Men In Tights

Texted Barkley last week and told him to put me in for Q sometime at Coliseum. He responded and said I need someone for next week. I gladly accepted before looking at that weeks weather forecast. Rookie mistake but we ain’t no sissies.

On drive in truck thermometer said 15 degrees. Perfect workout weather. Even had to go purchase a pair of leggings from Spank.


15 Hill Billy Walkers

15 Imperial Walkers

15 Windmills

20 Moroccan Nightclubs


Moseyed to bottom of hill coming into school and exercises where layed out. 5 hand release merkins at bottom then run to top of hill towards school and do 5 Scorpion Dry Docks. Run back to bottom and a different exercise going the other direction which was 5 Monkey Humpers. Mosey to entrance of Tega Cay Coffee up hill and do 5 Big Boy Sit Ups. Repeat this sequence and every time you pass in the bottom the reps go up 5. We made it to 20 before I called it for some mobility and stretching.
Moseyed back towards COT and had pax get on 6 and we did some hip mobility work and some stretching for the last 10 minutes.

Thanks for the Q Barkley. Hope I Did Well.

Love, Stang

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Coaching Up

WARMUP: mosey and some imperial walkers
4 corners at each corner 10reps of exercise
1.5 miles in and 40 reps of exercise moves
Plank Jacks
COT: Gecko led 5 of us in discussion around forgiveness

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Struggles of the dancing idiot

WARMUP: the central question was posed- if we are excited and enthusiastic about trying to make a vision come into reality. (to better serve a group that we identify with and hope to serve), how do we manage our enthusiasm and have realistic expectations for those involved.
Along with several references to Q-source, the main ideas that emerged included: making sure to filter out unnecessary aspects of the vision(s) (to better concentrate, and focus energies on what is most important), to regularly and deliberately engage in reflective practices (to better learn from mistakes, and help chart future courses),
And above all, have faith that progress will happen in God‘s time, and not necessarily our own.
COT: yup :+1:

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Simple Loops

WARMUP: Pledge
THE THANG: To the Print Shop 5 PUs, 10 Merkins, 15 Dips. Run up to 160 turn left. At 160/Main 10 Squats w/calf raise, 10 merkins, 20 LBCs. Back to Print Shop rinse and repeat.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter

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Coliseum- 12/17/2024

WARMUP: ssh,cherry pickers, windmills, shoulder taps, mountain climbers
THE THANG: poles. 1st pole 1 merkin 2nd pole 2 merkins up to 10. On way back 1 burpee 2 burpee etc…
Mosey to tables 10 reps of slow squats, step up with knee raise, alternating lunges, incline merkin, merkin, decline merkin, mountain climbers, maktarjai, 1 min plank 2 sets
ANNOUNCEMENTS: prayers/ praise around the circle…

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Massey Street x 6

WARMUP: SSH’s waiting for a few late comers

THE THANG: Run Massey street, 35 Merkins, run back, 25 bomb jacks / repeat, Wide arms, Bobby Hurleys / repeat, hand release, jumping lunges

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Don’t worry too much about tomorrow.

WARMUP: laid the topic talking about kids and uncertain future
THE THANG: we talked about how much we should worry about uncertain future. We came with the conclusion that we need to have faith that God is in control and he will handle what is coming for us in the future. We need to worry about today and try to enjoy everything that we have today.

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Is that the politically correct term?

WARMUP: ~ 1 mile mosey. Making a right on to White St and right on Clebourne, making another right on Monroe White St. stopping at parking lots along the way to do merkins and squats or burpees in sets of 5.

Starting at FM Church of God, split into two even groups. One group headed back towards 160 turning around at First Baptist and the other up the hill, turning around in the parking lot, Shuffle Run (Indian Run) style.

Once getting back to COG, 5 merkins and 5 squats, then swap directions.

After about 1.75 miles head back to COT the same way we came.


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