Konvergence for Kenya

We converged on 6/10 to with a special weinke designed by the PAX of F3 Nairobi (but “may” have been augmented by Poppins…)

Warm up
Various, but highlight was 150 SSH in sets of 50. #CrowdPleaser

Groups of 5
Indian Run
5 burpees by the guys at the back

Dora on the football practice field
50 burpees – bear crawl
200 merkins – bear crawl
200 squats – lunge walk
300 4-count mountain climbers – frog leap a partner

Lots of bat flipping on the 4-count of the mountain climbers and the frog leaping

The guys in Kenya average a 5 mile transit to and from the AO, so a group of PAX dutifully pre-ran and post-ran 5 miles after the beatdown. YHC took a bit of flack, because it was me that spitballed that idea and then did not pre or post run. I did bring my 2.0 to the workout to try to cover the fact that I wouldn’t be running extra, but to no avail. Badlands 100% called me out.

Welcome FNGs
– Dungeon Master
– V-neck

– Badlands, Poppins, Rolloff, Maximus, Funhouse, Sasquatch, Cyclops, Beaker
– rucking: Sprocket, NakedandAfraid
– Badlands, Poppins, Rolloff, Maximus, Funhouse
All running
– Gears

The plan was to raise $$ to purchase a vehicle for transportation of Nairobi PAX to workouts, supporting efforts to assist in community and coordinating donations etc. The need is tremendous and our financial support is magnified in Kenya.

As of this backblast, we raised $2620. I have no idea when you’re reading this, but you could possibly still contribute and Poppins may still have T-Shirts in the back of his vehicle: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-our-kenyan-f3-brothers?member=26869695&sharetype=teams

Q-School Wednesday 6/14 at Bushwood
The Fort Retreat 8/11-8/13 (Register now!)

Safari (F3 Nairobi Nantan) facetimed in at the end to offer up a prayer closing out COT.

This backblast respectfully submitted by Band Camp

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Pendulum O’ Pain

WARMUP: The Pledge of Allegiance.
THE THANG: Pendulum O’ Pain. Run to Jekyll’s town center (near the churches at bottom of hill). Run up to the Town Hall, Merkins until failure. Run down hill and back up to parking lot at the factory, 20 Squats. Rinse and repeat for 35 minutes. Mosey back to COT.
COT: Prayers and Praises.

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Runny thingy doing on

Ready… set…

160 to Massey to spratt to Leonidas, and repeat the loop then return to COT


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Gas station route of pain

WARMUP: massey uphill to utility parking lot
I. Partner DORA – 100 Merks, 200 squats, 300 LBC with run up and down hill.
II. 1 mile loop with pain stations at each gas’s station. Same exercises as DORA but rep was 15 each.

Touch workout with the hills!

MARY: no time

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Mostly Running with work

WARMUP: run 1/2 mi.
THE THANG: run4.5 miles 1/2 mile 40 each merkins and ssh, next turn 30 each, 20, 10 each. of two exercises. sprints at the end!
MARY: times up
COT: prayers and praise for many!

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Are you “tired” yet?


Imperial squats
Plank exercises


Mosey to circle
bear crawl around then do 10 burpees
Mosey to bigger circle
bear crawl around then do 9 burpees
Mosey back to small circle
Crab walk around then do 8 burpees

Mosey to do some
Benchwork at church
On the way use curb to curb walk up towards pavilion

Exercises in cadence

Step ups x40
Irkins x 20
Derkins x 20

Complete 7 burpees

Mosey back towards HT,
Found wall
Wall sits
Take turns lunge walking to curb and back
Alternate with balls to walls during rotation

Complete 6 burpees

Mosey to tire store

More step ups or box jumps x20

Grab a tire- Tire tabata (AMRAP)

Man makers
Tire press
Tire merkins
Tire derkins
Carolina Dry docs
Ab crunches x2
Sled to line 20 ft or so
Sled back

Mosey back to COT
complete 5 burpees


American hammers x 20
Flutters to time


Trash pickup, cannoli run, Doty, Konvergence 6/10

Had to be there

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Warming up the Canollis


Run to kingsley. do one mile loop as many times as you can before time runs out. every half mile increase speed to 5k pace for about 60 seconds.

read newsletter for important announcements.

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There will be Blood

Disclaimer attempted …
The PAX brought the energy this morning, had to get their attention… 5 burpees!
Disclaimer given, and it was probably the best disclaimer I have ever given. “We will be going off campus, lighting should be ok, but please watch your footing.”
F3 Credo – and encouraged that whoever led would do clave raises/shoulder taps for the 6, Their pick each time.

**Is there a connection between Leadership & Faith?
10 Windmills IC
15 IW IC
15 MNCs IC
**The Acceleration of Faith requires a Belief System.

THANG 1: Cinco De Mayo 5 rounds of 5 exercises with a little mosey in between. And there was blood, JWOW speeding through the parking lot and got sniped by the speed bump.
**How does a man know his belief system is based upon truth?
5 Burpees
5 Merkins
5 Squats
5 LBCs
5 Mike Tysons
**Study puts a Leader’s Belief System to the Test.

THANG 2: **Is Faith static or dynamic?
Made it to the church parking lot. Did a list of exercises (below), starting with all of them, running a lap around the parking lot and removing one exercise before repeating.
10 Squats
9 Monkey Humpers
8 Lunges
7 Carolina Dry Docks
6 Sumo Squats
5 Bobby Hurley’s (or whoever else you like that dribbles/cheers)
4 Lump Lunges
3 Merkins
2 Bomb Jax
1 Burpee
**Faith is a Practice that requires Study to Accelerate.

MARY: The leaders made it back to COT and led Mary.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cannoli Run, Blood Drive, etc.

COT: Some local prayers, but that stays in COT.

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Soggy Balls and the Pyramid of Pain

Raining since Wednesday but looked like forecast might improve by 0515. Weatherman wrong again. only intermittent showers but no way to stay dry this morning – everyone got soaked but wouldn’t have wanted it any other way on this morning. I failed and should have got contact info for lighthouse to get him on our slack (lives near Waxhaw).

WARMUP: Mosey around HT parking lot and circle up for IC exercises – goofballs, IWs, WMs, Cherry Pickers, low slow squats, plank/broga, Mtn Climbers

Pyramid of Pain – increasing reps/reduce exercises as you go up the pyramid

25 reps each – (soggy) ball slams, upright rows, diamonds, imperial squat walkers, CDDs

run 5 laps around one row of parking spots

SSH for the 6

30 reps each – bent over rows (each arm), lunges (each leg), burpees, merkins

run 4 laps around one row of parking spots

SSH for the 6

35 reps each – curls, wide arm merkins, bomb jacks

run 3 laps around one row of parking spots

SSH for the 6

40 reps each – jump squats, overhead claps

run 2 laps around one row of parking spots

SSH for the 6

50 reps calf raises

run back to CoT

total of about 1.75 miles running

MARY: no time

colloseum- whetstone/blade led workouts first tuesday of each month, shieldlock led workouts second Tuesday of each month

read newsletter

COT: yup

missed you today slapshot- you would have crushed this workout. Thanks for the opportunity.

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Don’t be a 🐱

WARMUP: Pledge of Allegiance
THE THANG: AL loop down to skipper turn right, right on Still, left on 21. 10 merkins and 10 squats at every turn. 2 loops a little over 4mi. For the 🐱’s little loop around Main Street. For the record there were on 2 non-🐱in the group roll-off and old bay
MARY: nada
COT: Luca, Atticus, Package and others.

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