Slow and Intensional Dirty McDeuce

8 fine pax arrived at Pantheon ready for a beating.  As tempting at it was to pull out the bucket-o-pain for the second day in a row, YHC decided to reach way back in weinke history for a workout that was a favorite (perhaps?).  At any rate, near perfect workout weather, with the exception of it being just humid enough for there to be dew on the field.  No matter, plenty of options otherwise.

No new guys, but new faces to YHC (first time meeting BMT and Mousetrap – AYE!).  All were disclaimered and we set out for a mosey around the side of the school.

Warm up

  • SSH x40
  • Imperial Squat Walkers x20
  • Windmills x10
  • Peter Parkers x20
  • Flip over for dips x20
  • Mountain Climbers x20
  • Toy soldiers across parking lot
  • Lunges back
  • Shuffle left/right
  • Karaoke left/right

Run back to front of school

The Thang

We talked briefly (and throughout the workout) about the importance of being “attentional”; taking time to throughout the day to create some “white space”.  That’s where it’s often easiest to hear God’s voice.  To help appreciate how to slow down, the main exercises of this workout was a Slow Dirty McDeuce: 12 exercises, 12 slow reps each, taking a lap after every 3 exercises.

Round 1:

  • Wide-arm Merkins (3 count down, 1 count up)
  • Squats (3 count- down, 1 count up)
  • LBCs (3 count-up, 1 count down)

run lap
Round 2:

  • Dry Docks (3 count down, 1 count up)
  • Flutter Kicks (slow 4 count)
  • Calf Raises (3 count down, 1 count up)

run lap
Round 3:

  • Dips (3 count down, 1 count up)
  • Step Lunges – 12 each leg (3 count down, 1 count up)
  • Weezy Jeffersons  (3 count up, 1 count down)

run lap
Round 4 – this was done in Jack Webb style of 1 merkin, then 4 slow moroccan night clubs, then 4 squats then  2 merkins (then 8 and 8), etc.  We did this through 4 rounds

run lap and a half, and land back at COT.  I was sad we didn’t have time for the slow ladder in the field (everything in cadence, including slow bombjacks and 6-count burpees – next time!).

3 minutes left for a little Mary:

  • American Hammers
  • Skydiver
  • Pull the cord, then do moroccan night clubs, while on our bellies (stole that from CSPAN about 3 years ago).

Great job done by all!  Thanks FishSticks for the opportunity to lead!

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Alcatraz: Special Thx Uncle Sam VQ and Boss of Cake

I can’t even tell you really how many PAX came to Alcatraz for their DRP, because I thought I was a greeter at Walmart with all the men coming and then leaving it was a constant revolving door. Regardless, a majority of men got after it and with Uncle Sam making his VQ, we were all in for a treat. So after an attempt at introductions, disclaimers and usual office work, YHC handed it off to Uncle Sam.

The Thang:


  • Uncle Sam on Q:
We started off jogging to circle up on center field and warmed up the hipsters by shaking some Finkle Swings (5 reps/leg). 14 Moroccan Night Clubs followed up in a weird sequence since the VQ was stumbling into the rhythm.  The 18 Side Straddle Hops helped the inmates @ Alcatraz get the sensation that it was going to be easy but then they had to scrub the floors with some Annies (10 per arm).  24 Imperial Walkers and 24 Hillbillies thrusted them into Q’s arms.
  • Cake Boss on Q:
5 Burpees OYO
Mosey to the Playground for Mini Murph
Each PAX…no partner
1Lap around Park
50 Pullups
100 Merkins
150 Squats
1Lap around Park
Mosey to the Bball Courts count off 1’s and 2’s
1’s suicides
2’s Freddy Murcurys
flap jack
1’s suicides
2’s flutters
flap jack
Mosey to Hill behind Baseball field
Roll the dice of Pain, do the exercise, run the hill
10 Burpees, 10 Lunges, 10 LBCs, 10 Mountain Climbers
Hand off to Uncle Sam 
  • Uncle Sam on Q:
20 Groiners inspired a lot of grumbling  and some started crying “Parking lot!”, but we still had to do 24 LBCs and 8 Starfish Crunches to get our backs wet with the morning dew.  Partnered up we sprinted from base to base in the Baseball field as if we had hit a home run but stopped;ing for some Mountain Climbers at each base.  Inning was over and prisoners got to go back to their POD cell for some announcements, a lot of Turkey talk and a sweaty thanksgiving for all things good that come from SkyQ.
  • YHC spoke to the men about the “Real” things we are thankful about. Yes we all can be thankful for the obvious, but what are the things that when you realize how grateful you are you get emotional and it makes you want to be a better man. We need to focus on those things when life gets tough. When things and expectations are not going our way….and realize….that thing that makes us realize Sky Q loves me and my brothers are standing with me and everything will be fine!
  • Thanksgiving convergence
  • Christmas Party
  • Joe Davis Run
  • The Rooster CSAUP in Rock Hill


Thank you Senator for the opportunity!

Cake Boss & Uncle Sam

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The under appreciated ruck & boot camp combo pack

Conditions clear and very cold…around 33 degrees at kickoff


Quick discussion on the combo workout and modify as needed

and walk off…about half had rucks…make large pile of rucks…near Office depot


Partner up

Partner 1 run .33 mile, partner 2 does exercises…and then flapjack

Round one ruck curls, ruck upright rows, ruck curls, ruck upright rows…each partner got 4 turns at running…mumblechatter stalled…it started to suck…so as a good Q, I made bad into worse…

Partner 1 run .33 with ruck (crowd pleaser) while other partner exercises…and then flapjack

Round two squats, LBC, squats, LBC

Mumblechatter quickly turned into “bitching”…

Same partner, smaller lap, flying squirrels for each

Mosey to COT area

60 seconds of flying squirrels

COT/ Prayer or praise/ BOM

14 #HIM went inside for Romans 13



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Colombia Mission Trip Sendoff @ The Ranch 9-7-17

On a cool morning in early September, the men of The Fort gathered together to support the group of 12 men that answered the call to serve those in need in Colombia.

Mosey to the soccer field

The Warm-up (VQ led by Skinny Jeans)

  • 20 4-count side straddle hops 
  • 15 4-count windmills
  • 10 4-count Merkens
  • 15 4-count mountain climbers
  • 20 low slow squats
  • 8 burpees OYO

Mosey to the football field

The Thang

Markers set up every 25 yards on the football field from endzone to endzone. PAX will start from one endzone and run from marker to marker and do the following exercises (below) at each. They will then run on the track back to the starting point.

  • 10 merkins, 2 burpees
  • back to start – LBCs for six
  • 10 Carolina DD, 2 burpees
  • back to start – flutter for six
  • 10 squats, 2 burpees
  • back to start – American Hammer for six
  • 10 bomb jacks, 2 burpees
  • back to start – freddy mercury for six
  • 10 dips, 2 burpees
  • back to start – heels to heaven for six
  • 10 lunges (5 per leg), 2 burpees
  • back to start -diamond LBCs for six
  • 2 burpees per marker

Mosey to COT

Today we focused on the 12 men that are leaving tomorrow to serve in Colombia. We had the privilege of hearing the reasons why each of them have been called to serve during todays workout and then pray over them at the close. We are all lucky to have these men as our brothers and will continue to pray for them as they make their way abroad.

As mentioned in COT, each of us were blessed with passion for certain causes and influence to impact them. Find your passion and your calling and answer that call, whatever it may be.


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Windjammer Glory Run

Record breaking 16 PAX at Tempo.  Dash to Windjammer and Back was The Thang.  Lots of 2ndF during the 1stF with a 3rdF pause in the middle to give thanks to Sky Q at the Windjammer Dock.


View post on


Aging Parents, Marriages, Job Situations.

Much thanks given to Sky-Q at the dock this morning… Praise to the King.



G-Fit tomorrow at 1900

CAH Guidance Saturday Sept 2 at 1600

Invergence Sept 29th

Read Your Newsletter

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Round Robin


Sasquatch led us through his standard warm up. Then mosey to the parking lot right in front of the church for the main thing.

Complete an exercise from the Weinke and then run a lap around the parking lot. Exercises as follows:

25 Kettlebell Swings

20 Merkins

20 Squats

20 Hillbilly Press (10/ side) (press the kettle bell up and on the way down, lift leg on that side up like hillbilly walker)

20 LBCs

30 Curls (15/arm)

20 Skull Crushers

20 Calf Raises

20 American Hammers

After we wrapped up all these exercises we did 10 minutes of Pax-led Mary. This was a good workout and I was grateful for the opportunity.

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Well Rounded

11 Men, one of them a 2.0, descended on Pantheon with a Boot Camp gleam in their bleary eyes. YHC wanted to take them out of their comfort zone.

The Thang
Structured Running workout for first half:
6 Min Warm Up around the “track” with various warm up routines

  • Karaoke (both sides)
  • Butt Kickers
  • High Knees
  • Side Shuffle

5 Min build at ~ 9 min pace to prep for the main event
4x Repeats:

  • 1 minute slow run/walk
  • 30 seconds AYG

5 Min cooldown at ~ 9 min pace

After the run, which completed with a mosey to the back side of the AO, we hit COP for some dynamic stretching to loosen the muscles from the run:

  • Windmills
  • Potato Pickers
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Honeymooner/Downward Dog Combo

Line up on the sideline of the basketball court

  • Burpee Broad Jump Across the Court and Crabwalk Back
  • Inchworm across the Court and Bear Crawl Back

Mosey to swings, split into 2 groups for 3 rounds of:

  • 20 Swing Crunches
  • 10 Pull Ups

Mosey around AO, including some toy soldiers to 6MOM with:

  • Flutter
  • Freddy Mercuries
  • American Hammer

Close out with BOM

As I thought about the Weinke last night, I decided that I wanted to expose the PAX to some structured run workout training, as most likely haven’t done much of that. There is a funny story that Dredd will tell about an opportunity he had to train with the French Foreign Legion while he was in Special Forces. Basically he was extremely strong and, he assumed, fit when he went over. The French told him he’d never survive their training because he was too big. They commenced to show him that constant movement will show you real fitness, not just how much you can pick up. He barely made it through and many of his team didn’t actually make it through this training, despite being “big and strong”. This, among other things, created perspective for a well rounded fitness routine, e.g. the prototypical “Pearls on a String” workout you will hear about.

I’ve been running a ton lately and have really seen improvement since I’ve started to introduce this into my routine. Many PAX will sign up for an event and log a bunch of miles (unless you are Cornhole) in prep for a race, but it is just repeating the mileage. I believe that to get better, you need to have a well rounded routine, not just repeating the same old workout over an over. That’s the motivation behind today’s workout. In all things, getting out of your comfort zone is a way to grow… to get better.

Honor to Serve.

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10 Pax at Alcatraz worked Barefoot on the dirt on Speed, Balance and Agility to strengthen Tendons, Ligaments and Joints.

Warmup by CakeBoss – lined up in Runde Outfield for Alternate Cardio and Body Weight Exercises.  Multi-Speed Running, High Knees Shuffles, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters, Hillbilly Imperial Walkers, Wall Sits w/Arm Presses.

The Thang by BearGrylls – moved to Runde Infield and partnered up.  REMOVED SHOES.  Moved Pax to each base for an exercise performed barefoot alternately in slow/fast speed by partners at each base.

  1. – Jump Knee Tucks – Plyo Merkin – Dynamic Lunge – Wrestler Sit Out – CROC CRAWL TO NEXT BASE – 5 One Arm Burpees/L – 8 BURPEES – one arm/one leg.
  2. – 180 Squat Jumps – Bug Jumpers – 1 Leg Squats – Crab Walkers – IMPERIAL WALKER JOG TO NEXT BASE– 5 One Arm Burpees/R – 8 BURPEES – one arm/one leg.
  3. Dynamic Lunge – Plank Kickout – Side Squat Jump – Donkey Kick – INCHWORM TO NEXT BASE – 8 BURPEES – one arm/one leg.
  4. Plank Side Thrust – Side Straddle Hops – Plank Arm Circles – Peter Parker Merkin – BEAR CRAWL – 8 BURPEES – one arm/one leg.

Discussed the themes of Freedom and Discipline.

Prayers:  Cakebosses Sister In Law Cancer Remission and for wisdom for his and my relationships with our brothers.  Prayers for wisdom and guidance for our principals and parents as the kids are starting school.


State law trivia

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