Primed at Minnow Pond

Minnow Pond….

Prime numbers today:
2 burpees,
3 bombjacks,
5 merkins,
7 squats,
11 wildcard reps every time we stopped.

We stopped around 11 times?

Total of 3.5 miles.

Luke 5:31 (both prime numbers)
Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.”
Make sure you’re seeking out the “sick” (sad clowns?). Don’t spend all your time with the healthy. That may mean posting with a newer PAX at a moderate to support them.

Band Camp Dismissed


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Miles under cover

8 said no to the fartsack and chose the DRP at Colosseum. YHC was conflicted over whether or not to keep the PAX under cover or not, so naturally we chose both.  Here’s what happened:

PAX were disclaimed, a mosey to the West end of the school and in the small parking lot, we circled up for COP.  WIndmills, burpees, imperial walkers, burpees, hillbilly walkers, burpees, low slow squats, Moroccan night clubs in the people’s chair, burpees and side straddle hops were done in varying quantities.   YHC decided it was time to go under cover, so we moseyed toward the center junction of the middle and elementary schools after stopping at the flag for a Pledge of Allegiance.

Main Event – Part 1:  4 corners under cover.  8 PAX made for appropriate (and even) partnering.  PAX paired off in 2’s and ran to each station, coming back to the middle after every stop.  Every time PAX came back to the middle they did 5 burpees.  2 rounds were completed of the following:

Station 1 – 3 burpees, 16 rosalitas, 21 diamond merkins

Station 2 – 3 burpees, 16 hello dollys, 21 wide arm merkins

Station 3 – 3 burpees, 16 flutters, 21 merkins

Station 4 – 3 burpees, 16 mountain climbers, 21 shoulder taps

After completion we moseyed toward station to and took some wall while assuming the people’s chair – where PAX sounded off for the things for which they were grateful.

In honor of the nantan’s appearance, it seemed only fitting the part two was jack webs – PAX did all of them up to 10 & 40.

A mosey after that to COT brought us to 0558 so a 2 minute geometry class was held where PAX worked with the protractor in varying degrees with 0 and 90 being the crowd favorites.

0600 came upon us, JWOW split for a double down, announcements were given and prayers and praises were offered up.

Thanks to Long Duck for the call.  YHC was honored to be sharpened this morning by a strong group of HIM.

Grateful and until next time,



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Foosball @ Varsity – It’s more than a workout

YHC was informed this was a HIIT AO, did some Googling night before, and drafted up a weinke that I believe would meet the requirement. Hard to avoid a football field or pull up bars, so decided to say yes to both.

Quick disclaimer and we’re off to the track.

  • Run 200 meters & stop – following in so so cadence form:
    • Monkey Humpers – a Hardwood favorite BTW
    • Imperial Walkers –
    • Hill Billy Walkers
    • Cherry Pickers
    • Peter Parkers
    • Parker Peters – Shady was kind enough to call out I did Peter Parkers twice
    • Downward dog
    • Honey Mooner
    • Band Camp Stretches

Mosey 200 meters to end zone

The Thang(s)

Intent was to have sprints of varied distances followed by exercises as a “rest” period, followed by more sprints.

Quarter Pounder

Sprint to marker, do exercise, sprint back to end zone, then sprint to next marker. Increments of 25.

  • Sprint to 25 – 25 Vups & sprint back rinse and repeat…
  • 50 – Monkey Humpers
  • 75 – Mountain Climbers
  • 100 – Calf Raises

Red Barchetta

Very similar yet you start by sprinting 100 yards, conduct exercise, sprint back to end zone and plank for 6. Rinse and repeat down in 25s. Intent was to keep the group together.

  • 100 – SSHs
  • 75 – Should Taps
  • 50 – LBCs
  • 25 – Merkins
  • Bonus – sprint 10 yards, 10 burpees and sprint back


  • Duck walk to 10 yard line, 10 merkins, crawl bear back.
  • Duck walk to 20 yard line, 20 merkins, crawl bear back.
  • Duck walk to 30 yard line, 30 merkins, crawl bear back.

Human Hurdling

Read this in exicon and had to try. Break up into 2 teams, a race of sorts.

Starting in plank, 1 man sprints to 10 yard line and plank. Man #2 sprints to 20 yard line, hurdles man at 10 yard line and planks. Man #3 sprints to 30 yard line hurdling man #1 and man #2 along the way and planks. Rinse and repeat to the end zone followed by another rinse and repeat back to end zone.

About 15 minutes left and it was time for pull ups. Had a hill sprints w/ pullups at top and exercise on bottom for 5 rounds but decided to prioritize the burpee pull ups due to time constraints.

Burpee Pullups

Consulted w/ Johnny Utah night before and thought, this would be marvelous. After attempting to articulate and failing, turned it over to Johnny U to articulate much clearer.

  • 1 burpee followed by 1 pull-up or chin up
  • 1 burpee followed by 2 pull-ups or chin ups
  • Rinse and repeat staying w/ 1 burpee to 6 pull-ups or chin ups

Then reverse

  • 1 pullup/chin up 6 burpees
  • 1 pullup/chin up 5 burpees
  • etc…

4 minutes left, headed to COT for some Mary.


Most announcements at a COT ever!

  • Rooster
  • Grow Ruck
  • Bacon Run
  • Waxhaw Trail run
  • Metro CSAUP

And probably others

Prayers for guidance on life decisions and selflessness, mental health, and enduring a season of lots of change.


It’s admittedly been a really tough week for my family and I, after some very long weeks, the last thing I want to do is draft up a weinke and Q the next morning. That’s me being honest.

Normally, I’m excited and enjoy creatively bringing the pain , but there’s not much gas in the tank, and my mind is elsewhere.

But you have an obligation and owe it to the PAX who decide to do the harder thing; there are expectations to be met.

As I rolled into the parking lot and saw the cars, my worries sort of vanished and the excitement crept in. For 45 minutes, we’re going to work hard, bust balls, and set aside our worries or share them knowing you have a brother there to support. We’ll all get better together and you’re not alone.

I took a look around at the very respectable HIM that posted this morning and was grateful because, whether or not they know it, they’ve taught me something and they push me to be better.

Embracing the suck in the gloom builds the character and durability to endure the challenges we face daily. It’s more than a workout.


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shoeless fish still swim

10 PAX present today: Fishsticks showed up with no shoes, but still stayed to workout. Uhaul had an extra pair he borrowed. Perfect examples of durability and preparedness.

Warm up
1 man maker
2 man makers
Monkey Humper
3 man makers
4 man makers
5 man makers

Thang 1 – Length of the parking lot
8 Goblet Squats
8 Merkins
Walk Back (we bear crawled the first and last time)
5 Rounds? I lost count

Loaded Carry to courtyard
Thang 2
10 swings
10 cleans
10 push press
5 burpee snatches
10 front squat
Repeat on opposite side

Some additional Yoga

Thang 3
Front Squat
Push Press
Just 3 reps on each side

One muscle up on the wall Shady couldn’t quite reach but that’s why the word assist exists!

Waiter’s Carry back to COT
For some seated forward bends

I’m considering fitness….Like what are we fit for? Am I a fit father because I have a child? Am I fit for the jobs I’m given at work? Do I let my physical fitness get in the way of my fitness as a husband?

Prayers for quiet hearts to hear God

Thanks BOB for the opportunity to lead.

Band Camp dismissed

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7 PAX for the Gears Edition of Tune Up Tuesdays at Block Party.  We kept it nice and simple, but simple doesn’t mean easy.

The Thang:

No warm up, STL style.

Launched down White, around Kanawah, and down Massey at a sub-8 pace.  3 Pain Stations on the route:

  • Little Ceasers
  • Wolfe Funeral Home
  • Sisk Memorial

10-20-30 Merkins-Dry Docks-Mountain Climbers

Headed up Springs Street and took a right on Confederate (5 Burpees OYO for the 6) to the intersection with Monroe White.  Next routine was a variation on Burp-Back Mountain.

  • Ran up to Fort Mill Town Hall Parking Lot, 5 Burpees, then back down the hill and
  • Ran up to the other Hilltop at Williamson and Watson, 5 Burpees

Repeat 6 times total (3 per side).

Meet at the FMCOG lot for some COP while waiting for the 6.  Proceeded to Nur back lot, then some lateral shuffles across the lot.  Ran back up Academy to the Shovel Flag for some Mary before closing out in COT.


Band Camp especially enjoyed Burp Back mountain… enough said.

3.8 Miles covered, proof here


Read your newsletter.

Honor to Serve.

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The Bubble’

We ran around and did some bodyweight exercises.

May have stopped at every American Flag for a burpee at one point. Also Bear Crawled a long way across limited greenspace. Made it to the urgent care and back.

There may have been a set of 7s with burpees and bomb jacks. Also a possible pistol squat somewhere in there.


Beowulf is still awesome. Grendel’s mom is the issue. Grendel is the symptom. Solve what gave birth to the symptoms in your life.

Band Camp dismissed

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Things Happen When They Are Supposed To Happen

Today was my last Q before I donate a kidney to a friend on Monday (1/25).  The workout was designed to highlight some of the lessons I’ve learned throughout this process and I hope to impart on the 10 PAX that showed up because they could.

I started my journey to kidney donation back on September 5th when a friend of mine posted to FB “I’m dying. Some of you already know this. Both of my kidneys have failed due to my lifelong struggle with diabetes. There is no hope for them to ever resume function. I’m on dialysis now as of March. I’m normally a private person when it comes to my health, but things have changed in my life.  I’m in pain every day and have had numerous hospitalizations in the past few months.”

Read that and tell me you don’t want to find a way to help.  Now, let’s be honest, I had NEVER in my life considered donating a kidney until I knew someone who was in need.  That night, I registered with Duke University to see if I could be a match.

Now, nothing happens fast.  Nothing happens on the time table you have in your mind.  We have to trust in God and lets his process and plan play out.  It was several weeks before I heard back from Duke to talk about the process to see if it’ll work.  There are numerous blood tests, scans, evals.  Let’s just say, it’s not easy.  And in hindsight, it shouldn’t be easy.  This is not something to take lightly, but it could be easier.

So, how does all of this fold into the workout? We started with the mosey and warm-up and then I told everyone to run a lap around the parking lot and to remember the order that they finished in.  Of course, Slapshot was the fastest.  Trucker was the 6 today.

Now, the reason we did that was so that the person who was the 6 now became the leader/pacesetter for the rest of the workout.  There are 25 parking spaces per row in the lot.  We started with 1 burpee per spot AND THE CATCH is that you cannot pass the person in front of you.  Then run a lap where you cannot pass the person in front of you.  Next, 2 squats in that same can’t pass the person in front of you method.  Then 3 merkins, 4 knee taps, and finally 5 plank shoulder taps.

So what’s the lesson in doing it this way? For those of us to might lead the pack most of the time, we had to wait.  We had to be patient.  We couldn’t go as fast as we wanted to.

What was your plan for this morning? Did you get the workout you expected? Did you make the most of the time you spent with your brothers?  Were you encouraging?  Are you helping those in front of you?  Are you prepared both mentally and physically for when things don’t go as planned?

I know that I wanted the donation to happen sooner.  It was going to be more convenient for me to do this in December from a work and family perspective.  But God has a plan.  God wants this to happen when he wants it to happen.  Trust in his plan.  Even if his plan is for this to not be successful for Petra (my recipient) then I have to trust that God is using me and this time to try to educate and inspire others.

We’ll be carrying on the good fight as we start a charity/non-profit to help generate awareness, community and to raise funds for kidney research.  The Odd Kidneys Group will be a way for us to foster education and share the inspirational stories that are out there that go untold.  You’d be surprised by the number of HIM’s in the area that are going through this journey or are considering it since I’ve been talking about it at COT’s.

Today is a day for us to take stock of the fortunes that God has bestowed upon us and look for his guidance to share it with others.  I’m thankful that I was EH’d by @Polaroid 18 months ago and that I’m in the best shape of my adult life so that I can give the most precious gift anyone can to another person– more time.  Thank you to all of you for your support, encouraging words, and prayers over the last 5 months.  We are a group like no other and I am beyond grateful for each of you who do the hard things and understand that we GET TO DO THIS.  Keep posting PAX!


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Make it happen

21 men tackled day five of the new year at Block Party. Here’s what we did.

Warm up

  • 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
  • 10 Hillbilly Walkers (IC)
  • 10 Moroccan Night Clubs (IC)

The Thang

The route today was .5 miles (left on Main St., left of Clebourne St., left at Founders, left on White St.).

Round 1 – Take a Lap

  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 Merkins
  • 30 LBCs
  • 40 Squats
  • 50 Calf Raises
  • 1 Lap

Round 2

  • 10 Wide Arm Merkins
  • 20 Lunges
  • 30 Flutters
  • 40 Overhead Claps
  • 50 SSHs
  • 2 Laps

Round 3

  • 10 Diamond Merkins
  • 20 Jump Squats
  • 30 Crunchy Frogs
  • 40 Alternating Shoulder Taps
  • 50 MNCs
  • 3 Laps

Total distance: 3.5 miles.


I was encouraged this morning to see so many men shunning the fartsack for a chance to better themselves physically. We covered some ground, but kept close enough that no one ran alone. I enjoyed the heck out of this morning. Today’s mumblechatter reminded me of how important the 2nd F is. Fitness without fellowship is a workout group. Fellowship and friendship takes us to the next level and makes us better men. And men need other men to keep accelerating.

I recently read, “You can’t get wet reading about the ocean.” I found it appropriate for the first week of the year as people begin making resolutions. This is the time of year people make resolutions for a “new year and a new you.” They make promises to get in shape, to make more money, to read more, or basically become a better version of themselves. However, come mid-February, the gyms are empty, the books haven’t been cracked, and work status quo and malaise has settled in.

Resolutions fail because change requires effort. Change takes a dream, willpower, consistency, and guard rails. It’s gradual. It’s difficult. But it’s worth it!

You must take action if you want improvement. Take the first step even if it feels strange or others say its stupid. Growth can only happen if you move forward. So dream it, want it, do it, do it again, and have someone to keep you accountable. Positive habits require consistent effort. Make it happen and have friends to keep you in line. Then bask in the glory in accomplishing your goals.


Italian Job

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The 700 Club Returns

This morning we reminisced on an oldie but goodie brought to us by Cheddah two short years ago. The fabled 700 Club isn’t what you think it is, and golly it hurts.

The PAX showed up one by one and two by two as YHC greeted each. The question of the morning was: have you done a GORUCK event? If so, what events? For the two with the least experience, today they learned a few things. Two Ferns and Dinghy were chosen as the Team Leader (TL) and Assistant Team Leader (ATL).

We rucked/shuffled to our destination in the Home Depot lot, and the weinke was laid out. The TL and ATL were to lead the PAX in completing 7 exercises at 100 repetitions each, in any manner they pleased. If counts were mixed up or time ran out before finishing, a penalty was due.

The seven movements were:

Hand Release Ruck Merkins

Ruck Squats

Ruck Curls

Ruck Swings

4-Count Flutters w/Press

Big Boy Sit Ups

Overhead Ruck Press

Two Ferns and Dinghy got us to working, and somehow we had finished 100 squats before doing half of the other movements. The veterans jumped in to help the TL and ATL get better, and it was a solid showing of how a team can execute a goal during a GORUCK event. We finished all except for 25 Flutters and 40 Hand Release Merkins before time ran out.

As a result of the lack of completion, strap privileges for the rucks were taken away for the ruck back to COT. At about the halfway point the rucks were to be held overhead. That wasn’t pleasant.


In all, the PAX did work and everybody learned a thing or two about leading a team. Solid work, men.


Punch List out.

TClap |

Laced Up Tight

31 degrees at Laces In? Sure, I’ll take it. I gave the PAX a heads-up, shown below…

At the risk of potential “over-hyping,” here are a number of things to consider for Laces In:

  1. Minow Pond will be converging with us.
  2. AKA will be converging with us.
  3. Looks to be the coldest morning of the week.
  4. Gloves highly recommended.
  5. If you want to stretch or warm up, show up early.
  6. Wheels up 0515 and it’ll be GO-TIME.
  7. You’ll be warm by 0525.
  8. If you’re prone to FOMO, then you should post.

The 12 of us arrived, commented about the cool temps and all the men in tights, were disclaimed and we took off for a lap around part of the gym lot.

Circle Up:
20 x Fast-Paced SSH
10 Burpees
Another lap but this time, just a bit shorter
Line up at one end of the parking lot and bear crawl to the other end of the lot.
Sprint 1/2 way back, 10 Burpees, Sprint the rest of the way

Mosey over to the circle by the stadium:
20 Bomb Jacks
30 Flutter Kicks I/C
Run up the hill to the stop sign and back down
40 Jump Squats
40 Merkins I/C
Run up the hill and back down
10 Burpees

Mosey back to the gym parking lot.

Line up on the line for 2-Tier Grounded Suicides:
Bear crawl out 20 yards, crawl bear back. Bear crawl out 40yds, crawl bear back
10 Wide-Arm Merkins
Crab walk out 20yds, walk crab back. Crab walk out 40yds, walk crab back.
10 Wide-Arm Merkins
10 Burpees

30 American Hammers I/C
20 Flutter Kicks I/C

COT: There are very heavy prayers on the hearts & minds of our PAX. Remember, do not walk alone.

Thank You, Slapshot


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