It’s All About Perspective

It was awesome being back at Panteon.  Wednesday is typically a DOR for YHC (day or rest, or day or run). But when it comes to exercise, the human body likes variance and change of routine.  Definitely need to work on that!

Upon arriving a little early to ensure nothing would be obstructing the weinke plans, I saw Fishsticks’ truck and shovel flag, but no Fishsticks.  By 5:15, 4 other pax had gathered, and we figured the SiteQ was out for a run (P200 training, in fact).

Disclaimer was issued and we moseyed around the parking lot to get warmed up before stopping back at the shovel flag for COP.

Warm-up COP

  • SSH x20, IC
  • 1 burpee
  • Windmill x10, IC
  • 2 burpees
  • Imperial Squat Walkers x 20, IC
  • 3 burpees
  • Cherry pickers x 20, IC
  • 4 burpees
  • Mountain Climbers x20, IC
  • 5 burpees

The Thang
Mosey to back of school for ascending curb crawls (1-10)

  • bear crawl to opposite side then do 1 merkin
  • crab walk back and do 2 dips
  • bear crawl back then do 3 merkin
  • crab walk back and do 4 dips
  • repeat going back and forth until you reach 10 dips

Mosey to the Amphitheater – Partner up for some Dora 1, 2, 3

* 100 Bombjacks (partner bear crawls to first sidewalk – then runs back following sidewalk around
* 200 American Hammers (L+R = 1) – Partner bunny hops up to 2nd sidewalk – then runs back following sidewalk around
* 300 Sumo Squats – Partner runs to 3rd sidewalk – then runs back following sidewalk around
* Concluded the amphitheater work with a charge up to the 4th sidewalk, 5 burpees, and return to the stage


  • Flutters x20 IC
  • Chop sticks x20 IC
  • LBCs x20 IC
  • Alphabet soup OYO
  • Hello Dolly x20 IC
  • Plank and 6-inches (a few rounds)

During the ab work, Fishsticks circled us to reach 8 miles (t-claps!), and offer some encouragement as we rounded out the 45 minutes.


A couple times during the workout, we talked about the importance of perspective.  For most of my life, I’ve been involved with soccer as a player, coach, or fan.  Having recently begun officiating, my eyes have been opened wide to the perspective of the referee.  Suddenly, my ears hear criticisms never heard before.  And now I often feel bad for the ref taking the abuse from fellow fans.

Perspective is important for a society to survive.  But ultimately, it’s a Heavenly perspective that is important for our souls.  I’m guilty of only seeing things from the perspective of man, and not from the view of eternal salvation.  The way to better see that perspective is to look through the lens of the Bible by knowing what it says and means!  My biblical lens is small and cloudy, but it’s never too late to get into the Word and improve your view!

TClap |

The Baby Yeti

It was a beautiful morning…not too warm, not too cold, a bit breezy, and a bit of a foggy gloom.  Perfect!

Attendance was light…but today was The Yeti CSAUP.  In honor of all those men running in the main attraction for the day, we did a Baby Yeti at The Yard

We started out with a mosey around the back of the school for the following warmup:

  • 15 SSH’s
  • 15 Imperial Walkers
  • 15 Moroccan Nightclubs
  • 10 Windmills

Off we went on another mosey, continuing around the property towards the bus entrance.  We stopped at the bottom of the hill and partnered up.  The first partner would run to the top of the hill, two light poles away, while the other performed a series of exercises.  Those exercises were as follows:

  • Wide Arm Merkins
  • Squats
  • Shoulder Taps
  • Monkey Humpers

We talked a bit about the word(s) of the month, worry/anxiety and how it makes us feel.  Then, after the talking portion of this program, In true Yeti style, off we went with another mosey to our next pain station for more of the same type of thang, just with the following exercises:

  • LBC’s
  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • Hand Release Merkins
  • Overhead Hand Claps

We had a little time for Short Sale to share ways he tries to fight the worry/anxiety of this world…Then we were back on the run again…to a super secret hideaway in the woods that my 2.2 (she attends Fort Mill Elementary) told me about.  At the top of a little known set of wooden stairs, up into a clearing in the woods you will find BENCHES!  They are perfect for dips, irkins, and derkins.  So we ran the following circuit:

  • 10 Dips, Double Count, in Cadence
  • 10 Irkins, Single Count, in Cadence
  • 10 Derkins, Single Count, in Cadence
  • 10 Count
  • 20 Dips, Double Count, in Cadence
  • 10 Irkins, Single Count, in Cadence (Was supposed to be 20, but these guys were spent)
  • 10 Derkins, Single Count, in Cadence
  • 10 Count
  • 10 Dips, Double Count, in Cadence
  • 10 Irkins, Single Count in Cadence

Then we headed back to COT for some stretching.  It was something that Stang did at the END of the workout the day before at Slow Burn, and it was very well received.  I’m thinking of incorporating that into my Q’s as I see real value in it.

Thanks to Short Sale, Spitz, and Lugnut for coming out this morning.  It was literally the first workout I have Q’d with only Respectible’s in attendance…and boy do I respect them!  As for me…#norespect


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HIT at the Hive

Following up my tremendously successful initial kettlebell Q at Tomahawk last week I was asked to Q the Hive this week… That or they just needed someone to do it… I chose to believe it was because I excelled at my previous attempt…

Being Friday I thought maybe I could combine the HIT philosophy of Varsity with the Kettlebell workout of the Hive.  Sitting in the living room the night before googling “high intensity kettlebell circuits” I was smart enough to realize that 50 seconds on and 10 seconds off for 4 minutes per excercise sounded a bit too “high intensity” so I decided to cut it to 30 on with 10 seconds for 2 minutes each.  I was worried that the 10 seconds would be too much but decided to leave it there (spoiler alert… 10 seconds or rest goes MUCH faster than the same 10 seconds working out… its an odd law of time…)

So following a brief lap around the lot with some high knees and butt kickers and a quick warm-up with some SSH, windmill, imperial walkers and hillbilly walkers we turned on the little app with our nice coach and some classic rock to motivate us.  Each exercise consisted of 4 sets of 30 seconds on and 10 second rest

-Dead Lift

-Goblet Squat


-Russian Twist




-Calf Raises

-Wood Chop

-Shoulder Press


-Kettle Bell Swing


Following these sets we had Airborne lead us in a round of his hip exercises to close out the morning.  The we formed into COT with announcements and prayer requests

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First taste of The Tomahawk

Got my first taste of the many options that Tomahawk has to offer. Perhaps agreeing to Q the day after the Super Bowl wasn’t the smartest thing YHC has ever done, but no one wants to disappoint the Pax. After taking a recon drive past the school on Saturday, a plan was formed. Being nervous as to how long it would take to get to this AO that is nowhere near my home base, I, of course, arrived way early. But, as i was searching for the perfect spot for my cones, the lights miraculously came on at 5 sharp. That lifted my spirits tremendously.

Pax rolled in starting with He who loves the Thrill of the Drops. Tried to introduce myself to the arriving pax to introduce myself to those I had not met and to set a tone that we were in this together.

Disclaimer offered at 5:15 sharp and off we went. Mosey around the drop off circle with some high knees, buttkickers and karaoke. Circle up.


  • SSH * 20
  • Windmill * 15
  • Merkins * 10
  • Squats * 15
  • Wide Arm Merkins * 10

MOSEY behind the School to an array of cones




To the Wall- Peoples Chair with KB held out front while each Pax jumps out of line and does 5 Bombjacks. Repeato, but this time with 5 merkins


Prayers for Polaroids’s daughter having trouble sleeping, prayers for my family after my brother’s recent death, other unspoken prayers.

Really enjoyed my morning with the Pax of the southern reaches of The Fort. I’ll be back sometime, but not so early next time. Thanks Polaroid for the opportunity to serve this growing region.

Short Sale Out.


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Ballroom with Fogerty VQ in the Fort!

Had a little co Q action going on at the Ballroom.  YHC did the disclaimer and a brief intro on the words of the month Worry/Anxiety.

Off for a short mosey around the parking lot.  Didn’t take long for the complaining to start about the mosey.  Circled up for a quick warm-up:

SSH, Merkins, Mtn. Climbers, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan night clubs, Yoga stretching etc.

Turned it over to Fogerty for the good stuff.

The ThanG :

Word of the Year for Fogerty :  “ Grateful” – my goal is to be reminded daily – to be grateful for what I have each and every day and never take it for granted!

Here we Go!!  (Trying to Keep  “ Moderate” in mind….. )

Extension Ladder  : (football field locked : modified to parking lot  – made the Mosey between “rungs”  a little bit longer……but the lack of Chatter during the sets showed the Pax were focused!

First Rung :   Sets of 3:   Squats : consisting of  5 count   / 10 count / 15 count –– mosey to –  Second Rung :  Merkins : 5 /10 /15 – Mosey back to first Rung

Extend Ladder

Add a Rung  :  Sets of 3 :   Squats : consisting of 3 count / 6 count / 9 count – Mosey to Second Rung  : Merkins 3 / 6 / 9 – Mosey to Third Rung :  Bomb Jacks 3 /6 / 9 – Mosey back to First Rung

Extend Ladder

Add a Rung : Set of 2 : Squats : consisting of 5 count / 10 count  – Mosey to Second Rung : Merkins 5 / 10  – Mosey to Third Rung : Bomb Jacks 5 / 10  : Mosey to 4th Rung : Burpees 5 / 10 – Mosey back to Bottom of ladder – recover

Mosey back up to the Parking lot – front of School – : Partner up

100 Derkins

100 Dips

100 Step ups

One partner took a lap while other Pax knocked out as many reps……till they reached the goal :

Turned it back over to Bass for the last five minutes….  Did some Mary and CakeBoss finished us up with some Mac-tar-jis.

Thanks for the Opportunity!

TClap |

Slowburn – Pain Stations +

25 PAX gathered at slowburn for a saucy workout.  We gave a quick disclaimer and welcomed 2 FNG’s.  It wasn’t long and we headed out for a short mosey.  We circled up and I turned over the warm up to Fogarty for his V Q.

Fogarty started us off with some of the usual:

Imperial Walkers
Speedy Windmills
Peter Parkers
Mtn. Climbers
Moroccan night clubs
2 double merkin burpees (where’d that come from?)

Fogarty turned it back over to YHC for another Mosey. I gave a shout out to Quickbooks for his intro that he did a couple of weeks back and I tried to do the same giving a little background on YHC. I’ll spare you all the details. Dark Helmet was observant to realize that my years of marriage did match up to how old my son is. That dude’s sharp! I closed out the intro with Romans 5:4. Look it up, it’s a solid verse on building character.

On that note we moseyed to the back of Lowes for some chalk scribble that was planned for the PAX.

We broke into two groups with 3 stations. Each group started on either far end would do an exercise and sprint to the middle station do an exercise and then return back to their starting point for the next exercise. Instructions seems easier that the PAX wrestled with, but they quickly got the hang of it. Here are the pain stations:

Station 1:
Shoulder Taps
Mtn. Climbers

Middle Station:
Calf Raises
Donkey Kicks

Station 3:
Leg Raises
Hello Dollies

Round 1 15 of exercise run to the middle and then back for the next exercise until all 4 exercises are complete then run to the opposite Station. Do the same thing 15 of each run to the middle. When finisished with 1 and 3 then rinse and repeat with 10 of each exercise. This took us right up to time.

Jailbreak back to COT. Welcome to the fold Moab and Jake Brake FNG’s.

Thanks for the opportunity to serve!

Bass-o Out. <><

TClap |

No Rain At The Ballroom

I awoke to the sound of raindrops outside my window and mumbled a bit and got after it and I’m thankful eight other brothers decided to do the same.

This morning was pretty simple but it resulted in a bit of complaining, but I won’t talk about Destiny yet.

After your typical COP we ran a double circuit as follows:

Circuit 1 – 10 bombjacks in the middle, 10 merkins at one end and 10 squats at the other end of the parking lot.  Repeat until you’ve completed ten sets.

Circuit 2 – 10 SSH’s instead of bombjacks but otherwise the same thang.

We completed those two circuits and made our way to the wall for some people’s chair and arm raises.  There was much rejoicing.

We stretched a little, worked our core a bit and then it was time!

Thanks Short Sale for the opportunity to lead at The Ballroom for the first time.   I think the rain scared away people but it didn’t even rain at all the whole time we worked.

Destiny mentioned a 5k coming up and there were a few other announcements.  Shout out what I forgot.

Strong work brothers.  Have a great week.

DT out.

TClap |

#218in18 Kick-off Convergence BackBlast

76 PAX (including 4 FNGs) met in the gloom at Harris Teeter this morning to kick the year off the right way.

Group 1 – Jedi

Start with 60 seconds of plank tutorial, then a fairly lame attempt to explain the exercise “routine” for the upper body station. The routine, to be done in increasing AMRAP style:
· Incline Merkins
· Low Country Crab Boil (One leg, one hand dips)
· 90° Turn clockwise
· Staggered/Uneven Break Dancer Merkins (Left hand on curb)
· Staggered/Uneven Carolina Dry Docks (Left hand on curb)
· 90° Turn clockwise
· Pseudo Planche Merkins
· Donkey Kicks
· 90° Turn clockwise
· Staggered/Uneven Break Dancer Merkins (Right hand on curb)
· Staggered/Uneven Carolina Dry Docks (Right hand on curb)
· 90° Turn to starting position

Start with 10 reps for each exercise, then add 2 reps each round after that (10, 12, 14, 16, …). Only the elite few made it past the round of 12.

Group 2 – Peabody

An absolute honor to lead a convergence and had so much fun working with all the guys. Here’s the fun of the cardio Q.

SPRINT Relays!!!  

3 team

60 Yard sprint

Team members are doing Seal Jacks, side straddle hops, or flutters while teammate runs.

Winning team selects penalty exercise for 2 losing teams. (Unknown is losing team has to do the penalty exercise too but only half the reps).

Rinse and repeat the sprint relay races once teams are mixed up.

Mary to follow:

  • 50 LBCs
  • 25 Flutters
  • 10 Freddie Mercury’s

Lists of fun to hear the encouragement of other Pax and see the competition bring out the most in guys.  Saw lots of guys really push hard to win for their team.

Group 3 – Jekyll

Motley Crue and 80’s hairband soundtrack

  • COP: SSH, IW, Squat
  • 5 Burpee OYO, 4 OYO, 3 OYO
  • Lt Dan: squat and jumping , 1:4 ration
    • 1 squat: 4 jumping lunge, 2 squat: 8 Jumping lunge…10 squat: 40 jumping lunge
  • 5 burpee OYO
  • Calf Raises 25 each: Straight, Toes Out, Toes In
  • Donkey Kicks


Welcome FNGs Iron City, Humps, Hillary, and Juliet

Prayers by CakeBoss for leadership.

– Ginsu

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5 at Armory with Celebrity Jailbreak

5 braved the cold for some kettlebell misery while we watched other Pax head to the warmth of the Journey Group (Respect.)

Maximus was our celebrity jailbreak as kids have no school so he had nothing better to do in 23 degree temps.

After a mosey and some warmups, kettle bell were used for sets of:

Calf raises, John Travoltas, Figure 8’s and a jog.

KB swings, Around the worlds, Clean Presses and a jog.

Lunges, One hand swings, Snatch and squats and a jog

Big Boy Sit-ups, Flutter kicks, Benxh presses and a jog .

I really enjoy the times we have smaller numbers. It gives us a chance to share more about ourselves and as we learned in COT we have some heavy hearts.  We lost a member of the Pax from Mint Hill. Prayers to Short Sale on the death of his brother.  Prayers for Squeaky’s daughter recovery from mono and for his family as they think of loved ones in the coming months who have been through some tragedy.

God bless –





TClap |

Footloose – Balmy weather

What a difference a week makes.  Who would have thought we would be out in tee-shirts and shorts after a week of the teen temperatures.  Fortunately the rain finished up a few hours before we kicked things off at 5:15.  17 PAX were ready for a saucy challenge.  We started out with a mosey around the FBC parking lot Indian run style.  Towards the end it became quite comical with more mumble chatter going on than running.  So Ihad to circle up quickly to get back control.  We did a few rounds of SSH, Moroccan night clubs, merkins and imperial walkers.  Then off for another mosey down to the Church of God parking lots.  We circled up again for a few additional paleo exercises while the six rolled in.

The Thang:

We started out with 4 corners, but made it crisscross style to keep the cardio going.  Do 1 exercise and go to then run to the next corner.  Once you finished the round plank it up in the center for a dealers choice exercise.  Then on to the next round.

Round 1 (15 reps) : Flutters, Calf Raises, Peter Parker, Shoulder Taps

Round 2(15 reps) :: LBC’s, Lunges, S.S.H, CDD’s

Round 3(15 reps) : Hello Dolly’s, Squats, Mtn. Climbers, Merkins

Rinse & repeat increasing the reps to 20.  That was a big hit with the PAX.

Round 1 (20 reps) : Flutters, Calf Raises, Peter Parker, Shoulder Taps

Round 2(20 reps) :: LBC’s, Lunges, S.S.H, CDD’s

Round 3(20 reps) : Hello Dolly’s, Squats, Mtn. Climbers, Merkins

Jailbreak back to COT for some mary to wrap things up.

Appreciate the opportunity to lead such a fine group of men!

TClap |