
Low slow squat
Cherry Pickers
Moroccan Night Clubs
Peter Parker’s
Hillbilly Walkers

Count off in groups of 3
# of reps – 15
Do workout #1 together to start
Run down to loop and back
Do workout #1, #2 together
Run down to loop and back
Add new exercise after each run
Do exercises I. Cadence as team of 3
1. Merkins
2. Bobby Hurley
3. Flutters (DC)
4. Burpees
5. Lunge jumps (DC)
6. V-ups

Plank for 6
15x Mtn Climbers

COT: prayers: parents and kids. Dads are learning they can’t effectively parent by yelling at their 2.0s. Have grace, understanding, and know when to listen and keep your mouth shut. Praises: Keep trying new approaches with 2.0s, ask how you can help them. Let them know when you make mistakes.

Serenity Prayer:
“God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Cubbie out

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Stars and Stripes

Cherry Pickers
Hillbilly Walkers
Imperial Walkers
Upward Dog
Downward Dogs
Mountain climbers
Moroccan nightclubs

THE THANG: Mosey up hill

Star Cone Workout

Start in middle, return to middle after every exercise

Round 1- Mode of transportation- Run
20 merkins
4 corners each corner had an exercise
1- Plank jacks (30)
2- LBC (25)
3- Monkey Humpers (15)
4- Star Sits or XO’s (10)

Round 2- Mode of transportation, Bear Crawl
5 Burpees
1- Apolo Ohnos (5)
2- Jumping Lunges (5)
3- Jumping Squats (5)
4- Bomb Jacks (5)

Mosey towards Pike engineering

Wall sits
One person lunge walks to curb and sprints back
Take turns until all have completed

Move closer towards parking lot
10 box jumps or step ups

Mosey to side of Pike for Team Dora

4 run to far end of lot and and 4 complete exercises (in cadence)

100 CDD
200 Flutters
300 Arm Circles
MARY: American Hammers
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Trash Cleanup 9/24, Pints N Padres 10/6, Shoes for Kenya, Bethel Mens Shelter 10/15
COT: Had to be there

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Turkish Bapstismal Getup


yes….SSH for the stragglers to start, then a few of the standards: IW, Burpees, Shoulder Tap, Yoga, Slingshot, Halos, slight moseys, windmills with the bell low and high (not a crowd pleaser)
Dan John’s Humane Burppee – look it up. It’s good stuff
Series of 5 reps with some moseys occasionally
– Cleans
– Racked Reverse Lunge
– Single Leg Deadlift
– Racked Bulgarian Split Squat
– Single Arm overhead press

The fun bit was a table of Dixie water cups set up. We did Turkish Getups with the water cups in our hands. Then Turkish Getups with the water cup resting on our knuckles. Good times. A few guys got wet; all of us were challenged

Finished with burpee snatches and pigeon lunge

Virtual Sweet Tooth run tomorrow 5am
10 year convergence tomorrow 6:30am
10 year hang at the Print Shop tomorrow at 5pm

Prayers for Grout’s sister and her four children on the loss of her husband

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Tax Man Cometh

WARMUP: SHH, IW, squats, run a lap in silence to remember Liza Fletcher. Lady from Memphis that was kidnapped, assaulted, and murdered while out on her morning run. She was a friend of my sisters and this hit home for me.

THE THANG: 3 rounds max reps you vs partner. A 100 dash was the timer for each exercise for each person. Upon completion of the exercise each person shared their total rep count. The person with the fewest reps had to do Burpees. Total number of burpees was the rep count differential after each exercise.
Round 1: curls, Uhauls, swings
Round 2: hammer curls, squats, tri extensions
Round 3: merkins on the bell, deadlifts, lawnmower pulls

Bonus: Sugar bug and Slash teamed up to tie every round. As a result they received burpee penalties every round.

My merkin form was called into question by Band Camp. I think this is purely a result of his kettlebell weight being 52lbs vs my 45lb. Band Camp had burpee penalties every round 🙂
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read your newsletter

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9/11 Remembrance Run

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Cherry Pickers, and Stretches
THE THANG: L-Shaped Path Run for over 3 miles with (2) Pain Stations that consisted of (9) Merkins and (11) Squats
MARY: LBCs, American Hammers, Hello Dollies, and Shoulder Taps
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Board of Pain at Laces In this Thursday and other upcoming 10-year Anniversary Events
COT: Paddle is starting a new job, Badlands grandfather is turning 90 in October with a party in Mexico, and Flounder keeps accelerating and consistent at the age of 86 and counting.

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The Final Countdown

The day finally arrived for our CSAUP, The FInal Countdown. The rainy weather was not ideal, but it helped keep the temperature and humidity down for ideal running conditions. 67 men participated in the event. Most groups participated in the relay. Ruckers and trail runners fought the elements and got their work done to.
Relay details:   The first Pax will run 3 miles and return to the starting point.  The 1st and 2nd Pax will run 3 miles and return to the starting point. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd runner will run the final 3 miles.  Each route will be unique.  If you get lost, just run 3 miles and return back to the park.

Total miles:  3+3+3 = 10 F3 math   (Runner 1 – 9 miles, Runner 2 – 6 miles, Runner 3 – 3 miles)

Inspiring stuff this morning. River Rat’s 2.0s ran the course like it was a lap around the track. Lots of guys ran distances they have never run before.
We’ve got a good pool of runners for the upcoming Dam to Dam Relay.

Great job by everyone this morning!

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Remembering Badger

Thirty-five of Fort Mill’s finest gathered at Springfield Elementary to honor a brother who left us too early:  Matt Giesler, aka Badger.   Matt was originally from Wisconsin but made his home in SC with his wife Becky and his three children Brayden, Ashlyn, and Carsten.   Badger was a neighbor and friend to me, Decibel, Trucker, and Jiffy, and this morning, his fellow brothers of The Fort joined us for a brisk morning workout.  Here is what we did:

The Thang:

Senator Tressel led the pax on a short lap around the drop-off lane of Springfield Elementary before ending up in the adjacent field for COP.

All in double count cadence:

SSH x 25, IW x 25, merkin x 10, windmill x 15, mountain climber x 25, Freddie Merc x 25, hello dolly x 25, squat x 25

Line up next to the set of cones:

Round 1:  Lungewalk to 1st cone, 5 squats, continue to 2nd cone, 10 squats, continue to 3rd cone, 15 squats, run backwards to the start.

Round 2:  Bear crawl to 1st cone, 5 squats, ….., run backward to the start

Round 3:  Run to the last cone, 10 burpees, and run backward to the start

Handoff to Decibel:

Do the following exercises with a lap around the field between each:

LBCs  X39

Heals to Heaven x25


Naked Man Moleskin

ST’s comments:

I was truly touched by the number of men who showed up today to honor Badger.  I know that many of the men did not know him, but it meant a lot to us to have such a large group together as we remembered Badger.    It was another reminder to me of what a special thing we have at F3 here in Fort Mill and how much my F3 brothers mean to me.

Decibel’s thoughts:
It is hard to believe that it has been 4 years since Badger went to be in heaven.  I
was blessed to spend time with him prior to his passing.  We talked about him
being saved and how important that was to him.  He let me know that his M was a
big reason he was saved but also saw my family’s reaction to losing our
daughter and son and our dependence on God at that time.  I am saying this to let
you know as Christians people watch our actions and want to make sure our
actions match our words.  I encourage every Christian brother in F3 to live out
your faith and in times of need lean on God just like Badger did in his time.
My M and I received a letter from Badger.  In that letter he mentioned F3 and the
support he and his family received after the diagnosis.  I remember him just being
in awe of all the people that were praying for him.  He was so touched by this
community that he asked that I make sure that his boys get involved in F3.  They
would have been there today, but his youngest wasn’t feeling well. To have 35
men in our community support Badger is amazing.
Badger was a man I respected to the utmost.  He was not a guy that sought
attention or glory, but he was always there when you needed him.  He loved his
family and was a loyal friend.  I am still in awe of how he bravely prepared to walk
into heaven.  It was so comforting to know he was going to see Jesus.  He told
me many times that he would take care of our babies (Elizabeth Grace and
Garrett) until we met up with him.  Badger was a great Father and I know he is
having a blast with my kids in heaven.
Let us all take this time to pour into, support, love on and encourage our F3
brothers. Then take that momentum and turn it to our families.  Then take that
momentum and pour it out on the least and the lost in our community.  Badger
knew that God had a purpose for him and that purpose was to spread the word of
God’s Grace and Love.  Let’s make that happen for him.

Prayers and Praises – as spoken during COT

Announcements:  F3 The Fort 10 year anniversary starts this week.  Check Slack for the schedule of events.


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Jack Webs from Hell

SSH x 20
Merkins x 10
Peter Parker x 10
All IC

Part 1
Using the field in 10 yard increments
Starting at the end zone run to the 10 yard line do 1 burpee and at the push-up position do 4 merkins. Run back to the end zone.
Run to 20 yard line, 2 burpees with 4 merkins each time you go down (8 total merkins). Run back to end zone.
30 yd, 3 burpee 12 merkins. Run back.
Continue until the other end zone is reached which would be 10 burpees and 40 merkins.

Part 2
Similar to above,
Instead, nur to 10yd and do 4 squats. Run bank to end zone
Nur to 20yd line, 8 squats, run back to start.
Continue until finished.

11’s – Mountain climbers to dying cockroach.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: check the newsletter. 10 year started today. Post as often as you can.

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