
THE THANG: Pre-run optional then 6 hit Trails, 14 hit pavement
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas Party, Cold Weather Drive for WNC, & Read your newsletter
COT: Ball of Man-Closing Prayer

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The Kickoff of the Funhouse Farewell Tour

I am certain we warmed up.

It occurred to me as I sat to write this, that I have no idea (since it was a MONTH ago) what all we did that morning. I usually have a plan written out ahead that I either commit to memory, or will even shove a printout in my pocket to reference just in case. I didn’t do that this time. I know that I tried to call a few of the favorites of <@UGNDJBDU3> in his honor. I know we hit The Zipper and we definitely performed the Gonorrhea Burpee (because it has The Clap), but that’s all I really recall…

Now, the only person likely to read this is <@UGU3XR5RP>, but I just got painfully convicted about not writing Backblasts in a timely nor efficient manner. As I was looking back to see if I could find this weinke, I discovered that I have the BB from both my FNG post (administered by <@UN6U5PXNJ> and <@U08GGTLHL>) and from my VQ at The Armory.

<@U07QXBKKF5F> joined us as an FNG that morning. As it turns out, this came at a critical time in his life… and is hopefully blessing it. But, I failed him as a Q. He now does not have the enjoyment or blessing of being able to go back and read the report from his first post and reflect on that in the same way that I do. The first day I posted, I was sure I was going to die when Pusher said, “And now for the second half, I’ll hand this off to Jekyll”. I didn’t understand how the toughest workout I had ever done to that point in my adult life could have a SECOND HALF.

That’s a cherished memory. So, for Road Rash and every man after him, I commit to writing BackBlasts, making them interesting and timely, and hyping the reading of them after the fact. I also will attempt to persuade other men to do the same.

MARY: No chicks.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.

COT: The 5th Core Principle.

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Cindy is missing!!!

Did a warmup near shovel flag as we anticipated the arrival of our fearless Q. SSH, windmills, shoulder taps, Imperial Walkers and Peter Parker’s. Decided we would take a mosey down to the next stop for a few other exercise’s. Was headed to see Cindy but she was kidnapped so we had to improvise with rocks instead. Tricep extensions, curls, overhead presses and squats. 3 rounds of 20. Anchorman put us on a DORA with merkins, big boys and squats. With a few minutes left Old Bay gave us a wall sit exercise to round things out. Back to COT for ab lab led by the pax. Shorty will get another chance to redeem himself in the next few weeks. Peace out.

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Funhouse sendoff at the Pond

WARMUP: ran to Hardee’s, did SSH, planked, ran more. Ran down to city hall building.
THE THANG: 2 exercises at the city hall building, ran down to 4 way stop for 1 burpee (added 1 burpee each time we passed it, then up the hill to the parking lot for the same 2 exercises.

10 pushups (change pushups each time between diamonds, ranger, regular) and 10 double count flutters.

Last added part was to try and push your way up the hills just so you weren’t dialing it in.
MARY: got some hammers in, bicycles, more hammers
ANNOUNCEMENTS: CSPAN style positive vibes to Funhouse!
COT: like all of us when we’re in the flux, we go up and down just like the hills we ran today. Sometimes easier going down the hill, but that push and pull from another guy, and that guy to lean on and talk to when you need it, that’s the goal of leaving no man behind!

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We ran….at the running AO

WARMUP: counted off. Goal was to go just “one more” which may mean pushing up the hill or going 1 second faster than your normal pace.
THE THANG: Ran all the way to the end of market. All the way.
MARY: nope
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter, golf charity, bourbon fundraiser
COT: hurricane victims, health

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Mule Kick

WARMUP: SSH, WM, CP, HW, yoga-esque stretch
3+ rounds of 5 exercises with varied cadence to yield full body burn:
Flutter Press, Bicep Curls, Shrugs, OYO 25 Sumo Squats, OYO 25 KB Swings

Nur halfway up the hill, Run back (calf raises until 6 returns)

Uneven Merkins
Standing Side Crunch
OYO – 30 Goblet Squats
OYO – 30 Deadlifts

Nur halfway up the hill, Run back (calf raises until 6 returns)

American Hammers
Tricep Press
OYO – 20 Two Hand Clean Press
OYO – 50 Calf Raises

Nur halfway up the hill, Run back (calf raises until 6 returns)

MARY: Unfortunately
ANNOUNCEMENTS: see newsletter – golf outing, chili cookoff, keep WNC donations coming
COT: prayers for growth in times of suffering

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Massey Street Massacre

It was a gloomy and rainy day without the presence of lighting. So we decided to follow core principle #3. Disclaimer was disclaimed at 0512. Pledge of Allegiance at 0513. And we were off.

Briskly paced .5 mile lap up Main to Clebourne and back to Veteran’s Park
Karaoke and Side Shuffle across gravel lot and back

Start at the base of Massey St and mosey up to the Sisk Memorial Church Parking Lot
Upon arriving at the end of the lot each PAX was to do the following:

10 Merkins
20 Squats
30 LBCs

Out of the gate we all completed round one together, then I caught Spectre and Maximus’ shirt tails and they took the lead.


At this point Maximus took the lead while YHC grabbed my phone from the truck for documentation purposes. I believe there were box cutters, more box cutters, and American Hammers.



YHC has been MIA from the gloom, and that’s not atypical these days. Personally, I’d like to be in the gloom more but my concentrica has taken priority. And that’s OK. Prioritizing and executing on those rings of your concentrica is F3 101. Finding a healthy balance that doesn’t sacrifice those closest to you is the route you should take. After all, your family is your first ministry.

Funhouse – thank you for the opportunity to Q today.

Punch List out.

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