A cool, Shady, 38 degree Special morning

11 PAX woke up on a cool Saturday morning in November of 2019. Little did any of them know that immediately after the disclaimer they would be headed for the much maligned Tega Cay Drive hill of pain.

The mosey immediately headed that way as YHC (38 Special) led the PAX down the hill. Everyone circled up for 25 SSH, 15 Low Slow Squats, and 15 mountain climbers.  Some good Saturday morning mumblechatter including some compliments about the length of certain PAX’s shorts and the decade in which they might have been procured.  That was plenty “warm up”.

The Thang: Part 1

PAX counted off by 2’s. 2’s were instructed to run the 150M hill backwards. Team 1 to lag behind so eyes were going forward and backward. YHC was pleased to hear Team 1 offer quality mumblechatter on the way up in the way of encouragement.

At the top of the hill, everyone ran back down and Team 1 took their turn to run backwards while Team 2 pulled mumblechatter duty.  Now that every quad was suitably inflamed it was time for phase two of part one.

Until YHC’s time was out, we would run 11’s.  Starting behind the western baseball diamond, double count stepups. Run the roughly 100m to to the benches just before the pullup bars and do burpees.  If, somehow, anyone were to finish, it would have added 2k to their bragging rights. Some got to 4 step ups left, others 6.

YHC used the last minute of his time to speak briefly about pushing oneself in order for the group. The above was selected not because I could kill it, but because I knew I could do it with commitment, and without killing myself, and sorta, maybe tried to encourage others to do the same.

The Thang: Part 2

Shady took over and wasted no time running the PAX over the baseball field and into the parking lot, stopping near the playground.  Everyone paired up for what Shady said would be your ‘basic’ Dora. There was a brief lament about the lack of bricks when one of the PAX brought to everyone’s attention that there were some large rocks at the bottom of the trail.

If YHC were a geologist, he’d have called these rocks “boulders” (any rock with a diameter of > 25.6cm)…

Run back up the trail and into the playground.  Round one of the Dora was
100 – Hand Release Merkins
200 – Shoulder (boulder) Press
300 – Flutter

YHC wants to point out that the first two parts of that set were brutal.

When the set was over, Shady spoke to the PAX about his word of the year and encouraged everyone to think about theirs again. Some of the PAX talked briefly about their words as well. After this 10 count was concluded it was time to move onto round two.
100 – Incline rows
200 – Boulder curls
300 – LBC

YHC would also like to point out that the incline rows, while being sufficiently difficult, made some of the PAX look utterly ridiculous, and as most of us know, PAX would allow any of their brothers to look that ridiculous without drawing a great deal of attention to the fact.  It’s just good manners.

Time ran out during the LBCs and there was one more run down into the woods to return their boulders to their homes.  Joined up at COT.

Announcements: Thanksgiving convergence on 11/28 @The Ranch, HTL convergence on 11/23 @WEP and the Christmas Party 12/6 ~Baxter area. Everyone who knows Kenyan is invited to join the celebration of Life for his departed wife that morning.

There were also some prayers and praises lifted up to Sky Q’s consideration.

The PAX dispersed…

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7th Year Convergence for The Fort

The 7th Year Convergence for The Fort followed an exhilarating Invergence from the night before.  Hoping to continue that acceleration, the 4 Q’s had a plan to talk about the 4 Skills needed for Virtuous Leadership: Vision, Articulation, Persuasion, Exhortation.

CakeBoss to start us out with Vision: Recognizing advantage and the movement required to achieve it.

Disclaimer and welcome
“Go Hard or Go Home!”

Take off for 100 yard mosey up path, Get in 3 lines – Indian Run across WEP

Break into 4 lines, 2 groups of seal teams -20 seal team sit ups in cadence

Back into 2 lines , Everyone plank – Tunnel of Love (25 guys per line) – Plank series while guys army crawling under

Crowd pleaser for sure!

7 Burpees for 7 Years!

Vision is what I spoke about and the men that saw the advantage of F3 and planted it (moved towards it) in Charlotte, the The Fort and we continued to give it away in Rock Hill & Lake Wylie.

Hand off to Maximus

Articulation: Describing vision to others in a clear manner. Being able to tell others where we’re going and being able to describe that vision to others.

So, with that said, we’re going over to the top of the big hill to start with drill bits:

½ the group goes one direction while the other goes the opposite way

At each white post (drill bit), 10 Jumping Lunges (10 each leg)

10 Jump Squats

Mosey to the base of the other hill, the one with the statue on it:

NUR (backwards run) up the hill

3 Burpees at the top

Bear Crawl down

5 Burpees at the bottom

Hand off to Fun House for the “P”.

Persuasion – The initiation of first Movement.  Convincing people to move in the direction of advantage, abandoning their Status Quo,

YHC gave an awesome yet forgettable speech about Persuasion.  Then the Thang:

Circle Up – Duck, Duck, Goose – One guy runs around the circle the rest of us plank, the next guy goes when the running guy finishes.  Planking excercises were called out: High Plank, Low plank, Mountain Climbers….. Audible called to get the next guy running after 1/2 a lap around the circle of Pax….. Peter Parker, Parker Peters….. Audible called to get the next guy running after 1/3 lap around….. Mak-Tar-Jai, Left Hand High, Right hand high…..Done.  That took 10 minutes!  60 guys is a lot of guys to be running around in circles.

Stay in circle, 5 minutes left, Jack Webb: 1 Merkin to 4 Overhead hand claps.  We got to 8!

Hand off to Pusher for Exhortation!

Exhortation – Incentivizing The Breach Of Obstacles.

Burpees x 10 OYO
Flutters IC x 10
Mosey to a corner of WEP
Burpees x 9 OYO
Flutters IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10
Mosey to another corner
Burpees x 8 OYO
Flutters IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10
Rosalita IC x 10
Mosey to another corner
Burpees x 7 OYO
Flutters IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10
Rosalitas IC x 10
Hello Dollies IC x 10
Mosey to another corner
Burpees x 6 OYO
LBCs IC x 10
Flutters IC x 10
Naked Moleskin – The name-o-rama took forever.  That is a good thing. When 60+ PAX post to celebrate something that has obviously changed their lives, then change is happening!  Thanks to Maximus who put this awesome weekend celebration together!  His leadership is not only Effective (Using VAPE) but he is a Virtuous Leader! (Check out the Q Source for the 5 C’s Virtues of Virtuous Leadership) Can’t wait to see what year 8 brings to The Fort!  More importantly, who it brings!  Time to go EH someone.  See you in the gloom.
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Heavy arm day

Four men showed up for this morning’s workout.  Uber arrived a little early thinking he was running late, still recovering from his international travels.  Bolt kicked us off with a lap around the park.  We stopped for the regular warm-ups (SSHs, Moroccan night clubs, merkins, and plank stretches).

Next, we ran back to the park where Bolt had organized five pain stations:

  1. Sweeper drag – The best description is a weighted (100+ ) infield broom.  Each person would drag it down the field and back.
  2. Luggage Shoulder Shrug –  Two bags, one in each hand, lift up and down.
  3. Sandbag carry – Bag carried overhead down to baseball diamond and back.
  4. Sandbag curl – Curl sandbag in squat position.
  5. Bocce ball bear crawl – Hold Bocce ball in each hand and bear crawl forward and back.

We each did two rounds of these pain stations. We were gassed.

Next, we ran a lap around the park before the hand-off to Fishsticks.  A number of the PAX had fun over the past few weeks sharing the music that influenced them growing up.  Bolt had joked about one of my picks, New Edition.  I thought it would be a good idea to incorporate  some of their hits into the workout. The song was played during each workout and served as our timer.

First workout:  Mr Telephone Man

  • Line up between telephone poles
  • Calf raises on one end
  • lunges on the other end with a run in between the poles

Second workout:  Can You Stand The Rain? (for the workout, “Rain” was changed to “Pain”)

  • 10 dips
  • 10 merkins
  • continue dips and merkins until the end of the song

Third workout:  Boys to Men

  • Pull ups
  • Step ups
  • Dips

Before we left the playground, we did 20 pull-ups and squats

Four workout:  Cool it down

  • Hello Dolly
  • LBCs
  • Superman

End with COT

Prayers for everyone impacted by the schools back in session.

Prayers for Ezra and family.


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Alcatraz has rocks and hills – Who knew?

4 Pax showed up for a humid Saturday in Tega Cay.  YHC had been pretty lazy this week after returning from BonAire.  Look it up!  Fantastic windsurfing!  So, the beatdown commenced with a run, what else.

The Thang

Run to the tennis courts for COP

SSH X 30, Windmill X 15, Squats X 20, Merkins X 10, IW X 20, Mountain Climbers X 20, SSH X 30

Run to the Hill, get a rock

Run up the hill to the split, come back get your rock

All X 20, after set go run again…

Curls, Triceps, Overhead Press, Bent row

Mosey to the tee box for 10 minutes of Merkins : 1 minute do 10 Merkins, rinse repeat for 10 minutes….

Mosey back to tennis courts for some wind sprints – Hit every white line (there was like 10 of them) – Only 1 round

Back to Runde for 3 minutes of Mary


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Can I get a taxi, Uber, or Lyft?

17 men and 1 2.0 came prepared for the workout. Lots of smiling faces, not knowing what was in store for the next hour. After the disclaimer, we jogged down to the fire station and back to the parking lot.

SSHs x 20
Imperial Walkers x 15
Wind Mills x 10
Plank Stretches
Merkins x 5
Plank Jacks x 10
Peter Parker x 10
Parker Peter x 10

Next, we moseyed to the field for partner exercises called Hora(Dora’s evil cousin) 2-3-4. Similar to Dora 1-2-3 except the count for each exercise was 200, 300, 400 and the movements would be a bit more complicated that simply running back and forth.

Exercise 1: 200 Merkins
Movement: Lunges to the lightpole and run back
Exercise 2: 300 Squats
Movement: Burpee broad jumps to lightpole and back
Exercise 3: 400 LBCs
Movement: Inch worm merkins to lightpole and back

Lots of grumbling and mumble chatter. The first half was complete. The baton was passed to Maximus. Good luck everyone.

In the outfield, we circled up for two sets of exercises:

10 J-Lo’s (A generational reference was made by substituting J-Lo with Barbara Streisand. I had to google her…No compare to Jenny from the block)
10 very slow flutters

Next, we partnered up with like speed for 7’s on “the Hill”. We began with Jumping Lunges (6) at the top and Caroline Dry Docks (1) at the bottom. NUR (backwards run) back up the hill and jogged to the outfield. We lined up on the chalk line for the following exercises:

5 Staggered Merkins on each side followed by a sprint to the other end of the field.
10 Jump Squats and sprint back.
10 J-Lo’s and sprint back

End of workout, mosey to COT.

Great job by all. Uber brought his 2.0 to the workout. Likes to ski, dad is Uber. We named him Lyft. He was full of energy and smiled the whole time.

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Alcatraz HIIT & Strength beatdown

Cobains on the delay. #Life

We had a hearty crew Saturday morning.  Lots of chatter in the Twittersvere for Tesh?Jekyll Q drawing Pax from across the river and inspiring Fishsticks to bring a #kotter and an #FNG.  Well done!


Disclaimer then we took off for a lap ’round Runde stopping for a brief painstation to let Dolly Dogwalker go by.  Must be crazy to have 14 men run up on you so we gave some space.  Pouring into the field at the open gate we started with a circle of pain and the usual suspects of exercises in cadence.  Feeling the need to keep up my portion of the HIIT on the line we went for sprint run and and nur (backward run).  70%, 80%, 90%,100%.

Moved to the next field and put partner 1 on the line and partner 2 on the wall.

  • P1: Bearcrawl to second base run to baseball fence, hop the fence then run up hill to finish with 5 bombjacks.  Down the hill, hop the fence, AYG back to line.
  • P2: Round the world squat jumps.

Repeat 3 times with P2 doing Carolina Dry Docks then Wall sits.

Hand off to Tesh for Strength.

First exercise was to max out our push pull muscles.

Pulling is first.  Circle up shoulder to shoulder.  Every other man does an about face and puts his 6 on the ground so that his shoulders are between two PAXs feet.  The standing PAX now reach down as if they are going to help a brother up, but instead, we are going to use this as a no-equipment upright row.

All PAX lift up on the Q’s command and let down on command.  Q does this until he sees around half the PAX struggling to lift.  Swap positions and repeat.  (This may sound like a rest for the guys laying down being lifted, but you still have to keep most everything engaged so it’s not.  It’s more of an isometric hold)
Pushing is next.  You can’t do much better than the merkin.  But i wanted low rep, higher volume.  So to achieve this, the sprinkler head merkin puts more load on one arm.  (It’s a typewriter merkin without swaping sides.)  So one are goes out wide and stays straight wile the other does all the pushing (4 count to 3 both sides). Then regular merkins (4 count to 10).
Do this superset 3 times.  (I modified the pushups for some other challenges, but you’ll have to ask someone that was there… blame Walker.)
Next were some grip strength, because I think almost every man lacks in this department (it’s hard to train and doesn’t give you anything sexy to show off).  Mosey to the playground for deadhangs.  Split into two groups, one does peoples chair / Al Gore while the other group deadhangs.  Four rounds of 1 min.
Mosey to parking lot for Lt Dan.  I always associate this exercise with Jekyll for some reason, and he didn’t do it so I felt obligated.  And it’s a great exercise.  Dry dock/merkin breaks after rounds 5, 7 and 9.
And finally American Hammers till time.
Great to have Bon Jovi who is back after a couple of years and hinted at a name change.  During the course of the workout his options became clear and ultimately stayed with Bon Jovi.  smart move.
Welcome Paper Jam from Rochester New York home of Xerox.  Today is but your first day!
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Respectable Q at Alcatraz

A beautiful morning at Alcatraz and the Pax began to gather for a beatdown by 2 respectable Qs with YHC and Bolt.  Circle up disclaimer was given and YHC took the 1st half and lead the group out on a warm up mosey.

COP – SSH, Hillbilly walker, Low Slow Squat, Mountain Climber, CDD, Peter Parkers, Downward to Honeymooner(x3) – Mosey to the Pull up bars

At the Pull up bars I shared how we would spend the rest of my allotted time- A few rounds of Cindy Round 1 – run to the bottom of the terrible hill then back to the pull-up bars for  5 pull-ups, 10 Merkins, 15 Dips, 20 4 count flutters.  Round 2 – Run around the park same workout. Round 3 back to the bottom of the hill and same workout.  After 3 rounds we were all sufficiently smoked and ready for Bolt to take over.

Bolt had mercy on us and we walked  back to the parking lot where he gave his instructions.  4 stations around the park Station 1 paver curls and 5 Burpees, Station 2 Jump Squats and 5 Burpees, Station 3 Bombjacks 5 Burpees, Station 4 10 Burpees, sprint back to Station 1.  Rinse and Repeat.  With the remaining time we circled up for some interesting and challenging ab work as only Bolt could bring.

To COT – Prayers requested and given.  A great morning, and a great group of PAX

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Alcatraz Fishermen

I’m writing this way past due and don’t have much, but what the heck, let’s give it a good ole college try.  Fishsticks warms us up with the ‘regulars’ and proceeded to crush our arms with some partner style work using the loose bricks.  I just remember hurting.  Then YHC ran a starfish exercise as a team.  In the middle was 5 body bag builders (a 10-count burpee).  Each corner was done twice with broad jumps and duck walks between the middle and the stations.  The corners were all combination exercises that created #pain.  So that’s it… all I can remember.  Just thankful to be able to work out with such great #HIM.

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Productivity at it’s Best @ Alcatraz

  • Had the luxury of Co-Qing this fine Saturday morning w/ Corn Hole at Alcatraz.  I sent John my 1/2 of the workout a couple days in advance so he could decide if he wanted to ignore what I planned and do his own thing or make it complementary.  He choose the first option, and completely ignored the exercises of the 2nd half and made it extra spicy by incorporating a ton of burpees and legs right off the bat.

Here it is –

Took a mosey around the outer perimeter of the ball field and made our way back to the starting point for a typical warm up.  Standard John stuff – you know, about 100 side straddle hops and then I forgot what happened after given how smoked my calves were.

From there he took us through the 4 corner accumulator / deccumulator.  Starting on one corner of the parking lot we did:

  1. 5 burpees, then lunge walk to next corner
  2. 5 burpees + 10 merkins then bear crawl to next corner
  3. 5 burpees + 10 merkins + 15 squats then lunge walk to next corner
  4. 5 burpees + 10 merkins + 15 squats + 20 SSH then bear crawl to 1st corner again
  5. 5 burpees + 10 merkins + 15 squats + 20 SSH + 25 LBC’s then bear crawl back to 4th corner
  6. Decummulator time – remove the LBC’s and do the other 4 exercises above, + lunge walk to 3rd corner
  7. Remove the 20 SSH and do the rest, then bear crawl to 2nd corner
  8. Remove the squats, ado the rest, lunge walk to first corner
  9. Remove the merkins and do the burpees

Yikes – that’s 45 burpees, 70 merkins, 75 squats, 60 SSH, 25 LBC’s and a crap ton of bear crawls / lunge walks in a small window.

Transitioned over to my half of the Q and we hit the ball field.  It was still soaked from the monsoon the day before and the field guy was out there getting it fixed up for the day’s games.  Had to quickly modify my 4 corners on the field to do just one side of the field not make him angry.  Here’s what we did:

Starting on one side of the field, we jog a 1/3 of  the length of the field, and then sprint the remaining 2/3 of the field then do an exercise:

  1. 50 squats.  Jog a 1/3, sprint 2/3 then
  2. 50 merkins.  Jog a 1/3, sprint  2/3 then
  3. 50 jump knee tucks.  jog a 1/3, sprint 2/3 then
  4. 10 burpees

Next up, we head to to the retaining wall behind the back stop of the baseball field in the far corner.  We do an exercise on the wall, then do another exercise down the fence line (full length of field) and then back to do another exercise on the wall.

  1. 20 dips, then power skips down the length of the field and back
  2. 20 derkins then side shuffle down the length of the field and back
  3. 20 step-ups per leg then back pedal the length of the field and sprint back
  4. 10 burpees then jog back to the parking lot

From there, we got down in a plank position and did alternating sets of carolina dry docks and merkins, then sumo squats and narrow squats:

  1. 11 CDD, 10 merkins, 9 CDD, 8 merkins, 7 CDD, 6 merkins, 5 CDD, 4 merkins, 3 CDD, 2 merkins, 1 CDD (36 CDD’s and 30 merkins all at once – holy smoke show)
  2. 11 sumo squats, 10 narrow, 9 sumo, 8 narrow, 7 sumo, 6 narrow, 5 sumo, 4 narrow, 3 sumo, 2 narrow, 1 sumo (36 sumos and 30 narrow squats back to back to back)

Had about 5 minutes left, so hit hill on the road off of Tega Cay Drive for some big boys and merkins.

  1. 10 big boys, run down the hill, 1 merkin, back pedal up hill
  2. 9 big boys, run down hill, 2 merkins, back pedal hill
  3. 8 big boys, run down hill, 3 merkins, back pedal hill
  4. 7 big boys, run down hill, 4 merkins, back pedal hill…and we ran out of time.

Back at COT, we had a couple prayer / praise reports, and half the folks headed over to Change Order’s house for some Q source discussions.  So awesome to see our boys Crash and On the Rocks get back out there – been way too long fellas.  Thanks for the effort today – great work by all.  Until next time.

Cha Ching


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Alcatraz, Keeping it Simple, and Burdens

I think Shady and I were both planning to do the virtual run to for Operation Sweet Tooth, but ended up on the Q schedule.  No biggie – someone’s got to do it.

Shady – 1st half

Quick warm-up mosey down the street and back, including some high knees, butt kickers, side shuffles and karaoke

Circle up for IC low slow squats, 1 burpee, IC SSH, 2 burpees, IC plank jacks, 3 burpees, IC Merkins, 4 burpees, IC cherry pickers, 5 burpees.

Mosey to playground for Dora 1-2-3, consisting of 100 chin-ups, 200 Carolina dry docks, and 300 flutter kicks with partner 1 completing exercises while partner 2 runs to opposite end of parking lot and back.

Shady spent some time before handing off to YHC speaking about “bringing it back to the basics” especially when interacting with your 2.0s.  He challenged us to remember the endless patience we had when they were first born and how important it is to take a breath and be the adult when interacting with them now.

High-five handoff to YHC.  We mosey’d to the trunk of my car where I pulled out a 35lb brick and shared what we’d be doing with it.  As PAX, it is important that we support on another, doing this workout and I’m ultimately life together.  We would be moseying, stopping to perform 5 burpees at various locations, some of the hills of Tega Cay.  The Brock, representing, the heavy burdens that each of us carries, would be carried he entire time (not to touch the ground, only handed off to a brother to help when it becomes to much to carry on your own).

A total of 10 stops we’re made prior to ending up at the bottom of one of the nastiest hills I know of in TC..where we performed a Jacobs ladder of burpees.  90+/- burpees were completed for the day.

Mosey back to COT where we met up with the runners.  TAP for Olive and his family was on all of our hearts.

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