40 Day Challenge 2019

Ok PAX……time to get challenged and ready for summer.

For the next 40 days its time to be uncomfortable.

This is simple and to the point and you will get better so its all worth it.

Starting 3/6/19 and Ending 4/14/19 ——->>>>>40 Days

  • 1st F  Challenge = 40 Merkins every day
    • Not including workout merkins
    • can mix and match (Wide, Regular, Diamonds)
    • Get them in!!!
  • 2nd F Challenge = Work on Concentrica weekly
    • M – show some love
    • shorties – spend some time
    • PAX – attend 2ndF lunch or coffee
  • 3rd F Challenge = Serve 1 time at one of the following within 40 days
    • Saturday Gfit – contact Deacon
    • Saturday Guidance (CAH) – Contact Chicken Hawk
    • Monday or Wednesday Paradise Reading Center – Contact Crab Cakes

Email me me bjmullen60@yahoo.com and tell me you are in and I will hold you accountable.

Prefer to see you and shieldlock sign up together


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The Yeti 2019 Preblast

Alright y’all. It’s that time of year where the temps start to dip and the elusive Yeti rears it’s ugly head. The Yeti is a signature event for The Fort and this will be it’s 4th installment! As an ode to simpler times, we are going OG and using the original route with a little twist. Ruckers, Runners, Bikers and everything in between are welcome. There will be shirts! There will be patches! There will be several beatdowns!  And there will be P-A-I-N! Mark your calendars for 2/23/19! It’s on!


Date: February 23rd, 2019
Start: 5:00 AM (Ruckers)
6:00 AM (Running Group)
6:30 AM (Run/Bike Group)
Finish: 10:00 AM (Estimate)

2nd F at Dixie Pig immediately following the event (still working this out with the restaurant)

Run: Pantheon to Old Ballroom (next to Hardees on Gold Hill): 3.0 miles
Run: Ballroom to Coop/Badger Den: 3.5 miles (6.50 mi run)
Bike: Coop to Run N Gun: 6.0 miles
Bike: Run N Gun to Pantheon: 5.25 (11.25 bike)
Total: 17.75 miles (probably more like 18-19 miles)

Twist-YOU MUST READ THIS: For anyone willing to go the EXTRA #ZIMAMILE, there’s an additional patch waiting for you at Alcatraz. All you have to do is run there and back AFTER YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE YETI! Not everyone has the stones for this after 18 miles but I know there are a few stu…I mean beasts that will go for it. I mean it’s a rare patch, so…

Ruckers: Just do your thing, you do anyways! Recommended start of 5:00 AM

Running Group: Show up to Pantheon no later than 5:45 AM for Prep and BOM. COP will starts at 6:00 AM.

Run/Bike Group: Show up at Pantheon no later than 6:15 AM for Prep and BOM. COP starts at 6:30 AM. Plan on dropping your bikes off at the Coop between 5:30-6:00 AM. Don’t hit any PAX on your way to Pantheon.

Relay Notes: If you are participating as a 2-man relay, the process is very simple. Both Pax show up at Pantheon. 1st Runner departs while the 2nd Runner drives car to the next pain station/AO. Complete the pain station as a group and then 2nd Runner departs while the 1st Runner drives car to the next station. Sounds complicated but it’s really not!

Biker Notes: Obey all posted signs and travel with traffic

Sign up for the Event HERE 

Buy a shirt HERE

Yeti 2019 Patch = $5
#ZimaMile Patch = Embracing the Suck/No Money Accepted

This will be an epic event as always. Come get your patch or patches if you dare!

Zima and The Wegs

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2019 Joe Davis Run for Recovery

Dear PAX,

As you begin to plan your new year, on behalf of my family, I am asking that you consider including the Joe Davis Run for Recovery on March 9th in your plans.

It is hard to believe, but the 7th installment of the Joe Davis Run for Recovery will take place on March 9, 2019. My family and I invite you to join us, as we gather once again, to celebrate my brother Joe’s life and bring awareness to a very real problem facing our society right now, Addiction. Joe lost his 16-year battle with Addiction in the form of an accidental heroin overdose on October 4, 2009 at the young age of 28.

Unfortunately, chances are that Addiction has touched your life, either affecting your friends or your family. Our family has chosen to turn the tragedy of Joe dying into a triumph in the form of spreading a message of HOPE. There is help for those who struggle with Addiction and other mental health issues. The race benefits Keystone Substance Abuse Services, York County’s authority on substance abuse.

F3 and FiA support has been the cornerstone of this race’s success and most of you know that it has been on one of the coldest days of the year most years when it was held in January. It was so cold last year that my family and I made the decision afterward to try a new race date. Our message of HEALTH, HOPE and HEALING needs to be far-reaching and to include the youth, which we felt the cold has kept home when the weather is not favorable. So, we chose March 9. It will likely still be cold, but bearable.

The race will offer 1 Mile Fun Run, 5k and 10k options. The course is the same as in recent years and it will be held at Walter Elisha Park in Fort Mill, SC.

Please help spread the word.

I believe that we are making a difference, slowly but surely. I know the race has directly impacted the PAX and I want to ask that, if you feel led to share your story, please let me know. I believe the impact of a first-hand story would be incredibly helpful to show our mission is working.

Sign ups are at www.joedavisrun.com

We are also seeking sponsors. If you know of someone this cause may be close to, who would like to get involved, please message me.

With gratitude,

Rock Thrill

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Pantheon vs. Alcatraz January Commitment Challenge

As we all develop our word for 2019, I would ask you to consider commitment.  As each new year turns we all make resolutions to change things in our lives to help our family, employer, and community.  However, most tend to lose sight of their new year resolutions in mid January and fall back into old habits.  This challenge is to help overcome that.

What? The Pantheon challenges Alcatraz to an average attendance competition in the month of January, 2019!

Where? The Pantheon bootcamp ( 5:15am very Wednesday at Tega Cay Elementary starting 1/2, 1/9, 1/16, and 1/23 ) and The Alcatraz bootcamp ( 6:30am every Saturday in historical Tega Cay at Runde Park starting on 1/5, 1/12, 1/19, and 1/26 ).

How? We’ll tally attendance as usual across the above stated 4 dates at each AO and average them out.  All are welcome…newbies, kotters, respectables, sons and of course EH an FNG.  Aye!

The Stakes? The losing AO and associated Q’s for stated dates have to facilitate that workout in Q vs. Q fashion and then host coffeteria and bagels at the winners next AO wearing pink tutu’s!  Other bad ideas will be evaluated!

Why? Don’t ask why, ask why not!  But more seriously, we’re trying to bolster attendance at key Tega Cay AO’s and because we all want to get better! CSAUP!

Merry Christmas and Happy 2019!

-Bear Grylls and Smuggler

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The Cornerstone – Challenge ( One Year Long )

To all the Pax of F3 Nation

Are you prepared to challenge your self for 2019? I am challenging all Pax’s to join me for 2019 we will take on one exercise for January (merkins single count) 100 reps every day. Then in February we will add another exercise which will be done every day on top of the 100 merkins and so on and so on. We will increase by adding one exercise each month.  These exercises will be above and beyond when you post. So by the end of the year there will be 12 exercises that need to be done everyday at the reps set.

Do you accept the challenge? Do you want to get better?

I will set the next month exercise and reps the week before to keep you on your toes

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Pre-blast PAINtheon Games are back at the Coop: Version 3.5

3.5 years ago Pantheon was born. We celebrate the event with the games every 6 months. Annually at Pantheon and at The Coop on the halves. Sadly, a filing error at last years PAINtheon Games (Coop) resulted in the scores not being posted. If I ever find the scores, be sure they will be posted (Jedi’s may still be omitted for my personal pleasure). So there you go. This Wednesday. A warm up, if you will, for Spiderman’s shenanigans that will ensue Saturday. For newbies, here’s what’s in store for the games.

Date: 12/19/18
Time: 0500
Where: The Coop (NAFO, Badger Den)
What: See Below

Pantheon Games
• Merkins AMRAP (2 minutes)
• Sit-ups AMRAP (2 minutes)
• Burpees AMRAP (2 minutes)
• 100 Yard Bear Crawl Dash
• 1 Mile Timed
• Balls to the Wall (2 minutes or until only 1 PAX is left)
• Timed 6 inch hold (2 minutes or until only 1 PAX is left)
• Burpee Chase

Get after it!



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Charter Band-aids for Little Warriors – PreBlast

As most of the PAX in the Fort and Rock regions knows my 5 year old daughter (Emma) is a leukemia survivor. We still make a trip every 4 weeks to get blood drawn to check her counts at Levine Children’s Hospital. We also stepped up and raised money last year (Christmas time) for a fellow brother bout-time out of Area 51 son Jennings who has leukemia also.

It has come to my attention that the budgets have been cut in some of the pediatric departments and the first thing to go is usually the character band aids. You say how important is to have these band-aids? Well as far as the cancer kids go every time the have their PORT’s (Port is a small medical appliance that is installed beneath the skin. A catheter connects the port to a vein) which for some kids is traumatic they get a band-aid over it. For others that are done with treatment such as my daughter Emma has to go back for the next 21 years to get checked (mainly blood counts). This not always easy for instance this past Wednesday she was poked 3 times. Well at the end the band aid can put a smile on a child’s face. This also goes for those kiddos that have to constantly get blood work done not just cancer kids.

So what I am challenging you to do is every week you go grocery shopping buy at least one box or more of character band-aids girls or boys. Also Spread the word in every COT. I will tweet out what AO’s I will be at and if anyone wants to step up and help me collect that would be awesome.

I also challenge others in different regions to pull together and do the same thing. My goal is to gather as much as possible and split it between Levine Children’s Hospital and Novant Health Hemby Children’s Hospital (St. Jude Affiliate Clinic) before Christmas.

Let a simple act of kindness put a smile on a little fighters face.

AYE. Lets do this.

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Pre-blast – Custom Dark Side of the Moon GORUCK

We put out a feeler and the Nation responded, you are eager and hungry for a CUSTOM GORUCK event in 2019. Details have been set for a truly unique event and event registration is now open.
The next Fort region CUSTOM GORUCK event, “The Dark Side of the Moon” will occur on the weekend of May 4th, 2019. The event is being spearheaded by our respectable CSPAN and soon to be respectable Cobra Kia, both of whom will be 50 years young on the event, plus a few others. Like the Pink Floyd album, which claims to reflect various stages of life, begging and ending with a heartbeat, exploring the nature of human experience, this custom F3 event will not disappoint.

Here’s what you need to know on event details (available at this time):
Target Date: 5/4/19
Event Format: this will be a one of a kind GORUCK format including three (3) different event lengths into a single event, first a Heavy (24 hr event) group will launch, then 12 hrs later the Tough group will join in and then 6 hrs after that the Light group will join in. So, three launch times, one for each event but each group will join in the single event, such that all three groups finish the event as a single group of pax. The Heavy is 24 hrs in duration, the Tough group is 12 hrs and the Light group is 6 hrs.
Cadres: this a single event with two GORUCK Cadre, hand selected.
Patches: yes, there will be custom event patches! You will only each one (1) patch, you will a single patch for the event you sign up and complete, i.e. the Heavy, Tough or Light.
Location: will be Fort Mill or the surrounding area.
Event Cap: GORUCK has a cap of 60 total participants, the Heavy is capped at 30 participants.
Pricing: registration pricing has been set at $200 for Heavy, $125 for Tough, $75 for Light. Please note that the event is a flat fee charge from GORUCK, we do run the risk of under collecting costs, but based on interest expressed, that shouldn’t be a problem. Any funds collected above the flat fee charge from GORUCK, will be used for the required community service event, F3 patches and can either be refunded or donated with input from the PAX. Event pricing is in-line to GORUCK non-custom events.
Registration: there is a two-step registration process, you must complete both steps in order to register for this event,
Step 1 – send payment of the full amount via PayPal to WorldWide Leader, URL = https://www.paypal.me/JustinLaRoche
Step 2 – send an email to WordWide Leader at Justin.LaRoche@Duke-Energy.com that way I can confirm receive of payment and we will need your email address to provide communication and updates on the event.

Upon successful completion of registration, PAX will be added to the public list of event participants, all pax can see who is registered and who is not and apply EHing as necessary.

Hollar with any questions, concerns or ideas.

Aye, WWL
Twitter – @jclaroche2

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PRE BLAST F3 The Fort 6th Annual Invergence

Men of  The Fort,

On Friday, September 21st, we will celebrate 6 years of Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith in the Fort Mill area with our annual F3 Invergence party.   Bring a beverage, some food to share, and enjoy a relaxing evening with your brothers.   We’ll have presentations from your local leadership, take a look back at the previous year, and look ahead to what’s in store for 2019  F3 The Fort and F3 Nation.     This is the premier 2nd F event of the year so mark your calendars now,  and plan on being at Rush Pavilion on Friday night, September 21st.

This is a great FNG opportunity!

This is a Pax only event.  Make it up to your M and 2.0’s next weekend.
What:  Fort Mill Invergence (6th anniversary party)
When:  Friday, September 21, 5:30pm – 10:00pm
Where:  Bruce T. Rush Pavillion at the Anne Springs Greenway
Bring:  Food, drink, chair, cash (to cover the pavillion rental/donations to the F3 Foundation)
Please use the link below to RSVP and list what food you will bring:
6th year F3 The Fort Invergence Food Sign Up:




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Q v Q @ The Coop

Hear ye! Hear ye!

This October we have something special planned at The Coop. We will be doing a version of Q v Q. We have six great Q’s selected and prepared to deliver a noteworthy dose of pain. The rules will be simple. Each Q will be judged based off three criteria; Creativity, Best use of the AO, and best overall beatdown. Each PAX attending each workout will score each Q based out of maximum score of 5 points per category (15 points max). The winner will be determined from this based off the higher total between the two Qs.

The Q with the highest average score out of all the Qs will be given an automatic advancement to the finals as this will be a tournament style.


October 3rd – Dark Helmet v Spiderman

October 10th – Ginsu v Maximus

October 17th – Sasquatch v Jiffy

October 24th – 2nd highest pt total  v 3rd highest pt total

October 31st – Winner from previous week v Highest pt total


YHC will lead all the PAX in a standard, The Fort, Warmup lasting 5 minutes. The rest of the time will be split into 10 minute blocks and one of the Qs takes the first 10, the second taking the next 10, the 1st Q has to opportunity to respond, and finally the 2nd Q has their opportunity to respond.

But Wegmans, how will you determine the Q that goes first and the Q that goes second? Easy, the first of the scheduled Qs who show up to the AO first, gets to choice whether they go first or second.

After the 40 minutes are up, the PAX will quickly vote, we will carry the 1, and determine a winner.


These Qs will be competing for a Golden Egg to forever be known as the Best Q at The Coop.

Any changes will be communicated with the Qs and are subject to change.

Let the games begin!


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