Rucking with Man-Makers

– mosey to parking lot behind Panera, some warm-up
– cross 160
– follow the loop around the lake, various PT in the parking lots in form of 2 sets, 1x without ruck and 1x with ruck
– once back at 160, cross over into Kingsley and loop around Kingsley with various PT along the way
– stop at intersection and do some step-up
– finished with a few man-makers at the end
– read newsletter
– was held

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Inaugural Jaeger

Beautiful March weather (seriously it was a perfect day) for the 0800 launch of the Eröffnung Jäger. PAX were assured by Grinder that the routes were well marked and there were no Zima-miles. This proved to be 99.9% true (you could still get lost if you wanted to…)

The premise was solid. 4 man team (2 Ruckers, 2 Runners). Runners had longer routes and teams met at checkpoints for team exercises before they could head to the next station. The pain stations were tough. Lutefisk about killed the PAX at the first one. (Oh, that was just me?) Triple Lindy had us loading munitions. Cake Boss brought candy, but it was not a sweet treat. (Could have also been that the leg leading to Alison Park was soul crushing….) Tinsel forgot it was a CSAUP and thought he was prepping for a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs wresting match.

The finishing team results:
1.) Vuvu/Beaker (for the record you were suggested to have a 4 man team…)
2.) Cobra Kai’s crew (that included the mythical Gekko)
3.) Camp 3D’s Sugar Shady Band Bug
4.) Cornerstone’s posse
5.) Poppins’ Chimney Sweeps (seriously impressive that Badlands ran back from the final pain station to connect with his teams’ Ruckers)
6.) The Entourage around Shield
7.) Slow Jams and the Lake Ridge Wanders
8.) Lake Wylie’s Wild Thing drinking Whiskey and enjoying a Big Mac (great to see these guys from across the bridge here for the CSAUP)

Afterwards at the Print Shop, we celebrated the Dam 2 Dam fundraising effort where The Fort is sending $7,500 to Defend the Fatherless, $7,500 to Autism Strong, $7,500 to the Fort Mill Care Center, and $10,000 to the F3 the Fort endowed scholarship.

It is an honor to be part of The Fort alongside some amazing high impact men. On behalf of Grinder and the entire planning crew, this backblast is respectfully submitted by the smallest cog in the Jaeger machine—Band Camp.

For reference:
The Preblast:
YHC’s Strava tracker:

The Jaeger will hunt again next year. Send any feedback to:

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7 for the 7 WOD

WARMUP: SSH, low slow squats, Moroccan night clubs, low slow merkins
THE THANG: 7 rounds of 7 reps of each of the following 7 exercises:
Right arm curl
Left arm curl
Overhead  Tricep extension two hands
Overhead press two hands
Gobble squat
Swings two hands
High pulls two hands

Run up hill to Munn Rd after each cicle (7 times)

Definitely not a stationary kettlebell workout.

MARY: Ab lab
COT: stays at COT

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Litter pick up – Community Svc

March 18th is tentatively set as our first pick-up for the US21 adopt-a-Highway litter pickup! We will have 4 opportunities in 2023. Once a quarter is the plan.  All supplies provided ( bags, gloves, safety vests, pick up sticks, eye-wear, and fellowship) All that remains is YOU.
Plan for about 1 hour and 30 mins – 2 hours maximum. We will meet at the Harris street park around 7:45am.
We will walk up the hill to US21 and split up into 2 groups.  One group will head north to the Peachstand and back and the other group will head south to Sutton Rd and back.  (1 mile each direction)

We could use 10-12 guys to keep this an efficient and timely process. 2.0s and Ms are welcome as well as anyone who would like to participate in our community svc event.

Thank you to all who participated in 2022. Looking forward to seeing new faces as well as the HIM who assisted last year.

US 21 from the Peachstand south to Sutton Rd ( Circle K – gas station) is the road that we adopted!!

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Sweet Home Alabama

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: run the Alabama loop
ANNOUNCEMENTS: jaeger, some bbq thing
COT: prayers praises etc.

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Chupacabra farewell with ladders 🪜 sandbags and rucks

WARMUP: no warm up
THE THANG: Tabata every 2 minutes, drop and do 10 merkins with ruck on… first one was even before we launched… whining coming from everywhere…

We had a ladder 🪜 loaded with sandbags (4×40 plus 2×60) pick up the ladder, put it on shoulders and start moving around the 1/4 mile loop, every time the timer went off we had to do 10 merkins, do Tabata and pick up ladder again and keep moving… stop about 1/3 of the loop right after the buzzer went off, form two lines and start passing the Sandbags sideways to the pax next in line, return Sandbags to starting point, now pass sandbags overhead to pax next to you, rinse and repeat twice… buzzer went off a couple of times during the sandbags exercise so everyone knew what to do…

Load sandbags back on ladder and keep moving, we didn’t get too far went buzzer went off again.. 10 more!! Advanced to starting point just in time for another buzzer, another 10 merkins; form two lines and start tossing the Sandbags to the other end of parking lot… yes, you guessed it, buzzer went off a few times… rinse and repeat… load up the ladder and keep moving… another 1/3 of the loop and buzzer went off again, 10 more, fork two lines and unload ladder, this time it was over the shoulder toss to pax next/behind you.. rinse and repeat twice and yes, buzzer went off a couple times…

Load up the ladder and keep moving.. another buzzer 2/6 of the loop, drop do merkins and grab ladder and keep moving… we had enough time to go back to COT
MARY: 20 squats with ruck on… buzzer went off one last time, 10 merkins… another round of 20 squats… 6 o’clock

It’s been my pleasure to be the site Q for Chupacabra for the past 16-18 months but it was time to put Chupa to sleep… we’ve had some great events and variety of WODs, and some times miles and smiles…

Thanks for everyone’s support…

Tinsel OUT

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Chad 1000x

THE THANG: The location was at FMHS stadium, 1,000 bench step-ups with a rucksack on our back in honor of soldier Chad Wilkerson and all those men and women who suffer from PTSD. All 14 pax completed it.

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Band Camp took the hill

Very delayed in writing this but since Band Camp finally came to a ruck workout and keeps ‘reminding’ me about it, I’ll try to remember what we did.
Ruck up and grab sandbags and head over to small field for some sandbag relays. Grab everything and head over to base of heart attack hill. Partner up and split taking sandbags up the hill. Drop the sandbags at the top and head back down. This trip up no straps. Suitcase, fireman, overhead, however you want to carry your ruck up the hill. Almost lost Tinsel to hills namesake bit his BP finally came down. Link the sandbags together for team weight. Everyone rotated on and off to help carry the weight most of the way back to COT. Times almost up so break apart the sandbags and huff it back for COT. Thanks for the Q opportunity Divac! And I promise next year when Band Camp returns the back blast will be prompt.

TClap |

Star Course prep

Low slow squat


The intent of this workout was to get some prep in for the star course this weekend in Charlotte, and get familiar with/work out any bugs in equipment and using the app for creating the path between waypoints.


* O’reilly auto parts
* 1762 Gold Hill Rd
* Planet Fitness
* 825 crossroads plz
* McDonald’s
* 2883 Highway 160 W
* Walgreens
* 2907 Highway 160 W
* Evolve at Tega Cay
* 810 Eden Ave
* The Arbors at Fort Mill
* 920 Stockbridge

After meandering around, we stopped at Red Bowl for some Chad 1000X training

Chad 1000X Training:
Partner DORA
100 step ups
10 merkins with rucks as the timer


Bethel Men’s shelter still looking for some volunteers and #meats


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