The Ranch – Where you need to prepare for the unexpected!!

8 Ruckers were out marching around when 16 more PAX arrived at the cold Ranch. YHC was expecting low numbers since the temp was 20-22, but I was thrilled to see the men circling and getting ready for the unexpected.

The Thang:

Mosey to entrance

Seal Jacks-20
Wind Mills-15
Imperial Walkers-20

Mosey to baseball field……it was creepy dark!!

3 rounds of Crawl, Walk Run

Home to 1st-bear crawls
1st to 2nd-lunge walk
2nd to home-Run

Mosey to bridge

Two lines and Partner is next to you
Wheel barrow little baby Jesus up steps alternating when needed

Indian Run to Football field

Partner Carry to playground

With Partner: 1 does exercise/1 runs lap
Pull ups
Swing Crunches

Burpee Indian Run back to COT

IT was a fun filled day at The Ranch and the PAX worked hard and pushed each other. Message was about being prepared and no matter if its preparing for breakfast or for retirement, as a leader we need to be ready for the expected. Today my Director resigned from our team and company. We don’t know who our leader will be or what our organization will look like, but as leader of my work and home I need to look in the mirror and say, Get After It! There is no waiting to see where the chips fall,  but to get out in front and lead. Reflect on all things in your life and address those things that you need to get prepared for……finances, stronger marriage, tough talks with the kids and death. Don’t leave these for someone else to take care of.

Thanks Jiffy for the lead…..humbled and honored!!

Cake Boss out!

TClap |

2019 Q1 PFT – The Coop

YHC decided that 2019 needed to have an old tradition re-instituted, the Quarterly Physical Fitness Test.  So, Wegmans has given me the last Wednesday of every 3rd month to test and track the progress of the Pax.  The Thang:

Pull Ups – 1 minute

Situps – 1 minute

Pushups – 1 minute

1 mile run on track

Done – here are the results, in no particular order.  Just how they showed up on the sheet.

DNP – Did not Participate (these guys did a pre-run!)

Name Pull Ups Sit Ups Push Ups 1 Mile Run
FunHouse 5 45 37 6:40
Sk8orDie 5 39 37 DNP
DarkHelmet 22 42 64 7:21
Kaiser 15 22 61 7:38
SugarBug 3 29 36 8:41
Esso 12 38 43 8:25
Sasquatch 24 54 64 DNP
ChickenHawk 25 43 60 7:37
Wegmans 1 26 24 8:54
Husky 13 45 52 7:34
PunchList 12 39 33 6:48
DirtyHarry 5 50 50 7:28
Youts 18 44 51 8:49
Slash 8 26 31 8:45
Xray 3 12 25 9:15
Chunck 2 32 20 8:32
Tinsel 22 38 36 8:43
TClap |

Heavy Hors D’oeuvres at Block Party

Today, we enjoyed a variable palate of play sand, peat gravel, and dirt. Luckily it rained around 0400, making it not “too dry” of an offering. I rolled up around 0445 to check site conditions, and had my back up plan ready in case it was too moist. Cars started rolling in around 0505. 


Meet up to start


Mosey halfway around park and Back

Stop at .10 & .20 Mile Intervals to Warm Up

Each Stop = Warm Up Exercise (s)

Mosey to 

7 x Merkins

Pause for walker!

3 x Merkins

Mosey to next .10

11 x SSH

10 x Windmills

10 x Deep Squats + Yogi Squat

Mosey Back to Parking Lot

Quick Yoga Sun Salutation/Side Plank both sides


Partner Up 

This is when I turned to my truck bed, filled with a delicious offering of pain. 

Grab some heavy hors d’oeuvres and mosey to the lower Pike Parking Lot. Halfway(ish) we swap coupons with partner. 


Circuit Down in the Parking Lot – Flap Jack the following:

Partner 1 Runs up the grass hill and back, partner 2 works out with coupon. Flapjack.




Bent Over Rows


Every round, shift to sandbag to the left of you so everyone enjoys the varying weights (40-60).

After we finish in the lower parking lot, we mosey to the base of the hill.

Partner Farmer Carry sandbags to upper Pike Parking Lot

Line up on end of the parking lot:

Partner 1 lunges with coupon on shoulders across lot, partner 2 does 10 merkins, runs to partner 1 and flapjack. Do to the end of the lot. Switch sandbags. 

Line up on this side of the lot.

P1 holding sandbag does manmaker burpees while P2 runs to far end of lot and back. Flapjack. Do two rounds. 

Mosey back to COT. Halfway there, partner 2 takes the bag from partner 1. 

Everyone grabs a coupon! Flutters to the end. 





YETI Happening 2/23

Joe Davis Run for Recovery – 3/9 – Prices go up 2/1

Q Source this week: Lizards, Bull Frogs, and Leeches 

If you aren’t doing Q Source as the group, it is still worth reading. I was pushed by Pusher to do so, and I think I will. 



C-Span was next-door to the active shooter at the UPS store in Philly yesterday. Pray for his (and concentrica) continued safety and readiness at all times. 

Prayers for my brother-in-law and his current dive down deep into “end of times” theories. His marriage, relationships, and work are all suffering. Pray that he keeps his eyes focused on Jesus first and foremost. 


After we prayed we discussed our words for the year. I heard a few in passing, but wanted to remind all to keep your focus on your word and let those close to you know it and hold you accountable to it. 

Mine is Activate. I am not the leader I want to be, and I have for too long sat passively and let things happen as they happen. This is the year I activate the leadership within me that I know has always been there. 

Block Party was a mainstay of mine this past summer, and I’m excited I finally was asked to Q. Thanks for the opportunity, Shady. I appreciate you asking me to step up. Everyone kept saying how quickly the 45 minutes went. I agree and I was happy we were able to keep it moving quickly! Great work by all men who showed up. 

Punch List Out.

TClap |


Today, we honored the 101st Airborne Infantry, 506th PIR. Better known as Easy Company, or the Band of Brothers. These men went through so much in the name of freedom, have 50% casualties in Normandy alone, the first 20 days of their long time spent in Europe. From Normandy, to Holland, to Bastogne, to Haguenau, they fought. It is because of men like these that we have the freedoms we have now. 

Our training was to simulate 101st Basic at Toccoa, GA, with an emphasis on a mountain called Currahee. Three miles up, three miles down. 

506th Notable Casualties (in Bastogne specifically)

John T Julian

Warren H Muck

Alex M Penkala

Carl C Sawosko

Harold D Webb

Kenneth J Webb

Donald B Hoobler

Richard J Hughes

Eugen E Jackson

A.P. Herron

John E Shindell

Francis J Mellett

Workout below. 

Warm Up

Disclaimer, ask for FNGs

Mosey to Pull Up Bars – 10 Pull Ups OYO

Mosey to Football Field Gates

Circle Up

SSH x 23

Merkins x 10

Plank Jacks x 10

Peter Parkers x 10

Honey Mooners/Downward Dog

Low Slow Squat x 17

Al Gores – Talk about 101st Airborne, 506th PIR, Currahee, Two Years of Training, Operation Overlord, Battle of Normandy

I tried to run and read off of my phone between circuits, but it proved to be impossible. So we ran and then I told a story after each circuit. 


Run 2 Laps in Formation

Speech 1

On June 5th, 1944, the American paratroopers were told to get on their gear, pack their chutes, and get ready to jump. Skepticism of if this jump would be scrubbed by weather too ran high, several jumps in the days prior had been announced and then cancelled as the men were loading into their aircraft. But this time the paratroopers knew it would probably be the real deal. As the sun began to set, paratroopers were packing all of their essential items including: ammunition, grenades, explosive blocks, gammom bombs, reserve chute, extra jump cord, identification clicker, jump knife, bayonet, machete, firearm, first aid kit, cigarettes, and rations.

Many knew this might be the last time they ever see the sun, and for many it would be. All together their gear weighed over one hundred pounds, so the vast majority of the paratroopers had to be pushed and pulled into their aircraft. They said a final prayer, took their air sickness pills, and then took off for Fortress Europe. 

Circuit 1 – Bleachers

Partner Workout(s)


Run Up and Down bleachers Twice/Swap

100 – 150 – 200

Merkins – Squats – Dips

Flutters while waiting for the six


Speech 2 

Over the Channel, many were awe-struck as they passed over the invasion fleet that, like themselves, was heading for Normandy. As the approached the Cotentin Peninsula, the red light came on. The Airborne were told to be standing when they came over France so they could “take the Flak like men.” As they stood up, they heard what sounded like thunder. Then, all of the sudden, all hell broke loose. The C-47s had flown into the the jaws of hell itself, and there was a fogbank covering the penisula making formation flying and finding your dropzone nearly impossible. The flak and tracers lit up the sky “like the 4th of July”, and when it hit your aircraft it sounded like “pebbles being shaken in a can.” As the aircraft veered and sped up, attempting to dodge the Flak, men were falling over one another and sliding around on the vomit that covered the floor. Several aircraft were hit and exploded mid-air, while others dove towards the ground. Usually, nobody could get out of these doomed C-47s. Some transports went too low, and the poor paratroopers inside had no time to deploy their parachutes. A member of the 101st Airborne once said the sound that was made when they hit the ground was like “pumpkins smashing into the ground.


Run 2 Laps

Circuit 2 – Endzone

Partner 1 Bear Crawl – Partner 2 (10) Plank Jacks – P2 Catches P1/Switch – Length of Field ON Track or Field

Endzones – 10 Donkey Kicks

Out & Back

Low Plank in waiting for group when completed


Speech 3 

With aircraft going down everywhere, flak tearing into their aircraft, and limited visibility, many pilots dropped their passengers wherever they could. Many landed over large areas of swamp, others landed in the channel. Weighed down by over 120 pounds of gear and a harness that took over a minute to get off, the vast majority of those who landed in the Channel or the swamps drowned; sometimes in less than 3 feet of water. Those who landed over land obviously had a somewhat better chance at survival. As they gently made their way towards the ground, they could see all the chaos that was happening above and below them. Many paratroopers recall barely being missed by German 20mm and machine gun fire. Others were not as lucky, being hit and killed in their harnesses. Some rounds even hit their explosives, imploding them in mid-air. Those who made it to the ground were typically alone, surrounded by the enemy, and had little sense of their bearings other than that they were in Normandy. The force at which so many had exited their aircraft tore off most of their gear. Major Winters only had his jump knife when he hit the ground. These paratroopers were completely surrounded, most without adequate weaponry, most far away from their DZs, and most alone. Despite this, they still set out towards their objective or at least the nearest one. Having studied massive sandtables of the entire Normandy coast and every unit’s objectives, many paratroopers were able to get an idea of their bearings and start heading towards their objectives. During their march to them, they would find buddies or fellow paratroopers along the way. This is how the whole night went, small make-shift units of paratroopers from different units, working together and fighting together to whichever objective they were heading.


Run 2 Laps

Circuit 3 – Endzone

Wheelbarrow 25 yds/Swap 

Length of Field

Endzone 1  – 5 Burpee Broad Jumps

Back Across

Endzone 2 – 5 Burpee Broad Jumps

Six Inches in Waiting for the Six


It was during this circuit that I realized something – wheelbarrows suck. Also, my apologies to Dirty Harry for encircling him in the worst gas bomb to ever be dropped on that football field. Kaiser and Wegmans were also affected.


Speech 4 

The fighting was incredibly chaotic in a terrain that favored the defensive. Despite the high amount of casualties that the US Airborne took, by sunrise most of the causeways and cities they had been tasked to take had been captured and secured. The Douvre and La Fiere bridges were still highly contested and wouldn’t be captured for another 9 or so days. On the morning of June 6th, many paratroopers took photographs and got some rest while they could. They knew the fight was not over, they had several other objectives as soon as the whole landing force was safely ashore. For the next 2-3 weeks, the American paratroopers would be fighting non-stop in the hedgrows and at places like Carentan. Many paratroopers were still trying to find their units even by June 16th, 1944. By June 20th, the American Airborne forces were being sent back to England to rest and prepare for their next jump. Out of the 17,000 American airborne forces who jumped or glided into Normandy, 1,003 would be killed, 2,657 would be wounded, and 4,490 would go missing; most of whom were captured during the early morning fighting. This jump proved the 101st Airborne’s worth and skill, cementing them as one of the most elite and effective airborne units in the world. During their brief time in Normandy, the American paratroopers earned the respect and admiration of the German forces who affectionately called them “Those devils in baggy pants!


Run 2 Laps


Back to COT for some Mary


Heels to the Heavens

Low Plank hip dips

Hello Dolly


Yeti 2/23 – Preblast is up.

Joe Davis Run 3/9 @ WEP – Preblast is up.


Dirty Harry’s daughter is getting tubes put in her ears Thursday. Pray for her safety/comfort, and for DH to be a rock for his family. Also for the surgeons, anesthesiologist, and every person involved.

Wegman’s is going to Chimbote, Peru in February. Pray for his journey and the impact of F3 on the people they interact with. 

Praise – my 7 week old has slept three nights straight at 8+ hours. 

Other unspoken prayers. 

The men who show up to Honey Badger have become like brothers to me, as they show up every week and push themselves beyond what is a normal workout. They have an impact on me that is mostly unspoken. They lead in their families and communities, humbly. I am among heroes every Monday when I post. 

Thanks for the opportunity to lead among these men. 

Punch List Out. 

TClap |

The Hive 2018.47

So, I’m a little late on this backblast…. I probably owe someone a lot of burpees.  Anyway, here is what went down.

Warmup, SSHs, Jimmy Carters, holding a low squat moving your 6 for some hip mobility.

The thang

5 burpees, 5 snatches each arm
Repeat for 3 rounds

Up to the bleachers.  The deadlifts were performed while on the lowest seat, and to go as low as possible, breaking the plane below the seat.
Deadlifts x10, Lawnmowers X10 ea, Tricep Xtends x10
Repeat for 3 rounds

Down to parking lot and partner up
One partner farmer carries bells 100yds while other does exercises till partner returns then flapjack
Shoulder taps, Flutters, Ripsticks (squat calfraises)
One partner overhead carries bells 40yds while other does exercises till partner returns then flapjack
Shoulder taps, Flutters, Ripsticks (squat calfraises)

It’s always fun to have someone from another region, so having Doozy join us was a joy to be had.  Congrats to Punch List for his new addition to the family.

TClap |

The Ruck Taper That Wasn’t…Here at the Fire Ant

Oh, you didn’t tote a ruck and join us at the Fire Ant this morning? But, you know how to read. Lucky you; you’ll feel as if you joined us in this perfect gloom. Well, aside from smoked shoulders, jail-breaks, curls, squats, lunges, weird-shaped circles, flutters and joyful times of getting yelled at. That’s basically the entire Weinke right there.

But for you more literary types, I’ll humor you just this time. 17 of The Fort’s finest Ruckers converged on the now guaranteed-to-please Fire Ant and we even had a non-typical out there which is always welcome. If you’re not a Rucker yet you’re still reading this, I owe you one. In addition, I highly encourage you reach out to Spiderman or DaVinci (Ruck Q’s) and see if they can wrangle an extra ruck for you to join us out there one morning. It’s a great time of fellowship and you’ll even learn a little more about your limits. Here’s a hint, you can take more than you think.

So the disclaimer was disclaimed, we fell in 2×2 and took it over to circle up around the flags. This next part was a bit of a mind game. While routine is something we all enjoy and can keep ourselves in check with, when it comes to a workout, it doesn’t always have the same benefit. We had fit, strong PAX out there this morning so I tried something slightly different and broke our typical 5min routine. We started off with 31 squats (with ruck) then 32-4ct flutters with ruck press.

Fall back in line for a 20yd 2×2 to our next stop. Rucks overhead 2×2 to the end of the drop-off lane…yup, that sucked too. Make a hard right, rucks on and lunge walk 1/2 way to the back. About face and reverse lunge walk the rest of the way to the back lane. Rucks overhead and 2×2 about 40yds down the back lane. Drop the rucks for an all-out jail break to the end of the lane (nearly 60yds). Catch your breath and jail break back to your ruck. Guess what was next…rucks overhead 2×2 back to the start of the lane.

5 Man-Makers & 10 Hand-Release Merkins

2×2 over to the bottom of the tiered stadium hill

Bear crawls up the hill in between the levels.

Level 1: 20 full Mak Tar Jai’s (yup, suck-fest)

Level 2: 20 Peter Parkers

Level 3: 20 Parker Peters

What goes up, must come down. We’ll now reverse bear crawl in between the levels.

Level 3: 20 Upright rows

Level 2: 20 Curls

Level 1: 20 Bent over rows

Rucks on 2×2 back to the drop-off lane.

Squats around the world. In a circle, PAX hold the Al Gore and each man does 1 full squat  going around the circle. We did 7 total rounds.

Same idea but this time with a shoulder press. Hold ruck up overhead and do 1 full press when it’s your turn. We did 7 total rounds.

Same idea now with ruck curls. Guess how many rounds we did…7.

3-tier suicides with 5 ruck thrusters each time you come back to the start.

A high number of SEAL-team situps with awkwardly positioned rucks.

And that was it.

So much for the taper…

Announcements: Read the newsletter, keep collecting band-aids and support the Paradise Reading Center Monday/Wednesday 4pm.

Prayers: Double-Down in Louisville, PAX doing the GRT in Wilmington this weekend, PAX running Kiawah this weekend. Family relationships this Holiday season. It’s not always easy but help us to stay focused on opportunities to share grace and love. Sick kids, sick M’s, our teachers and education leaders, and several others I’m missing.

Until next time.


TClap |

Honoring a Hero at the Badger Den: The SCHMALLS

11 posted this AM to honor Marine Gunnery Sgt. Justin E. Schmalstieg whom, as assigned to the 1st Explosive Ordinance Disposal Company, 7th Engineer Support Battallion, 1st Marine Logistics Group, 1 Marine Expeditionary Force gave his life clearing the way for his teammates.

The workout started with a brief 200m jogging disclaimer consisting of some toy soldiers and lunge walks. We then brought it back to the launch point for warm ups including hand-release merkins and Moroccan Night Clubs. And…that was it. We then read the bio of Gunnery Sgt Schmalstieg and walked through the workout today, coined the Schmalls.

800m run (on the track)

Then 2 rounds of the following:

50 Burpees (100 total)

40 Pull-Ups (80 total)

30 Single Leg Squats each leg (60 total each leg)

20 KB swings (40 total): We used cinder blocks

10 Handstand Push Ups (20 total)

Then another 800m run (on the track)

We had a few minutes left so we didn’t let that go to waste:

Staggered merkins in cadence on the cinderblocks

LBC’s with cinder blocks at full extension

Squats with cinder blocks stretch out overhead


Lastly, American Hammers without the cinder blocks.

The Hero Book has been pasted to Love Handle as he was the one man today who hasn’t Q’d the Honey Badger. If you are a man that hasn’t yet posted to the Honey Badger, consider this your encouragement. Sure, there is some cocky smack talked dished out in advance. It’s all to push each other to be just a little better than yesterday. When you complete one of this workouts, you feel both educated and pushed…really pushed. The recognition of a fallen HERO helps to put your present suck into perspective. And when you transition from 50 burpees to pull-ups and hand-stand push-ups for the second time, perspective helps.

After all, as the Navy SEALs say…The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday.


TClap |

The Coop: Beat the temperature day and we did it! #25

It was a cool morning and when I say cool I mean Fonzie cool. PAX came in from all directions and we had met the temperature of 25 degrees. I was proud that the men did not stay in the fartsack where it was easy….but rather said yes to accountability and posted with their brothers.

Had to get the PAX warm, so away we went……

The Thang:

Mosey around parking lot

  • Shuffle
  • Mosey
  • Toy solders
  • more Mosey
  • COP
    • Plank
    • Merkins
    • Imperial Walkers
    • Squats
    • Peter Parker
    • FLutters
    • Parker Peters
  • Mosey
    • 1’s wall sit with shoulder presses
    • 2’s 5 box jumps, 10, derkins, 15 dips
    • Flapjack
    • Mosey to front of NAFO school

Had 12 cinder block stations, partner up

  1. Run around islands of parking lot
  2. perform exercises below with as many reps as possible while waiting on partner
    1. Flapjack until all 12 are completed
  • Bear crawl with Block drag
  • Block swing
  • Floor to Shelf L/R
  • Curls
  • Tri-extensions
  • Leg raises with Block
  • Bear crawl with Block right/left Merkins
  • Squat to overhead press
  • Bent Rows
  • Burpees
  • Sumo deadlifts press
  • LBCs

Time was up and so the PAX moseyed back to COT with blocks in hand

  • Wrap up with Freddy’s and Hello Dolly’s

Thank you Wegmans for the opportunity to Q

  • The Fort Christmas Party is this Saturday 12/1
  • Christmas convergence at Palisades Elementary School 12/24
  • Prayers for the many dealing with health concerns, lost family members and injuries

Individually we can be picked apart and crumble, however when we stand together and support each other we are indestructible. Like the cinder blocks we used, individually they don’t do much but with many of them……makes a solid foundation. Hold a brother accountable and likewise and you will become a solid foundation for your family, friends and community.

Cake Boss


TClap |

700 Club

14 Strong Men showed up at The Fire Ant for some Ruck Training.

In Preparation for next week’s GoRuck event in Wilmington – we completed a mission simulation with a TL (Team Lead) and ATL (Assistant Team Lead)

Dirty Harry and Wegmans  voluntold the roles as they are training for their first GoRuck events.

The mission was simple, but tough. Get the group (and several coupons) to a starting point, complete the 700 club workout, and get back in time for COT.

The Thang (700 Club):

100 reps each of seven exercises:

Hand Release Merkins


Overhead Press


Ruck Swings

Big Boys Sit Ups

Flutters (with Ruck Press)

This would require a pace of approximately one rep every three seconds with no time for rest.

The group completed the mission. With a reward of carrying Bonsai and Husky back in addition to the coupons.

TClap |

Black Fallen Soldiers

Today, we had an FNG who discovered F3 on his own. No EH was required! My heart is full because we discussed two of the many African – American fallen war heroes that are rarely acknowledged in the history of our country. Both of these African – American served our country and were not given Medals of Honor until 78 years or more after their death. Today, we paid homage to these two fallen war heroes.

Henry Johnson 
On May 14, 1918 in Champagne, France, Henry Johnson (Army) received 21 wounds while fighting against a 24-man German patrol in hand-to-hand combat. Miraculously, he survived the assault for another 11 years before succumbing to complications due to the injuries he received in action on July 1, 1929. Johnson was later buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Henry Johnson, originally from Winston-Salem, North Carolina was referred to by Theodore Roosevelt Jr. (not the President, but his son) in 1919, as “one of the five bravest Americans to have served in World War I (WWI).”

When Johnson returned from France after recuperating, he was paid to share his experience in WWI as part in a touring lecture series. Over the years, there were several attempts to secure the Medal of Honor for his valor in battle, but each attempt failed for unknown reasons. In 2014, New York State Senator spearheaded a new campaign to recognize Johnson’s actions, resulting in the president posthumously (after the death) awarding Johnson the Medal of Honor in 2015.

Workout: 5 rounds of:

    • 5 Handstand Push Ups
    • 10 Pull Ups
    • 10 Jumping Squats
    • 20 Dips
    • Run to the stop sign and bear crawl back

Ruben Rivers
Ruben Rivers was an Army Staff Sergeant in the 761st Tank Battalion, a black tank battalion (aka, the “Black Panthers”), which served with distinction in Europe during World War II (WWII). When the United States entered WWII, Rivers and two of his brothers joined the military, though Rivers was the only one assigned to a combat unit. Rivers played a critical role in some of the earliest action his battalion would see. On November 8, 1944 Rivers and the 761st launched an attack on German combatants in northeastern France. The Germans got the drop on the 761st and Rivers quickly realized that following protocol would fail to give his unit the upper hand. So, “with utter disregard for his personal safety, Rivers courageously dismounted from his tank in the face of direct enemy fire, attached a cable to obstacles on the road and opened a path that permitted the combat team to proceed. His prompt action thus prevented a serious delay in the offensive action and was instrumental in the successful assault and liberation of Vic-sur-Seille, resulting in the battalion receiving its first Silver Star*.”

A little more than a week later, Rivers’ tank led the way as the battalion advanced towards German positions. When his group came under heavy fire, Rivers located a German anti-tank unit and, with one other tank, moved to fire on the area and cover the retreat. In the process, Rivers was fully exposed and as he was ordered back to cover, the Germans quickly concentrated their fire on his tank, killing Rivers instantly.

Sgt. Rivers received the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions posthumously, but tragically not until nearly 78 years after his death in 1997.

Workout: 5 rounds of:

    • At each 5 yard line, to the 25th yard line of the following
    • 5 Burpees
    • 5 Bomb Jacks
    • Crab walk back



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