Fire Ant 4/2/19

I have been running too much… but now it’s time to get ready for May’s GoRuck Heavy.  No better way that to lead the men at our rucking AO the Fire Ant. Cool morning in April, they are expecting SNOW today (and it came). But for 5:15am we were good to go.

12 other  men rucked up and many brought extra sandbags so we put them to good use.  After the normal disclaimer, and Admiral’s 2nd post (1st ruck) we lined up 2×2.  Man to the left had a sandbag, man right would be his partner.  We took a nice stroll around the drop off loop, switched sandbag half way through.

COP rucks off

SSHs – Windmill – Daisy Pickers – IWs – Merkins – Mountain Climbers

To Tiered Hill

Bear Crawl to each Tier –  do exercise – then crawl bear down from top stopping to do exercise again at each tier

10 Merkins

10 Squats

10 Lunges

Mosey with bags 2×2 to back of school parking lot

Switch bags every 2 minutes

COP with Ruck off

  1. Curls      2. Overhead Press     3. Swings     4. Tricep Extensions

5. Man Makers      6. Flutters w Press           7. Bent over Rows

Mosey to the front of the school again carrying sandbags 2×2.  Switched partners once

Finished with Ab Lab: America Hammers and Big Boy situps.


Announcements – 2nd F Lunch today, several ruck events coming up this week to get your miles and muscles in!


For healing, surgery, getting along with family.

Thanks for the opportunity to Lead!




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Bracket buster round 2

After a crazy weekend of March Madness – and Duke should have lost…13 PAX decided to post

mossy to concrete pad for bracket buster round 2.

In between each round, run a lap. Rounds go 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64.

So 2 burpees, run; 2 burpees and 4 shoulder presses, run; 2 burpees, 4 shoulder presses, 8 chest presses, run; 2 burpees, 4 shoulder presses, 8 chest presses, 16 curls, run; 2 burpees, 4 shoulder presses, 8 chest presses, 16 curls,  32 skull crushers, run; 2 burpees, 4 shoulder presses, 8 chest presses, 16 curls,  32 skull crushers, 64 LBCs run. 10 count

So 2 burpees, run; 2 burpees and 4 squats, run; 2 burpees, 4 squats, 8 chest presses, run; 2 burpees, 4 squats, 8 chest presses, 16 skull crushers, run; 2 burpees, 4 squats, 8 chest presses, 16 skull crushers,  32 hello dollies, run; 2 burpees, 4 squats, 8 chest presses, 16 skull crushers,  32 hello dollies, 64 flutters run. 10 count

So 2 burpees, run; 2 burpees and 4 step ups, run; 2 burpees, 4 step ups, 8 overhead swings, run; 2 burpees, 4 step ups, 8 overhead swings, 16 LBCs, run;


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Simulation Training for May Event

Seeing that many of the past Q’s at the Fire Ant have been ratcheting up the physical training, it was time for some simulation training since there are a few new newbies. 19 PAX chose to post this morning.

YHC acted as the cadre and asked for 1 rookie and seasoned PAX. Instructions were given – 5 minutes to get the PAX in formation, ruck up, sandbag ups, and move to the bus drop off. Off they went.  They were 30 seconds late, but Q decided not to penalize.

Next , 2 rookies were assigned team leader and assistant team lead. They were given – 10 minutes to get to big tree with 100 merkins and 100 LBCs. Off they went. As they headed towards the big tree, the TL/ATL stopped and had all PAX do 25 merkins and LBCs. The PAX stopped 2 more times, and then at the big tree finished the 4th set. They went 3 minutes over. I informed the PAX that it is critical to listen to detail. I didnt say all PAX had to do 100 of each, I said you had 10 minutes to get to tree with 100 of each. The PAX could have broken these out to each PAX.

Next, 2 new rookies were assigned TL and ATL. They were given 3 minutes to get to the basketball courts. They made this time – well 15 seconds late…. Each PAX had to do 20 manmakers due to previous penalty.

Lastly, 2 new rookies were assigned. They were given 5 minutes to get to flag poll with each PAX doing 100 flutters. The TL and ATL listened well since they informed PAX the full directions.

The key is to listen to the details by the Cadre in order to not get additional penalties.

Announcement and prayers conducted



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Do you need a bell? VQ at Armory

So I was nervous about my first Kettlebell Q.  Sure, I’ve been to The Hive and The Armory a few times but never Q’d.  Honestly, YHC had to pour over backblasts to get some exercises to call.  Then Youtube to see how to do them.  But hey, the theme of the month is Growth so let’s do this!

To make my Q a bit easier, I got to the AO early to literally chalk out the Main Event.  I start seeing the cars roll in as I’m finishing up then I head over to the gathered circle of men, excited to see some familiar and newer faces.  Good crowd I’m thinking.  I set my Kettlebell down and proceed to great the PAX.  I get to Peabody as he’s rolling up and he and asks me if I need a Kettlebell.  Man, I guess it’s obvious I don’t know what I’m doing!  A quick disclaimer was given, we left the bells, and took off.

The Thang

After a mosey around the back of the church, we circled up in the front parking lot for some warm-up exercises.  All IC in no particular order:

  • SSH
  • Imperial walker
  • Windmill
  • Merkins
  • Dips
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Moroccan Night Club
  • Low slow squats

Mosey backs to the start spot and grab your bell.  In cadence for a round of squat curls.

Mosey back to the front parking lot with kettlebell.  Partner up for some Dora.  One partner ran a lap around the lot while the other lifted.  As a group, complete  100 squats, 150 curls, 200 lbc’s.   Special shout out to Fish Sticks who would not let me take it easy on the run and ran me down each lap.  Well done Sir!

Main Event

Mosey over to the far lot where 5 parking spots at the top and 5 spots at the bottom had exercises posted.  With your partner, pick a parking space.  Both would do 10 reps of the exercises listed.  When complete, rotate over one spot to the right, leaving your kettlebell behind for the next group.  When you get done with the 5th station, rotate to other end of the lot.

Everyone got through one complete rotation, some made a few more before time was up.  Here’s what we did at each station:

  • goblin squat / calf raises
  • tricep extention / curl
  • shoulder press / single arm swing with pass through
  • figure 8’s / halos
  • LBC / merkins
  • lawn mower pulls, each arm
  • squats / lunge with pass through
  • skull crushers / big boy sit-ups
  • American hammers / merkins
  • swings / curls

Mosey to COT

Announcements – Sign up for Operation Sweet Tooth 8K, Huntersville, NC on 3/20.  Virtual Option available

Prayers – David Chadwick resigned as Sr. Pastor at Forest Hill Church after 39 years.  Prayers for church body and Elder leadership in this time of transition.  Peabody is on the Council of Elders so we prayed for him, our families, children, & injured PAX.

Thanks JWOW for the chance to Q!  Thanks also for the encouraging word from the PAX.  I encourage anyone out there to attend kettlebell workouts and Q!  If you need a bell, just ask Peabody.

Flat Tire

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Laces In 2019.08

So for the beat down portion of this I was trying to accomplish an under 30 second max effort and a 3 minute max effort.  So the 30 second effort was a 100 yard dash and the 3 minute max reps of burpees.  This was flanked by other exercises but generally, I wanted to hit the two shorter metabolic pathways (google it) this morning.

Because we were doing sprints, there was a longer warmup period than usual.  After the obligatory SSH there was windmills, squats, merkins, and slow MNCs (full rotaion) .  Then the warmup for legs which includes your karaoke, buttkickers, high knees, and WWL power skips.

Sprint, some talking for cooldown, sissy squats, (or Greek god Sisyphus squat, again google it) peter pointers x4
Mosey to patio
Peoples chair 2 min w arm flutters, B2W w/ 10x should taps
3min max reps Burpees
Peoples chair 1 min w calf raises, B2W 30 seconds
Mosey to COT for more slow MNCs

I kinda went over the two prevalent “feel good” hormones in the body: dopamine and serotonin.  Dopamine is associated with addiction while serotonin is associated with well being.  The body can get easily addicted to dopamine release, and once associated, addictions will “cross pollinate” and an addictive personality is born.  So please look for addictive patterns and don’t feed them, in yourselves or others.

On the other hand, serotonin is not really tied to addiction as it is slow releasing  usually requires some sort of initial effort or discomfort.  Exercise  stretching, breathing, as well as cold exposure and meditation all influence serotonin.  But most is created in your stomach.  So feed your stomach and not your mouth.

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13 HIM showed up on a blustery Tuesday to make the choice to get better.

Warm Up

  • SSH
  • Cherry Picker
  • Windmill
  • Hamstring stretch
  • Peter Parker
  • Parker Peter
  • Moroccan Night Clubs
  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • Mosey to the playground

The Thang


100 reps of each exercise in sets of 20 with a run up the hill and back after each set.

  • 20 Merkins (x5)
  • 20 Pull-ups (x5)
  • 20 Big Boy sit-ups (x5)
  • 20 Dips (x5)
  • 20 Squats (x5)
  • Run up the hill (x5)

That took most of the time. We mosey-ed around the park as a cool down and it was time for the COT. Pull-ups suck. Must do more.

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We had a blast on this rain day. Several Pax pre-rucked. Sleep does not matter those #HIM. YHC intentionally pushed the Pax to prepare them for up and coming CSAUP. The Pax took the downpainment as challenge and got stronger.

Mosey to the side Parking Lot:

Warm up: Wind Mills (15x), Squats (15x), Mountain Climbers (15x), Ruck Swings (15x – OYO)

Grab Partner

Partner chase with both rucks to the other side of the building.

Mosey to the other side of the building.

Partner Drill 1: One partner bear crawls to the stop sign and runs back.The other partner does upright hold with his partner’s ruck, keeps his ruck on. 2x

Partner Drill 2: One partner crab walks to the stop sign and runs back.The other partner lunges with his partner’s ruck above his head, keeps his ruck on. 2x

Partner Drill 3: One partner burpee broad jumps to the stop sign and runs back.The other partner swings his partner’s ruck, keeps his ruck on.

Mosey to the bus loop.

Jacob’s Ladder. Man makers on one end of the bus loop (7x), burpees on the top of the hill on the other end of the bus loop.


Today, we discussed how we need to be patient fathers. A lack of patience causes us to miss key coaching opportunities for our children. To exercise patience, we need to limit the disciplining our children.

Disciplining results in painful and short-term lessons. Using a coaching approach helps to teach our children how to make better decisions in the future (see Proverbs 22:6).

Remember, that you’re not disciplining children, you’re training future adults.



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The Armory – Viking Metal is always better in the rain

YHC arrived and wanted to do some sidewalk chalk writing but the rain threw a wrench in that plan so had to use the phone as my weinke while also playing the traditional Viking Metal for kettle-bell workout.

After 1 1/2 rounds the cold weather shut my Apple 6plus down. My son would be throwing a fit and saying we need a new phone as this is junk……however just plug it in and it works nicely. Plus saves you $500+ dollars.

So the PAX arrived and we had a kotter, Gridlock come home to the Armory. It was some years ago that I was Q for Gridlock’s FNG appearance. Was great having him and the others there this morning. Nice work men!!

The Thang:

  • SSHs
  • 5burpees
  • squats
  • 4burpees
  • merkins
  • 3 burpees
  • Imperial Walkers
  • 2 burpees
  • Moracan Night clubs (half while holding squat)
  • 1 burpee

Mosey across front of FHC looking for cover, but the rain had stopped so it wasn’t needed.

3 sets of exercises, run lap between them, until time runs out or phone dies….whichever

  • Kettlebell swing
    5 Single hands each & 10 double
    10 Two arm bent row
    10 Figure eight
    10 Goblet squats
    10 Upright row
    10 Dips

    • RUN LAP
  • 10 Lunge press
    10 Sumo upright row
    10 Curls L/R
    10 American Hammer
    10 Bench press L/R
    10 Plank Rows L/R
    10 Tri Extension

    • RUN LAP
  • 10 Flutters
    10 Hello dolly’s
    10 Freddy’s
    10 Deadlift
    10 Sidestep upright row
    10 Kettlebell Merkins

    • RUN LAP

We made it through about 2 rounds of these.

Fun times by all!!

YHC talked about life expectancy  and that wherever we are on the timeline, we should start living intentional. I only have 40% of my life expectancy  left and so there is no wasting the days or hours on silly stuff. GET SOME!!! 2 guys decided to GET RIGHT while in COT and make choice to get better alignment. Well done gents!! We are here to support and encourage you!

Thanks JWOW for the opportunity to lead.


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Fire Ant 2-5-19

15 Pax posted at Fire Ant for unseasonably warm January morning.  We had a large crowd this morning – looks like training may be picking up for the May Custom. Also, big welcome to Jiffy and River Rat as first timers to Fire Ant.  Hope to see you both next week.

The Thang

Brisk ruck around on the school.  Stopping along the side of the school for the following:

Rucks Off

Side Straddle Hops x 30, Windmills x 10, Imperial Walkers x 15

Rucks On

Merkins x 10, Slow Squats x 15, Peter Parkers x 10, Lunges x 10, Parker Peters x 10, Monkey Humpers x 10, Ruck Curls x 10, Overhead Press x 10

Ruck to front of school and line up along first pillar.  Will do a movement from first pillar down to crosswalk – roughly 25 yards* – stopping at every other pillar for an exercise.  Combinations are listed below.  There were 10 pillars, so each exercise was done 5 times.

Bear Crawl – 3 merkins

Lunge Walk – 5 squats

Overhead Carry – 10 presses (5 each side)

Duck Walk – 5 monkey humpers.

Crab Walk – 5 big boy situps

Ruck around school one more time.  Circle up for ab lab.  Flutters x 20, Big Boy Sit Ups x 15, American Hammers x 8.

*My judge of distance is terrible, so I could be way off on the 25 yard listing, but it sounds right.

Overall distance covered was 1.34 miles.



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Keeping it moving at FMHS

No FNG’s but made sure to deliver a Disclaimer on this brisk 23-degree morning. The crowd was a little light this morning, but strong.


SSH x50- for Trucker

Quick stretch

Mosey- HS Lot- Toy Soldiers in between heading to big parking lot

Mosey to Hive area-

Circle up

  • Imperial Walker x20
  • Hillbilly Walker x20
  • Moroccan knight club x20

Mosey to Cut through

  • Shuffle/Karaoke
  • 20 squats

Mosey to light post

  • 5 burpees

The Thang

Mosey to front of school- Partner up for some DORA

  • 100- Flying squirrels
  • 200 merkins
  • 300 flutters- double count


Partner 1- works through the exercises until Partner 2 returns

Partner 2- Runs the outside of the parking lot area around the 4 posts

Flapjack until Exercise goal is reached

Head to the benches- 20 dips OYO

Find a spot on the curb for calf raises- 25 reg, 25 out, 25 in

During the calf raises, I reminded the PAX of the upcoming theme for February- Living. It was great timing after Ginsu’s message last week at the Fort on finding JOY in every day. With everything going on, that is unbelievably a challenge. We need to start asking ourselves why? Because we are trying to keep up with everyone else instead enjoying what is right in front of us? Or maybe we are holding on to old scars that keep our mind from enjoying the moment?  I need to work on this and try and fail every day. So much to be thankful for, but yet we (and I) struggle to live that way each day.  PAX reach out to your Whetstone, or me, and let’s work together to get there. AYE!


Mosey back to cut through

  • 15 LS squats/ 25 LBC’s/ 5 burpees

Mosey to end of parking lot to the curb and turn and face lot

  • Suicides- 4 lines x 3 three rounds. After each round, 5 merkins and 5 CDD

Mosey to COT

  • Heels to heaven
  • American hammers
  • Hello Dolly



Joe Davis- March 9th

YETI- Feb 23rd

OP Sweet Tooth- Virtual run in FT. Mill area. Check Pre-Blast



JWWOW- family member cancer free (I might have messed that up but I think it is close)

PAX appreciation for the group that was present




A lot of prayers went around which was positive. Good to hear PAX putting it out there for support


Rock Thrill’s daughter (recovery after a bad spill at school)

Family/ Children

And anyone else that was mentioned and missed.

Appreciate the PAX who made it happen today, and thanks LIL’ E for the opportunity.


Frat Boy

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