Six Pack of Q’s

Six posted to Alcatraz for a Q-less workout.
Due to YHC’s failure to schedule in advance, all PAX we’re voluntold and cooperated FULLY.

Gears led off with a mosey lap, broken up with a variety of burpees, merkins, and other such miserable-ness.

YHC took the second 10 minute block to hit the pull up bars, and the hill. One trip down, a few burpees, and a bear crawl and mosey up.

Decibel stepped up to lead a second round of loops on the hill with stops at the bottom and top for squats and ab work.

Maximus led a core burner with a lot of flip flopping between  ab and core work. And yes there were burpees.

Trucker then took is on at least a half mile of squat shuffles, and then… PULL- UPS with dips and step ups.

Fish Sticks closed out the last 10 minutes with a series of mixed motion exercises across the basketball courts with bear crawls, merkins, crab walks, LBC’s, crawl bears, and Carolina dry docks.  And yes, there were burpees in the form of burpee broad jumps.

Announcements: Children’s Attention Home this afternoon, Cupid Run and Yeti coming up.

Prayers for marriages and remembering our role of service in our concentrica.

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Late Night Q Takeover

A quick Friday night Slack-scrolling showed me who was Qing at Milkshake & The Fort but I didn’t see any name or listing for Alcatraz. So, this led me to ask the region the question of, “Yo, who’s at Alcatraz?” After some cricket banter and off-channel comz with last week’s co-Q, Bonsai, we decided it’ll be us to Q at the sometimes forgotten AO.

With Bonsai on the front half of the 60mins, we were welcomed and disclaimed. Next, we moseyed around the path at the park and did a little warming up with 50xSSH (angry fella), Stretching, Cherry Pickers (even a little left to right action) and Hillbilly Walkers.

As plagiarism is the most sincere form of flattery, Bonsai took a page out of Pusher’s playbook for a series of 1min AMRAP with a mosey to each station. Remember, 1min of each:

Merkins then run to the Fire Station boat for LBC’s then run to Fire Station parking lot for Carolina Dry Docks then run back just past the Fire Station boat for Monkey Humpers then to the basketball court for Flutters. We then repeated it for a second round but added at least 1 rep to each of your previous numbers at each station.

Then the hand off to Maximus.

Mosey off campus to the bottom of the hill at the front end of the neighborhood. Run up the hill, wait for the 6, jog down and get ~5-10sec to catch your breath. Repeat 4 more times for a total of 5 trips up the hill. Once the heart rates were peaked, we went back on campus to the parking lot which we wouldn’t leave again.

Round 1: Captain Thor (evidently this was popular yesterday) with 1 Big Boy situp & 4 American Hammers. Continue in that sequence to 10:40.

Round 2: Jack Webb (also popular) with 1 Push Up & 4 Overhead Claps. Continue in that sequence to 10:40.

Round 3: Lt. Dans (definitely not a crowd pleaser) with 1 Squat (which was the breather) and 4 Jumping Lunges. Continue in that sequence to 10:40.

That was it. For the 8 of us that posted at Alcatraz yesterday, we’re better for it. Sore yes…but better.

Make it count.

Bonsai & Maximus

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Round 2 at Laces In

Lack of creativity? Potentially. Simple yet effective? Undoubtedly. That could be how I describe several stages of my life.

Yesterday at the JOC, we did round 1 of the Deck of Cards. Whenever you have a round 1, you have to have a round 2. Taking yesterday’s learnings on clock management, I modified the warm-up, flapped the gums a little less and up’d the tempo. That would ensure we get through the deck this time.

We had a total of 20 at Laces, with 2 of those being Road Runners. The other 17 joined me as we circled up.

River Rat got to hear this twice but I shared what Billy Bob said on the Roundtable podcast recently about modifications. You can always modify as needed BUT do not use that as an excuse to not push yourself. It’s appropriate in so many areas of life and it was appropriate for the PAX & I this morning.

So, we jogged over to the start line for our abbreviated warm up consisting of (2) 50yd runs at 50% pace and 75% pace. We followed that up with windmills in cadence and butt kickers in place, also in cadence. And that was it for our warm up.

For the 1st-timers, the deck goes like this, your rep count is the number on the card, 2-10 are obvious, Jacks=11, Queens=12, Kings=13, Aces=14. Suits represent the following exercises:

Hearts: 8ct Burpee (It’s a burpee with a plank jack & the push up)
Diamonds: 4ct Mountain Climbers
Clubs: Jump Squats
Spades: Diamond Merkins
Jokers: (25) 4ct Flutters

In total, we did:
(104) 8ct Burpees
(104) 4ct Mountain Climbers
(104) Jump Squats
(104) Diamond Merkins
We had 3 Jokers in the deck so that is (75) Flutters, of the 4ct variety

We finished the deck at 0551 so we had 9mins left on the clock which was filled with:
(30) Flutters
(12) Hand-Release Merkins
(15) American Hammers

4 more 50yd runs at 50%, 75%, 100%, 75%

Moseyed back to COT for:
Heels to Heavens
Freddy Mercury

COT today was pretty powerful for me. We had men that brought some real stuff today that they are walking through life with. As we say, you are not meant to carry this on your own; that would crumble any man. You have been called and designed to lead but the best leaders have a group they work with. In F3, we call that group a Shield Lock.
Remember, sometimes you need to modify the game plan. However, DO NOT use that modification as an excuse to not give it your all.

It’s been my honor.

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Cards at the JOC

Today at the Joint Operations Command AO, we had 7 join me for a total of 8, to take on the deck of cards. It’s not the most creative workout you’ll ever do but I can promise you, you’ll get your money’s worth. If you think, “man, I’m tired of doing that deck…big deal”, then try to up your tempo then let’s talk. I announced via our Socials that we’d be doing this and it became clear, not many were interested in this kind of a challenge on Hump Day. So I was expecting it to be a typical challenge until I encountered an interview yesterday. I was struck when listening to the recent Roundtable Podcast when CSPAN interviewed Billy Bob. So, if you haven’t listened yet, go give it a listen…you’re welcome.

So, after the disclaimer, we moseyed a bit and attempted to “warm up” by doing typical warm up stuff: SSH, Squats, Arm Circles, Merkins. Frankly, when it’s 26 degrees here in the Palmetto state, it takes a fireplace to warm up (soft). A few exercises performed under 4 layers of clothing ain’t gonna cut it.

That said, I grabbed the cards and instructions and we moseyed to our spot at the “highest point in Rock Hill.” This nomad didn’t know such a place existed. #topographylesson

Back to the Podcast, Billy Bob mentioned a something he says at the end of his disclaimer when he Q’s and the point is this, you can modify if necessary BUT don’t use that desire to modify as an excuse to not push yourself. THAT’S IT, I thought. That’s the type of statement we need to prescribe to. At a workout, trying to complete something, accomplishing goals, shoot…in life. If something enters your field of fire, modify if you need to BUT do not use that as an excuse for taking the easy route.

I mentioned this to the PAX this morning then walked through our plan for the next 40mins. 2-10 were that number of reps, Jacks=11, Queens=12, Kings=13, Aces= 14. Jokers would be 25 (4ct) American Hammers followed by a 100yd run.

While we didn’t make it through the entire deck, we did complete 46 cards, accounting for:

3: Jokers (300yds + 75 American Hammers

85: Diamond Merkins

81: Mountain Climbers (4ct)

102: 8ct Burpee

73: Jump Squats

Remember, modify as needed BUT do not use that as an opportunity to not push yourself.

Stay tuned for the next opportunity to complete the entire deck. Until next time…


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NYE at the “Ant”- BB 2wks late

Link to the Pre-Blast:

The script changed but we discussed burnout and the challenges associated with getting burned out. Nevertheless, we did some work with heavy sand bags and rucks. The legs were put to the test and teamwork was present.

A lot remains on the written weinke which should see the light of day or the darkness of the gloom…some day.

Until next time.


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Litter Bugs and 4 Corners

Birthday Q with a good crowd. Humbled.

Mosey to the big lot by Empire, the plan was to do some dynamic warm-up, unfortunately, one large vehicle kept me from setting up the majority of the morning here. Little did we know that dodging trash was another thing.

Back and forth across the lot
high knees, butt kickers, windmill walkers, squat walkers, karaoke L, karaoke R, toy soldier
…. and enough dodging trash, mosey over to the Lowes lot
power skip, bear crawl*2, 75% run, 100%, 100%

mosey to the lot by Persis and circle up
Freddie*10, Morrocan NC*10, Carolina DD*10, OH clap*10, dying cockroach*10, richard simmons*10, HR merkin*10, imperial walker*10, LBC*10, hillbilly walker*10, flutter*10, LS squat*10, shoulder tap*10, windmill*10, rosalita*10, calf raise*2*10, Travolta*10, monkey humper*10

split in 4 groups for 4 corners, hit a corner, back to the middle for 5 makhtar n’diayes between every corner, corners included
10 stationary lunge, 10 shoulder taps IC
10 inchworm, 10 SSH IC
10 scorpion DD IC, 20 OH claps IC
10 HR merkins, 10 hillbilly walker IC

Find some grass for a full 10-40 Jack Webb (with a couple on the backtop)

Little did I know that at this point there was some expectation of a Matt Foley (Jack’s less intelligent younger brother) … we’ll do 2 next time

back to 4 corners, flip the boards for a second round, no middle this time, clockwise rotation
10 hello dolly IC, 10 seal jacks IC
10 donkey kicks, 10 weed pullers IC
10 plank jacks IC, 10 squat jumps
10 V-ups, 10 flying squirrel

time. back to COT.

prayers for Cash, among others.

Honored and humbled by the quantity and quality of PAX, a who’s who of HIM.

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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Site vs Site

Well the Site vs Site was CRAZY good thanks to some excellent leadership on both sides of the workout. 0500 launch, 6 Q’s (3 from fire ant, 3 from golden corral) took 10 minutes each. Lutefisk forgot how to flip a coin but managed to have it land in favor of fire ant going first.  The first fire ant Q was Router who took us through a ruck run/pain station. Next up was golden corral’s first Q Mile High who took us on a sprint-fest in the back of HT with some wall work on the legs. Fire ant Q #2 was Cha Ching who put us through some nasty ruck reps.  Golden corral put Bones in charge of some repeating leg work by the green olive – some funky squat jumps that didn’t feel good.  Spiderman finished the fire ant lineup with a terrible idea of bear crawl/crawl bear for what seemed like eternity while the partner did reps with the ruck.  Lutefisk finished it up with the final golden corral Q by starting, and staying, in the plank position for the duration of his 10 minutes.  Dark Helmet notable threw in the towel and to make himself feel better he poked the Q.  I will not forget.  Welcome FNG Thigh Master (not Jane Fonda) but he’s from New York so evidently it’s OK to drop F-bombs whenever and wherever.  All in all 30 PAX came out for a nasty beatdown that was surely a crowd pleaser.  It was an honor to be a part of it and special thank you to the Q’s for stepping up and all of you ruckers for bringing us some extra gear to use.

Final tally of the votes: Fire Ant 15, Golden Corral 11, Tie 3, Bonsai = disqualified for his answer

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McDonald’s for Breakfast

-20 Peter Parker Peters
-10 Low Slow Toe Squats (don’t fall over Trucker)
-20 Flutter Kicks With Arm Flutters
-20 Hello Dolly With Flutter Kicks
-15 Calf Raises While Holding Al Gore
Mosey to wall for:
-20 People’s Chair With Arm Flutters
-10 Alternating Shoulder Taps While Holding BTTW

The Thang:

4 corners with station in the middle.
In the middle we all did 5 body bag builders for stations 1-4 each time while burpee broad jumping to the station and back, then 15 flutter kick & arm stations 5-8 and did duck walk from the middle to the station and back.
Station: exercise (all in cadence and together as a group)
1: Air chair and overhead claps x 15
2: Low slow jump squats x 15
3: Superman position + Moroccan NC’s x 15
4: CDD + donkey kick x 15
5: Derkin + shoulder tap x 15
6: Dying cockroach + flutter kick x 15
7: Aussie snow angels x 15
8: American hammer + lbc x 15

Trucker for a 10 count and mosey to open parking lot. Pick a partner and stand 8 parking spaces apart. Meet partner in the middle and knock out 10 clap merkins. Method of transport for round 1 is bear crawl to partner, crawl bear back. Round 2 crab walk forward, 10 clap merkins, crab walk backward.  Repeato.  Cot.

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Disco inferno with DJ Twister

Twister was up to getting the group awake this am with some 70s TV trivia which is good for the respect crowd but very challenging for those of us born in the late 70s…and even an 80s in there.  Since YHC controlled the weinke but not the jams, all was good.  Disclaimer was given as the sweet melodies of 80s rock played in the background, and a brisk mosey ensued to the track.

Warmup of SSH, windmills, imperial and hillbilly walkers, merkins, low slow squats for counts ranging from 10-25 got the blood flowing.

Boss Hogg took off for loops on the track given the nursing on the shoulder while the rest of us counted off in 2 splitting into groups.  Here’s the game: name the 70s TV show tune played by DJ Twister and avoid the 5 burpee penalty.  While you’re thinking of the song, do the name of the exercise called off by Shady below with a minimum and maximum number associated (this was adjusted very quickly b/c some people watched a lot of TV growing up!)

  • 10 hand release merkins
  • 20 squats (10 min)
  • 25 CDD (10 min)
  • 30 lunges (10 min)
  • 50 plank shoulder taps (20 min)
  • 40 ski jumps (20 min)
  • 60 calve raises (30 min) – out/reg/in
  • 20 diamonds (10 min)
  • 50 SSH (25 min)
  • 25 merkins (10 min)
  • 40 mountain climbers (20 min)
  • 30 American hammers (20 min)
  • 30 plank jacks (15 min)
  • 50 LBC (25 min)

We rinse and repeated through most of the list but the minimums were removed a second time through.  With about 15 min left, we ran around the track stopping at each 100 yard corner where we did some core (for the most part).  1st corner was 50 LBC, 2nd corner was 20 big boy (and some monkey humpers for our our track walkers passing by), 3rd corner was 30 American hammers, and 4th and final was 30 flutters.

With about 5-10 min remaining, we took our last bit of time to the football field.  Lining up on the goal line, we ran back and forth from the goal line to the 10 yard, back to goal then to 20…all the way to 40 yard line.  At each 10-40 yard line, we did 1 burpee for 10 yard up to 4 burpee at 40 (so a total of 10 burpees + the running for those of you who struggle with quick math!).  Once back on the line, there was time for a 10 count along with a message about being intentional.  Be intentional with the exercise, be intentional with your kids at home and at their activities, be intentional with your wife – pay attention to them!

Once everyone caught their breath, we rinse and repeated the lines and burpees – crowd favorite!  Once said and done, we did a mosey back to COT for closing ceremonies.  All in all, great morning and great push from the PAX.  Enjoyed it as usual and thanks to Manziel for the opportunity!!


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Downpour with Roxanne at Laces In

This morning was supposed to be very wet, and again the Weather professionals got it wrong. Knowing the anticipated challenges, I prepared a weinke that would allow for a covered area. And….not a drop of rain. Had to make some audibles on the fly to make sure the PAX got a good sweat in. To my surprise, 9 HIM showed up for the morning’s beat down. Only vets were present so I delivered a quick disclaimer and off we went.


Mosey to the main parking lot taking a left turn immediately because it was too windy for Trucker…mumble chatter champion. Completed the mosey and circled up in front of the drop off area near the front of the gym.


IW x 20

SSH x 25

Windmill x10

Overhead claps- x20

Happy Jacks- 5 rounds

MNC x10

Seal Jacks- x15


PAX headed over to the curb, lined up across and turned and faced the parking lot.

I spent a little time here sharing with the PAX about a recent pledge brother that took his own life last week. With that came a challenge, to think about Men that you can be impacting that need your support. Whether you think it is annoying or not, there are men out there that are desperately seeking another man to pick them up. All it takes is an additional call or text, anything to let them know you are thinking of them.


Ok, with that in mind, the PAX were instructed to do suicides to the fourth line with a numbered space. When you reach the 4th number perform the exercise listed and then run back. Hold a plank for the 6.


Round 1- Merkins x10

Round 2- CDD x10

Round 3- Burpees x10


Continued with the message to the PAX to make sure it stayed in the front of their mind during the workout. Reminding them that if it’s them that is struggling to not go through it alone.


Next Mosey was to the breezeway area at the football stadium.


Circle up. I had prepared a little Roxanne workout in anticipation of the downpour that didn’t happen. After some brief fumbling with the technology, off we went.


Roxanne, you don’t have to…- flying squirrels


In between- The Pax were doing Seal Jacks.


This got the blood going! Of course I am a sweater, but there some extra puddles around me during this. It looked like the PAX were enjoying it as well.


Immediately after the song, we jumped into the Deck of Death.


Spades- CDD

Hearts- Monkey humpers

Clubs- Plank Jacks

Diamonds- wide arm Merkins

Joker- 5 burpees


We made it through about ¾ of the deck and the runners joined us for the last few.


Back to COT


Announcements– Newsletter


Praises– for the PAX who showed up. I was reminded this morning that being in the gloom makes a positive impact on our daily lives. This does mean you necessarily have to participate in the workout if you are on the IR. I encourage PAX on the IR to show up with a partner and walk and enjoy some fellowship.




Bonsai’s Wife’s grandmother

Cyclops Dad

The family of my brother whose life ended too soon

My wife’s student who passed away

Injured PAX


Any I missed


Additional thoughts on challenging us as men and fathers to enjoy the moment and practice patience as best as you can.


Mental Health- I will repeat this over and over, you are not alone. Engage, ask, and reach out. If not, this is just a workout.



Thanks for the opportunity and for showing up on this rainy day.



Frat Boy






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