.  F3Dads Camp Thunderbird camp coming up near end of summer.

Shout out to NASA for his work and commitment to CAH.

All are invited and encouraged to attend the 4x/week F3 gatherings in Fort Mill to improve your mind and spirituality. It is an open environment and all men will feel comfortable.

Aye! Bolt

TClap |

First-time Footlooser

This backblast will be pretty concise since YHC does not remember much after having 3 Q’s in 3 days.

The warm up was your standard warmup consisting of SSH

Moroccan Night Clubs



The Thang

We partnered up and completed a lazy Dora with 100 merkins, 200 LBCs and 300 squats. The lazy part came in when P2 would hold a plank while P1 did 10 merkins and then flapjack. We would switch after 10, 20, 30 reps respectively .

After, we moseyed to another spot in the parking lot and counted off by 4. Each number was in a different spot completing a different exercise. The group where #1s started kept cadence and after they completed 15 reps we rotated. To go from 1 to 2 and 3 to 4 the mode of transportation was a bear crawl and the other spots were via lunge walks. After 3 rounds of that torture, we went back to COT for some peer led MARY .

Thank you for the opportunity to lead this great group of HIM.


TClap |


Several weeks ago, it was announced that our region, THE FORT, would be closing all Saturday AO’s and holding a convergence at FMHS to get the PAX together as we thank Rebel for his leadership of Whetstone and relaunch it under Repeat and World Wide Leader (WWL). I was excited to hear we’d be getting many of the region together but I wasn’t expecting what came next. It was a text asking if I’d Q the workout.

Q, like part of it, half of it or …? The response was, THE WHOLE THING. I love to Q every chance I get but to do so on a day like this, well, I better make sure it includes a little something for everyone. Or, almost everyone.


And this is where I let life get the better of me. I try to follow the 48hr rule on posting a BACKBLAST, especially when they’re significant but I let life and travel get in the way. It is now Saturday, one week later, and I’m just finishing this BB. Life can get challenging, it can get stressful, it can get you riding the highs or down in the lows. And this past week, our family has experienced some of each. Maybe this was the week where I really came to realize how valuable having a Whetstone partner can be. Someone that I can share the highs with and someone to help get me out of the lows; or to keep me honest when it’s my own doing that has me on the outside looking in on the joys of life.

That said, I’ll take you back to last Saturday, April 21 where we had a a few pre-ruckers and a total of 58 PAX converge to re-kick off this critical program.

We got ourselves into an odd-shaped kidney-like shape for the disclaimer, the announcement of why we were there this beautiful morning and to acknowledge our 2 FNG’s in the PAX. We counted off in 4’s then took off toward the big parking lot for a warm up jog in 4 lines. This jog included some karaoke’s and 4 lines doing an indian run which was way harder than it appeared on paper.

In these last 2 years, Whetstone has brought together some extremely HIM. One of those men has gone through a tough 18mos and he was gracious enough to share some of his story to include the impact Whetstone had on his life as we circled up to hear his words. I know he wouldn’t endorse this comment but anytime Mr. Clean wants to share experience or wisdom, the PAX listens. And listen we did.

After backing the group back out to a circle-like shape, I was giddy to honor Santini in the only way I knew how…with a deck of cards. However, on this day we utilized 1/2 the deck and considered it our warm up:

Hearts = Side Straddle Hops

Diamonds = Carolina Dry Docks

Spades = Squats

Clubs = Merkins

Then a little action from the Burp-Merk: Standing, we then dropped to a plank, did 5 merkins then jumped up. That equals 1 and we did 5 total.

This was when we got to listen to our very own Nantaan, Cake Boss, as he shared the impact Whetstone has had on him. Yet again, another powerful testimony.

Then off to do 4 corners in the lot with:

Corner 1 = Dancing Crabs x 15ea and Dips x 20

Corner 2 = Dying Cockroach x 15ea and Flutters x 20ea

Corner 3 = Burpees x 10 and Jump Squats x 10

Corner 4 = American Hammers x 25 and Freddie Mercury x 20ea

Mosey over to the wall for B2W while doing 5 “push ups” followed by 15 calf raises. We did this 3 times.

To close out our testimonies, my man Chicken Hawk laid it down for us. He shared the impact Whetstone has had on him, his marriage, his family…his life. Life isn’t meant to be traveled alone. Well said brother.

6ct Burpee which I needed a little help from the Helmet of Darkness to remind me the steps. Remember the line, “If you can’t Q it, don’t do it?” Yeah, me too but I obviously didn’t follow that too closely here.

This is where the cat-herding became evident. The PAX exhibited patience with me as we attempted a modified DORA series consisting of:

50 Flying Squirrels, 50 Diamond Merkins and 50+ Flutters

We then took off for the main entrance to the football stadium and lined up in 4 lines facing down the hill. Once everyone readjusted, it was 15 American Hammers, 15 Flutters and 15 Hello Dollies. This was done several more times.

Well, that put a bow on the workout portion of this convergence and after the COT, FNG naming of RBG and Whiskers, we then handed it off to World Wide Leader and Repeat to lead the Whetstone discussion.

Announcements: The relaunch of Whetstone. Thanks to Rebel for getting this off the ground 2 years ago and to Repeat / World Wide Leader for taking the reigns.

Prayer Requests: Badger. Camp Care 5K. Jennings Palmer’s transplant. Olive’s 8K in memory of Sweet Tooth. Elmer.

Honored and appreciative of your patience.


TClap |