Extra Heavy BEYOND – It’s more than a Workout

For those of you that know me and my workouts, there typically isn’t a whole lot of “messages” as I try to make it all about business.  However, this time around, I focused on delivering a message that meant a ton to me and my journey, but also hopefully sparking something in the hearts of the pax.  Let’s get w/ it:

Quick mosey over to the lit side of a building w/ plenty of heavy objects for the Pax to worry about while we did our warm-up.  It was short and sweet:

Wide Grip Merkins x10 (in cadence), followed by Diamond Merkins x10 (in cadence) followed by Merkins x10 (in cadence) – nothing like 60 push-ups to get us started.  From there it was all about sitting on our six and stretching so I could focus on the first part of the message.

I asked the Pax who had figured out their marriage and felt they are their spouses were 100% aligned – crickets.  Next question – Who has ever confused “being a provider” with being a good husband?  A few hands went up.  Well I can surely attest to that, and I’m a changed man because of it.  Without going into too many details, I let my priorities get so out of order that I lost my connection w/ my wife.  And it took an act of courage on her part and some serious gut checks to remind me of what matters.  In order, work took the most from me, got home, spent what little time I had w/ my kids (which was basically putting them down to bed), F3 probably got the next sliver (my mornings) and my wife got what was left.  That equated to nothing really, maybe some shallow conversations, tiredness from me, tiredness from her.  This went on for far too long until a late night conversation already past my bedtime lasted 3 hours.  It hit me like a ton of bricks  – our connection was nonexistent and it was time to get it back.

Next up – Heavy a$$ tabata stations.  6 stations, each had two different exercises, 2 pax per station.  40 seconds on, 20 seconds rest.

1a:  Coupon – 40 lb metal chain, Exercise – Jump Squats (wrap that chain around your shoulders / neck)
1b:  Coupon – 2 25 lb bags of metal pellets, Exercise – Curls

2a:  Coupon:  80 lb tree (I’m not kidding), Exercise – Man Makers (good luck)
2b:  Coupon:  30 lb tree or 40 lb stump, Exercise – Lunge Jumps (could swap any coupons for either exercise)

3a:  Coupon:  Cinderblock, Exercise – wood choppers
3b:  Coupon:  Cinderblock, Exercise – v sits (press cindy then touch toes pointed high w/ cindy)

4a:  Coupon:  50 lb bags of limestone, Exercise – shoulder press
4b:  Coupon:  50 lb bags of limestone, Exercise – flutters w/ push press

5a:  Coupon:  none, Exercise – vert wall w/ chalk (vertical jumps on brick wall – use chalk for first jump, mark your high mark and then spend the rest of the time trying to touch that line)
5b:  Coupon:  none, Exercise – bear crawl the perimeter

6a:  Balls to the Wall hold 40 seconds
6b:  Single Leg Wall Sit (20 sec each leg)

Mini break w/ continuation of the message – well the night of the “revelation” from my wife or what I call my re-awakening, I had a flashback so randomly of something CSPAN once said at a workout 2 years before.  It wasn’t random, because it was so fitting, but I honestly hadn’t thought about it in a long time.  It was the bullseye theory of prioritization that I clearly lost containment on.  My bud Witchhunt also helped me a few months back w/ some podcasts to listen to around time management.  Both pointed to the same tactical response – God gets your first.  That’s it.  So my wife and I got tactical – we committed to God and to each other to spend the first 45 minutes of every day together, reading God’s word.  Since that night, we have read together almost every morning (and the couple that we missed we text each other when we can catch up w/ reading and explain what we got out of it) independently the same reading plan, journal independently, but then share what God spoke to each of us.  When you share what spoke to you, you really hear what is going on with each other.  You hear each other’s real time emotions, real worries, real anxieties, what’s ahead, what’s behind us.  I can honestly say I feel closer and more aware of my wife’s true feelings that I ever did in the 13 years we’ve been dating / married.


We didn’t have a ton of time, so I ran the pax over to a wide open parking lot that had already been set up w/ cones.  An old fashioned football drill I remember doing from double session conditioning.  SNAKES.

One after the other –
Sprint 40 yards, side shuffle right 40 yards, back pedal your butt off 40 yards, side shuffle left 40 yards, sprint 40 yards, side shuffle left 40 yards, back pedal 40 yards, side shuffle right to starting point 40 yards.

I finished my message w/ something that was another a-ha moment w/ my wife about 6 months ago – a small group we did on a series called “Love & Respect”.  In a nut shell it taught us how God wired men and women differently.  Women need love; men need respect.  Not respect in a sexist, egotistical way, but our emotions are clearly influenced by when respect is given or clearly not.  Application – it’s all about how we talk to each other.  Always ask yourself if you’re the husband – did what I say come out in a loving way?  If not, you may want to apologize in advance and say exactly that (ie. I’m sorry honey – I clearly didn’t say that in the most loving way.  That’s not what I meant…).   Most times it’s not what we said, it’s how we said it.  Intent was harmless, the delivery was just not loving.  Same goes for the wife – instead of doing what most men do when they get angry and walk away, we should say, “I feel like what you said was not very respectful”.  More times than not, your wife will realize that was the case and apologize before anything gets out of hand.  Avoid the vicious cycles – husband gets mad, they walk away / internalize everything, they get distant, distance to the wife is clearly unloving, she gets more mad, results in her snapping at you and being disrespectful.  Repeat, repeat, repeat.  Avoid this and be loving men.  That’s all she wants.

RINSE AND REPEAT the SNAKES – only this time, double the distance for each direction.  Fun.

Made it back to COT 2 minutes late but the pax were cool w/ it.  Announcements, prayers for all the senseless violence the last couple days (peach stand, York county officers, kentucky school victims) and for vision / direction on those ideas / things that enter your life and you clearly know you need to do something w/ it.  Huge thanks to Maximus for asking me to lead this workout so early in it’s existence.  I really appreciate it man and I hope my experience can help some guys out there repriortiize and grow closer to their wives.


TClap |

Ruck to Honor Master Deputy II Micheal Robert Doty

Lift your rucks up and hold them over your head.  Let’s take a moment to understand what we are here for today.

Yesterday I attended the celebration of life for York County Sheriff’s Duty Mike Doty.  I heard story after story about a man who took his work, family and friends with an equal level of seriousness.  This seriousness was driven by a passion to help people.  Whether it was a complete stranger, a family member, or a friend he was there without question and, as was pointed out, without a complaint.

One story told by his pastor was how he liked to look good.  I can tell you first hand, this is true, as I remember the day I met him in what I think was the winter of 2007.

My brother in law joined the Fort Mill Police Department in 2007 and two of the first friends he made were twin brother Chris and Mike Doty.  They were both intentional about welcoming him into the police family.  I quickly learned just how blurry the lines become between the PD, Sheriff’s Office, and the Highway Patrol.  This was primarily from what I witnessed in the actions of Mike and Chris Doty.  I hung out a fair amount with Chris, but did not have the opportunity to get to know Mike largely due to the shift he worked.  However, I remember the day I met Mike when he showed up to a small party I was attending with my brother in law and Chris.  Mike was on duty so he was in uniform and it being the winter he had on a beanie.  I specifically remember him being happy with his beanie because as he said it, “it matched the color of the uniform.”  I didn’t know why I remembered that tiny detail until yesterday.

This tiny detail is an example of how Mike approached everything.  Most of us would have simply grabbed a black beanie and been happy with warm ears, but not Mike.  He took things that extra mile.  This clearly carried forward into the impact he had on our community.  His intense passion for stopping underage drinking and drug abuse was a topic I heard more than once yesterday and have read about in news reports.  One specific example shared was a story shared by York County Sheriff Kevin Tolson about Mike’s focus on the opioid crisis we have today.  Again, not doing anything halfway, Mike initiated the York County Narcan program which trains officers to recognize opioid overdoses and take measures to reverse the effects.

I shared these thoughts with the PAX at the beginning of the workout all the while holding our rucks over our heads.  The focus for day is Mike Doty and like Mike we would not do anything halfway.  We would do reps based on numbers in Mike’s life and we would do them with an attention to detail and in good form.

With the rucks still over our head we would start where Mike’s life began.  Mike and Chris Doty were born on February 2, 1980. 

Birth 2/2/1980

  • 2 Overhead Squats
  • 2 Ruck Thrusters
  • 19 Merkins
  • 80 Single Count Flutter Kicks 

12 Years of Service & 37 Years of Life

Next we focused on the years in Mike’s life that were the source of the stories and the man Mike was.  Mike lived a full, impactful 37 years and gave 12 years of service to the Sheriff’s Office.  To honor these years, we covered the entire parking lot in front of Harris Teeter with a fast paced burn for 30 minutes.  For the run, we carried our rucks either with straps on our chest, by the handles, or if you are Rad, over your head since we were apparently lacking in shoulder work.

  • 12 Man Makers
  • Run 100 Yards (Carry Ruck)
  • 37 Ruck Swings
  • Run 100 Yards (Carry Ruck)
  • 12 Squats
  • Run 100 Yards (Carry Ruck)
  • 37 Bent Over Rows
  • Run 100 Yards (Carry Ruck)
  • 12 Merkins
  • Run 100 Yards (Carry Ruck)
  • 37 Ruck Curls

Speed Ruck back to the start and complete the series a second time.

At this point we were all completely smoked, but not done.  We then turned to the day that the people of York County will not forget.  The day that as tragic, anger and sadness inducing as it was, also brought a ton of beauty to our region.  Detective Mike Doty’s passing was the birth of a showing of support for our first responders that many of us have not seen in some time.  It comes in the wake of a treatment towards our officers that simply does not line up with the appreciation those that put their lives on the line deserve.

End of Watch 1/17/2018

  • 1 Bear Crawl (100yds)
  • 17 Merkins
  • 20 Overhead Presses
  • 18 Squats

Lastly we concluded by recognizing Detective Mike Doty’s badge number. I really wish we had a full hour, because to do this justice we needed to do 809 reps of something.  However, given we only had three minutes left we did the following.

Badge number 809

  • 80 Flutter Kicks with the ruck over head
  • 9 LBCs with the ruck over head

Thank you to the PAX who posted today for giving it everything you had!  We all went into this knowing that a 45 minute workout would never live up the level of respect we have or the tribute that we would truly love to pay; which is why everyone was crawling toward the end.  It was HARD but it should be when you attempt to honor a man like Detective Mike Doty.

We will continue to lift up the Doty family in our prayers.  We also continue to pray for the quick recovery of Sergeant Randy Clinton, Sergeant Buddy Brown, and Officer Kyle Cummings.  May the Lord watch over our first responders and keep them safe as they do daily for us.  Thank you to all of you for what you do daily and know that the men of F3 Back the Blue!

TClap |

A runner Qs a Bootcamp

We had 7 Bootcampers and 6 Ruckers, the Ruckers were lead by Spiderman, the all looked like they were having a great time and they all thanked Spiderman for being so graciously easy on them(actually I just totally made that up. They all looked terrible)  Thankfully the rain stopped and the disclaimer was given and the Ruckers walked off while the BC guys started right in on a warm up routine of Squats, Jump Ropes(simulated), Lunge Walks, Toy Solders, Karaoke, etc.. Being sufficiently warm we moseyed to the back of HT and circled up for a little Hip & Leg work.

COP – Single Leg Quarter Squats, The Clam Shell(yes it’s a little awkward), Jane Fonda, Front leg lifts, The thigh master, Flutters and some Merkins just for fun.  Now that our hips and legs are ready to run lets go.

The Thang – Mosey to the bottom of the hill by the new apartments, educate the newbies about the hill that used to be there and how no GC workout was complete with out it. The new hill is paved nicer a little longer and not quite as step but it is still worthy of being run up and down several times.  The Q chose to do a round of 11s with LBCs at the bottom and Carolina Dry Docks at the top.  The Pax did great and nobody got lapped by Jedi. Next we were off to the back of the Oil Change place for another round of 11s with dips and derkins, an audible needed to be called as I noticed you can’t run around the Oil Chang place anymore, you have to take a much longer route around the Auto Parts store too. Oh well, everyone agreed that more running was better. We had to cut this sort of 11 due to the longer run, so we headed back to COT.  With 2 minutes still on the clock I made the mistake of asking Jedi for an Ab exercise and he delivered with some terrible rocking thing that I hope to avoid in the future.

Announcements- The Yeti & read your Newsletter

Prayers/Praises – Prayers for the family of the fallen Police Officer, and Praises for how the community has come together to support Law Enforcement.

A Brief challenge to remember Beginnings, and to remember that God’s Mercies are new every morning.


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4 non-rooster HIM’s got put to work

For the non-roosters, 4 HIM stepped up at WEP for a brisk hour-long tour of Fort Mill parking lots.

Parking Lot 1:
-15 American Hammers
-20 Flutter Kicks
-20 Hello Dolly

Parking Lot 2:
-15 Shoulder Taps
-15 Knee Taps from Crab Walk Position
-10 Peter Parker
-10 Parker Peter

Backwards Run up hill, sprint down

Parking Lot 3:
-Adult Duck Duck Goose (Lutefisk educated PAX that the game is actually called Duck Duck Grey Duck). Whilst all PAX jogging in place, in a circle, 1 HIM ran around the circle twice. Each passing by, the HIM passed does a squat, then back to jogging in place.

Parking Lot 4:
-The Merkin Wave x15

Mosey to grassy and “leafy” hill:
-3x Jump Merkins up the hill, Crawl Bear down
-3x Bunny Jump up the hill, Reverse Inchworm down

Then came the partner work:
-15 Merkin Hi-Fives
-15 Big Boy Situp Hi-Fives
-10 Box Cutters; one set of legs were in while other set of legs were out
-Partner 1 did situps while Partner 2 did Merkins or Derkins on the knees
-Partner 1 plank while Partner 2 did 20 dips using Partner 1’s back

Bonsai took over and brought us to the church stairs for 16 flights of “see if we can get to heaven.”  We didn’t make it, so we went on the trail for a staircase burpee from 5-1.

Mosey to COT

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Snow Day – Pantheonish – RUCKS – SNOW

So yeah, I knew Tempo was going to be closed but I really really really wanted to “play” in the snow.  So I threw it out on Twitter that I would be at the Pantheon field with sandbags and a RUCK if anyone wanted to join.

To my SURPRISE, OLAF and Maximus were there!!!

The workout:

Warm – Up

Unload the Truck – Workout in itself

Sandbag lap around the field

A second lap around the field but now we tossed sandbags the entire way

Half lap tossing/carrying sandbags

Coupon Suicides 

These ran the entire length of the soccer field – How it went down

Mosey carrying sandbag – 40, 60 , 80 to first check point – drop it sprint back to start and back to coupon – exercise – 40 = curls, 60 = Squats, 80 = Deadlift – Carry back to the start grab a different weight and repeat to next stop until we did the whole field.  That went down twice.

Circle of Pain 

Gathered in a circle and each took turns calling out exercises

Round 1 

Rad – Curls

Olaf – Overhead Press

Maximus – Tricep Extension

Round 2 

Rad – Ruck Swings

Olaf – Lift up and over soccer goal post (AWESOME IDEA)

Maximus – Cleans with squats and overhead

Round 3 

Rad – Run a lap around field alternating carrys – Bear Hug – Farmer Right – Farmer Left – Overhead – Tray Carry – Carry by waist strap

Olaf – Low Slow Squats

Maximus – Curls

Thanks for coming out guys and always allowing us to push ourselves further than we think.  Prayers for officers and safe travels.



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Different Q to prevent 0-59. Turns out it was just a #GDTBATH

Temps of 20F, 15 PAX were early and ready to go. Mumblechatter of running vs standing around was way better.
Mosey through Pickup Lanes x2
  • Regular
  • High knees
  • Butt Kickers
  • Toy Soldiers
COP at Basketball Court
  • SSH
  • Windmill
  • Moroccan Nightclub
  • Peter Parker –> Jekyll was quick to call YHC’s exercise as Mountain Climbers, so Jekyll gave a demo of a real Peter Parker (legs wide) and everyone was enlightened
  • Parker Peter
YHC is a Clemson fan, and the goal was to do something different today so that Clemson did not go 0-59 (Spoiler Alert) when playing basketball at UNC. So we did some basketball themed work
  • Baseline
    • Side shuffles “Defense” (reverse, back up)
  • Circle up
    • Wojo – slap ground, clap – 4count x15
    • Plank + Merkin Wave 2count – x2
    • Squat – basketball ball hot potato in circle
  • Curb
    • Toe-taps – 4count x30
    • Dips x30 OYO –> The name “Herb Sendek” was mentioned to Maximus by YHC during this exercise. We kept that between us.
  • Baseline
    • Ball roll backwards (pretend 1 hand on ball, 1 hand in air) in a defensive position – 4-counts to switch position
    • Suicide
  • Knock-out
    • PAX wearing gloves shooting on 10ft goals wasn’t awesome. But we Played knock-out for about 5min and PAX did SSH-like exercises while they waited, or if they were knocked out
  • 4-Corners – showing respect to Dean Smith, totally 58
    • 10 Burpees
    • 10 Merkins
    • 20 Mountain Climbers
    • 18 LBCs
Over the wall
  • Burpee from 1 up to 5 count
    • Over-the-Wall
  • Donkey Kicks, 1 each time
Mary – people’s choice
  • Nomad – American Hammers
  • Flattire, Jekyll, MacGyver, Maximus – I forgot what they called 🙁
  • Cooter – LBCs
  • Router – Boxcutters
  • Fishsticks – Superman + Parachute
  • Prayers
    • Nomad – Father’s, to be better ones, for youth group that doesn’t have them, and to make sure we are following our heavenly one
    • Maximus – Fathering daughter’s
    • Router – teaching son how to be a man, and girls for the type of man they should find
    • Maxims – In Memory, Gremlin in Mint Hill
    • Jekyll – for us to be able to receive love.
It was a fun Q. It didn’t end Clemson basketball streak of losing at UNC, but it still has me sore as I finish this backlist within 48hr of completing the Q, so thats good?
TClap |

Beyond #2…Honoring our officers

Round 2 at Beyond, this time at The Coop. The original plan was to talk about “Fear” but 36hrs ago, 4 of our local law enforcement officers in York County were involved in an incident that has our community praying for their healing and their families. I found it only appropriate to bring our attention as a PAX, for a mere 45mins, to these men and what they’re fighting for at this moment. We should also be praying for the rest of the law enforcement community as well as our first responders, nurses and doctors who are doing everything they can for them and our community. I am given the opportunity to roll my eyes at a radar trap because of what community servants like these 4 men do on a daily basis and the families that send them out the door every single day. That said, I’ll try to cease my misguided eye-rolling.

This is not the place to put the officers names but we all know who they are. I read the names of the men this morning and asked everyone to keep one of those names in their mind as they’re going through our workout this morning. I will however, include their years of service to York County in their current capacity: 34yrs, 13yrs, 12yrs, 3 yrs. So there you have our topic for round 2 of Beyond; 4 officers with a combined 62yrs of service SO FAR in their current roles.

Warm up jog leading us around the lot and over to the intersection with the ROTC building.

When you see 31, know that it was in cadence for a total of 62

SSH x 31 in cadence

Carolina Dry Docks x 31

Squats x 62

Merkins x 20 which was followed by a 4-tier sprint then followed by the remaining 11 Merkins

Make our way to the pull-up bars for some partner work:

Partner 1: 62 Pull-Ups (use assistance as needed)   Partner 2: Elbow Plank

Partner 1: V-ups (toe-touches) x 31    Partner 2: Mak Tar Jah’s x 31

Bear crawl 62 paces and grab some curb for 62 calf raises

62 Jump Squats and 31 Jumping Lunges (crowd pleaser)

Bear crawl 62 paces

American Hammers x 31

Dying Cockroach x 31 (might’ve included a breather in there)

The pull-ups were definitely the highlight but it was awesome to see guys of all conditions pushing through those, not matter if they had a busted paw or not (Bolt). It is extremely humbling and honoring to have another 8 guys join me as we push ourselves and work out some of these new-AO wrinkles. Please, above all, pray for those 4 men and thank our servants when you see them.

If you’re still reading, thank you. You’ll now learn that Cha Ching will be bringing his A-game to his Beyond Q next Thursday, 1/25 at the Poopdeck in Lake Wyle. If his Q today was any indication, bring your big-boy pants.

As you were.


TClap |

Beyond #1…What’s at your CORE?

Beyond can be defined as “Outside the understanding, limits, or reach of.” That is what this thing is all about; recognizing that a push beyond, in all many aspects of life, can be a really good thing. If you’re a killer runner, come do a Merkin and a Pull Up with us. If you’re strength nut, come do a few sprints and bear crawls with us. The reasoning for this is well documented now, dating back a few months to when Jekyll let me share about this at a Colosseum Q I had.

And yes, I am 8 days late in getting this BB written which is rather ironic. I will work to get these posted both by the Q’s and YHC in a more timely manner.

We started last Tuesday with the 1st round of Beyond and the theme was CORE. Besides the obvious, physical reference to the word, Core can be defined as, “A central and often foundational part usually distinct from the enveloping part by a difference in nature.” In other words, when the world strips away your exterior, what are you left with to truly guide you. To take this a step further, I let the PAX know that Beyond will challenge them to push past the limits they’ve previously established for themselves. This is aided by listening to a Podcast, “Team Never Quit” in which you listen to stories of people who’ve endured unbelievable challenges and have pushed through to find the redemptive outcome on the other side. It seems impossible when you’re in the thick of “it”, whatever “it” might be in your life, but God has a plan. Bad and difficult things happen, yes, but we try to find a glimmer of hope and positivity on the other side.

Enough rambling…I need to figure out a better way to capture the names for Beyond but for now, we’ll have to rely on my fuzzy memory. I know we had 15  which I think included the following, Bob the Builder, Geronimo, Band Camp, Straight Up, Fire Marshall Bill, Frat Boy, Longshanks, Jedi, Cha Ching, Ginsu, Trucker, Lutefisk, Bonsai, MacGuyver, YHC. My sincere apologies if I got a few of these wrong.

Once we separated from the Block Party PAX, we jogged through the park and made our way to the playground, which still sounds strange every time I write that. We did a few warm up exercises like SSH, Arm Circles, Sumo Squats and more SSH which was then followed by a little stretching and lot more of my talking (rambling). What I was trying to get to was that you can’t quit and if you need a little motivation to keep from quitting, look to the man to your left and right and realize they won’t let you quit and you don’t want to let them down. If it were just you out there, we’d quit a lot sooner. Remember, YOU’RE NEVER ALONE OUT THERE…SO DON’T QUIT.

100 American Hammers (we all thought about quitting on that one unless you’re Jedi/Geronimo

25 LBC

100 Flutters

30 Peter Parkers

50 Mountain Climbers

Partner 1: 50 Carolina Dry Docks   Partner 2: Pull Ups until your partner is done and flapjack

Partner 1: 15 Burpees   Partner 2: Pull Ups until your partner is done

Mosey to the Big Hill where found some cones forming a 15yd x 20yd rectangle on the hill.

Backward run up the hill, 5 Burpees at the top then run down. Repeat this 5 times.

Next we bear-crawled around the rectangle for 3mins which was awesome…

Mosey to the wall at the Springs building

Nothing fancy, just a mere 3mins of muscle ups…yup, it was turrible.

We talked about not quitting and trying to answer the question of whether or not you can change what is at your CORE. What is left when the world takes what you see, away? So that was it. I learned a lot in these 45mins and I hope we continue to see a good contingent of guys willing to push themselves.

As you were…



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5 at Armory with Celebrity Jailbreak

5 braved the cold for some kettlebell misery while we watched other Pax head to the warmth of the Journey Group (Respect.)

Maximus was our celebrity jailbreak as kids have no school so he had nothing better to do in 23 degree temps.

After a mosey and some warmups, kettle bell were used for sets of:

Calf raises, John Travoltas, Figure 8’s and a jog.

KB swings, Around the worlds, Clean Presses and a jog.

Lunges, One hand swings, Snatch and squats and a jog

Big Boy Sit-ups, Flutter kicks, Benxh presses and a jog .

I really enjoy the times we have smaller numbers. It gives us a chance to share more about ourselves and as we learned in COT we have some heavy hearts.  We lost a member of the Pax from Mint Hill. Prayers to Short Sale on the death of his brother.  Prayers for Squeaky’s daughter recovery from mono and for his family as they think of loved ones in the coming months who have been through some tragedy.

God bless –





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Just in Time

YHC peeled into the parking with 1 minute to spare before the 515 start to see 12 eager PAX waiting to warm up in the cold.  It would have been a bad look for the Site Q to be late to his own Q.

The Thang

Mosey to the Band Parking lot for COP

Usual suspects – SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Squats.

Mosey over the parking lot loop at the front of the school for Dirty MacDuece.  4 sets of 3 exercises done to 12.  All in cadence.  Lap of the parking lot in between each set.

Set 1 – Merkins, Squats, LBCs

Set 2 – CDDs, Alternating Leg Lunges, Freddy Mercury

Set 3 – Diamond Merkins, Monkey Humpers, Rosalitas

Set 4 – Wide Arm Merkins, Sumo Squats, Hello Dollies

Mosey back to stadium parking lot for Mary.  Went around the circle with Pax calling out exercises – Freddy Mercury, LBCs, Toe Touches, American Hammers, Peter Parkers, Makhtar N’Diayes

COT – Announcements, Prayers and Praises.

Thanks to all that came out on a cold morning.  Your support is appreciated.

TClap |