D2D FoMo- Hill Repeats

9 was the number that descended on the Earth Fare parking lot for a cool Monday beatdown. Quick disclaimer that I was not a professional and we took off towards South State Bank and ultimately towards the challenge that was presented by YHC on the Dave Gibson Hill.

However before that I took the PAX down the hill and back towards Gold Hill Middle School and shared that I was very disappointed that I missed the relay and I was hoping to relive the experience with the unsuspecting PAX that showed including several HIMs that conquered the relay just two days prior. Maybe I should have had more mercy? 🤷🏽‍♂️

We stopped at the entrance to Gold Hill and I laid out the challenge. Run to the opposite end of the parking lot towards where Colosseum COT takes place. Challenge: run there and back and complete 100 Merkins in any combination rep total of your preference, just get 100 done before you get back to the start.

We took off and YHC decided to do 20 at a time and so make my 5 stops along the way with Badlands pushing the pace. Despite that Fishsticks somehow finished first and we waiting for the 6 in the plank position.

Now for the meat and potatoes, We were to run hill repeats from one set of cones to the next at the top of Dave Gibson approx .5 miles and then proceed to complete 1 Monkey Humper at the top of the hill and then 7 burpees at the bottom. Repeat, but next round its 2 Monkey Humpers and only 6 Burpees at bottom. Stretch Goal is to get 7 laps. None achieved the goal. Misery was had by all and the time went quickly and painfully slow at the same time.

Good mumble chatter from the PAX and it was great hearing about the D2D relay.  Around 5:55 we headed back to COT.

3.5-4.9 miles were achieved, with a minimum of 100 Merkins, 20-30 burpees and 10-15 monkey humpers and 300-400 ft of elevation gain 💪🏽 were completed. Upon reflection I should have made the monkey humpers in sets of 10.

Announcements were announced, prayers were prayed and praises were given to the Most High! Great work men!

Poppins Out ✌🏽


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No Arrival

40-some pax posted to the region’s Ground Zero at WEP for a smorgasbord of pain, from 6@6 to Millkshake to a tried and true BC beatdown.  A very explicit and thorough Disclaimer was pronounced by Dark Helmet for the benefit of our FNG, and then the pax blasted off.

The Thang

The recitation of the 5 Core Principles quickly failed to meet DOAH’s standard, leading to some burpees.

Mosey around the parking lot with some toy soldiers and knee lifts mixed in, with the pax following onto the bandshell stage.

COP proceeded including more core principles along with some Merkins and DOAH’s proclamation that maybe the FNG’s fitness surpassed that of many of the pax present.  {Yes, he’s good at stirring the pot whether he’s poking at the Q or Qing himself.}

More mosey and more warm up exercises until the pax reach the far side of the WEP.

Enter stage left — the BAOPS boys via Clown Car — Trucker, Smuggler, Change Order & Longshanks, who just couldn’t stand the thought  of missing out on the best 1st, 2nd & 3rd F in The Fort on this given Saturday.  {Pro move by whoever made that call!}

Partner up for wheel barrow…to the playground…Yes…to the playground!…where the fun really starts.  {Fishsticks promptly cruised 85% of the way there to prove to his FNG that no matter what DOAH says, the FNG’s fitness had room for improvement.}

At the playground, each partner does 50 (yes, Five-O!) pull ups.  {Jiffy cranked out 30 in rapid fire.}

Some core work followed including LBCs and Rosalitas among others.

Handoff to Double D

Run to the bottom of the hill

Jacob’s Ladder with Donkey Kicks at the bottom and Sumo Squats at the top.  Traverse to the top via Bear Crawl and run to the bottom.

Mosey back to the parking lot with some Mary led by Jekyll

Climb the Stairway to Heaven via lunge walks, pausing for Carolina Dry Docks at each lamp post, starting with 5 reps and adding 5 more at each successive post.

Mosey down to the monuments with some Mary led by Longshanks

Circle up for an FNG introduction to Jack Webb by Change Order

Run home for final 2 mins of Mary by Longshanks



A spirited pax at The Fort on this pleasant late winter morning!   Back to back weeks with a convergence at The Fort — thanks to the Alcatraz boys for adding their zeal to the day!

Maximus delivered the tailgate coffeeteria in the parking lot afterward and our FNG (EHed by Fishsticks) hung around long enough to learn the backstory of his name (Roy Kent) and to fill his rolodex with roofing customer prospects.

Welcome to Roy Kent!  Barry Manilow was quite vocal about the quality of the name and the importance of RK living up to it.  Well, if he doesn’t meet the mark, we can always default to what RK thought we named him — Rockette!

It was great to have Car Bomb among the pax today, fresh off his return trip from New Zealand, prior to his resettlement in another adventure.

The theme for the day was geared around the notion of life being an endless series of mountain climbs, peak after peak, with no arrival to the top in sight — ever.  Depressing, huh?  No, not for the HIMs of F3 and The Fort.  Give us the hard stuff.  We’re playing the long game and we know you can’t play it alone.  So keep posting, stay engaged with your brothers.  Together we’ll keep accelerating.

It was a treat to Q with DOAH for the first time.  We all look at him as just another member of The Fort, which of course he is.  At the same time, he also invests a huge amount of his life leading the 43 feet for the Nation.  Not only is it not easy being Frank {imagine how hard it must be for Traci his wife}, it’s also lonely at the top of any organization {how about leading one with 50,000 type A men?}, and it’s incredibly challenging to serve as the successor to any founder {would you want to try one Dredd’s shoes}.  Despite the small jabs, I say this with all seriousness — DOAH has taken on an extremely difficult challenge, one that he executes well with tremendous energy and virtue and that we all benefit from.  We’re fortunate that he calls The Fort “home” and that we get to take his crap on a regular cadence.  Thank you, DOAH!

Thanks to Grinder for the opportunity!  Always an honor to lead the men of this brotherhood!





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Convergence: Love & a passing of the flag

Station 1 (Santini): Traditional Pain Platoon

Just your basic beat the hell out of your legs exercises of lunges, squats, and burpees intermixed with meditation and box breathing exercises. Sprint to the top of the hill, recover, and do more exercises including Moroccan night clubs and Carolina dry docks.

NMM: Anxiety and gratitude are not able to occupy the same space.

Station 2 (Shady / Maximus)

Warmup (Shady) – 21 SSH, 5 burpees, 18 SSH, 5 burpees, 12 SSH, someone whined about burpees so we did 10 diamonds merkins…then did 5 burpees
Group 1
  • partnered up and Dora style started out with 100 pull-ups.  Partner 1 on the pull-up bar, partner 2 did a lap around the playgroud
  • Stayed on playground, stayed with partner, Partner 1 AMRAP merkins while partner 2 ran the length of the playground and back to AMRAP merkins
  • Stayed on the AMRAP theme with flutters, then back to merkins, then back to flutters…then (I think) time was called

Group 2

  • Partnered up and Dora style, but this time 50 pull-ups with the run around the playground (Q modification given time and we aren’t cyborgs)
  • AMRAPs were just 1 round of merkins and flutters (again, I think…may need a lifeline here from Max)
  • We made our way to the hill with the statue where Maximus laid down the NUR up the hill and at the top 10 bomb jacks and ran to the bottom where we did 20 American hammers..we did this twice
  • W/ time to spare we ran to the top for 10 diamond merkins and ran to the bottom for 10 V-ups
  • In buzzer beater fashion, we ran to the top again for 10 ranger merkins and ran to the bottom for a partner 1 lay on the ground and grab partner 2s ankles where partner 2 would throw partner 1s feet down 10 times as you straight leg lifted them to his face

Group 3

  • Dora style 50 pull-ups with the run around the playground
  • We made our way to the hill with the statue where Maximus laid down the NUR up the hill and at the top 10 bomb jacks and ran to the bottom where we did 20 american hammers..we did this twice
  • Running low on time ran to the top for 10 diamond merkins and ran to the bottom for the ankle grabbing / feet throwing core exercise 10 times
NMM: After each of the groups had done their pull-ups, Maximus and Shady shared their thoughts and experiences on LOVE.
  • Shady – areas of focus were loving your brother and being your brothers keeper.  Sending a text or reaching out to someone to just say “hey, thinking of you” could change their day.  Realizing that the ones you love are watching you, emulating you, picking up on good and bad habits.  Realizing we don’t know it all, especially to the ones we love, is a sign of humility and a factor of growth and development.  For those of us with children, we have never been parents before so we honestly have no idea what we’re doing.  Love starts with servant leadership and personally for YHC, this usually progresses when the mouth is shut and ears are open.
  • Maximus – For my discussion on love, it begins with being intentional as love is a decision. We must make the decision to be intentional with our actions. Whether it be in our faith, marriage, parenting of our kids, with friends and yes, even with work relationships, we must be intentional. Think about how easy it is to get distracted, whether at dinner with your wife or even on a Zoom call for work. We often allow our minds to wander or even start doing something else while the other person is talking, looking for our engagement. Stop. Be the person who is present in the moment. Put the shoe on the other foot. Love that person as your relationship to them allows.

Station 3 (Pusher & Cakeboss): Love Edition

  • SSHs
  • Windmills
  • Squats
  • Mtn Climbers
  • Merkins
  • IWs
Cake Boss spells love “B-U-R-P-E-E”
The Thang
  • Jacobs Ladder with Derkins and Monkey Humpers
  • Plank/Dip sequence
  • Bear crawl to top with burpees
  • Cord of 3 strands cannot be broken. Having God in your marriage is the 3rd string. Adding communication to the marriage strengthens it. – CB
  • Gifts vs Gaps. Focus on the gifts that your wife or significant other bring vs what she is missing. Seeing her this way builds love. – Pusher
  • Much love was on display with all of the mumblechatter and fellowship. The relationships formed through F3 has increased our love internally and is reflected outward to our Ms, 2.0s, PAX and community… #morethanaworkout

Shovel Flag hand off for two leadership positions in the Fort:

Shady handed off the Nantan role to Double D
Esso handed off the Weasel Shaker role to YHC

Awesome work by the PAX today. Hard to put into words how much improved my disposition on life is since moving back to Fort Mill because of F3. Grateful for an opportunity to serve the PAX of The Fort.

NMM: Double D was the site-Q at Block Party when I started posting. If it wasn’t for his steady presence with a commitment to the integrating 2nd F and 3rd F elements into each workout, I doubt I’d have kept posting. Double D is a genuine human, I’m a better dude for knowing him, and I’m excited for his leadership.

Band Camp dismissed

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Fort Mill Tour – No Charge

We had 20 men show up this morning at Block Party.  Alot more than I anticipated, but it’s good to have a big crowd.  After a quick disclaimer, we did the typical warm-up exercises (SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills).

I explained to the Pax, we would be on the move this morning, touring Fort Mill.  Our first stop was the Hardee’s parking lot.  Once everyone arrived, we did the following exercises:

20 Squats

15 Merkins

10 LBCs

5 Burpees

Next stop was Unity Church on Tom Hall, instead of taking the shortest route, we ran down Spring Street to Leroy and met at the front of the church.  The same exercises were done by the Pax.  We continue our tour around town to the Church of God parking lot on Academy Street.   Once exercises were complete, we moved to the next stop, the parking lot across from the gas station on Spratt Street.

Our fifth stop was the Fort Mill Church of Nazarene on Harris Street.  We took the longer route up hilly Massey Street to Harris Street.  Again, another round of exercises.  Our last stop was Walter Elisha Park.

We then made our way back to COT for one last round of exercises. Total distance was a little over 3 miles. The continued theme from Monday’s Q, “No Shortcuts”.  We took the longer route to each location.  The routes were hilly and more difficult, but we are better than when we started this morning.  Keep getting after it.

Great job everyone!


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Slippery day at the Schoolhouse

Finally back to normal after the snow and ice storm this weekend.  The drive to The Colosseum was a little slick.  I arrived a little early to check out the track in the back lot.  Part of it was covered with ice so we would need to modify the running portion.

After the arrival of the Pax, we carefully moseyed to back of the school for the typical warm-ups.

SSHs x 20

Imperial Walkers x 16

Windmills x 10

Next, we walked over to the benches where I had stacked 15 cards with exercise written on each.   I explained the benefit of writing Backblast.  You have a library of past workouts to assist with your Q.  Today’s workout was similar to one I had Q’d five years ago.  Complete the exercise written on the card and run a lap.

Here are the exercises:

100 Merkins

80 Moroccan Nightclubs

100 LBCs

100 Carolina Dry Docks

100 Squats

80 Plank Jacks

100 Flutter Kicks

50 Lunges

20 Burpees

80 Side Straddle Hops

60 American Hammers

80 Plank Punches

100 Calf Raises

80 Freddie Mercury

80 Mountain Climbers

We got through all but the last three exercises (take home assignment).  We had a great time discussing marriage, 2.0s, Alabama, and work.

Thanks for the opportunity, Shower Curtain.


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Balmy 32 degrees, clear skies.

Great to start the year off with a proper #runningwithpushups beatdown.  Was a little nervous on the who would show as the emoji bucket for my preblast was near empty.  I need my dopamine hit of likes, hearts, and high fives.  14 (corrected to 13 via video) posted for a jaunt to Fort Mill Golf Club.

5:13: “one minute to pledge” and also “hurry up birdcage, lets go”

5:14: Pledge of Allegiance.  There was no Bandcamp to throw me off my 40  year vocal cadence.  We are all #proudtobeanamerican

5:15: concise layout of the plan and  half assed disclaimer.

The Thang:

AYG to parking lot of Fort Mill Golf Club,(1 mile) plank wait for #six and confirm plan.  Run Front 9 cart path.  At every Tee and every Green: 5 Merkins and 5 squats. Head back to COT 0550. Fishsticks and Badlands were super strong this morning, lead the way and got all 9 in.  Middle and back groups got 7-8 holes.  Full round gets 4 miles and 90 each of the #painmakers.

Naked Man Moleskin

Maximus and Shady tried to talk to me while I was running.  Hope they could hear my muttering over my heavy breathing.  Not sure what was going on in the other running packs but if anybody ran with Pusher- can you let me know what questions he asked today?   Always great to see men push themselves at this workout.

Want to give a praise to Olaf for including me a bible plan this week.  Havent done one of those in a while and realized how impactful they are to setting up my day and my heart for the day.  My challenge to you- If you are a “habitual first thing I do when I wake up is grab my phone and scroll Instagram, twitter, slack, Linked In, News Feed, texts, emails” guy- take a break from that for a day, 3 days, 5 days.  Grab your coffee or water and for 5 minutes: sit “in it”.  Silence.  be still.  Meditate, bible verse, Q source, thought for the day, reflection, journal.  Start the day without the noise that leads to anxiety, worry, comparison.  Would love for you to find me next week, let me know how it went.



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Constant Movement at Colosseum

Welcome and Disclaimer
10 start/ 10 finish
Mosey and do a lil warmup (SSH, IWs, Cherry pickers, Mtn Climbers, Plank Jacks, 6 inch hold)
Mosey to the starting lightpole
5 poles- start with 5 burpees/10 merkins/15 squats lunge to next light pole repeat exercise than bear crawl to next light pole repeat sequence until you arrive at last pole. When 6 in we mosey down the road to rip rap pile, 3 sets 10 reps of following exercises chest press, curls, overhead press. We than run to top of hill at 80%. and back.
Indian run to school, balls to wall 30 seconds come down 5 merkins, 10 squats, 15 LBCs repeat Xs 3. Mosey to COT 20 flutter kicks and 10 grave diggers each side. COT…
Announcements- Dam 2 Dam relay fundraising.

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68 Years of Impact

13 Pax posted to The Ballroom on a crisp Dec morning with meteors falling and new and veteran pax rising.  Triple Lindy was honored at the start despite his DR status.  Our FNG was introduced.  A Disclaimer was proclaimed.  And then the fun started.

The Thang

Mosey to the football field with some carioca along the way

COP — SSH, Seal jacks, Mtn climbers, Windmills, Hillbilly Walkers, Burpees

Line up along goal line facing the field

Mosey to other goal line via lunge walks, bear crawls or combo of the two with stops every 10 yards for Merkins x10 at 10-30-50-30-10 and Squats x10 at 20-40-40-20-goal line

Plank series

Return mosey to original goal line via backward lunge walk, crawl bears or combo of the two with same stops and exercises on the return trip

COP — each pax calls an exercise and counts # of reps that match # of yrs he’s been posting at The Fort

Mosey to grass area halfway back home from football field

COP — Knee-tar-N’diaye, Freddie Mercury, Back scratcher,  LBC,  Superman

Mosey to school side entrance and form two lines for relay across parking lot and back with pax holding plank or Al Gore while they wait

Mosey home



A lively festive spirit prevailed from pre-launch right through to the end.  Thanks to all the pax for the enthusiasm and energy today!  Many thanks to Cake Boss for the pre-marketing, which brought out a great crowd (but not CB!).  Hope the extra Zs paid off CB!

The remainder of the Geminid meteor shower entertained the pax throughout, at least while they weren’t comparing notes on favorite Tuesday night wines (@Pusher @Cheddah).

Poppins rallied FNG Dirty Bird for his first post.  His brother,  Spud, in the northern CLT burbs hadn’t been able to get him into the Gloom but a push from Poppins plus extra encouragement from CB sealed the deal.  Glad to have you among the pax, brother!

The cumulative years of experience among this group of pax was 68 years — an average of 5 years/pax.  And that’s’with a group that included 2 pax in yr 1 plus an FNG.  Excluding those three we had an average of 6.5 years.  Clearly this thing has legs!

Even in my 10th year, mornings like this make me feel young and like we’re only just beginning.  Long live The Fort!

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Changing of the Guard

28 PAX joined in the gloom for a brisk morning at Block Party. Though the temps were in the high-40s, the wind cut and made it feel much colder. Most were ready to get started and warmed up.

Bobber led off with the disclaimer, then we moseyed to the bank parking lot and circled up for 25 SSH IC. Moseyed to the Hobo’s parking lot for:
15 IW IC
10 Windmills IC
10 Cherry Pickers IC
10 Merkins IC
Held low squat for 10 MNC IC

Bobber, fighting back tears, then let go of his beloved BlockParty and passed the shovel flag to YHC. It was quiet as a mouse, absolutely no chatter was mumbled. So we did 5 burpees OYO to get back into it. 

The Thang
I explained to the PAX that I started F3 on a Monday at STL, where Pusher (in attendance) led a great workout, and I was encouraged enough to return the next day. The next day happened to be BlockParty, with CakeBoss on Q. It was a brutal morning, full of pain, so I thought we would do it again. 

3 lanes of bear crawls
5 burpees to exit the low side of the parking lot onto Main Street
Run up Main Street, back to the parking lot entrance on Clebourne Street.
5 burpees to enter the parking lot.
Plank for the 6.
This circuit continued, but the lanes changed to:
3 lanes Burpee Broad Jumps (a whole lot of mumblechatter and requests for a suggestion box)
3 lanes Duck Walk
3 lanes Toy Soldiers

Jogged back to Cot for 3 minutes of Mary.

Name-O-Rama, Announcements, Prayers & Praises. 

Thanks to Bobber for his leadership while Site Q, and providing the opportunity for YHC to continue the tradition at BlockParty. 

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4 Corners…In All 4 Lots

For my 3rd and final Q of the week, 12 of us tied ’em up tight at Laces In Thursday for a bit of a twist on things. The weather was nice and the guys were ready for some work.

Warm Up mosey up the entrance hill then circle up back at the bottom for a few warm up exercises, your typical fare.

Now, here’s the deal. In each of our 4 parking lots, we’re executing 1 exercise at each of the lot’s 4 corners with 5  burpees in the center.
So, start in 1 corner, 15 Wide-Arm Merkins, run to the center, do 5 Burpees, run to the next corner, 15 Jump Squats and run to the center. Do 5 Burpees, then run to the next corner, 15 Carolina Dry Docks and run to the center for 5 more Burpees. Then, run to the last corner for 15 Dying Cockroaches and run to the center for one last time for 5 Burpees.

We ran to the next lot, did the same routine, then the next lot for the same routine again. We than ran to the final lot for a repeat performance. Once we completed that 4th lot, our totals were:
60 Wide-Arm Merkins
60 Jump Squats
60 Dying Cockroaches
60 Carolina Dry Docks
80 Burpees

We then moseyed to the area near the pull-up bars for the following:
20 Pull-Ups
20 Merkins
20 Flutters I/C

We made our way back to COT while stopping for a few SSH in 2 lots.


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