Ripple Effect

15 PAX gathered to defeat the fartsack on a chilly but hospitable Thursday AM in the gloom.

Here’s what we did:

PAX were disclaimed and moseying commenced to the top of the hill at the high school entrance.  We did the following exercises in varying quantities in cadence:

Low slow squats, Moroccan night clubs in the people’s chair, 5 burpees OYO, imperial walkers, hillbilly walkers, windmills (Trucker approved), merkins, a few down dog and up dog stretches and we commenced/moseyed  to the Main Event – part one

1 – Jacob’s Ladder – 7’s were called – Kracken Burpees at the bottom and a run to the top for squats.  PAX finished at the top of the hill, planked and, when the 6 arrived, recovered and moseyed to Main Event – Part 2

2 – East or West – PAX were divided in teams of 2 and Bobber was given the choice to take his team (1) to the east field or the west field.  Choosing West, team 1 moseyed to the end zone and team 2 to the East end zone.

PAX performed the following exercises at each yard line in a head to head competition.  PAX ran to the specified yard line, did the exercise and nur’d back to the goal line each time

Team East – 10 diamond merkins, 20 burpees, 30 lunges, 40 squats, 50 SSH’s, 40 shoulder taps, 30 flutters, 20 burpees, 10 werkins.  Team leaders reached the red zone, but not the end zone

Team West – 10 kracken burpees, 20 bombjacks, 30 SSH’s, 40 Hello Dolly’s, 50 flutters, 40 Rosalitas, 30 burpees, 20 boxcutters, 10 kracken burpees.  Team leaders reached the red zone here too.

Time was called at 0556 to allow for mosey time to COT at 0600.

Announcements were made about this thing called the Yeti and a blood drive on 3-10.

Prayers were offered up and praises as well.

NMM – Ripple Effect – In our lives we encounter opportunities to make an impact numerous times a day.  Yet an “ordinary” moment to us could be an opportunity to make a moment extraordinary for someone else.  Holding a door for someone else, paying for a cup of coffee for the person behind you in a drive thru.  If you’ve ever been an a position to do for someone else, the feeling of doing so can bring about a joy to us and a lift the other person could be desperately needing.  Or, better yet, it may inspire the person you helped to do the same for another, and another, and another.  Our ripple effect can be an inspiring light to others if we allow it to be.  So let it.  YHC thanks Slap Shot for the call to the bullpen.  It’s always an honor to lead and a privilege to serve.

Cascade your influence well, men.  It makes a difference.  And greater than we’ll likely ever realize.

With Gratitude,



TClap |

Finding Cindy

The cars really poured in this morning….

25 PAX Present

Changed my plans a bit….Modify as necessary, right?

SSH in cadence….had to part the waters for River Rat’s arrival
Burpees in cadence. I think we hit 18
Imperial Walkers in cadence 15ish

Brisk Mosey to the Church of God

Hillbilly Walkers
Some Yoga
Mountain Climbers
Slow Count Merkins (always a crowd pleaser)
A few burpees in cadence

Mosey through all the brick stairs at the Church of God
Plank it up in First Baptist Parking Lot
Some More Yoga (squats)

Bear Crawl with additive Merkins at each parking line
1-2-3-4-5-6 (total 21)
distance – a long way to bear crawl
Al Gore
Cossack Squats

Brisk Mosey up to the Rug factory

More Yoga? Yep
33 Monkey Humpers in cadence (nobody liked this)
Some burpees in cadence

Brisk Mosey to Sisk Memorial Parking Lot to find Cinder Blocks
(There’s a reason it’s called Block Party)
Thang:- divided into groups of 3
– Three Stations: Manmakers, plank, run to bottom of Massey hill and back
Had time for everyone to do one rotation (probably 15-20ish manmakers)

7 Additional Burpees in cadence
11 Bomb Jacks

Mosey with the blocks back to COT


Quote for the day from Thoreau’s Journal August 5 1891 ““The question is not what you look at, but what you see.”

A word on today’s naming: the Q takes responsibility for the outcome. That was me today. On naming an FNG, I went with “Dude Wipes” as a suggestion thrown out. Not the worst name, but was not right for this FNG.

It didn’t feel right. I did a poor job reading his body language. I should have vetoed it. Not my best moment as Q. We’ll rename this FNG.

When we’re on Q, we are charged to take responsibility. In this moment, I accepted responsibility for the outcome of the naming. In the future, I’ll take responsibility fearlessly when convicted. Even (especially?) when that conviction appears as a still small voice. If that means going against the flow of the PAX, so be it. After all, that’s a leader’s job: influencing movement towards advantage. Sometimes we gotta row upstream. I should have rowed harder today, and that’s on nobody but me.

Besides, none of the PAX wanted to do that many burpees or monkey humpers anyway. So if I go with a name they’re not happy with, it’s just more of the same from the 1st F side of the morning.

Welcome – unnamed FNG, It’ll be good to post with you again soon.
Welcome – Barrel Age, I think you brought out a lot of PAX to support you today!

Prayers for the kids, teachers, and parents of the FMSD as they plan for a return to school 5 days a week at all levels.

Band Camp Dismissed

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Cupid’s Cup 5k at Minnow Pond

The date on Thursday marked 6 years since YHC found himself in a non-siren, precautionary ambulance ride to Atrium Pineville with some annoying chest pain. Turns out my LAD needed 3 stents and I needed some cardiac rehab. Ever since then, about this time every year, I support that program by running in The Cupid’s Cup 5K put on by Atrium Health. The donations and support from F3 have always been overwhelming.

Well, 2020-2021 being what it is, the event was virtual this year. Not only that, but the cardiac rehab program added another Pax to its list of graduates. Bonsai, as you know, had a hiccup in his LAD this past summer. While both of us know that program is awesome, the F3 brotherhood plays an even more important role.

And it was on full display Thursday 2/11/2021. 25 of you came out to support us. You ran hard with us. You prayed with us and you supported the cause with you donations. It was truly humbling to be surrounded by so many Pax giving so much of themselves.

Congrats to Scalp for 1st overall and Long Duck for 1st of the respectables.

And please remember, if you’re experiencing any sort of chest discomfort, arm pain or unexplained nausea/vomiting, don’t brush it off. Get to the doctor/ER/Urgent Care. Time is precious when it comes to treatment and care. The time afterwards when you’re surrounded by the love and support of F3 is priceless.



P.S. – Still time to donate/run virtually through Sunday 2/14

TClap |

Hangin with Stang: Expectations

So, to set the Expectations upfront, this won’t be as good as my last post 😉

Stang asked for someone to Q Hangin w/ Stang who had not yet done it.  So, seeing as I’ve never even been, I volunteered.  I don’t know if that’s a function of how much I miss you guys and want to get back out there or how much of a glutton for punishment I am to throw myself into the center of something I’ve never been a part of.  Those in attendance can decide which it was.

Fittingly, expectations were the topic that came to mind when Stang confirmed my appointment.  I’ve had a lot of those to work through recently.  I feel like expectations can be a blessing and a curse.  We have to first understand what we’re asking of others and what others are asking of us.  But more importantly, how was it communicated?  Was it fair?  Could it even be met?

I think expectations break into 3 real parts:

Expectations we have for ourselves.

Expectations we have thrust upon us.

Expectations we have of others.

Each one of these can have a dramatic effect on our relationships.  What happens to that relationship when expectations are not met?  This is true of the expectations we have of ourselves and how it affects our attitude.  How does the view of an employee or a direct report change when they don’t meet expectations?  What are you willing to do to make amends if you don’t meet someone’s expectations?

Many of us are driven men.  You’d have to be to get up before 5 am to do the things we do.  But how do we let our expectations affect those around us, especially our M’s and 2.0’s?

We had some great conversations about family, our own, and work expectations.  It’s so good to know that we are not alone.  We all have a story that we can learn from.  Make sure to share that story so others can benefit and learn.

I hope I met the PAX expectations today.  It was so good to be back out.  I miss the group so much not being able to come out and participate.  I look forward to getting back out in the gloom soon, even just to walk and say hi.

— Splinter

TClap |


11 men posted at Honey Bader on a cool damp morning.
Disclaimer given and we were off with a mosey run (side shuffles, high knees, toy soldiers included)
Circle up for the WARMUP
SSH (12x I/C)
Windmills (12x I/C)
Imperial Walkers (12x I/C)
Morrocan N/C (12x I/C)
Low Slow Squats (12x I/C)
Arm Circles (12x I/C)
Peter Parkers (12x I/C)
Plank Stretches (12x I/C)

Run to school entrance
Read the account of the 31 US soldiers killed in the Extortion 17 Chinook helicopter shot down in Afghanistan (copied below).

Bench work
Derkins (17)
Step ups (20)
Dips (17)
Butt touch squats (17)
Incline Merkins (20)
Calf raises (17)
Leg lifts, grab post (17)

Run to pull up bars
Pull up routine:
Regular pull up (8)
Switch grip (6 and 6)
Toes to bar (11)

All pax grab a cinder block go to street
All pax Plank
Read hero story of 1st class Petty Officer John Douangdara, 26, and his Military Working Dog Bart (copied below)
Relay/block routine #1
Run to distance #1, run back to start
Blocks: do 13 curls, 13 squats (13+13=26)
Run to distance #2, run back to start
Blocks: do 13 curls, 13 squats
Run to distance #3, run back to start
Blocks: do 13 curls, 13 squats

Flutter for six, with block

Relay/block routine #2
Crawl Bear to distance #1, run back to start
Blocks: do 13 OH Press, 13 KB swings
Crawl Bear to distance #2, run back to start
Blocks: do 13 OH Press, 13 KB swings
Crawl Bear to distance #3, run back to start
Blocks: do 13 OH Press, 13 KB swings
Flutter w/ block for six,
Return blocks

Pull up routine again:
Regular pull up (8)
Switch grip (6 and 6)
Toes to bar (11)

To the street, a little mary to collect everyone:
Gas pumpers,
American Hammers

Run suicides to three cones.

Run to shovel flag.
Mary: Freddie Mercuries, Mountain Climbers, LBCs

Fini, COT
TWO FNG’s!  first is “Poppins” (a chimney sweep) EH’d by Refugee, and “Yeti” (2.0 of Sasquatch).

Take Aways: Need lights for the cones to see better in the dark.

Extortion 17
On August 6, 2011, a U.S. Army CH-47D Chinook helicopter approached a landing zone in Afghanistan 40 miles southwest of Kabul. The helicopter, call sign Extortion 17, was on a mission to support the 75th Ranger regiment that had secured an insurgent compound and were tracking down fleeing enemy militants.

As the chinook approached the landing zone, two enemy fighters ran out of a building and launched rocket propelled grenades. The first round missed the helicopter, but the second struck its rear roto blade. The resulting explosion caused a disastrous imbalance and tore the chinook apart. The helicopter spun out of control and crashed. There were no survivors.
The loss of 31 us military service members was devastating singular loss. Those killed were some of the U.S.’s most highly trained and battle-honed commandos.

In past Honey Badger workouts, I have chosen other Extortion 17 members to honor: Snr CPO Kraig Vickers; CPO Stephen M Mills; Specialist Spencer Duncan; Senior Chief Petty Officer Heath Robinson

Today we honor:
Petty Officer 1st Class John Douangdara, and military working dog Bart
John (nick named “Jet Li”) Douangdara was born on December 29, 1984, in Sioux City, Iowa. He enlisted in the U.S. Navy on February 15, 2002, and served at posts in the US, Europe and Iraq. In 2008 John became an Assault dog handler and deployed multiple times to Afghanistan to support SEAL team operations; and was the lead dog handler for SEAL team six. John and One of his dogs, toby, saved the lives of six Canadian service members, where unfortunately his dog died of injuries received in the actions. Later, both john and his dog received honors from the Canadian military for their actions.
On Aug 6 2011 1st class PO Douangdara (aged 26)  and his military working dog Bart were killed in the extortion 17 chinook crash from being shot down by enemy fire.
John is survived by his parents and four brothers and sisters.
Today There is a dog park named after John in Sioux City Iowa. John is laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery and was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star with Valor, and the Purple Heart.

TClap |

Pavement Of Pain

Was asked by Shield to Q Honey Badger so i said why not. This was my first Q here and i know a beatdown is required so i found a great ass kicker in the famed “book”.

The workout I choose was in honor of a local young soldier Specialist Javian “JAY” Sullivan. He was from the Fort Mill area and is survived by his wife and his 3 year old daughter at that time. He  died in a non-combat accident on 01/8/2018 at 24 years of age. Jay was a communications support specialist.

Heres the appetizer before the main course was served

18 Minute AMRAP

24 reps represents his age and 3 burpees represents his daughters age

24 pullups/3 burpees

24 inchworm merkins/3 burpees

24 squats/3 burpees

Main Course- Pavement of Pain

Life expectancy of men is 76 years of age. Jay passed away at 24 so he lost 52 years of his life. So 52 reps is the count for each exercise below.

52 Hand Release Merkins/run down hill then nur back up

52 Jump Squats/run down nur back

52 Knees To Elbows On Pullup Bar/run down nur back

52 Alternate Lunges/run down nur back

52 Burpees/run down nur back

52 Leg Lifts/run down nur back

Thanks Shield for the opportunity to Q,

Stang Does More Than Run Trails

TClap |

6 of My Heroes w/ Me @ Honey Badger

Site Q got my verbal confirmation to Q @ The Badger Den even though I’m deathly afraid of what goes on at the AO on Mondays. Wednesday’s and Friday’s…cakewalks. Monday’s…find me at The Armory. I know I need to run with the big boys to become a big boy though. I appreciate the reminder from Shield and Splinter.

Warmup: 20 SSH + 10 Imperial Walkers

The Thang: Each Pax gave me an exercise to add to my “U R My Hero WOD” board of pain.
I started with Kettlebell Swings.
Stang suggested Hand Release Merkins.
Splinter goes all Splinter on us and suggests Burpees.
Harry Carry added Big Boy Sit Ups.
Cheddah wanted Squats.
Refugee suggested Upright Rows (nice!).
Shield added Side Straddle Hops.

We had our weinke. No joke, these guys are my heroes. The chase after getting better and it’s inspirational.

Round 1: Do 50 Reps, then run a lap (400 meters). Swings x50, lap. HRM x50, lap. Etc.
Round 2: Do 25 Reps, run a lap. Swings x25, lap. HRM x25, lap. Etc.
It looked like Harry Carry and Splinter was going to finish Round 2 so I shared that Round 3 would have been 10 reps and a lap.

5:58 finally came so we closed up shop on the track and headed to COT.

NMM: If you choose to do the hard thing, you have a better chance at becoming better. Find somebody a bit stronger than you or a bit faster than you and then do what they do. Push yourself to keep up with that person. You’ll get better, for sure.

TClap |

Do 1 More

We had 10 for a Do 1 More workout at Bushwood.

The best part of a Do 1 More for the Q is that you don’t tell the PAX that they will have to do 1 more 😉

Mosey from the football parking lot down the road toward the school.  As we ran past each lamp post, PAX saw an exercise written on the pavement, which started some mumble chatter.  After a little warm-up, PAX were instructed to get a piece of chalk and to AMRAP each of the 8 exercises, with good form, of course.

The 8 exercises were: Merkins, Squats, Burpees, Flutters, CDDs, SSH, Big Boys and Plank Jacks.

There was very little mumble chatter as we were all focused on counting.  Gotta remember music next time 😉

We then ran back down the hill where YHC told them to put their chalk back.  Then we discussed doing 1 more.  Do one more for your M, your 2.0’s, work, and for yourself.  I think Kilbassa said he wanted to have 1 more beer 😉

Then OYO, we completed 1 more rep than we did in round 1 without a timer.  YHC got through the burpees and realized I left my chalk bucket back at the start so I hard to run back to get it and then fell behind.  Stand and Hardwood picked me up as the 6.

Then we did a little Mary where FloppyDisk brought back the overhead claps that he forced us to do at Colesseum.  That was just mean, but made us better.

Great workout gents!  Thanks to Ltrain for the opportunity to lead.

TClap |

Just. Keep. Posting.

On a crisp 48 degree morning, a similar # of pax posted for a convergence at The Fort/Milkshake to commemorate 8 yrs of pain and impact in the Gloom of Fort Mill, SC and elsewhere in York County.   The occasion drew pax from Rock Hill, Metro and Raleigh.

The Thang

Double D led a warm up with yog to the Church of God parking lot plus some Carioca

COP — Mtn Climbers, Peter Parker, Parker Peter, Monkey Humpers, SSH, Seal Jacks, Merkins

Hand off to Jekyll

Yog up the hill to the rug factory lot and a re-introduction to, yes, you guessed it  — The Board Pain!!!

See photo for the Weinke from here….or check your soreness today (Sunday) for those who were present.  A Jekyll Classic!  Heard at F3 from Redwood @Santini “I’ve been avoiding this Board for years…100 Burpees!!”

Yog back home


Naked Man Moleskin

8 years…Is that a long time?  Well, the average time of degree completion for US college students is 6 years.  Only 50% of startups make it to the 5th year mark.  So, I suppose 8 years qualifies as something of a landmark.  At the same time, I don’t personally remember much about being 8 years old.  What about the 8 years from 2-10 years old?  Or maybe 10-18 years old?  Yes, I remember more…and if I had my way I’d like to forget some of those moments!

Well, I can remember quite a bit of the past 8 years.  I quite clearly remember 9.29.12…a date etched in my memory like my wedding day, my daughters’ birth dates and my birthday.

As I reflect back on 8 years of #Impact delivered by the men of F3TheFort, what really matters is 10.06.12 and 10.13.12.  You see, those were the Saturdays when pax returned to WEP for week 2 and week 3.  And FNGs posted for their own personal version of #TheLaunch.  And then Saturdays became Tuesdays, too.  And then a short time later they also became Thursdays.   In the end, what matters the most is not what happened in the past, but what happens today.  Or what will happen tomorrow when pax post to one of 30+ workouts across Fort Mill/Tega Cay or 70+ workouts across York County.

Just. Keep. Posting.  The one true constant across life is #Change.  Since 2012, I’ve moved to a different house,  nurtured two chicks out of the nest, collected a paycheck from two additional employers and traversed through a lot of ups and downs.  One of my rocks during this period has been the community of #HIMs known as F3TheFort.  You’ve been steady in your acceptance of me each time I post.  And along the way, you’ve revealed to me more and more parts of myself as you’ve revealed parts of yourself.  I know I’m all the better for it, and so is my family.  I’m pretty certain you’re better too.  And in the process our town, county and country are also better.

So, yes, we should take heart in what’s transpired over the past 8 years.  It is remarkable.  It is a blessing.  Some might call it a miracle….or miracles.  And the only way to honor this fruit and express our gratitude to God and the men who’ve contributed (past and present) is to Just. Keep. Posting.  Because if a day ever comes when no one posts…well…let’s Just. Keep. Posting.

TClap |

The Hypest Hype Train Workout Ever

Welcome to the most advertised AO in all of The Fort region. Trucker has a good thing going here and i wanted a part of it as a Q sometime. So i thought long and hard about who i wanted as my co-Q for this beatdown. Well as an expert trash talking Pax there was but only one choice that I knew I wanted! Mr. site Q himself ,Trucker the one person who can almost talk as much trash as me! HaHa

Trucker had the first part of the morning and started us off with some dynamic stretching in parking lot. We then moseyed out the road to the path beside Tega Cay Drive to the first hole green where we did 10 Squats. More mosey to the tennis court steps where we did 15 Merkins. Still more mosey all the way up to Hole number 1 tee boxes. Do 5 burps OYO. we where then instructed to run down cart path to the green and do 10 merkins and 15 squats then run back to tee box  and do 5 Burpees. Along the way the sprinklers came on and soaked a few of us. The grounds crew didn’t like us on their course so they kicked us off. Plus Trucker was on the red tee and the rest of us where on the white tees.

So we moseyed down to Tega Cay Drive again and made a right to the retaining wall for 2 rounds of 10 Step-Ups per leg and 10 Derkins. Yet some more mosey back to tennis court steps for 5 Burpees and 10 CDD. Mosey from there to the Firehouse for 5 burpees. Mosey back to parking lot for you guessed it 5 more Burpees. Trucker managed somehow for not being a runner to get us at 1.75 miles.

Next I had the real part of the workout. I thought 30 minutes of Warmup was a bit excessive but thats how all of Truckers Q’s are!

Had Pax mosey to baseball field and had them get in 3 lines planked feet to feet.

While in plank position all Pax did Mak Tar Dyes while the six bear crawled up to the front of the line and yelled for next person to proceed to front. Total distance was 100 yards. This sucked!!!

Next up I had 4 cones lined up about 30 yards apart from each other. Pax did 10 reps of 4 exercises at each cone then after all exercises done they bear crawled to the next cone. Exercises where Hand Release Merkins, Scorpion Dry Docks, Big Boi Sit Ups, and Sumo Squats.

Next round was same as above except we did Lt. Dans in between cones and the exercises where  Flutter Kicks 20 total, Wide Arm merkins, Monkey Humpers,and V-ups.

Then all pax bear crawled back to gates of field about 100 yards and did 5 burpees.

I followed my Q like i do all of them with 5 minutes of stretching which i heard more moaning and groaning then both our Q’s together.

Trucker thanks for letting me Q with you! Love you like a brother!

To all my F3 brothers y’all are like family to me. Y’all make me a better man daily mentally spiritually and physically.

Cornerstone Happy 40th Birthday! Thank you for our friendship.

Hope to see y’all on the Trails soon love each of you men.

TClap |