The Nessie


As you are all no doubt aware Lake Wylie is officially becoming its own region on 10/26 and what better way to celebrate that launch than with our very own CSAUP!  This one has been a long time coming and we look forward to participation from all the surrounding regions to party with us, F3 style!

Sign up

Please sign up here!  It will help us make sure everyone has a team and we have enough snacks to go around.  Thanks!


  • Date: 10/26
  • Start time: 6AM
  • Starting location: Shipwrecked (Oakridge Elementary)
  • Ending location: Shipwrecked (Oakridge Elementary)
  • Mileage: Around 10 miles


Bring yourself and TWO other PAX with you, this will be a TEAM event and semi-competitive/competitive (we know how some of us are), but all in the spirit of FUN, at least our “completely stupid” interpretation of fun.  Each of you will also need to bring a cinderblock, but don’t sweat it if you don’t have one, we’ll have some extra on hand!


Like I mentioned before, this will be a TEAM event and teams of 3 will compete in a series of 4 challenges while they travel between several AO’s in our area.  Method of travel is by foot.  How quickly you move your feet is up to you and how competitive you are, but expect the event to be between 2-3 hours to complete.


BE SAFE!  We will be running on some roads, occasionally without a sidewalk so headlamps and reflective gear are a must, at least until the sun rises.  We’ll be marking the path with cones and arrows when necessary to make sure we all get where we are going safely.  We will have some water at the various stops to help keep you hydrated as well.


SHOW TO KNOW!  This one is a secret and won’t be revealed until your TEAM arrives at the AO. #sorrynotsorry

Run Map


We’ll be wrapping this up where we started so transportation shouldn’t be a problem.  Once you’re finished we will be providing coffee and donuts and some quality 2nd F under the pavilion at the back of the Elementary school.




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Q v Q 2019


It is with great pleasure that I am able to announce: the second annual installment of Q v Q is coming this October.

It will be modified slightly to increase the number of HIM in competition. Face kicks will abound as we have eight great Q’s lined up to make YOU better.

Scoring Criteria:


Best Use of the AO

Level of Face Kick (AKA Difficulty of Beatdown)

Each PAX attending the workout will score each Q based out of maximum score of 5 points per category (15 points max). The winner will be determined based off of the higher total between the two Q’s.

On the last Wednesday of the month, the four Q’s to advance each week will face off in a ‘menage a quatre of pain’ with each taking on one 10 minute session


October 2nd – Jiffy vs Sasquatch (this match up was too good not to repeat)

October 9th – Geronimo vs Shady

October 16th – Cha Ching vs Dirty Harry

October 23rd – Harry Caray vs. Youts

October 31st – The four advancing Q’s from each week will have one 10 minute session each to prove their worth as Best Q.


YHC will lead the PAX in a standard, warmup lasting 5 minutes. The rest of the time will be split into 10 minute blocks and one of the Qs takes the first 10, the second taking the next 10, the 1st Q has to opportunity to respond, and finally the 2nd Q has their opportunity to respond.

The Q that arrives earliest that morning will get to choose if they go first or second.

After the 40 minutes are up, the PAX will quickly vote, we will carry the 1, and determine a winner.

The winner of each week will also have the pleasure of providing a backblast for Funhouse’s appeasement.


These Qs will be competing for a prize that will be on display each week during Q v Q at The Coop.

Q’s are subject to change. Any changes will be communicated by YHC.

May the odds be ever in your favor!

Punch List Out.

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Mountain trip to Dupont State Forest on August 3rd with Trail Running, Rucking and Biking options – there will be a 2nd F afterwords

3rd F

Alright we are 2 years ago we did a mountain trip to Roan Mtn. it was one of the best trips I have made with my fellow F3 brothers. After 10-16 miles we went to Daniel Boone Inn to refuel.

With this in mind I wanted to continue to do this hopefully every year. So on August 3rd we are going to do another mountain trip. This time it will be Trail Running, Biking and Rucking options.

Our destination will be DuPont State Forest. We will leave from the Newport Walmart at 6 am it is a 2 1/2 hr trip. we will either go to the Hooker Falls Access or the Lake Imaging Access. For runners we will try and get 12-18 miles in for Mountain bikers Vuvuzela has about 20-30 mile rout lined up.


2nd F

Afterwords will will go to Daddy D’s and refuel.


Make sure you bring water and something for energy do not come unprepared you will regret it. I did exactly that last time. This will be an unforgettable trip that we will try and do every year. we need to clown car to get there since there are no rental vans available.

Reach out to me if you have any questions.  I have attached links below.

Dupont State Forest Trail Map-1

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The Sweati Preblast

Date: 07/20/19
Time: 0530 Ruckers / 0600 Runners
Start: The Armory (Forest Hill Church: 2099 Carolina Pl Dr, Fort Mill, SC 29708)
Finish: The Armory
Route: You’ll get a directional card at the start of the event
Details: None (Workouts will be posted at each AO stop)

Seriously guys, you got to show to know!

Please be safe when you are rucking/running out there. Make sure you (or ruck) have something reflective. Ruckers should have headlamps to start. Runners should be okay, as sunrise is around 6:20 AM. Temps will be 76-82 degrees during the event, so please please hydrate throughout the event! We will have water at most of the AOs so there is no excuse. Like I always say, BE SAFE! DON’T DIE!

Q Source to follow with Barry Manilow on Q!

Anchorman and Zima

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Sweati or Not, #CSAUP is Saturday

0515 on a crisp…wait! This is not the Yeti preview!

0515 on a gloom-filled morning, moisture in the air, 22 Pax rolled in to get a little preview of #TheSweati. A lot of familiar faces. Nantan, Lakeridge Clowncars, Dirty, WWL, Senator, Double D…even the Weginator was there. There were more. I’ll tag them in the BB. Several came to get a little peek of the Sweati. I gave some “details”. Some true. Some false. All will be revealed this Saturday. Get your head right. Hydrate! Be Safe! Don’t Die! We did some exercises that may or may not happen this Saturday. They probably will…over a 3 hour period, not 45 minutes. So here we go:

Mosey around the parking lot and circle up for an abbreviated COP
-10 Burpees OYO
-Imperial Walkers
-10 Bombjacks
-Mountain Climbers

Head to the curb for a short circuit (Part 1)
-25 Dips / Run across parking lot and back
-50 Merkins / Run across parking lot and back
-75 Squats / Run across parking lot and back

Mosey to the freshly repaved and striped Hive Parking Lot (Part 2)
-Burpee Broad Jump the entire length of the parking lot*
-Run Back
-Lunge Walk the entire length of the parking lot
-Run Back
*This is starting to become a thing. It should be stopped!

Mosey Back to Laces In parking lot for Reverse Pyramid (Part 3)
(Run across the parking lot and back between sets)
-40 LBCs
-30 Mtn Climbers
-20 Peter Parkers
-10 Burpees
-20 Parker Peters
-30 4-Ct Flutter Kicks
-40 Side Straddle Hops**
**Tclaps to Maximus for leading the pax in some Mary while waiting for the 6

In the interest of time, we stayed put and completed the next series of exercises in the LI parking lot versus the Hive (about 1/2 the distance planned) #yourwelcome
Bear Time (Part 4)
-Bear Crawl Across the parking lot
-NUR back
-Crawl Bear across the parking lot
-RUN back

I blew off Part 5, which would have been a repeat of Part 1, for some Mary. Thanks to the PAX that lead the last few sets of core.

0600 Arrived and YHC was #smoked

Appreciate all the PAX that came out to one of my quarterly Qs. I hope you gained some insight on what is to come this Saturday morning at the #Sweati

No NMM means no more details for the PAX. See you Sat.

-Sweati this Saturday at the Armory (Forest Hill Church): 0530 Ruckers/0600 Runners, Q-Source to follow at Forest Hill (Charis Room)
-Stuff the Bus at Tega Cay Walmart (Look for details from Wegmans)
-A couple of 2ndF options at Carolina Beer Temple and Amor Artis
-Read your Newsletter

Prayers & Praises
-Prayers for Rock Thrill’s Father-in-Law who is having several medical issues
-Prayers for a friend of the Pax who’s marriage is struggling
-Prayers for Nasa’s wife who is struggling with some severe headaches
-Prayers for Repeat’s mom who is fighting cancer
-Prayers for discipline in the 3 F’s and to continually make sure our Concentrica is in order (something I struggle with)

Gentlemen, it’s been a lot of fun and an honor to serve you. Hope to see you at the Sweati!


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Pre-blast: PAINtheon Games 4.0 in 2 Weeks

Pantheon is 4 years old. Let’s celebrate like we always do: PAIN!

Date: 6/12/19
Time: 0500
Where: Pantheon (TCES)
What: See Below

Pantheon Games
• Merkins AMRAP (2 minutes)
• Sit-ups AMRAP (2 minutes)
• Burpees AMRAP (2 minutes)
• 100 Yard Bear Crawl Dash
• 1 Mile Timed
• Balls to the Wall (2 minutes or until only 1 PAX is left)
• Timed 6 inch hold (2 minutes or until only 1 PAX is left)
• Burpee Chase

With Love,
Zima & Anchorman

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40 Day Challenge 2019

Ok PAX……time to get challenged and ready for summer.

For the next 40 days its time to be uncomfortable.

This is simple and to the point and you will get better so its all worth it.

Starting 3/6/19 and Ending 4/14/19 ——->>>>>40 Days

  • 1st F  Challenge = 40 Merkins every day
    • Not including workout merkins
    • can mix and match (Wide, Regular, Diamonds)
    • Get them in!!!
  • 2nd F Challenge = Work on Concentrica weekly
    • M – show some love
    • shorties – spend some time
    • PAX – attend 2ndF lunch or coffee
  • 3rd F Challenge = Serve 1 time at one of the following within 40 days
    • Saturday Gfit – contact Deacon
    • Saturday Guidance (CAH) – Contact Chicken Hawk
    • Monday or Wednesday Paradise Reading Center – Contact Crab Cakes

Email me me and tell me you are in and I will hold you accountable.

Prefer to see you and shieldlock sign up together


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The Yeti 2019 Preblast

Alright y’all. It’s that time of year where the temps start to dip and the elusive Yeti rears it’s ugly head. The Yeti is a signature event for The Fort and this will be it’s 4th installment! As an ode to simpler times, we are going OG and using the original route with a little twist. Ruckers, Runners, Bikers and everything in between are welcome. There will be shirts! There will be patches! There will be several beatdowns!  And there will be P-A-I-N! Mark your calendars for 2/23/19! It’s on!


Date: February 23rd, 2019
Start: 5:00 AM (Ruckers)
6:00 AM (Running Group)
6:30 AM (Run/Bike Group)
Finish: 10:00 AM (Estimate)

2nd F at Dixie Pig immediately following the event (still working this out with the restaurant)

Run: Pantheon to Old Ballroom (next to Hardees on Gold Hill): 3.0 miles
Run: Ballroom to Coop/Badger Den: 3.5 miles (6.50 mi run)
Bike: Coop to Run N Gun: 6.0 miles
Bike: Run N Gun to Pantheon: 5.25 (11.25 bike)
Total: 17.75 miles (probably more like 18-19 miles)

Twist-YOU MUST READ THIS: For anyone willing to go the EXTRA #ZIMAMILE, there’s an additional patch waiting for you at Alcatraz. All you have to do is run there and back AFTER YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE YETI! Not everyone has the stones for this after 18 miles but I know there are a few stu…I mean beasts that will go for it. I mean it’s a rare patch, so…

Ruckers: Just do your thing, you do anyways! Recommended start of 5:00 AM

Running Group: Show up to Pantheon no later than 5:45 AM for Prep and BOM. COP will starts at 6:00 AM.

Run/Bike Group: Show up at Pantheon no later than 6:15 AM for Prep and BOM. COP starts at 6:30 AM. Plan on dropping your bikes off at the Coop between 5:30-6:00 AM. Don’t hit any PAX on your way to Pantheon.

Relay Notes: If you are participating as a 2-man relay, the process is very simple. Both Pax show up at Pantheon. 1st Runner departs while the 2nd Runner drives car to the next pain station/AO. Complete the pain station as a group and then 2nd Runner departs while the 1st Runner drives car to the next station. Sounds complicated but it’s really not!

Biker Notes: Obey all posted signs and travel with traffic

Sign up for the Event HERE 

Buy a shirt HERE

Yeti 2019 Patch = $5
#ZimaMile Patch = Embracing the Suck/No Money Accepted

This will be an epic event as always. Come get your patch or patches if you dare!

Zima and The Wegs

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2019 Joe Davis Run for Recovery

Dear PAX,

As you begin to plan your new year, on behalf of my family, I am asking that you consider including the Joe Davis Run for Recovery on March 9th in your plans.

It is hard to believe, but the 7th installment of the Joe Davis Run for Recovery will take place on March 9, 2019. My family and I invite you to join us, as we gather once again, to celebrate my brother Joe’s life and bring awareness to a very real problem facing our society right now, Addiction. Joe lost his 16-year battle with Addiction in the form of an accidental heroin overdose on October 4, 2009 at the young age of 28.

Unfortunately, chances are that Addiction has touched your life, either affecting your friends or your family. Our family has chosen to turn the tragedy of Joe dying into a triumph in the form of spreading a message of HOPE. There is help for those who struggle with Addiction and other mental health issues. The race benefits Keystone Substance Abuse Services, York County’s authority on substance abuse.

F3 and FiA support has been the cornerstone of this race’s success and most of you know that it has been on one of the coldest days of the year most years when it was held in January. It was so cold last year that my family and I made the decision afterward to try a new race date. Our message of HEALTH, HOPE and HEALING needs to be far-reaching and to include the youth, which we felt the cold has kept home when the weather is not favorable. So, we chose March 9. It will likely still be cold, but bearable.

The race will offer 1 Mile Fun Run, 5k and 10k options. The course is the same as in recent years and it will be held at Walter Elisha Park in Fort Mill, SC.

Please help spread the word.

I believe that we are making a difference, slowly but surely. I know the race has directly impacted the PAX and I want to ask that, if you feel led to share your story, please let me know. I believe the impact of a first-hand story would be incredibly helpful to show our mission is working.

Sign ups are at

We are also seeking sponsors. If you know of someone this cause may be close to, who would like to get involved, please message me.

With gratitude,

Rock Thrill

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