WARMUP: 6 gathered, which was a great number, for a full 1 hour of party packed entertainment. Twister joined us to say hi as he terrains his 6@6, but before he got 75 yards away, we had a quick disclaimer and took off to join him on his route. As the 6 of us caught up to him, the mumblechatter ensued and since he was already x miles into his route, we passed him as we neared Harris street. We stopped at the corner for 10 merkins, waited for the 6 and let Twister run away a little down Harris, and then we took off after him again. Down Harris we ran, catching him and harassing him again, because Twister wouldn’t want it any other way. As we passed him, we made our way to the park at the bottom of the hill and circled up in the parking lot for warm ups: SSH, windmills, cherry pickers, merkins, mountain climbers, and a few runner stretches.
THE THANG: Made our way over to the basketball court for some modified suisides. At each line we would do 1 merkin and add 1 per line doing the same number on the starting base line. 1 and 1, 2 and 2, 3…you get it. We then kept climbing back down the lines where in the end we ended up with 8 and 8.
We then ran back up Harris to LBJ church where we ran steps, ran around the church, back to steps for 10 diamonds, 10/leg of Bulgarian split squats. We did this circuit 2x.
Next stop was the gas station to stop for the 6, then made our way to print shop. At the print shop we did a 25% murph because who doesn’t need pull up practice.
Ran all the way back to the millstone in front of the steps by veterans park, stopped for the 6, then ran to the small wall by the engineering building for 20 dips and 20 total step ups. Did this circuit 2x. Ran back to WEP, did a time check, got a big sigh of relief”oh but there more” and ran up the walking path to the top of the hill, back down, then back up the grassy hill with the statue, then down the side hill to COT.
MARY: got through about 3 exercises
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter items
COT: CSPAN style for P&P