Bags for Beds

The PAX of F3 the Fort are being called on to support a local effort to help the less fortunate. This particular campaign, however, requires no (real) time to contribute to and will cost you NOTHING. But the impact you will make is a powerful one.

The “Falcons Give Back” club at Nation Ford High School is collecting lots of supplies to help various organizations in need throughout the year. Right now, they are in desperate need of plastic grocery bags. These bags are “hand woven” together to create matting that is used for bedding by the homeless. That’s right. Bedding for the homeless. This is a simple act that can give less fortunate community members a little more comfort.

The Deal :   We will be collecting clean plastic bags (no spilled milk or hamburger juice, please) at each workout, beginning on Monday 11/13 and concluding at the Thanksgiving convergence. Site Q’s (or a designated PAX member) will collect at each workout. I will coordinate pick-up. We don’t need a few guys bringing a ton of bags.  We need a ton of guys bringing whatever they have. Clean out from under your kitchen sink! Aye!


Be “That Guy”!!


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Campus Tour

10 joined YHC for a tour of the campus, while 5 others showed up a little earlier and ran in circles.

The Thang

Brief Mosey over to the smooth pavement for COP and the following exercises:

SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Merkins, Mtn Climbers, Squats, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters, Sumo Squats.

Mosey around to the front of the school for some ascending curb crawl. Perform 1 derkin, bear crawl to other side and do 2 derkins, bear crawl back for 3 derkins. Continue until you get to 11.

A couple quick sets of abs to catch our breath and mosey to the side of the school for 3 rounds of people’s donkey balls. Each round was 20 sec wall sit, 10 donkey kicks oyo, 10 sec balls to wall.

Mosey to the big hill at the front school entrance. Round of 7s. We did burpees at the bottom and squats at the top

We began our mosey back towards COT, but before we made it stopped in the big parking lot. Lined up on curb and sprinted the 25ish yards to the first light pole. Repeato about 5 more times.

Finish mosey back to start point for a few mins of Mary before meeting up with the LacesOut crew. Really great work from all involved.




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Backblast: 17 for 17 at The Colosseum

16 men joined YHC for some fun on the concrete at The Colosseum.

After the disclaimer was said we moseyed around the parking lots until we found the perfect spot for a warmup.


  • side straddle hops x20
  • windmill x10
  • squats x30
  • merkins x15
  • mountain climbers x15
  • LBCs x15

Mosey about 10 feet to the first set of painted road arrows. There are 17 of these over about 1/10th of a mile stretch. We did the follow exercise at each set of arrows and then hauled it back to the start:

  • 1 burpee
  • 1 burpee + 3 merkins
  • 3 jump squats
  • quick break for some Captain Thor – up to 6 x 24
  • 5 carolina dry docks
  • 2 big boy sit ups
  • finish up with boats and canoes x a lot

Mosey to COT

Announcements included T-giving day convergence, Christmas party.

Praise for Ginsu’s daughter (successful surgery), prayers for marriages, family.

Ginsu took us out in prayer.

Thanks for the opportunity, Jekyl. See you next time.


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4 boot campers and 6 runners posted at Laces In/Out this morning. The cool temperature was perfect for a hideous beat down. We did hill work because was today’s message was focused on overcoming inertia.

The Thang:

COP: SSH (30x), IW (20x), WM (15x), Sumo Squats (15x), MC (20x), Peter Parkers (15x) and Freddie Mercuries(15x)

Mosey to the hill near the stadium to add inertia and do the following exercises.

  1. 100 Yard Dash
  2. Jumping Squats (2x)
  3. Big Boy Sit Ups (3x)
  4. Pepper Grinders (4x)
  5. Burpees (5x)
  6. LBCs (6x)
  7. Sumo Squats (7x)
  8. Heels to Heaven (8x)
  9. Dips (9x)
  10. Calf raises (10x)
  11. Merkins (11x)
  12. Penguins (12x)

Ruby runs with the following exercises: Flutters (15x), Rosalettas (15x), Swimmers (15x), Calf Raises (30x).


Why do we sometimes struggle to answer God’s calling and purpose for our lives? Does our own inertia stop us?

Paul initially was filled with hesitation when he was called to God’s mission field. In the Acts of the Apostles 22, Jesus needed to encourage Paul to overcome his inertia. He kept telling Paul “Go,” “Get up,” “What are you waiting for?”

Paul eventually pushed through his inertia and fulfilled his mission. Paul’s story is a great illustration of how it’s sometimes tough to start your mission but you must finish strong. Answer when God calls on you to fulfill His mission.



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Coliseum- Mumble Chatter- Not on my watch

After seeing twitter post about possible mumble chatter at my Q from some legendary yackers YHC decided to bring one of his old school simple but effective workouts to these guys. a nice 46 degrees to start the day had a few arriving in there sweatshirts, a few were mumbling about not knowing where their cold weather gear was. Little did they know the ones that showed up with it on would be wishing they hadn’t in a few.

Quick disclaimer and were off.

Mosey to basketball court, dynamic stretching toy soldiers, knees to chest.

Circle up SSHs, mtn. climbers, flutter kicks, Windmills, peter parkers, chopsticks.

Mosey to light poles. at each light pole perform 15 Carolina dry docks, 10 alternating jumping lunges, 5 burpees. 10 light poles. Flutter kicks until 6 arrives.

Return down the line except 15Air Squats, 10 merkins, 5 burpees. LBCs until 6 arrives.

Mosey to parking lot and pair up for DORA. 50 merkins, 100 squats, 150 LBCs while partner runs to wall and does 1 muscle up.

Back to COT with 25 yard bear crawl on the way.


Announcements- Fast 5, Family Ruck, Community Café 5k, The Fort Christmas Party.

Prayers- Passing of Cake Boss sister. PAX looking for work.



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Have you seen my Baseball?

6 Veteran PAX joined YHC on a humid a.m. @ Laces In to take on the compound of FMHS as we know it!

Brief Disclaimer with no FNG’s so we Moseyed:

COP- A solid running loop around the large parking lot led us back to under the lights for some dynamic exercises to warm-up. Didn’t need too much as our bodies were already feeling the humidity. (Is this really October?)

IW’s, WM’s, HW’s, LSS’s, Honey Mooner stretch, MH’s, Plank Jacks. All followed by some leg stretches as the PAX were not aware we’d be getting a little running in!  #Trucker would’ve been pleased as we held off on the SSH’s! (For Now)

The Thang:

Mosey over to the Band practice parking lot to meet our friend DORA 1-2-3.


Partner running from Light Pole to Light Pole across parking lot about 100+ yards-

100 Moroccan Night Clubs

200 Squats

300 SSH’s  which the PAX grumbled ‘there they are’.

Since the Award Winning FMHS Band wasn’t practicing this early we took advantage of the space and re-booted another DORA 1-2-3 into a round of Abs Lab.

50yards this time with-

50 Flutters

100 LBC

150 American Hammers

With time on the clock we Moseyed over to another parking lot that had a perfect resemblance to a baseball field. With MLB playoffs in full swing and the Yanks taking down the Tribe the night prior we played our own game of baseball. Stayed as a TEAM unit and ran the bases. @ each base was an exercise.

1st base- 10 Burpees

2nd base- 20 CDD’s

3rd base- 30 Dips

Home plate- steal and sprint to home with 40 calf raises.

Mosey towards COT and finished time with Abs circle.


Met up with Maximus & Mcguyver from Laces Out (who got a solid 6 miles in)


Joe Davis 5k


California Wild Fires

October Breast Cancer Awareness

F3 and what it has done for PAX (personal growth)

Staying safe on the roads during running/training for the upcoming races.

Wheezer Out-

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Pillars of Pain

Tuesday was hot and muggy, like everyday this week.  PAX sweating from just talking before the workout. It was oppressive and the workout didn’t help.

The Thang

Warm Up with a quick Mosey and a COP:

SSH, Merkins, Plank Jacks, Morrocan Night Club, Windmill, etc….

Mosey to the Pillars of Pain

Loop in front of Middle School is .2 miles, run that loop with pace and then do the Exercise at each Pillar – Decided not to accumulate, was a good decision.

Pillar 1 – 10 Burpees

Pillar 2 – 25 Merkins

Pillar 3 – 25 Carolina Dry Docks

Pillar 4 – 25 Monkey Humpers

Pillar 5 – 25 Curb Calf Raises (per leg)

Pillar 6 – 50 SSH

Pillar 7 – 25 Squats

PAX finished and we did 2 laps with sprint intervals from lamp post to lamp post.

Then some Mary – Freddy Mercury, American Hammers, Protractor, Ins and Outs.


When it gets cooler out (or when the Q can do it) this will turn into an Accumulator.

Prayers for California fire victims, for F3 brother with missing son, and new moms and dads.

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Webb-o-Rama and Snake Hops

The Golden Corral hosted 27 pax total (about a dozen ruckers, a dozen boot campers, and the rest runners) for fun and pain.  YHC can’t speak for the ruckers or runners, but here’s an account for the boot campers.

Mosey around the north side of HT and circle up in the back parking lot for COP Warm-up:

  • SSH x25
  • Mountain Climbers x20
  • IW x20
  • Windmills x10
  • Low Slow Squats x10
  • Run Stance Switch x10

Mosey between the buildings and circle around to the south side of HT to find a cone.  Partner up:

At each cone pax are to do (in cadence) 2 exercises in the spirit of Jack Webbs (1:4 ratio)

  • Cone 1
    • 1 burpee to 4 run-stance switch
      • Repeat with 2 burpees, then 3 burpees
      • >> Bear crawl to 2nd cone about 20 yards away
  • Cone 2
    • 1 big boy sit up to 4 american hammers
      • Repeat with 2, then 3 big boy sit-ups
      • partner wheelbarrow to third position
  • Cone 3
    • 1 box jump (or step up) to 4 dips
      • Repeat with 2, then 3 box jumps
      • partner wheelbarrow to fourth position
      • During the box jumps, YHC noticed Wheezer had an extra spring in his jumps for a few of the reps and then he fled his wall position for a new spot.  Seems there was a snake on the ground near where he was exercising.  Whether it was actually alive is not known.
  • Cone 4
    • Jack Webb – (1:4 ration) for 3 reps
      • Run around to cone 1

For round 2 of the cones, we did reps 4-6 at each station.

Mosey to the wall on the south side of HT parking lot for to Dora with your partner

  • Merkins – 100
  • LBCs – 200
  • Squats – 300

Back to COT

Great work by the pax.  Special welcome to FNG “Panda”, who looked like a regular out there, despite it being his first time.  It was also great seeing Cobra Kai at a boot camp!  Hopefully the ruckers won’t revoke his membership for taking a step out of the dark side.  Thanks to Decibel for scheduling me to Q.  Look forward to next time!

-old bay


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a non running Q’s version of Laces Out

7 #HIM showed up for my Q at #Laces out

Disclaimer and quick discussion on how I used to be a runner

Warm up one mile run

stretch for 2 minutes, discuss several of my favorite meals…and for a second week almost everyone took their shirts off…weird…

main course – 15 minutes of sprint the straightaways and recovery on the corners

main course – 10 minutes of your 5K pace

main course -10 more minutes of the first 15 minutes

stretch for the last 5 minutes

COT/BOM with Laces In

The fast guys got in 6 miles, the slow guys got 5 miles, everyone got better…


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Colombia Mission Trip Sendoff @ The Ranch 9-7-17

On a cool morning in early September, the men of The Fort gathered together to support the group of 12 men that answered the call to serve those in need in Colombia.

Mosey to the soccer field

The Warm-up (VQ led by Skinny Jeans)

  • 20 4-count side straddle hops 
  • 15 4-count windmills
  • 10 4-count Merkens
  • 15 4-count mountain climbers
  • 20 low slow squats
  • 8 burpees OYO

Mosey to the football field

The Thang

Markers set up every 25 yards on the football field from endzone to endzone. PAX will start from one endzone and run from marker to marker and do the following exercises (below) at each. They will then run on the track back to the starting point.

  • 10 merkins, 2 burpees
  • back to start – LBCs for six
  • 10 Carolina DD, 2 burpees
  • back to start – flutter for six
  • 10 squats, 2 burpees
  • back to start – American Hammer for six
  • 10 bomb jacks, 2 burpees
  • back to start – freddy mercury for six
  • 10 dips, 2 burpees
  • back to start – heels to heaven for six
  • 10 lunges (5 per leg), 2 burpees
  • back to start -diamond LBCs for six
  • 2 burpees per marker

Mosey to COT

Today we focused on the 12 men that are leaving tomorrow to serve in Colombia. We had the privilege of hearing the reasons why each of them have been called to serve during todays workout and then pray over them at the close. We are all lucky to have these men as our brothers and will continue to pray for them as they make their way abroad.

As mentioned in COT, each of us were blessed with passion for certain causes and influence to impact them. Find your passion and your calling and answer that call, whatever it may be.


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