no gears required

WARMUP: small mosey, 20 SSH, 10 imperial walkers, 10 cherry pickers, 10 good mornings, 10 low slow squat
THE THANG: starting by the bike rack do 12 BBSU, run past the front entrance to the intersection at the side of the school, 12 kick through merkins, back to the bike racks, 11, 10,… you get it
any who finish starts at 1 burpee and works their way up. Fishstix and Minuteman got to one burpee before time was up
MARY: 60 seconds left on the clock, Minuteman called a 10 count superman with a ripcord pull. Stix called a body destroyer to run out the last few seconds
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 10 year stuff is coming, ready the newsletter

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MinuteMan’s soggy quads

I’m giving Spud the Q spot here since Minuteman isn’t in Slack, and since Spud and MinuteMan definitely collaborated on this morning’s helping of pain.
WARMUP: Quick indian run around the field followed by something like the “Spinal Fluid mover” which was some nice back stretching
THE THANG: Cones were set up about 10m apart through the middle of the field the long way. We lunge walked to the first cone, did 10 merkinss, 20 LBCs, 30 SSH and ran back to start. Then lunge walk to the second, repeat. All the way to the 9th or so.

Then the “circle of iron” where the guy in the middle did 20 arm curls (each side) with 10’s or 20s while everyone else alternated exercises
Round 1: Plank, dying cockroach
Round 2: Freddy Mercury, CDD
Round 3: Burpees
ANNOUNCEMENTS: didn’t really announce much
COT: lot’s of prayers for health. Cancer is a PITA to say the least, a few praises, too

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Hills of Tega Cay

Your previous Site Q was called upon to bring back #BAOPS Pain to Alcatraz. Sadly the current Site Q conveniently scheduled YHC when he was away…hmmmm. All week YHC was planning a weinke so that his entire Bourbon Chase team would post and support their driver. Well, only 2 posted, so the remaining team members will be walking or running between transition locations. What is Tega Cay known for? Well Fishsticks created a weinke “one time” that allows all PAX to experience all the HILLS of Tega Cay, so I figured why not use that as a platform. We also welcomed a FNG!!

The Thang:

During COP discussed the weinke as staying on the parking for full hour. HA! after a short COP, mossy to pull-up bars (shocking). Each PAX held plank while each did 5 pull-ups. The FNG was the second best performing pull-ups! Mossy along the path to the intersection of Tega Cay DR and Woodhaven Dr. That is base camp. From there, there are 6 legs (hills) to explore. Run to end of Woodhaven, Timberlake, Catamaran, to the lower fire station parking lot, to the bridge, and to the bottom of the infamous hill. Do 10 merkins, then back to base for 15 LBCs. Some got 4+ miles, others 3+ miles… was glorious!

As for FNG, grew up in Iowa and a Hawkeyes fan…..Hayden Frye is their head coach for those non-Big10 fans. YEs Big10 is THE college football conference!

Trucker out


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That claw thing

WARMUP: Mosey to the Amphitheater
THE THANG: Run up the sidewalks to each of the 4 points doing 1 BBSU at the end of each. Run back down the sidewalk to the bottom for 3 burpees. then 2 BBSU and 6 burpees. At the top of the circuit on the sixth round it was time to head back to CoT.
That’s 84 BBs and 45 burpees with 2 miles
MARY: Juliet choose to plank for a sixty count.
Minuteman had us doing a superman impression
Incoming called seal jacks
Naked and Afraid was not afraid of gas pumpers
YHC called window wipers and then flutters to run out the clock
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 10 year, charity shoot, golf, bourbon tasting
COT: Prayers offered for kids, marriage, health (physical and mental), and PAX posting

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Pillar Pain

Lap around the car loop. Circle up for SSH, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Plank Stretches
11s on the curb. Merkins, crabwalk, dips, bear crawl, rinse and repeat.
Next, Pillar work, Alternate exercises Squats and LBCs x 10. Run to the far pillar and back.
Finish strong, 10 merkins at each pillar, move to the next, rinse and repeat.

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Break Time at Golden Corral

We started the beautiful morning with a nice mosey around the dumpsters.  Thankfully, the one in the back had the aroma we were looking for.  Oh, the memories.

Circle Up:

10 Merkins, 20 Windmills,  15 CDD, 12 Cherry Perkins, 10 Mountain Climbers, 10 Parker Peters and 10 Peter Parkers.

Mosey to the front for some circle of Abs.

Low and behold her come the Ruckers and they needed some men to help them carry their coupons.  We joined them and did some Ruck Pushups, Coupon carries with shoulder press and squats and some Burpees.  We then carried the coupons to Napa where we parted ways.

We had an AMLAPs with 10 burpees, 20 CDD, 30 Squats, 40 LBC/Hello Dolly, 30 lunges, 20 Merkins and 10 Bomb Jacks then a lap.

Once finished we mosey to COT and ended with some boats and canoes, Cha Cha Planks, Windshield Wipers and X-O’s.

Good time was had by all.

Keep the Change Orders in your prayers.

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Thanksgiving Convergence 2021

68 PAX in attendance for a pre-thanksgiving beatdown and some fellowship on a brisk morning Thursday 11/25/2021.


With the anticipation of fried turkey, oreos and coffee brought by @Change Order, @Smuggler and @RubySlippers, mumble-chatter abounded,  until @Hardwood took the center and called attention at 0600 hours. Disclaimer was disclaimed and the call for new FNG’s was made, no new FNG’s was the lone blemish on the otherwise fantastic morning in my humble opinion.

Run options led by @Gekko and a Moderate group led by @TripleLindy set off as the rest of the PAX moseyed towards back of Springfield Elementary. First Destination was in parking lot way back by the Middle School.

Circled up and @Hardwood called out the following exercises:

SSH- 40


Downward Dogs and Honeymooners

Low & Slow Squats

Cyclops: Stay in Squat Position and complete Moroccan Nightclubs


The Thing

Series of Webs

Starting with Merkins and Overhead Claps

1×4 for 10 rounds of excruciating shoulder pain, mumble-chatter becoming more focused on the task at hand

more SSH 🤮

Next we completed ANOTHER WEB, worse than the last,

Shoulder Taps and Moroccan Nightclubs

1×4 for 10 more rounds that was never ever going to end

Lots of requests for Burpees strangely or anything other then arm workouts!


YHC began the 2nd half of the workout with more SSH

Mosey around to front of Middle School with 3 stops for 5 Burpees OYO, at the request of the PAX

Line up at bottom of small hill in front of school and explain the workout, AMRAP LEG CIRCUIT

Teams of 4 ish men cycle through three exercises at bottom of hill individually:

2 Squats

2 Split Lunges

2 Bomb Jacks

Next Broad Jump up Hill to top and complete the following:

2 V-ups

Bear Crawl to bench

2 Step Ups

Run around and down to bottom of hill stopping at cones for 2 burpees (two stops per lap)

Meet back at bottom of hill and repeat, only this time DOUBLE ALL REPS TO 4X

Goal is to complete 5 rounds or AMRAP, almost completed but just short of time before we had to get back to COT

YHC shared a article on Gratitude, and then @Shady shared the heart of the Fort, the success of @Seamstress initiative with the help of the PAX, @Seamstress shared his excitement and appreciation for the success of the event! Great job by all T-claps!

Finally we had a shovel hand-off YHC taking the Ranch from a long line of great site Q’s which I hope to make proud.

Then we were finally able to enjoy the fried delicacies and coffee! Cheers!



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Christmas Trivia and Choices

Eight men showed up at Alcatraz this morning.  Two carried their heavy backpacks around the Cay for the hour.  Geronimo was still putting together his painful Q at 0630 so I began the workout with some warm-up exercises (SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Plank Stretches).

I decided to borrow this idea from a workout Double D and Old Bay Q’d back in 2017. Christmas Trivia with exercises sprinkled in between each question.  Penalty for missing a question was 5 burpees.  Oh, by the way, the burpee penalty was cumulative until the next correct answer.


10 Bomb Jacks

20 LBCs

15 Plank Jacks

10 Donkey Kicks

20 Monkey Humpers

15 Moroccan Night Clubs

20 Calf Raises

10 Plank Jacks

15 Mountain Climbers

15 Merkins

10 Lunges

15 Carolina Dry Docks

20 Squats

Luckily Skate or Die knows his Christmas Movie Trivia or we would have done alot more burpees.

Next, hand off to Geronimo.  He quickly told us to partner up and headed to the “Hill”.  As we ran down the hill, there were several signs with exercises lined up along the side of the street.  At the bottom of the hill, he instructed us to run up the hill and choose an exercise at each sign.  Sounds simple enough..what was the catch?

The exercises:

  1.  50 SSHs or 50 Merkins
  2. 50 Merkins or 50 Hello Dollies
  3. 20 Air Lunges or 50 Mountain Climbers
  4. 20 Squat Jumps or 20 Diamond Merkins
  5. Bear Crawl or Nur to Next sign
  6. 50 Squats or 100 LBCs
  7. 50 Flutters or 20 Flying Squirrels
  8. Crawl Bear or Broad Jump
  9. 20 Tuck Jumps or 50 Overhead Claps
  10. Run down the hill and back or run to the fire station
  11. 30 Big Boys or 60 Calf Raises
  12. 20 Burpees or 40 Burpees

When the teams got to the top of the hill, Geronimo instructed us to go down the hill and repeat the process, but do the exercise that you did not choose the first time.

Great work this morning..mind, body, and holiday trivia 🙂

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Tick Talk

It was a beautiful cool morning at Alcatraz. 8 men showed up for the workout, the Sale family represented half of the Pax.

After a quick disclaimer, we took a stroll around the block.  This would be the extent of the running we would do for the morning.  Next, we did the following warm up exercises:

SSH x 15

Imperial Walkers x 15

Plank Stretches

Honeymooner, downward dog

Arm/shoulder stretches

Next, we each grabbed a paver and moseyed to the basketball court.  We formed a circle like a clock.  At each number of the clock, an exercise would be performed until the person at the top of the hour (#12) finished a set of exercises (Round 1 and 2:   Squat Thrusters – set of 20, Round 3 and 4:  Burpees – set of 5).  After the completion of the exercise, the Pax would lunge walk to the next hour on the clock with or without the paver in hand.

Below are the exercises (with paver) for each hour:

  1.  Paver swing
  2. Tricep Extension
  3. Merkin
  4. Flutter
  5. Upright Row
  6. Curl
  7. Chest Press
  8. LBC
  9. Lawn Mower
  10. American Hammer
  11. Calf Raise
  12. Squat Thruster/Burpee

Great job by everyone.  Lots of good chatter and fellowship.



Read your newsletter


Prayers / Praises:

Bob the Builder’s recovery







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The Fort 6 year Anniversary – Making Getting Better a Priority!

September 29, 2012 the landscape of Fort Mill changed dramatically. Some men from north of the border grabbed the attention of a few men south of the boarder and said we may have something for you. Double D, Santini, Senator Tressel, World Wide Leader, Red Banjo, Assassin, Peach and maybe others made the commitment to come to a “workout” on that Saturday morning. It was very skeptical, but I am sure each of them will say it changed their lives.

Here we are 6 years later, meeting in the same park with more than 200 regular participants (800+ over the years) at 37 workouts across The Fort/Lake Wylie area. Thank you to those that gave it away and thank you to those that said yes!! I think it is safe to say, IT’S MORE THAN A WORKOUT!!!

Today we recognize the 6 years with 6 Qs leading a beat down in 1st F style. On September 21st, Jekyll led us in our Invergence, which reminds us of the 3rdF and that there is something bigger than ourselves. Serving, Praying and Worshiping together happened then. On this day, we are getting better physically and having some fellowship with 70 of our PAX,

Format was a rapid fire approach where each Q has 10mins to lay it on the PAX. Old Bay would keep time and blow the air horn (maybe tweet the horn??), and then the next Q jumps in.

YHC asked for FNGS, (none) and explained the plan of attack, and then the Horn Sounded

The Thang:

  • Wegmans for COP
    • Mosey down path out to grass
    • Circle up and some traditional and not so traditional exercise moves.
    • We did notice another “Boot camp” group in the gloom. T-clapps to them, however also saw 2 holding clip boards…..not F3!!
    • Horm Blows
  • Funhouse on Q
    • Mosey to the hill for Jacobs ladder
      • Burpees
      • Squats
      • Some mary to fill time
      • Horn Blows
  • Jwow on Q
    • Mosey to top of hill for partner work
    • step ups/lunge walk up and down hill
    • squat jumps/lunge walk up and down hill
    • Plank hand slap with partner
    • Horn Blow
  • Twister on Q
    • Mosey to tree line
    • Army Crawl to tree /SSHs
    • Sprint to tree/Merkins
    • Army Crawl to Tree/SSHs
    • Sprint to tree/merkins
    • 2 rounds
    • Run Path until Horm
    • Horn Blows
  • FLUX on Q
    • Mosey back to hill
    • 6s – do following 6 times
      • bear crawl up hill
      • diamond merkins
      • bear crawl back down hill
      • Some filler in there of something aweful
      • Horn Blows
  • Assassin On Q
    • Mosey to play grownd
      • Dips
      • Derkins
      • Burpees
      • multiple rounds with running around the playground until…..
      • Horn Blows

The PAX was dripping wet from rolling in grass but also from the humid beat down that just occurred. Thanks to all the Qs for bringing it and having fun out there.

I brought up to the PAX “WHY”? Why F3 versus the many other options we have even outside of fitness and self help books. Why do we get up early and why do we do CSAUPS and why do we attend 3rdF and give away our time at various community organizations???

Pockets, Spud and Assassin all shared their Why. Thank you! I’m sure there were many more that would undoubtedly impactful.

I mentioned my why was straightforward for me. I want to continue to challenge myself physically, surround myself with like minded guys heading in the same direction and reach more guys for Sky Q and HIS purpose. I feel F3 has positively impacted my life in all 3 Fs and why would I not give it away??

See you in the GLOOM!

Cake Boss

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