Armory 15APR2024 – Mog Mile

WARMUP: Not really. We lived.

THE THANG: Mogadishu Mile
– 4 Rounds for Time
– 19 Kettlebell Ground-to-Overheads (53/35 lb)
– 19 Kettlebell Front Squats (53/35 lb)
– 19 Kettlebell Push-Ups (each hand)
– 400-meter Kettlebell Run

– If you lose physical contact with your Kettlebell, you must start that round over.

MARY: No chicks

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter

COT: The 5th Core Principle

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Fountain of Youth

WARMUP: SSH, IW, merkins and other
THE THANG: Dora 2x. First Merkins, LBC, Squat
2nd round – CDD, calf raises, flutter

Run down to bus pick up area and did Merkins and Big Boy start with 1 merkin rollover do 1 BB, then 2 – 11. Run back for COT.

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communication is key

WARMUP: Intro, mosey, warmup on the hill next to the church then mosey to church.
THE THANG: Thang 1: Deliberately gave confusing ab instructions with a run but ended with 300 reps for Leg lifts, American Hammers and LBC. Talked about the message of communication being vital. Especially with our kids, M’s, jobs and as leaders.
Thang2: Mosey to Walgreens to the side road between buildings. Picked Pax to give 20 reps of an ab exercise and sprint to the other side. Rinse and repeat 4 times. Again, clear communication needed.
Thang 3: Mosey to HT and to the wall near the Auto shop. Split Pax up on opposite walls and bear crawled towards each other having to communicate so heads did not get hit.
MARY: Mosey to COT, and BW lead is brogo for cool down.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: AMRAMP for Autism, Q School, Ass Kicking April and Rock Hill 10 year.
COT: Prayers for health, communication with kids and patience.

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Block Burpee Blast @ Ring of Fire

WARMUP: The Usual
THE THANG: Block and burpees
MARY: Run the hill
COT: Cake Boss send off

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Test Run

WARMUP: yea, we did that
THE THANG: test run for QvQ on Wednesday
15 manmakers
Flip 12 sandbags
Bear crawl back

Modified a little to try to space guys out

4 Rows
3 Cleans
2 Snatches
1 Thruster

MARY: lunge hold with halo

Don’t look at the sun during the eclipse

COT: was held

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Spring Breaking

WARMUP: 10 burpees, SSH, 10 burpees
THE THANG: Run some stair laps repeatedly around the building with Corkscrew, partner style with 1 partner doing exercises and the other running. Ran to bottom of road below LPL, then worked our way up the hill with bear crawls, lunges, reverse bear crawls and other fun, sprinted home. Finished off with 11s comprised of Knee-Tar-Ndyaes and Big Boys.

COT: great to have Cable Guy back out along with Pirate and the Cyclops shield lock crew enjoying extra sleep and a post during spring break.

2nd of 2 Qs on the day for YHC. Grateful to have Cyclops and Old Bay along for both!

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Choose not to cheat 2.0

In preparation for my Q at Ballroom, YHC reviewed a previous backblast from 2018 where the theme was choosing not to cheat based on a book by Andy Stanley. In that workout, we discussed the idea of decision making and cheating based on prioritization.

YHC still suffers from poor decision making in spite of the clear model that Concentrica offers. It’s a life long battle that I need my faith and accountability from this group to support me in making improvements.

In keeping the same theme, the Pax were challenged not to cheat on the workout today with good form and group accountability.

The Thang

Mosey to football field



Mosey to 50 yard line for a burpee starfish

Burpee ladder in the middle from 2-10 with exercises in the corners including:
Mountain climbers

in cadence

Ab Suicide

Starting from the end zone running 10 yards each time doing the following

5 Big Boys
10 Flutters
15 Freddy
20 hello dolly
25 LBCs

Finish with 5 burpees for preparation for the day

Mosey back to the flag


Lots of prayers and praises
Reminder to pray, to be grateful and to breathe during stress

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No talking = leadership opportunities…and a shovel flag handoff!

WARMUP: started things up with very little voice and the voice lasted about 2 min before going out.

Got things going with SSH, low slow squat, merkins. I think that was about it because talking and calling cadence was not happening.

Mosey over to the front of the school for some additional warm up.

Ran over to the corner for some partner work.
THE THANG: Dora is game so we partnered up.

Shower curtain helped call out the exercise.
100 diamonds
200 lunges
300 flutters (4 count)

Partner 1 runs back to the front of school, partner 2 does exercises until back

We then ran over to all the benches by the R wing and did some 7s using the benches running back and forth between benches.

Exercises were dips and derkins.
MARY: some stretching, some core, and some burpees??
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jester was our Q source point today so this was covered throughout the workout thanks to JWOW, shower curtain, and Esso.

Also a big shovel flag transfer! Thanks to Cyclops and congrats to Warning Track!
COT: of course!

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Little of this, little of that

WARMUP: mossy to football field for COP (gates locked so couldn’t get into field), wish @shield was there to let us in.
THE THANG: mossy to basketball courts for 7 rounds of Crab Cakes special Rugby Sprints, 3 rounds of suicides with various merkins and squats. Mossy to gym doors for some Mary and 3 sets of dips and step ups on benches. Mossy to COT

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