Sparkplug’s 4 Corners + Coupons

The morning was actually pleasant.  Upper 60’s, a slight breeze, and no active rain…to start.   Sparkplug was on Q and had Twister bring a trunk load of coupons!  Started out with a partner carrying a coupon in a mosey down to the corner of the restaurant row, Then off to the parking lot for some warm-up.

Mosey around to the far side of Lowes for some wall sits, bear crawls, and a few other things.

Then Mosey back up to the restaurant row where there were 4 exercises listed for each corner.  We counted off in 4’s and each started at our own corner, going clockwise around the building.  It was a great full body workout!  Rain started somewhere during the first cycle, but it was pleasant, not a hindrance. Plus, we got wet on the parking lot when Sparkplug called for LBC’s and Freddy Mercury’s during the initial warm-up!

We even had one of Fort Mill’s finest from the police department stop to check us out.  Spitz did his best to EH him…he seemed interested, but Spitz said he would stalk him to make sure he came out ;-).

Finished up, and partnered up to carry the coupons back up to COT.

Great job to Sparkplug for the Q today!  I have to be honest…I really just wanted to hear him talk for the full 45 minutes ;-).

Smithers, out

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Sandbag bootcamp

Mosey around the parking lot with toy soldiers and butt kickers.  Then circle up for SSH, honey lookers, morrracan night club and to finish off the warm-up 5 burpees.

After the warm-up YHC had all the Pax grab the sand bags and move down to the football field where we did the following with a partner.

Start at one end zone and move down the field by throwing the bag.  Do one merkin after each throw until reaching the 10, then add one merkin for every 10 yds.

Second exercise: Pax 1 – monkey humpers,  Pax 2 walking lunges to the 10.  Switch every 10 yds.

3rd exercise: Both pax grab one side of the sand bag and walk to the 10.  Curl and press up. (+1 for every 10 yds)

4th exercise: team up with another group and team one will run with sand bag between them to the end zone and back.  Other team is doing American Hammers until they get back.  Switch

5th exercise: Pax 1 – CDC, Pax 2 overhead carry for 20 yds.  Switch and keep moving to end zone

After completing last exercise we ran out of time so we moseyed back COT.  It was a pleasure to lead and I appreciate all the Pax that showed up and willing to try something new.



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Long Route to COT

17 PAX on this 43 deg morning

Warmup: 1 Burpee, SSH, 2 Burpees, Moroccan Night Clubs, 3 Burpees, Imperial Walkers, 4 Burpess, Hillbilly Walkers, 5 Burpees

Wave Merkins to 10, Wave Grave Diggers to 10 followed by a few sprints at 50%, 75%, and AYG

Jacob’s Ladders

Set 1: Carolina Dry Docks 1 to 7 with bear crawl down; Jump Lunges 7 to 1 with sprint back

Set 2: Jump Squats 1 to 7 with long jumps down; Mtn Climbers 7 to 1 with sprint back

Set 3: LBCs 1 to 7 with sprints down; Bomb Jacks 7 to 1 with sprint back

Mosey other parking lot.  Here the “we’re going the wrong way” chatter begins.  Partner 1: Merkins while Partner 2: scales half wall, touches building and back x5

Finish with wall sits, last man to front through all PAX, then BTW for 2 ten-counts

COT… We prayed for families, marriages, and comfort in sickness.

Always honored to Q.

Rocks Out

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Remembering Pearl Harbor

As a son/grandson of military servicemen and a cousin in active duty as a graduate of the USNA, it is a privilege and honor to show respect to our  men who are and have served our country for the right to be living here. My grandfather served in WWII as an air force bomber mechanic and hearing stories of his time serving during the war made a early impression on my. If it wasn’t for my birth defect, I too would have been serving this country with my dream of attending the USNA. That didn’t happen, of course. So I always jump on an opportunity to Q on a historical day in military history. Seeing that it is the day Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, I dusted off my off my college history books and incorporate some statistics into the WO.

COP consisted of good mornings, windmills, mumble chatter as Twister drove off to lead a RGH/Cary PAX to the WO site – welcome Pet Sounds – squats, jumping jacks, and merkins.

Mossy to bottom of hill. Run the hill 3 times. top of hill do 20 merkins each round and 20 LBCs at bottom for first two rounds, then only 10 LBCs at bottom on third round. Reason is that this totals 110 – Japan attacked Pearl Harbor or 110 minutes on Dec 7.

45 V sit-ups, Japan attacked in 2 waves, 45 minutes apart from each other. Mossy to entrance of FMHS football stadium.

PAX did 2 burpees, 3 merkins, 3 burpees, 5 squats. This is 2,335, which represents the number of US soldiers killed on Pearl Harbor (I knew we couldn’t do 2,335 burpees, so modified).

Mossy into FMHS football stadium and line up on the sideline. Army crawl to first hash and tighten up for some Navy Seal sit ups!! Army crawl back to sideline. Mossy to bleachers and run the stairs (since the midshipmen had to run up stairs -ladder per twister – in the battleships to man the guns) three rounds with 10 squats at the top each round. Mossy to fence. Lay on the 6, hands outstretched grabbing the fence. Feet 6 inches off ground and raise feet to fence for 20 OYO.

Mossy to parking lot, partner up. Partner 1 runs to end of parking lot, Partner 2 does exercise.

Round one was 353 LBCs – Japan used 353 airplanes to attack Pearl Harbor.

Round two was 230 squats – Japanese Navy was 230 miles west of Hawaii staging the attack

Round three, which we didn’t finish was  188 arm claps. 188 US airplanes were destroyed that day

Finished with 8 burpees – 8 battleships were destroyed, 2 sunk after the fact, Arizona being the most notably.


One more thing about Pearl Harbor day, Japan attacked on a Sunday morning assuming that we wouldn’t be on alert, we would be relaxed and at church. We shouldn’t have to honor or remember our fallin’ and active brothers on historic days, we should always honor and thank them everyday. If you ever get a chance to visit Honolulu, you MUST visit the Pearl Harbor memorial. Of all the places i have traveled, it will not only take your breath away, it will take your breath away for eternity.

Read your newletter

Prayers to marriages, injured, travels for holidays and those hurting during the holidays


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Spork and Knife

19 at Laces In, 6 passed on the fun and went Laces Out.

It was nice to break out of the norm and Q at Laces In, thanks Rebel for telling us where it was.

The Thang:

Anchorman Lead:

Mosey around the student parking lot and circle up. SSH x 20, Slow Merkin x 10, Imperial Walker x 20, other misc warm up exercises x 15(ish).

Burpee See-Saw, partner up, one burpee, other burpee, and back and forth x 10 each.

SPORK, one partner runs, the other exercises, combine count.
Squat x100
Peter Parker Peter x 100
Overhead claps x 100
Rosalie x 100
donkey Kicks x 100

Message about Awareness …

Hand off to Barry Manilow:

Jonah Hill (3 broad jump, 3 merkins x 7 times)
Mosey back near the start and find some soft grass
HR Merkins x 15
Low SS x 20
Kneetar Jai x 10
OH Claps x 50
Mahktar Jai x 12
Pause Squats x 10 (hold down for 2 extra seconds each time)
Alt Lunge x 10
Dying Cockroach x 20
JACK WEBB to 10/40
Moroccan NC x 50
Shoulder taps x 15
LBC x 15
Scorpion DD x 10 x 2

Great time, thanks for the opportunity.

Looks like we made it,

Anchorman, Barry Manilow


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F3 The Fort Thanksgiving Convergence 2017

70 Men came today to burn calories so they can eat whatever they want the rest of the day. Ok, maybe that was my reasoning, but most came because the know in order to get better, even in being Gratful, it is best when being challenged by your brothers. We all came to get better and realize this great thing we have called F3 and give thanks!
Santini Opening with warm up both physically and mentally with some leadership principles
Split off into the various groups!
4 went for for a Run
  • Drile (F3-Wapner)
    Mozy to the front of SFES, high knees, toy soldiers, Butt kickers, and Knees to chest.
    Mozy to front of SFMS, circled up…Side straddle hop, Merkins, Cherry Pickers, and Moroccan Nightclub
    Mozy to SFMS bus loop …high knees, toy soldiers, Butt kickers, and Knees to chest.
    Circled up.. Flutter Kicks and Low Slow Squats, America Hammer and Low Slow Squats, Merkins and Windmills, mountain climbers and windmills
    Mozy to back of SFES, circled up…Peter Parker’s and Side Straddle Hop, Plank and windmill, shoulder taps and Low Slow Squats, LBCs and Moroccan Nightclub
    Then rinse and repeated the above sequence…before joining the other groups at COT
    Lil E—Bootcamp Q
    Mosey to the parking lot in the rear of school and circle up. SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Squats
  • The thang
    • 10 cones set up in a line spaced about 10 paces apart. Each cone had an exercise and rep count on them. Do exercises on the first cone and run a lap of the parking lot. Once you complete the lap do the first cone and the second cone and then run a lap. Repeat this adding the next cone until all 10 are complete. Here were the exercises in order from first to last:
    • Burpees x 10
    • Bombjacks x 10
    • LBCs x 25
    • Merkins x 20
    • Jump Squats x 10
    • Flutter kicks x 40
    • CDDs x 20
    • Lunges x 20
    • Mtn Climbers x 20
    • Monkey Humpers x 20

Majority of the pax finished in the Lunges lap with a few speedsters out in front on the mtn climbers. Mosey back to the front of the school for some Freddy Mercury’s and Rosalitas.

After that met up with the Moderate and Black diamond groups for COT.

Everyone put out great effort today and really pushed themselves.


Witch Hunt—Black Diamond Q

Not even a trip to the hospital the night before with a pregnant wife could keep me away from this Thanksgiving workout. Shout out to Royale and Cha Ching for stepping up to help me out. Luckily I made it and we put in work.
We stared by counting off by 4 creating 4 teams.
Each team will compete to complete as many burpees as possible in 2-minutes with a catch. You can only do 10 at a time before you most complete 20 reps of ab exercise. 2 rounds:
1.) Burpees with LBCs (Somehow Bounce House was able to do 50 burpees. That dude is not human.)
2.) Burpees with Knee Tuck with crunchy frogs
Winners plank while losers perform 10 Kraken Burpees.
Blood was flowing so we moseyed to the hill by the middle school for some broken down burpees. Catch was that we had 20 minutes for everyone to complete. If everyone doesnt finish within the time then group does 25 Burpees.
Here was the setup:
Run Hill 10 times. (1 Hill Run = Up & Down)

5 Squat Jumps
5  Plank w\ Shoulder Taps
5 Merkins
5 Froggers
5 Squat Jumps

Run Hill 8 times.

10 Squat Jumps
10 Plank w\ Shoulder Taps
10 Merkins
10 Froggers
10 Squat jumps

Run Hill 6 times.

15 Squat Jumps
15 Plank w\ Shoulder Taps
15 Merkins
15 Froggers
15 Squat jumps

Run Hill 4 time.

20 Squat Jumps
20 Plank w\ Shoulder Taps
20 Merkins
20 Froggers
20 Squat jumps

Run Hill 2 time

25 Squat Jumps
25 Plank w\ Shoulder Taps
25 Merkins
25 Froggers
25 Squat jumps

With some great teamwork by the Pax everyone completed within the 20 minutes so no penalty was given.

I attempted to have Backdraft give us a 10-count however  he responded “There are no 10 counts during the Black Diamond.” So no 10 count and a quick mosey back to the parking lot for the 10 Minute 100 Burpee Challenge:

Complete 10 1-minute rounds of burpees in the following set scheme. Any time left over in the round is yours for rest. (typically PAX finish the set between 25 and 40 seconds)

Rd1- 8

Rd2- 9

Rd3- 10

Rd4- 11





Rd9- 9

Rd10- 8

Total – 100

Amazing work by all the Pax. I didn’t pull any punches with this setup for the Black Diamond and the Pax took it on without hesitation. We all survived and are better for it.

Thanks to Ginsu and Cake Boss for the opportunity to lead.

Pusher with closing remarks and finding #Victory 

Prayers & Praises

Thank you F3 The Fort

Cake Boss

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Wally World and Baxter Neighborhood Run

I am missing one from this of PAX with us. Sorry about that. Tweet me the name if someone know it.

Yes. As usual. We ran. Some slower than others. Some further than others. Sticking to the Clydesdale tradition: multiple routes, speeds and experience levels.

Please keep the prayers mentioned on your mind. Families at Thanksgiving. Travels. The medical issues, and Sweeper’s upcoming exams at USC

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!

TClap |

Santini has all but signed off of Twitter.  He prefers to “call” people and meet them “face to face”.  Pssshhhhhh. Whatever that is…  Therefore he did not see my Q assignment a few months ago and was unavailable to my reminder yesterday.  I tried a couple of Q replacements but no dice… Insert AO site Q.

Cold but not as cold as Monday.  At one point I thought McGuyver was going to go shirtless.  Lawd!  Strong 1st F Pax: McGuyver, Handy Manny, Javert, STH, Greenwave.

The Thang

  • Stretchy stretcherson
  • Lungwalk 15 yards, run 15 yards,
  • Squat walk same
  • SSH, IW, Merkins, CDD

Wheel of Fire

  • 8 cones each with an exercise set equidistant from the center.  That’s right, equidistant.  About 25 yards.  Pax will do exercise on cone, bearcrawl to center, perform 10 burpees, run out to the next one.  Rinse/repeat until complete.
    • 15 merkins
    • 30 lunges
    • 25 LBC
    • 25 Carolina Dry Docks
    • 30 X&O
    • 25 Squat
    • 25 Flutter kicks
    • 25 Plank Punches
  • 3 sets of 30 seconds step ups
  • 5 sets of sprints
  • Wheel of Fire- 5 burpees in middle, half number of reps on cone.


Naked Man Moleskin

Q’s:  this is good Mumblechatter and 2ndF builder through 1st F Pain.  You’re all pretty close together, its constant movement and relationships are built through pain which there is plenty of here.  Consider adding some tunes or blue tooth speaker in the middle.

Holidays can be equally great and tough.  Remember there can be a lot of pain- and I don’t mean your “pain in the ass in-laws”.  Some folks are really hurting, missing deceased loved ones or just lonely sad clowns.  count your blessings and for Pete’s sake- just say yes ma’am now through the weekend.  A whole lot smoother, I promise.


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Campus Tour

10 joined YHC for a tour of the campus, while 5 others showed up a little earlier and ran in circles.

The Thang

Brief Mosey over to the smooth pavement for COP and the following exercises:

SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Merkins, Mtn Climbers, Squats, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters, Sumo Squats.

Mosey around to the front of the school for some ascending curb crawl. Perform 1 derkin, bear crawl to other side and do 2 derkins, bear crawl back for 3 derkins. Continue until you get to 11.

A couple quick sets of abs to catch our breath and mosey to the side of the school for 3 rounds of people’s donkey balls. Each round was 20 sec wall sit, 10 donkey kicks oyo, 10 sec balls to wall.

Mosey to the big hill at the front school entrance. Round of 7s. We did burpees at the bottom and squats at the top

We began our mosey back towards COT, but before we made it stopped in the big parking lot. Lined up on curb and sprinted the 25ish yards to the first light pole. Repeato about 5 more times.

Finish mosey back to start point for a few mins of Mary before meeting up with the LacesOut crew. Really great work from all involved.




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