Veterans day at Alcatraz

7 of the finest men in the TC Peninsula got after it on a darn chilly morning.  T’was great to see everyone out of the fartsack considering today was the payoff day for those training for Charlotte Marathon and the men of at The Fort had something good cooked up with our northern brother, Olive and Operation Sweet tooth. Aye!  Inspiration!

Got the call late Friday that I would/could take the Q.  Proudly disclaimed and reviewed our 5 core principles and off for a lap around the fields.

COP; SSH, Squats, Mountain Climbers, Seal Jacks, Parker Peters each intertwined with a trio of burpees.  Delightful.  Add in a few full field sprints 75%, 85%, 100% and we were warm.


Jungle Gym for Pull ups, Merkins and dips.  3 rounds of 10, 15, 20 here.

Over the to wall.  4 or 5 sets of Bearcrawl/lunge walk to second base then fun to fence and back.  Those waiting were treated to Wall sits and Balls to the wall

Next exercise.  1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base and back.  3 burpees, 6 burpees, 9 burpees, 6 burpees, 3 burpees.  Your mode of transportation could be any combo of bear crawl, lunge walk or crab walk.

Next exercises Pain platoon- connected merkins- caterpillar style- ask Mainframe.  Tunnel of love, seal team sit ups.

Closed out with some around the horn Mary.

Naked Man Moleskin

Delta- you are progressing along nicely.  Very proud you kept your Smirnoff Ice consumption from the previous nights escapades with in you.  Keep charging brother.  Yat Yas was an inspiration for the day as he was our #veteran in the group.  Always pushing and not quitting.  Let it be known that if we are to line up in merkin formation with someone’s feet on your shoulders and do merkins in cadence- Mainframe is not in favor.  I don’t necessarily oppose his opinion.  #wheninRome.  Conversly- it seems On the Rocks is up for anything… go figure.

Minute Man added speed while we were all thankful Change Order kept his shirt on… today.

We shared stories of veterans we knew and our thankfulness for them giving way to our own veteran in the group, Yat Yas.  Thank you for serving brother!



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Welcome to Alacatraz!

It has been a long time since YHC posted at Alcatraz and much less led a WO there. The AO is fabulous and thanks Senator for the invite. It is great seeing different faces going to different AOs and appreciate the opportunity to Q.

Warm Up

Mosey around the field with some dynamic stretching.  Circle up in the parking lot to avoid the wet grass. I know, we are soft!

SSH, Smurf Jack, Tuck Jumps, Monkey Humpers, and Bomb Jacks x 10 IC each, no rest in between

Squats x 20 IC

SSH, Smurf Jack, Tuck Jumps, Monkey Humpers, and Bomb Jacks x 10 IC each, no rest in between

Windmills x 20 IC

SSH, Smurf Jack, Tuck Jumps, Monkey Humpers, and Bomb Jacks x 10 each, no rest in between

Mosey around the hill for the main course stopping to grab some music along the way. This was a lot like the workout on Friday, so I knew we were in for it.

AMRAP 3 rounds of 9 minutes with 90 seconds rest in between.  Nirvana channel on Amazon was played….great songs once again. Channel does not dissappoint!

Round #1 – 10 Burpees at the bottom, bear crawl to the telephone pole, run up to the yellow sign 10 squats, 10 tuck jumps at the top

Round # 2 – 15 dips at the top, 15 CDDs at the middle, 15 bomb jacks at the bottom, crab walk to the pole

Round # 3 – 15 Merkins and the bottom, run backwards up, 15 jumping lunges at the middle, 15 tuck jumps at the top.

Mosey back to the parking lot for 90 seconds of boats and canoes.

COT – Prayers to those affected by the hurricane, families, addiction, and unspoken.

CAH work day on 9/30 at 10:30AM until complete.  Lunch will be provided
2nd at Dunkin
Invergence the 29th, Convergence the 30th

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