Four Corners

Today we did a four corner workout on the NaFo football field.

We started with a mosey around the parking lot and circled up for some SSH, Moroccan NC, Cherry pickers/tappy taps, imperial walkers and windmills.

The 8 strong hit the field for four corners:

1st corner: Merkins, Flutters and Squats

2nd corner: Widearm Merkins, LBC’s and Mountain climbers

3rd corner: Diamond merkins, BB situps and Calf raises

4th corner: CDD, American Hammers and Box cutters

We did three rounds of each starting at 20 reps each then 15 and finally 10 reps.

We ended with some Mary at COT

Thanks to Harry Carey for letting me lead these men.

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Punch List hand off to Maximus at The Coop

2 guys showed at The Coop for a little pre-Ruck and life chat then the phone rang. With his Concentrica in order, Punch List had to head home. Thankfully, I attended most of elementary school so I knew how to read and really, that’s all I had to do. With the already-scripted Weinke on the Steve, I proceeded to Q the 9 other PAX through a rather nice tour of our mill town’s eastern most high school. Some would call this AO the best we have. I’m not sure on that one but it is definitely the most used.

Once the PAX were made aware of the unintentional Q bait ‘n switch, they were then disclaimed and led off into some dynamic stretching movements through the parking lot. I’m still not too sure what that means but hey, so it is written, so it’ll be done.

The message from Punch List to the PAX today was about community and truly loving your neighbor as we have the perfect example to follow .

The first stop was for some Hops & Burpees:
5 SSH (all in cadence)
1 Burpee (eventually all Burpees would be in cadence)
10 SSH
2 Burpees
15 SSH
3 Burpees
20 SSH
4 Burpees
25 SSH
5 Burpees
20 SSH
4 Burpees
15 SSH
3 Burpees
10 SSH
2 Burpees
1 Burpee

John 13:34-35: “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
Go ahead and think about that for a few moments.

We tend to judge others by their actions yet we judge ourselves by our intentions. What if we gave others the same measure of grace that we give to ourselves?

Mosey to the top of the hill by the pull-up bars for a set of 11’s:
10 pull-ups, run down the hill for 1 Bobby Hurley at the stop sign. Run back to the top.
9 pull-ups, run down the hill for 2 Bobby Hurley at the stop sign. Run back to the top.
Repeat all the way until you complete the last set which consisted of 1 pull-up & 10 Bobby Hurley’s.

Mosey to the goal line on the nearside of the field:
Bear crawl to the 50 with 2 Merkins every 10 yards.
Crawl bear back to the goal line with 2 Merkins (was CDD but that’s not in the cards for me right now)  every 10 yards.


Punch List had more planned for the PAX but I got a little long-winded so it’ll have to wait for next time.

Pray for Cash!!

Punch List (by way of Maximus)…out

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Varsity Rocks

Six men came out to Varsity to start their Fourth of July weekend off right.
Mosey Run (Toy soldiers, Butt Kickers, High Knees)

Warm up: [hint for the newbies out there: it might be helpful to remember the acronym SWIMLAPPs for a warmup routine]
SSH (IC 10x)
Windmill (IC 10x)
Imperial Walker (IC 10x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 10x)
Low Slow Squats (IC10x)
Arm Circles (IC 10X)
Peter Parker (IC 10x)
Plank stretches (enjoyed the orange/pinkness of the soon to be rising sun)
Downward dogs

The Thang (patriotic tunes played here; playlist below)
Interval routine. Three sets:
Set A: Do the below 32 seconds on, 10 sec standing rest in between
Cherry Pickers
Bobby hurleys
Set B: Do the below 40 seconds on, 15 sec rest in between
Mountain Climbers
American Hammers
Crabby Patties
Set C: Do the below 45 seconds on, 20 sec standing rest in between
Flying Squirrels
Imp Walkers
Squat Jumps
step ups

We repeated all three sets.


Welcome FNG “hacksaw”, 2.0 of Shopvac. Hacksaw just finished his first year at the Citadel.
Prayers/Praises: Prayers for Bonsai for peace for his family and he to recover asap.

Star spangled banner – KISS
We’re an American bad – Grand Funk
R.O.C.K. in the U.S.A. – John Mellencamp
Rockin’ in the free world – Neil Young
Born in the USA – Springsteen
American Woman – The Guess Who (yeah, this is a Canadian band, but the song still has merit)
Living in the USA – Steve Miller Band
Pink Houses – John Mellencamp (…ain’t that America for you and me, ain’t that America something to see baby, ain’t that America home of the free…little pink houses for you and me)
California Girls – The Beach Boys

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Cindy at the Badger

Yesterday at the Badger we honored SWAT Officer Randal Simmons. He was a 27 year veteran of the LAPD that was murdered in the line of duty on February 7, 2008. Officer Simmons christian faith was a strong central part of his character. He was a minister at Glory Christian Fellowship International Church for 13 years passionately serving children and his community. He was a humble and totally selfless individual that shared the unconditional love of Christ with all people he met.

Warm Up

Mozy around the parking lot mixed in with some karaoke
Side straddle hops
Toy soldiers in place
Arm circles
Downward Dog / Honeymooner

The Thang

100 Block presses – partner run
200 arm curls – partner run
300 LBCs – partner run with cindy

Phase 2 – Individual CINDY
45 Sec wall sit holding cindy
10 pull ups
25 merkins
Run down the hill and back
Rinse and Repeat x5

12 and 6″ Plank hold

Big Boy sit ups


Freddie Mercuries

Box cutters


Thanks goes out to those honorable men and women in blue who are bravely serving our communities in this time of division and strife.

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Burpee Prison

Seven PAX in total on a warm humid morning.

started with: Mosey Run (Toy soldiers, Butt Kickers, High Knees)
Warm up:
SSH (IC 12x)
Windmill (IC 12x)
Imperial Walker (IC 12x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 12x)
Low Slow Squats (IC12x)
Peter Parker (IC 12x)
Plank stretches
Downward dogs

Thang 1 Prison Yard Burpees
Divided pax into two groups to use two half-courts.
Setup on a half-basketball court (this is your prison yard). Ten burpees in corner 1, then bear crawl to corner 2. Nine burpees in corner 2, lunge walk to corner 3. Eight burpees in corner 3, bear crawl to corner 4. Seven burpees in corner 4, lunge walk to corner 1. Continue in similar manner 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, ending with 1 burpee. Sum is 55 burpees this round.
When done: flutter kicks for the six

Short mosey run

Thang 2 Bench work
At the school’s benches:
20 incline merkins
20 Dips
20 step ups, 10 ea leg
20 decline merkins
20 butt touch squats
20 calf raises

Short mosey run

Thang 3 Back to Prison
Start at the first cone again but begin with 6 burpees and transverse around like the above. Thus doing 6,5,4,3,2,1 burpees. Sum of 21 this round, and 76 burpees total.

Short mosey run

Thang 3 Global Warming
Did: bobby hurleys, squats, monkey humpers, LBC, Freddie mercuries, gas pumpers, amer hammers

Thang 4 Sally routine
Moby’s “Flower”, we did leg lifts: bring Sally up= legs up; bring Sally down= 6 inch leg hold.
Song is about 3:30, I think about 23 ups/downs.


NMM: Praises for my 20th wedding anniversary coming on July 1st.

Addiction takes many forms.   Pornography is one of those addictions.  Don’t let it put your mind in a prison.  There is help out there: shield lock, pastors, counselors.  Seek and you shall find.


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Amongst the Waves

First…where was our site Q – Hardwood?? L-Train mentioned he had a gynecologist appointment??? 🙂

YHC was called to Q prior to taking a beach trip and while sitting on the beach listening to one of my favorite bands – Pearl Jam -and watching my 2.2s bogie board , their song Amongst the Wave was playing and it got me thinking about life. How similar is life to when you head out into the ocean and try to crash through the waves too get out as far as you can in order to bogie board or surf and the waves push you back (or even go under), but you get back up and push through the next wave? Life pushes you through various waves and sometimes it easy to crash through them and other times the waves beat you up and push you back.

This made me think about F3 then. We post thinking that we can easily get better, but either the Q or mentally you get pushed back to reality and realize that you need to push harder to get through that wave to excel.

So today’s WO incorporated a wave theme.

Mossy to back parking lot for a short COP.

Head to the first light pole. Instructions were: run to first light pole, perform 20 merkins, 20 squats, 20 LBCs. Run back to starting point and run to the second light pole. Perform the same 3 exercises and reps and run back to the starting point, but as you past the previous light pole(s) repeat the 3 exercises and reps. PAX were to pushed to see how many light poles they could get to. Fishstick’s made it to the 6th pole, while the rest of the PAX completed the 5th pole.

Near the end mossy to the school for 1 round of 10 step ups, 10 dips and 20 big boys. Then mossy to COT.

Great seeing the PAX gassed afterwards. Appreciate the opportunity to Q.


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Back to school

Mosey from parking lot down the the drop-off circle in front of the elementary school. There we did the following:
Hillbilly Walker
Moroccan Night club

Continued to mosey around the loop and around the middle school drop off and then over to the basketball court. There we did a few more warm-up exercises which I don’t remember at this time.

Once the Pax were good and warm we kicked off the starfish. YHC was expecting heavy rain and potential thunderstorms so the plan was to stay under the breezeways connecting the elementary school and middle. At each end point Pax would have 2 exercises to do. Pax completed one of the two exercises listed at each spot each time through. Every time pax came through the main intersection they did 5 burpees. All pax completed 4 rounds for a total of 60 burpees each.

Station 1 – Mike Tysons and Diamond Merkins (10)
Station 2 – Big Boy Sit-ups and Leg Raises (20)
Station 3 – Back Rows and Dead-lifts (15)
Station 4 – Squats and Dirty Myrtles (20)

Burpees between stations – 60 Total

After 4 rounds complete we have a few minutes left for the following:
LBCs with feet on wall
2 rounds of 10 Mike Tyson Merkins and 20 Dirty Myrtles

Then we headed back for COT after covering about 2 miles, a bunch of exercises and a little rain.

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The COOP – Reopening & Reflection

There is no doubt this time has tested a lot of us at our core. I was really excited and honored to take the Shovel Flag from Punch List and continue to help the PAX accelerate going into 2020. I had all of these great ideas for the AO and great momentum going into our first Q and then….Coronavirus. Going into isolation was hard for my family and I. During the next couple of months, if I’m being honest, I found myself decelerating. I was sleeping in longer, making poor diet choices, and failed to push myself to get up and workout. It honestly impacted me in a negative way at work, with my relationships, and at home as a father and husband. At the same time the isolation period made me realize how valuable F3 is to a man. As we all know and hear if you are not accelerating your are decelerating. My physical, spiritual, and mental health were out of wack and I knew what was needed to get back on track. As we re-enter our new world I come out with a new found confidence and excitement for whats to come. I’m grateful for this organization and the impact it has had on my life and can’t wait to share that with others.

Warm Up
Quick mozy around the lot , side straddle hops, toy soldiers, cherry pickers, wind mills, downward dog / honeymooners, Moroccan night clubs.

Main Course
The reason why I love the COOP so much is the smorgasbord of options you have to dish out to the PAX. So…of course, we start at the pull up bars.

10 burpee pull ups
Run down the hill
20 merkins
bear crawl up the hill
30 LBCs
Rinse and repeat X3 with modified options

Run up and down bleachers – at every transition at the bottom we grabbed some bench and did 20 dips

Broad jump suicides 10, 20, 30 , 40, 50

Mary to finish
Lots of merkins, AB work, and more. Finished on time.

Excited to lead and kick off the COOP the right way. Look forward to accelerating into 2020!

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Thin Blue Line:Retired St Louis PD Capt. David Dorn

Good Morning men of The Fort

Today was my first day as Honey Badger site Q and I wanted to get the week started like a Hero. We had 9 Pax show up for a Heroes Beatdown and I hope I didnt disappoint them.

We started with a quick mosey around the NaFo parking lot followed by SSH, Morrocan Nightclub, Windmills and Imperial Walkers.

Then we headed over the the football field for 2 rounds of :

38 Burpees  ,  Run 100 yards

77 Flutters   , Run 100 yards

38 Merkins. ,  Run 100 yards

77 Squats.    , Run 100 yards

38 American Hammers , Run 100 yards

77 LBC’s  , Run 100 yards

And Bevause we did it so fast I added a DORA

100 CD ,   200 Boxcutters and 300 Lunges

I wanted to Honor Retired St Louis Capt David Dorn who served 38 years for the St Louis PD and at 77 years old was helping a friend work security at his Pawn shop when riots broke out and he was shot and killed by rioters.

Ended with COT



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Downward Spirals

Five pax met at an undisclosed location for a OTB beatdown.

Warmup: SSH, windmills, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan N/C, Low Slow Squats, Arm Circles, Peter Parkers, plank stretches. All 12X in cadence.

Thang 1: Pull ups (take advantage of the AO’s best feature)
10 Pull ups (regular)
10 knee ups
10 Chin Ups
10 toes to bar

Grab a cinder block, bring it to the curb.

Thang 2: Downward Spirals
50 SSH
40 big boy sit ups
30 Bobby Hurleys (my favorite)
20 Mak tar jai’s (in cadence)
10 close grip pull ups, 10 knees to chest

50 squats
40 flutters, single leg count
30 curls with the cinder block
20 dips on the curb
10 wide grip pull ups, 10 toes to bar

50 Mtn Climbers
40 LBCs
30 Alt shoulder taps
20 KB swings with cinder block
10 switch grip pull ups, 10 knee ups

Thang 3: Plank-o-rama
Hold plank for 3 mins
Rest for 30 secs
Hold plank for 2 mins
Rest for 30 secs
Hold plank for 1 min
Body destroyer 1 min

Round of Mary

Fini, COT
Positivity round from the pax

Good to see our Massey brothers coming up north to join in the beatdown.
keep on keepin’ on!

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